
This topic concerns the relationship between various forms and conceptions of crime and migration. This includes studies of migrants as victims of crime and studies on criminal activities within networks of migrants and their descendants. This topic also considers the criminalisation of humanitarian help for irregular migrants and the conceptualisations of illegal migration. 

Studies listed under this category include literature on the immigration-crime nexus, undocumented migrants, irregular migration, and the detention and deportation of undocumented migrants. 

Showing page of 868 results, sorted by

Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives

Authors Scot Wortley
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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1 Journal Article

Exploring the Contextual Determinants of Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants and Criminal Activity and their Spillover Policy Implications

Authors Garrick L. Percival, Mary Currin-Percival
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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2 Journal Article

The immigration–crime relationship: Evidence across US metropolitan areas

Authors LW Reid, RM Adelman, HE Weiss, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 123
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
3 Journal Article

Latino immigrants’ perceptions of crime and police authorities in the United States: A case study from the Phoenix Metropolitan area

Authors Cecilia Menjívar, Cecilia Menjivar, CL Bejarano, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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4 Journal Article

Intra-Eu Migration and Crime: A Jigsaw to be Reckoned with

Authors Anika Ludwig, Derek Johnson
Year 2017
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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5 Journal Article

Immigration, Crime, and Incarceration in Early Twentieth-Century America

Authors Carolyn Moehling, Anne Morrison Piehl
Year 2009
Journal Name Demography
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6 Journal Article


Authors Carolyn M. Moehling, AM Piehl
Year 2009
Journal Name Demography
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7 Journal Article

News Media Trends in the Framing of Immigration and Crime, 1990–2013

Authors Casey T Harris, Jeff Gruenewald
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Problems
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8 Journal Article

Criminalizing Migration

Authors Cesar Cuauhtemoc Garcia Hernandez
Year 2021
Journal Name DAEDALUS
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9 Journal Article

Effects in Disguise: The Importance of Controlling for Constructs at Multiple Levels in Macro–Level Immigration and Crime Research

Authors Javier Ramos, Marin Wenger
Year 2018
Journal Name City & Community
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10 Journal Article

Refugee Protections from Below: Smuggling in the Eritrea-Ethiopia Context

Authors Tekalign Ayalew Mengiste
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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11 Journal Article

Deutschland und die Flüchtlingskrise im Jahr 2015

Principal investigator Thomas K. Bauer (Principal Investigator), Michael Kvasnicka (Principal Investigator ), Julia Bredtmann (Principal Investigator )
In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2015 erlebte Deutschland einen dramatischen Anstieg im Zuzug von Flüchtlingen, der sich insbesondere durch den Konflikt in der Arabischen Republik Syrien speiste. Mit mehr als einer Million Hilfesuchender im Jahr 2015 ist dieser Massenzustrom von Flüchtlingen nach Deutschland der größte seiner Art seit den frühen 1990er Jahren. Die Unterbringung und Versorgung dieser Flüchtlinge stellt Deutschland vor eine Reihe von Herausforderungen, sowohl aus wirtschaftlicher, als auch politischer, sozialer und juristischer Sicht. Die Unterbringung und Integration von Flüchtlingen belastet die öffentlichen Haushalte, sozialen Wohlfahrtsysteme, das Bildungssystem sowie die Immobilien? und Arbeitsmärkte und sie wirft Fragen auf hinsichtlich des sozialen und politischen Zusammenhalts im Land, der Sicherheit und Kriminalität sowie zwischenstaatlicher Regelungen für eine faire Verteilung von Flüchtlingen. Aufgrund der Aktualität der Ereignisse mangelt es jedoch an (mitunter grundlegendsten) Daten zu diesem Massenzustrom an Flüchtlingen nach Deutschland. Auch ist empirische Evidenz zu den Auswirkungen dieses Zustroms bis dato kaum vorhanden. Folglich ist der Wissenstand darüber, wie dieser Zustrom die Gesellschaft in Deutschland, die Innenpolitik und die Wirtschaft beeinflusste sehr gering. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für die Frage, wie dieser Einfluss auf regionaler Ebene von wirtschaftlichen Faktoren und der Verteilung und Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen durch staatliche Behörden beeinflusst wurde. In diesem Forschungsprojekt untersuchen wir diese Frage indem wir die Auswirkungen des Massenzustroms an Flüchtlingen nach Deutschland in vier Kernbereichen analysieren: (1) Wahlergebnisse, (2) Immobilienmärkte, (3) Gewalt gegen Ausländer und Kriminalität durch Ausländer, sowie (4) Spendenverhalten, sowohl monetär als auch in Form von Gütern und Freiwilligendiensten.
Year 2017
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12 Project

