
Showing page of 801 results, sorted by

Forecasting Immigration in Official Population Projections Using an Econometric Model

Authors Ådne Cappelen, Adne Cappelen, Terje Skjerpen, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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1 Journal Article

Norwegian Migration 1856-1960

Authors J. E. Backer
Year 1966
Journal Name International Migration
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2 Journal Article

Labor migration and the moral sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state

Principal investigator Stein Kuhnle (Project Leader)
The 2004 enlargement of the European Union, with the ensuing movements of Accession 8 migrants, has and will continue to have a profound impact on migration patterns in Norway. Both the demographic and geographic characteristics of immigrants are shifting , and much of the hostility directed towards the traditional "asylum seekers" now turns towards the new East European migrants. The aim of the research project Labour Migration and the Moral Sustainability of the Norwegian Welfare State is to examine cent ral aspects of this new immigration: 1) The first part of the project, Labour immigration and the welfare state, examines various aspects of the welfare state in light of the new immigration patterns in Norway. Firstly, we study the extent to which these new patterns threaten the continued support of the welfare state in general and Norwegian welfare state in particular, and how they affect and shape preferences on how to make moral trade-offs in the design of welfare polices. Secondly, we study the extent to which labor migration to Norway is labour induced by conducting a qualitative case study of how poles living as labor migrants in Norway make use of the welfare system. Thirdly, we study how the Norwegian and Polish press portray the migration from Poland to Norway, e.g. the extent to which it accurately reflects reality. 2) The second part of the project, Segregation, economic dependence, and gender equalization, examines the importance of social network denominators among the new labor migrants i n the value creating system in Norway. Furthermore, the project will calculate how much of the value creation in Norway that are reaped by foreign owners and employees in sectors and regions, as a proxy on how dependent value creation in Norway is on work force migration. Finally, the gender composition of the Norwegian and foreign work force will be compared to see how much, if at all, migration reverses the gender equalization of Norwegian industries.
Year 2013
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3 Project

Country report : Norway

Authors Grete BROCHMANN
Year 2010
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4 Report


Authors K SALIMI
Year 1991
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 2
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5 Journal Article

The Norwegian Historic Population Register and Migration

Authors Lars Holden, Svetlana Boudko
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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6 Journal Article


Authors K SALIMI
Year 1991
Journal Name Race & Class
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7 Journal Article

Multinational mining companies, employment and knowledge transfer: Chile and Norway from ca. 1870 to 1940

Authors Kristin Ranestad
Year 2020
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8 Journal Article

Towards a Success Story? Turkish Immigrant Organizations in Norway

Authors Jon Rogstad
Year 2009
Journal Name Turkish Studies
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9 Journal Article

The Status of the Asylum-seeking Child in Norway and Denmark: Comparing Discourses, Politics and Practices

Authors K. Vitus, Kathrine Vitus, Hilde Liden, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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11 Journal Article

Norske pensjonister og norske kommuner i Spania

Authors Hans Christian Sandlie
Prosjekt "Norske pensjonister og norske kommuner i Spania" består av en levekårsundersøkelse blant norske Spania-pensjonister og en kartlegging av norske kommuners utbygging av sykehjem i Spania. Også andre bo- og omsorgstilbud som er etablert eller planlagt for norske brukere er med i kartleggingen. Datainnsamlingen er begrenset til fastlands-Spania, der fire kommuner er valgt som undersøkelsesområde.Rapporten tar for seg disse spørsmålene.- Hvor stort er omfanget av norsk pensjonistimigrasjon til Spania? - Hvordan opplever norske pensjonister i Spania sin situasjon når det gjelder egen helse og førlighet?- Hvilke preferanser finnes blant disse pensjonistene når det gjelder å motta helsetjenester og annen type hjelp i tilfelle sykdom og skrøpelighet?- Vil pensjonistene vende tilbake til Norge for å motta pleie og omsorg, eller vil de bli boende i Spania også i sen alderdom?- Hvilke muligheter har norske pensjonister til å motta pleie- og omsorgstjenester fra spansk eldreomsorg?- Hvor står norske kommuners utbygging av omsorgstilbud i forhold til norsk pensjonistmigrasjon og i forhold til aktuelle brukere i Norge?
Year 2004
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13 Report


Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2016
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14 Journal Article

Decline, Revival, Change? Religious Adaptations among Muslim and Non-Muslim Immigrant Origin Youth in Norway

Authors Jon Horgen Friberg, Erika Braanen Sterri
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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15 Journal Article

'Foreign worker', 'refugee', 'asylumseeker'.

