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Five Pragmatic Reasons for a Dialogue with and Between Member States on Free Movement and Voting Rights

Authors Kees Groenendijk
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1 Book Chapter

“We Are Here to Stay” – Refugee Struggles in Germany Between Unity and Division

Authors Helge Schwiertz, Abimbola Odugbesan
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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2 Book Chapter

Tunisia and its diaspora : between protection and control

Authors Stéphanie POUESSEL
Year 2017
Book Title Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility
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3 Book Chapter

Continuation to upper secondary education in Finland: Children of immigrants and the majority compared

Authors Elina Kilpi-Jakonen
Year 2011
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 24
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4 Journal Article

Right to Education for Irregular Migrant Children in Malaysia; A Comparative Analysis

Authors M. Makhtar, K. N. Asari, Mohd M. L. Yusob
Year 2015
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5 Journal Article

Tunisia’s Role in the EU External Migration Policy: Crimmigration Law, Illegal Practices, and Their Impact on Human Rights

Authors Vasja Badalič, Vasja Badalic
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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6 Journal Article

Asylum Policies and Protests in Austria

Authors Verena Stern, Nina Merhaut
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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7 Book Chapter

Report on Tunisian legal emigration to the EU modes of integration, policy, institutional frameworks and engagement of non-state actors

Authors Stéphanie POUESSEL
Tunisia has a long history of emigration to the European Union. The Tunisian state has progressively created and implemented a migration policy to protect Tunisian citizens abroad and to tighten ties with the country. This report presents the current policy concerning emigration – strengthening migrant ties with Tunisia and fighting against illegal migration – and policies that concern the diaspora – measures encouraging investment in Tunisia, protection of social rights abroad, new integration of the diaspora within political and civil Tunisian society. To this end, the report provides an update on the political and civil rights of emigrants (voting, plural nationalities, military duty), socio-economic rights (agreements on labor migration, custom/import incentives), social rights (family, social security) and cultural rights (languages, school, media). The report also presents the engagement of non-state actors from abroad. The collapse of the revolution has permitted the country to redefine the political participation of Tunisians abroad and their integration in politics in Tunisia. The demands of Tunisians abroad for rights to participate in politics at high levels (the right to become representatives in the Assembly; the right for a Tunisian with dual-nationality citizenship to become President) were ratified on January 2014.
Year 2014
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8 Report

Constructing and Deconstructing “Illegal” Children

Authors Terrence G. Wiley
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 11
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9 Journal Article

Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria

Authors Maren Borkert
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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10 Book Chapter

The Judicial System and the Social Construction of Migrants’ Criminality: The Case of Milan

Authors Fabio Quassoli
Book Title Minorities in European Cities
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11 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Dialogues in Italy

Authors Tiziana Caponio
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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12 Book Chapter

EU Citizens Should Have Voting Rights in National Elections, But in Which Country?

Authors Rainer Bauböck
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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13 Book Chapter

Ethnic Social Capital and Political Participation of Immigrants

Authors Dirk Jacobs, Barbara Herman
Book Title Migrant Capital
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14 Book Chapter

Political Protest in Asylum and Deportation. An Introduction

Authors Sieglinde Rosenberger
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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15 Book Chapter

The Educational Attainment of Turkish Migrants in Germany

Authors Janina Söhn, Veysel Özcan
Year 2006
Journal Name Turkish Studies
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16 Journal Article

Examining educational inequalities in two national systems: a comparison of the North African second generation in France and the Mexican second generation in the United States

Authors Yael Brinbaum, Amy Lutz, Yaël Brinbaum
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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17 Journal Article

The communities providing religious education and catechesis to Polish immigrants in England and Wales

Authors Paweł Mąkosa, Pawel Makosa
Year 2015
Journal Name British Journal of Religious Education
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18 Journal Article

Prawo do udziału w wyborach lokalnych jako forma partycypacji politycznej imigrantów.