Migration, Displacement, and Violence: Prosecuting Romanian Street Children at the Paris Palace of Justice

Authors Susan J. Terrio
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
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13 Journal Article

Korean kuzuya, 'German-style control' and the business of waste in wartime Japan, 1931-1945

Authors Chad B. Denton
Year 2020
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14 Journal Article

Closing the gaps: The need to improve idendfication and services to child victims of trafficking

Authors EM Gozdziak, Margaret MacDonnell
Year 2007
Journal Name Human Organization
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16 Journal Article

A crime script analysis of transnational identity fraud: migrant offenders' use of technology in South Korea

Authors Claire Seungeun Lee
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
17 Journal Article

I May Be an Immigrant, but I Am Not a Criminal: Examining the Association Between the Presence of Immigrants and Crime Rates in Europe

Authors Francis D. Boateng, Daniel K. Pryce, Joselyne L. Chenane
Year 2020
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18 Journal Article

Deportation as a Process of Irreversible Transformation

Authors O. Alexander Miller
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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19 Journal Article

Critical Perspectives on Clandestine Migration Facilitation: An Overview of Migrant Smuggling Research

Authors Gabriella Sanchez
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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20 Journal Article

Why Some Immigrant Neighborhoods Are Safer than Others: Divergent Findings from Los Angeles and Chicago

Authors Charis E. Kubrin, Hiromi Ishizawa
Year 2012
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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21 Journal Article

Minority Youth, Crime, Conflict, and Belonging in Australia

Authors Jock Collins, Carol Reid
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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22 Journal Article

The Migration-Crime Nexus and the Press in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom

Authors Alexander Caviedes
Year 2018
Journal Name Migration Letters
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23 Journal Article

Immigration, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Violence: Considering Both Concentration and Diversity Effects

Authors Michelle Sydes
Year 2019
Journal Name Race and Justice
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24 Journal Article

Crime networks in Vietnamese diasporas. The Czech Republic case

Authors Miroslav Nozina
Year 2010
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25 Journal Article

Immigration, Collective Efficacy, Social Ties, and Violence: Unpacking the Mediating Mechanisms in Immigration Effects on Neighborhood-Level Violence

Authors Ben Feldmeyer, Arelys Madero-Hernandez, Carlos E. Rojas-Gaona, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Race and Justice
Citations (WoS) 4
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26 Journal Article

Re-examining the relationship between Latino immigration and racial/ethnic violence

Authors Michael T. Light
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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27 Journal Article

Narratives of Human Trafficking: Ways of Seeing and Not Seeing the Real Survivors and Stories

Authors Maria De Angelis
Year 2017
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28 Journal Article

Variations in Citizenship Profiling by Generational Status: Individual and Neighborhood Characteristics of Latina/os Questioned by Law Enforcement About Their Legal Status

Authors Maria Cristina Morales, TR Curry, Denise Delgado, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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29 Journal Article

Immigration, socio-economic conditions and crime: a cross-sectional versus cross-sectional time-series perspective

Authors Luigi M. Solivetti
Year 2018
Journal Name Quality & Quantity
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30 Journal Article

Crime Patterns between Tradition and Change: A Territorial Analysis of the Italian Provinces

Authors Luigi M. Solivetti
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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31 Journal Article

Crime, deportation and the regulation of immigrants in Canada

Authors W Chan
Year 2005
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32 Journal Article

Broad Strokes for ‘Foreign Folks’: A Thematic Content Analysis of Migration within News Articles Containing Migrant Crime

Authors Victoria Harraway, Jennifer S. Wong
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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33 Journal Article

Drug use and criminality among unaccompanied refugee minors: a review of the literature

Authors A. -K Ivert, Mia Magnusson
Year 2019
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34 Journal Article

Immigration and crime: evidence from victimization data

Authors Luca Nunziata, L Nunziata
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 7
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35 Journal Article

Erratum to: Immigration, Crime, and Incarceration in Early Twentieth-Century America

Authors Carolyn Moehling, Anne Morrison Piehl
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
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36 Journal Article

'Are the 'others' coming?': Evidence on 'alien conspiracy' from three illegal markets in Greece

Authors Georgios A. Antonopoulos
Year 2009
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37 Journal Article

Gangs, Migration, and Crime: The Changing Landscape in Europe and the USA

Authors Scott H. Decker, Frank van Gemert, David C. Pyrooz
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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38 Journal Article

EDITORIAL: New Directions in Research on Immigration, Crime, Law, and Justice

Authors RM Adelman, LW Reid, Charis E. Kubrin, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Migration Letters
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39 Journal Article


Authors B Bell, S Machin, Francesco Fasani
Year 2013
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 51
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
40 Journal Article

Remittances and Protests against Crime in Mexico

Authors Sandra Ley, J. Eduardo Ibarra Olivo, Covadonga Meseguer
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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41 Journal Article

Civic stratification and crime. A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses

Authors Arjen Leerkes, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel, ...
Year 2018
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42 Journal Article


Authors B Bell, S Machin, Francesco Fasani
Year 2013
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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43 Journal Article

Van perceptie naar feit. Asielzoekers en buurtcriminaliteit

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Arjen Leerkes, Wahideh Achbari
De komst van een asielzoekerscentrum (AZC) gaat regelmatig gepaard met protesten van buurtbewoners die vrezen dat de komst van een AZC zal leiden tot meer criminaliteit. Deze zorg is al eerder aanleiding geweest voor onderzoek. In dit rapport staan de volgende twee hoofdvragen centraal die daarin onbeantwoord zijn gebleven: 1.In hoeverre zijn de aard en omvang van de criminaliteit onder de huidige groepen asielmigranten vergelijkbaar met de patronen onder groepen die in het verleden in Nederland asiel hebben aangevraagd? 2.In hoeverre heeft de aanwezigheid van een locatie van het Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in een buurt gevolgen voor de mate waarin reguliere buurtbewoners en overige reguliere gebruikers van de buurt (passanten en bedrijven) er het slachtoffer worden van criminaliteit?
Year 2017
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44 Report

Criminality of migrants in Greece: Issues of theory and anti-crime policy

Authors A Karakasidou
Year 2002
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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45 Journal Article

Rehabilitating the Criminality of Immigrants under Section 19 of the Canadian Immigration Act

Authors Matthew G. Yeager
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46 Journal Article

Rehabilitating the criminality of immigrants under section 19 of the Canadian Immigration Act

Authors MG Yeager
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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48 Journal Article

Een kwestie van tijd? De integratie van asielmigranten: een cohortonderzoek

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Mieke Maliepaard, Bertine Witkamp, ...
Hoe staat het met de structurele en sociaal-culturele integratie van asielmigranten die zich eind jaren ’90 in Nederland gevestigd hebben? Deze vraag lag ten grondslag aan voorliggend cohortonderzoek. Integratie is op een viertal terreinen onderzocht, te weten: onderwijs, arbeidsmarktparticipatie, sociale contacten en geregistreerde criminaliteit. De onderzoekspopulatie bestaat uit alle asielmigranten die tussen 1995 en 1999 zijn ingeschreven in het bevolkingsregister en hun familieleden die zich uiterlijk een jaar na de initiële asielmigratie bij deze migrant hebben gevoegd. We richten ons enkel op asielmigranten die in 2012, dus zo’n 15 jaar na de initiële migratie, nog in Nederland wonen. In het onderwijshoofdstuk worden ook de kinde_ren van asielmigranten meegenomen. Per deelterrein wordt (voor zover mogelijk) bekeken hoe het staat met de integratie van deze groep asielmigranten, hoe hun integratie verlopen is vanaf het moment van vestiging, en welke belemmerende dan wel bevorderende factoren daarbij zijn aan te wijzen. Waar mogelijk wordt de groep asielmigranten vergeleken met andere groepen migranten en de autochtone bevol_king. Zie ook: infographic 'integratie asielmigranten' en de WRR-policy brief Geen tijd te verliezen (2015)
Year 2017
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49 Report