Year 2013
Journal Name Political Preferences
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19 Journal Article

Who Is an Immigrant and Who Requires Integration? Categorizing in European Policies

Authors Marleen van der Haar, Liza Mügge
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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20 Book Chapter

Political Participation and Naturalisation: A Common Agenda

Year 2014
Journal Name Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen
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21 Journal Article

Political Participation and Naturalisation: A Common Agenda

Authors Thomas Huddleston
Year 2014
Journal Name Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen
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23 Journal Article

Inclusion Through Political Participation, Trust from Shared Political Engagement: Children of Migrants and School Activism in Italy

Authors Federico Farini
Year 2019
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24 Journal Article

Ethnicity, schooling, and merit in the Netherlands

Authors Herman G. Van De Werfhorst, Herman G. van de Werfhorst, Frank van Tubergen, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 77
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25 Journal Article

Protests Revisited: Political Configurations, Political Culture and Protest Impact

Authors Helen Schwenken, Gianni D’Amato
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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26 Book Chapter

National Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe Since 1973

Authors María Bruquetas-Callejo, Jeroen Doomernik
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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28 Book Chapter

Illegal immigrant teachers in Ecuador: the challenge of right to education

Authors Fernando Lara Lara, Carolina Sousa, Agustin de la Herran Gascon, ...
Year 2016
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29 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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30 Policy Brief

Who Ought to Stay? Asylum Policy and Protest Culture in Switzerland

Authors Dina Bader
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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31 Book Chapter

Policing the mobility society : the effects of EU-anti-migrant smuggling policies on humanitarianism

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Jennifer ALLSOPP, Lina VOSYLIUTE
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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32 Journal Article

Struggling over the mode of incorporation: backlash against multiculturalism in Europe

Authors Jeffrey C. Alexander
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 49
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33 Journal Article

When “Inclusion” Means “Exclusion”: Discourses on the Eviction and Repatriations of Roma Migrants, at National and European Union Level

Authors Dragos Ciulinaru
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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34 Journal Article

Inclusive Democracy in Europe

Authors Kristen JEFFERS
Year 2012
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35 Book

Research on Undocumented Immigrants and Public Policy: A Study of the Texas School Case

Authors Estevan T. Flores
Year 1984
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36 Journal Article

Unaccompanied Afghan Minors' Rights when Restrictive Transnational Migration Policies are in Force - The Case of Sweden

Authors Guadalupe Francia, Silvia Edling
Year 2020
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37 Journal Article

Back to School in a New Country? The Educational Participation of Adult Immigrants in a Life-Course Perspective

Authors Janina Söhn, Janina Soehn
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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38 Journal Article

Learning from Naturalisation Debates: The Right to an Appropriate Citizenship at Birth

Authors Caia Vlieks, Katja Swider
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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39 Book Chapter

Migrant Participation in Electoral Politics

Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
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40 Book Chapter

The Concept of Integration as an Analytical Tool and as a Policy Concept

Authors Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Rinus Penninx
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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41 Book Chapter

The system of asylum legislation in the Republic of Belarus

Authors Oleg BAKHUR
National legislation complies with universally recognised norms of the international law, in particular: the definition of the ?refugee? notion, grounds for granting refugee status and subsidiary protection comply with similar provisions of international legal documents (in particular, the 1951 UN Convention ?Relating to the Status of Refugees?). Belarus ratified international treaties on economic, social and cultural, civil and political rights and joined the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others. Foreign citizens applying for recognition as refugees as well as recognised refugees enjoy special privileges and may count on certain types of aid on behalf of the state. In particular, according to the national legislation in Belarus, socio-economic rights of refugees are equal to the rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, refugees are granted free access to the national system of education and health system. Children of refugees enjoy the right to attend preschool facilities. Currently the drawback of the national legislative system in the discussed area is underregulation of issues related to refugee integration, conditions for their active participation in the life of society, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for men and women. Besides, representation of legal provisions in a multitude of statutory acts, including by-laws and decisions of state agencies, makes their application inconvenient. It also has a negative effect on the quality of cooperation and coordination of work of public authorities when addressing issues related to granting asylum.
Year 2012
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42 Report

From Parent to Child? Transmission of Educational Attainment Within Immigrant Families: Methodological Considerations