Female crime and household control in early modern Frankfurt am Main

Authors Jeannette Kamp
Year 2016
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50 Journal Article

Death of an asylum seeker

Authors A Sebestyen
Year 2000
Journal Name Race & Class
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51 Journal Article

Does Halting Refugee Resettlement Reduce Crime? Evidence from the US Refugee Ban

Year 2021
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
52 Journal Article

Civic stratification and crime. A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses

Authors Arjen Leerkes, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel, ...
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
53 Journal Article

Migration, Crime and the City: Contexts of Social Exclusion

Authors Simon Holdaway
Book Title Minorities in European Cities
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55 Book Chapter

Human Rights of Migrants: Challenges of the New Decade

Authors Patrick A. Taran
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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56 Journal Article

Against All Odds: Turkey’s Response to “Undesirable but Unreturnable” Asylum-Seekers

Authors Didem Doğar, Didem Dogur
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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57 Journal Article

Bosses, Soldiers and Rice Grains. Vietnamese Criminal Networks and Criminal Activities in the Czech Republic

Authors Miroslav Nožina, Miroslav Nozina, Filip Kraus
Year 2016
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
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59 Journal Article

Joshua D. Freilich and Rob T. Guerette eds. (2006) Migration, Culture Conflict, Crime and Terrorism

Authors Davina Bhandar
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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60 Journal Article

Asiel en integratie 2021. Cohortonderzoek asielzoekers en statushouders

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Statistics Netherlands, Zoë Driessen, ...
Het CBS volgt sinds 2017 alle asielzoekers die vanaf 2014 bij COA-opvang zijn ingestroomd en de statushouders die vanaf 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben ontvangen, inclusief hun nareizigers en gezinsherenigers. Deze vijfde jaarlijkse rapportage van dit cohortonderzoek geeft inzicht in de instroom van asielzoekers bij het COA en in de samenstelling van de nieuwste groep statushouders. Daarnaast wordt in deze webpublicatie een actueel beeld geschetst van hoe het gaat met de statushouders die sinds 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben gekregen. Er worden cijfers gepresenteerd over het verblijf in COA-opvang, de wachttijd tot het verkrijgen van een verblijfsvergunning, huisvesting, inburgering, huishoudenssamenstelling, gezinshereniging, onderwijs, werk en inkomen, zorggebruik en criminaliteit. Dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in opdracht van de ministeries Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW), Justitie en Veiligheid (JenV), Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) en Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS).
Year 2021
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
61 Report

“Undesirable and Unreturnable” in the United Kingdom

Authors Sarah Singer
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
62 Journal Article

Detained: foreign children in Europe

Authors Liz Fekete
Year 2007
Journal Name Race & Class
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63 Journal Article

Asiel en integratie 2020 . Cohortonderzoek asielzoekers en statushouders

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Statistics Netherlands, Nathalie Boot, ...
Het CBS volgt sinds 2017 alle asielzoekers die vanaf 2014 bij COA-opvang zijn ingestroomd en de statushouders die vanaf 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben ontvangen, inclusief hun nareizigers en gezinsherenigers. Deze vierde jaarlijkse rapportage van dit cohortonderzoek geeft inzicht in de instroom van asielzoekers bij het COA en in de samenstelling van de nieuwste groep statushouders. Daarnaast wordt in deze webpublicatie een actueel beeld geschetst van hoe het gaat met de statushouders die sinds 2014 een verblijfsvergunning asiel hebben gekregen. Er worden cijfers gepresenteerd over het verblijf in COA-opvang, de wachttijd tot het verkrijgen van een verblijfsvergunning, huisvesting, inburgering, huishoudenssamenstelling, gezinshereniging, onderwijs, werk en inkomen, zorggebruik en criminaliteit. Dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in opdracht van de ministeries Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW), Justitie en Veiligheid (JenV), Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) en Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS).
Year 2020
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64 Report