Authors Renee Reichl Luthra, Thomas Soehl
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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43 Journal Article

Ius Filiationis: A defence of Citizenship by Descent

Authors Rainer Bauböck
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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44 Book Chapter

Social capital and cultural distance as predictors of early school dropout: Implications for community action for Turkish internal migrants

Authors Fatos Goksen, Z Cemalcilar, Zeynep Cemalcilar
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45 Journal Article

A More Comprehensive Reform Is Needed to Ensure That Mobile Citizens Can Vote

Authors Sue Collard
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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46 Book Chapter

Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives

Authors Scot Wortley
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47 Journal Article

Migrants', 'mobile citizens' and the borders of exclusion in the European Union

Authors Martin RUHS
Year 2018
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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48 Book Chapter

Struggles Around Representation and In/Visibility in Everyday Migrant Irregularity in Sweden

Authors Maja Sager
Year 2018
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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49 Journal Article

International migration and education : a web of mutual causation

Authors Philippe FARGUES
After reviewing the various definitions of international migration and refugee situations, the paper proposes a general framework in which to capture the complex two-way relationship between education and migration, and its consequences on both migrants and non-migrants in each of the origin and destination countries. It successively reviews: the over-education of migrants compared to non-migrants and the selection processes at play in origin and destination countries; the debate surrounding highly-educated migration from developing to developed countries and the inconclusive evidence regarding losses and gains for countries and individuals; the different ways in which migration impacts the education of non-migrant children in the origin countries through financial, but also ideational remittances; the school performances of migrant children and the various consequences of diversity in the classrooms for children of both migrant and local origin; the challenge of educating refugee children and avoiding that a whole generation be lost. The paper concludes on the many grey areas in our understanding of a crucial connexion and suggests practical steps to improve knowledge.
Year 2017
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50 Report

Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration

Authors J. Trent Alexander, SE Tolnay, Christine Leibbrand, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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51 Journal Article

‘For us, Migration is Ordinary’: Post-1989 Labour Migration from Bulgaria to Turkey

Authors Ayse Parla
Book Title Migration in the Southern Balkans
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52 Book Chapter

Political Rights in the Age of Migration: Lessons from the United States

Authors Ron Hayduk
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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53 Journal Article

Mobile Union Citizens Should Have Portable Voting Rights Within the EU

Authors Roxana Barbulescu
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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54 Book Chapter

Rural migrants in China: barriers to education and citizenship

Authors Tao Wang
Year 2020
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55 Journal Article

When Policy Meets Practice: A Study of Ethnic Community-Based Organizations for Children and Youth

Authors Guro Ødegård, Marianne Takle
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
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56 Book Chapter

Do Migrants Get Involved in Politics? Levels, Forms and Drivers of Migrant Political Participation in Italy

Authors Livia Ortensi, Veronica Riniolo
Year 2020
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57 Journal Article

A Descriptive Study of the Schooling and Higher Education Reforms in Response to the Refugees' Influx into Greece

Authors Ourania Tzoraki
Year 2019
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58 Journal Article

A Contradiction in Terms? The activity of Women and Migrants in Extreme Right-wing Populist Parties: a case study of Sweden Democrats.

Principal investigator Anders Neergaard (REMESO Project Leader), Diana Mulinari (Participants not from REMESO)
During the last 20 years their has been an upsurge in research on xenophobic populist parties mirroring their political successes. However, these studies have rarely touched upon the role of women and immigrants within these parties. While women are often invisible in research, located in a marginal role as girl-friends and sisters, migrants support to these parties is often defined as a contradiction in terms and remains un-theorised. The aim of the study is to analyse the double edged relationship between on the one side women and migrants approaching the Swedish xenophic populist party -Sweden Democrats, and on the other side the discourse of the party in respect to women and migrants in their conditions of representatives. It will identify women's and migrant's agency and explore the ways through which these shape, constrain and influence their position in the organisation. Theoretically the project is framed within gender and IMER studies, focusing on the notions of the family and nationhood, and the notions of ethnic belonging and nationhood. Methodologically the study is based on in depth interviews and life-stories with women and migrants representing SD in municipalities.
Year 2007
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59 Project

Integration of migrants and reintegration of returnees in Ukraine : legal prospective

Authors Oleksandra PALAGNUK
The aim of the paper is to address and analyze the process of integration of migrants and returnees into Ukrainian society while applying the following criteria, set by the Migration Integration Policy Index: anti-discrimination and equity; access to education, social benefits system and healthcare; employment opportunities; grade of execution of the right for a freedom of movement and choice of a free place of residence; level of legally-enforced mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing access to citizenship of Ukraine through the process of naturalization as well as various economic and socio-political rights and lawful interests.
Year 2013
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60 Report

Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to Italy: Women on the Move

Authors Francesca Alice Vianello
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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61 Book Chapter

International migration and education : a web of mutual causation

Authors Philippe FARGUES
After reviewing the various definitions of international migration and refugee situations, the paper proposes a general framework in which to capture the complex two-way relationship between education and migration, and its consequences on both migrants and non-migrants in each of the origin and destination countries. It successively reviews: the over-education of migrants compared to non-migrants and the selection processes at play in origin and destination countries; the debate surrounding highly-educated migration from developing to developed countries and the inconclusive evidence regarding losses and gains for countries and individuals; the different ways in which migration impacts the education of non-migrant children in the origin countries through financial, but also ideational remittances; the school performances of migrant children and the various consequences of diversity in the classrooms for children of both migrant and local origin; the challenge of educating refugee children and avoiding that a whole generation be lost. The paper concludes on the many grey areas in our understanding of a crucial connexion and suggests practical steps to improve knowledge.
Year 2017
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62 Report

Differences in Subjective Well-being Between Older Migrants and Natives in Europe

Authors Gregor Sand, Stefan Gruber
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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63 Journal Article

Developing a Political Science Curriculum for Non-Traditional Students

Authors Fiona Buckley, Clodagh Harris, Monica O'Mullane, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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64 Journal Article

Language rights and Turkish children in Germany

Authors E Beck
Year 1999
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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65 Journal Article

Polish Migrants in Ireland and Their Political (Dis)engagement in Transnational Space

Authors Justyna Salamonska, Magdalena Lesinska, Weronika Kloc-Nowak
Year 2021
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66 Journal Article

Do Foreigners Deserve Rights? Determinants of Public Views Towards Foreigners in Germany and Israel

Authors R Raijman, Moshe Semyonov, P Schmidt, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 86
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67 Journal Article

Immigrant Children, Educational Performance and Public Policy: a Capability Approach

Authors Abdirashid A. Ismail, Abdirashid A. Ismail
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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68 Journal Article

The educational experiences of the second generation from refugee backgrounds

Authors A Bloch, Shirin Hirsch, Alice Bloch
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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69 Journal Article

Voting Rights for Non-citizens: Treasure or Fool’s Gold?

Authors Avigail Eisenberg, A Eisenberg
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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70 Journal Article

Migration Policies, Participation and the Political Construction of Migration in Spain

Authors Laura Oso, Ana López-Sala, Jacobo Muñoz-Comet
Year 2021
Journal Name Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones
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71 Journal Article

The rights and duties of external citizenship

Authors Rainer Bauböck, Rainer Baubock
Year 2009
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 73
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72 Journal Article

Future Citizens in Pedagogical Texts and Education Policies. Examples from Norway, Sweden, Syria and Turkey

Principal investigator Sabine Gruber (REMESO Project Leader), Marie Carlson (Participants not from REMESO), Annika Rabo (Participants not from REMESO), Tuba Kanci (Participants not from REMESO)
The aim of this project is to grasp processes of globalization in education policies and in selected pedagogic texts in Norway, Sweden, Syria and Turkey through a focus on the education of the "right" kind of future citizen. People increasingly move across national borders for longer or shorter periods. The autonomy of nation states is thus challenged and questioned, but they still hedge in and concomitantly close off people in separate national spaces. These simultaneous often contradictory - processes are of great importance for how the right kind of future citizen is moulded in mandatory schooling. Research on transnationalism is a theoretical starting point for this project. Long- or short term migrants create and maintain social relations which cut across national borders, but also law and policies move and are established across such borders. Research on education and nation state building and the globalization of education are important for the project, in order to understand education polices and the governance of education. We will collect and analyze educational documents and curricula for selected subjects like history, civic and religious education, interview politicians with influence over education, as well as teachers and authors of textbooks, and scrutinize selected textbooks in the four national settings. The cases will be used for soft comparison where similarities and differences will be used throughout to generate new insights and deepen the analysis.
Year 2011
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74 Project