FRA’s regular overviews of migration-related fundamental rights concerns

In view of the increased numbers of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants entering the EU, FRA publishes monthly reports highlighting key developments about the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in selected EU Member States (up to 14 Member States, including AT, BG, DE, DK, EL, ES, FI FR, HU, IT, NL, PL, SE, SK). The monthly overviews are published as of January 2016 and include a focus section on a particular topic of concern each month, e.g. hate crime, unaccompanied children, family reunification, etc. FRA published weekly overviews encompassing a period of eight weeks from September to November 2015. From January 2016 FRA is publishing monthly updates that cover a variety of different issues, including: - initial registration and asylum applications, with particular attention to the situation of vulnerable people - criminal proceedings initiated for offences related to irregular border crossing - child protection - reception conditions for new arrivals, focusing on the situation of children and other vulnerable people - access to healthcare - public response such as rallies of support, humanitarian assistance or voluntary work - racist incidents such as demonstrations, online hate speech or hate crime.
Year 2016
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65 Data Set

Britain’s authoritarian turn

Authors Frances Webber
Year 2021
Journal Name Race & Class
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66 Journal Article

Dispersal as Abjectification: The Diffusion of Punitive ‘Internal’ Controls

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
67 Book Chapter

Foreigners' Crime and Punishment. Criminalizing Practices in Expulsions of Foreign Offenders.

Principal investigator Jukka Könönen ()
Project description: This research proposal addresses a contested topic, expulsion of foreign offenders. The primary data consists of the analysis of expulsion decisions for Estonian, Romanian, and West African citizens in 2014 and 2018. The comparative research setting enables to examine both racialized practices in the criminalization of migration and and tightening of immigration policies after the refugee crisis in 2015. The use of expulsion decisions as a research data is novel in the international context. Moreover, this research discusses the relation between the criminal law and the immigration law in migration management. The punitive application of the immigration law points to the separation of legal practices for citizens and non-citizens, which has significant implications for the whole judicial system. This research contributes to the international debates by breaking new empirical, methodological, and theoretical grounds in the field of migration studies and criminology. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Tutkimushanke käsittelee kiistanalaista aihetta, ulkomaalaisten rikosperusteisia käännytyksiä. Hankkeen pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Viron, Romanian ja Länsi-Afrikan kansalaisille tehdyt käännytyspäätökset vuonna 2014 ja 2018. Vertaileva tutkimusasetelma mahdollistaa tarkastella sekä maahanmuuton kriminallisoinnin rodullistettuja ulottuvuuksia että maahanmuuttopolitiikan kiristämistä vuoden 2015 ”pakolaiskriisin” jälkeen. Käytetty aineisto on ainutlaatuinen kansainvälisessä kontekstissa. Tutkimus pureutuu ulkomaalaislain ja rikoslain väliseen yhteyteen maahanmuuton hallinnassa. Ulkomaalaislain rankaiseva soveltaminen viittaa oikeuskäytäntöjen eriytymiseen rikosprosesseissa kansalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välillä, millä on laajempia merkityksiä koko oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta empiiristä tietoa sekä metodologisesti ja teoreettisesti uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja suhteessa kansainväliseen keskusteluun muuttoliikkeistä ja kriminologiasta.
Year 2019
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68 Project

Canadian Immigrants and Criminality

Authors T. J. Samuel, R. Faustino-Santos
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration
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69 Journal Article

"They didn't treat me as a Gypsy": Romani Refugees in Toronto

Authors Cynthia Levine-Rasky
Year 2016
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
71 Journal Article

Segmented Re/integration: Divergent Post-Deportation Trajectories in El Salvador

Authors Katie Dingeman, Katie Dingeman-Cerda
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 2
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72 Journal Article

Transnational spaces of exclusion in Glasgow: multi-story, photography and spatial practices

Authors Kirsten Emiko McAllister
Year 2015
Journal Name Visual Studies
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73 Journal Article

"KNOw History/KNOw Self": Khmer Youth Organizing for Justice in Long Beach

Authors Monisha Das Gupta
Year 2019
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75 Journal Article

Irregular and Illegal Migration through Ukraine

Authors Greta Uehling
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
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76 Journal Article

The Unravelling of Identities and Belonging: Criminal Gang Involvement of Youth from Immigrant Families