Authors Ian Law, Sarah Jane Swann
Year 2010
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75 Journal Article

Children's Rights to Asylum and the Capability Approach

Authors Jonathan Josefsson
Year 2016
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77 Journal Article

Speaking Truth to Power? Why Civil Society, Beyond Academia, Remains Marginal in EU Migration Policy

Authors Ann Singleton
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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78 Book Chapter

The upcoming new elite among children of immigrants: a cross-country and cross-sector comparison

Authors Maurice Crul, M Crul, Elif Keskiner, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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79 Journal Article

Rural-urban circularity in China: Analysis of longitudinal surveys in Anhui, 1980–2009

Authors C. Chen, CC Fan, C. Cindy Fan
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 2
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80 Journal Article

Channels of Entry and Preferred Destinations: The Circumvention of Denmark by Chinese Immigrants

Authors Mette Thuno
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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81 Journal Article

Returns to education in criminal organizations: Did going to college help Michael Corleone?

Authors Nadia Campaniello, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Rowena Gray
Year 2016
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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82 Journal Article

Citizenship acts and immigrant voting rights movements in the US

Authors Kathleen Coll
Year 2011
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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83 Journal Article

Making It in America: High School Completion by Immigrant and Native Youth

Authors Krista M. Perreira, Krista M. Perreira, Kathleen Mullan Harris, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 148
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84 Journal Article

Ethnic nationalism, social structure, and political agency: explaining electoral support for the radical right in Bulgaria

Authors Boyka Stefanova, BM Stefanova
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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85 Journal Article

Assessing the Quality of Democracy: The International IDEA Framework

Authors Todd Landman
Year 2012
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 2
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86 Journal Article

“Viviendo En El Olvido”: Behind Bars, Latinos and Prison

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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87 Journal Article

Context of Reception and School Violence: Exploring the Nexus of Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Place, and School Crime

Authors Anthony A. Peguero, Yasmiyn Irizarry, Janice A. Iwama, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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88 Journal Article

Sending Country Policies

Authors Eva Østergaard-Nielsen
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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89 Book Chapter

'Let Us Learn': Legal Mobilization for the Rights of Young Migrants to Access Student Loans in the UK

Authors Lisa Vanhala, Shauneen Lambe, Rachel Knowles
Year 2018
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90 Journal Article

Between Choice and Stigma: Identifications of Economically Successful Migrants

Authors Jack Burgers, Marianne van Bochove
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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91 Book Chapter

Right choice, wrong motives? Narratives about prestigious educational choices among children of immigrants in Norway

Authors Marianne Takvam Kindt
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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92 Journal Article

Birth Registration in Crisis: Exploring a Rights-Based Approach to Birth Registration through the Experience of Syrian Refugees

Authors Jazmine Hesham Elmolla
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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93 Journal Article

Testing Civics: State-Level Civic Education Requirements and Political Knowledge

Authors David E. Campbell, RG Niemi
Year 2016
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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94 Journal Article

The Second Generation in Europe

Authors Maurice Crul, M Crul, H Vermeulen, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 219
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96 Journal Article

The citizenship of foreign workers in South Korea

Authors Seol Dong-Hoon
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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98 Journal Article

Marginalized (non)citizens: migrant youth political engagement, volunteering and performative citizenship in the context of Brexit

Authors Daniela Sime, Silvia Behrens
Year 2023
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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99 Journal Article

Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: On the Pathway from Temporary Foreign Workers to One of the Largest Minority Groups

Authors Yana Leontiyeva
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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100 Book Chapter
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