Authors Hieu Van Ngo, David Este, Catherine Worthington, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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77 Journal Article

Situating Mexican Immigration in Contemporary U.S. South

Authors Antonio Vasquez
Year 2011
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78 Journal Article

The Racialization of Latino Immigrants in New Destinations: Criminality, Ascription, and Countermobilization

Authors Hana E. Brown, Jennifer A. Jones, Andrea Becker
Year 2018
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80 Journal Article

Becoming Illegal: Sephardi Jews in the Opiates Trade

Year 2020
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81 Journal Article

Asylum Policies and Protests in Austria

Authors Verena Stern, Nina Merhaut
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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82 Book Chapter

African Immigrants in Russia

Authors Joni Virkkunen, Minna Piipponen
Year 2021
Journal Name DEMIS. Demographic research
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83 Journal Article

Fearing what? Vignette experiments on anti-immigrant sentiments

Authors Sedef Turper
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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84 Journal Article

Reframing migrant smuggling as a form of knowledge : the view from the US-Mexico border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Nicholas NATIVIDAD
Year 2017
Book Title [Migration Policy Centre]
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85 Book Chapter

Guilt by Association: Ezokola's Unfinished Business in Canadian Refugee Law

Authors Jennifer Bond, Nathan Benson, Jared Porter
Year 2020
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86 Journal Article

Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in Europe

PROMINSTAT is a research project funded under the 6th Framework Programme. It compiles meta-information on statistical datasets on migration, integration and discrimination in 29 European Countries (EU27 plus Norway and Switzerland). Through country reports and a series of comparative studies on particular topics of datacollection PROMINSTAT provides in-depth analyses of the scope, quality and comparability of statistical data collection on migration in a wide range of thematic fields, including population stocks and general demographic characteristics, migration flows, residence permits, acquisition and loss of citizenship, asylum seekers and refugees, irregular migration, employment, income, transfers and social benefits, housing and residental patterns, health and access to healthcare, education, family and household, political participation and crime and justice. The main aim of PROMINSTAT is to promote comparative quantitative research on migration, integration and discrimination in Europe, to enhance the knowledge base on statistical data collection in this field and thus to contribute to the improvement of statistics on migration, integration and discrimination.
Year 2007
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87 Project

Returns to education in criminal organizations: Did going to college help Michael Corleone?

Authors Nadia Campaniello, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Rowena Gray
Year 2016
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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88 Journal Article

Investigated or ignored? An analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report

Authors Harmit Athwal, H Athwal, J Burnett, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Race & Class
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89 Journal Article

Commentary on Heidensohn's ‘The deviance of women’: continuity and change over four decades of research on gender, crime and social control

Authors Jody Miller
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 1
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90 Journal Article

Governing migrant smuggling : a criminality approach is not sufficient

Year 2016
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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91 Journal Article

The relation between ethnic diversity and fear of crime: An analysis of police records and survey data in Belgian communities

Authors Marc Hooghe, Thomas de Vroome
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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92 Journal Article

State Crime and Immigration Control in Australia: Jock Serong's On the Java Ridge

Authors Dolores Herrero
Year 2021
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93 Journal Article


Authors Ivana Belén Ruiz-Estramil
Year 2019
Journal Name Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares
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94 Journal Article

Migrant Remittances and Violent Responses to Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean

Authors Ana Isabel López García, Barry Maydom
Year 2021
Journal Name Latin American Politics and Society
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96 Journal Article

The crime drop in comparative perspective: the impact of the economy and imprisonment on American and European burglary rates

Authors Richard Rosenfeld, Steven Messner, Steven F. Messner
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 49
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97 Journal Article

Latino Migrant Victims of Crime: Safe Reporting for Victims With Irregular Status in the United States and Spain

Authors Nicola Delvino, Markus Gonzalez Beilfuss
Year 2021
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98 Journal Article

Individual and community-level predictors of hate-crime victimization among Finnish adolescents

Authors Noora Ellonen, Petri Danielsson, Maiju Tanskanen, ...
Year 2020
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99 Journal Article

Transnational moral panic: neoliberalism and the spectre of MS-13

Authors Steven Osuna
Year 2020
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100 Journal Article
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