Authors Oivind Fuglerud
Year 1996
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16 Journal Article

Disability Pension Rates Among Immigrants in Norway

Authors Bjørgulf Claussen, Lisbeth Smeby, Dag Bruusgaard
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 7
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17 Journal Article

Being a desirable migrant: perception and racialisation of Icelandic migrants in Norway

Authors Guobjort Gudjonsdottir, Kristin Loftsdottir, Guðbjört Guðjónsdóttir, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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18 Journal Article

Pre-sexual alcohol consumption and use of condoms - a European cross-cultural study

Authors B Traeen, , Hein Stigum, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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19 Journal Article

"If we want to have a good future, we need to do something about it". Youth, security and imagined horizons in the intercultural Arctic Norway

Authors Astri Dankertsen, Elisabeth Pettersen, Jill-Beth Otterlei
Year 2021
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20 Journal Article

Hai Gui or Hai Dai? Chinese Student Migrants and the Role of Norwegian Mobility Capital in Career Success

Authors Aihua Hu, David Cairns
Year 2017
Journal Name YOUNG
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21 Journal Article

Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration

Authors Jørgen Carling, Marta Bolognani, Marta Bivand Erdal, ...
This report presents insights from the research project Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration (PREMIG), funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Over a five-year period, a core group of eight researchers in Norway and the United Kingdom studied return migration from multiple perspectives. They drew upon statistical analyses and face-to-face interaction with more than five hundered migrants and returnees in seven countries.
Year 2015
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22 Report

Immigrant entrepreneurship in Norway

Year 2008
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23 Doctoral Dissertation

Performing while Black: Disrupting Gender and Sexuality from Trinidad to Norway—The Artivism of Thomas Prestø

Authors Gladys M. Francis
Year 2021
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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24 Journal Article

The Stages of Migration. From Going Abroad to Settling Down: Post-Accession Polish Migrant Workers in Norway

Authors Jon Horgen Friberg
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 41
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25 Journal Article

Gender-equal Norway, a reality for all? The views and experiences of immigrants

Authors Ebenezer Cudjoe, James Nti-Gyeabour, Isaac Amoateng, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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26 Journal Article

Living with Diabetes: Personal Interviews with Pakistani Women in Norway

Authors Walaa Abuelmagd, Helle Hakonsen, Najmeh Taghizadeh, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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27 Journal Article

Waiting: Migrant nurses in Norway

Authors Taylor Vaughn, Marie Louise Seeberg, Aslaug Gotehus
Year 2019
Journal Name TIME & SOCIETY
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28 Journal Article

Recruiting immigrant Workers: Norway 2014

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Year 2014
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29 Report

Why Norway? Understanding Asylum Destinations

Authors J.P. Brekke, M.F. Aarset
Year 2009
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
30 Report

Jobs for immigrants (Vol. 3)

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Labour Market Integration in Austria, Norway and Switzerland
Year 2012
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32 Report

Tilbakevending fra Norge : Historikk, omfang og videreutvikling 2002-2013

Authors Jan-Paul Brekke
Asylsøkere og flyktninger som har fått opphold i Norge, men som senere ønsker å flytte tilbake til hjemlandet kan få støtte fra Norge myndigheter. En ny rapport fra Institutt for samfunnsforskning viser at det er få som benytter seg av denne muligheten. - Støttenivået har ikke vært endret siden 1996, påpeker forsker Jan-Paul Brekke ved ISF. I tillegg har det vært lite informasjon om ordningen. Da er det ikke så underlig at få har reist. Studien viser at bare 20 til 40 personer i året har benyttet ordningen siden 2008. De største gruppene som har flyttet hjem med støtte har vært irakiske barnefamilier og eldre bosniere. - Norske myndigheter har de siste årene vært opptatt av asylsøkere med avslag og ordninger som skal sikre at disse returnerer til hjemlandet, hevder Brekke. Informanter i Utlendingsdirektoratet og Justisdepartementet betegnet tilbakevending for personer med opphold som en «sovende» ordning. - For noen år siden la danskene om sin praksis på området, sier Brekke. Mens de som reiser fra Norge får 15 000 kroner i tillegg til hjelp med reisen, får man nå over 130 000 kroner for å forlate Danmark. Etter omleggingen doblet tilbakevendingen fra vårt naboland i sør, påpeker han. Brekke fant at det lave norske støttebeløpet også har noen fordeler. - Det har bidratt til at misbruk av ordningen ikke har vært noe problem, i følge Brekke. Og fortsetter: Man har også unngått å sende et signal til personer med opphold om at de ikke er velkomne her i landet. Men, de lave ytelsene og mangelen på informasjon gjør at man risikerer at ordningen ikke blir brukt, går det frem i rapporten. Det kan være uheldig, for eksempel for personer som ikke finner seg til rette i Norge og som ønsker å vende tilbake. - På 1990-tallet snakket man om å legge til rette for at flyktninger med opphold kunne flytte tilbake til hjemlandet når det ble mulig. Den tanken ser nå ut til å være begravet, avslutter Brekke. Rapporten konkluderer med at hvis ordningen skal styrkes, så vil det innebære en økning i den økonomiske støtten og en avklaring når det gjelder angrefrist, utbetaling i rater, behovsprøving, samt eksport av velferdsytelser.
Year 2014
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33 Report

An overview of highly-skilled labour migration to Norway : with a focus on India as country of origin

Authors Geir Tore BRENNE, Helge Hiram JENSEN
The paper aims at providing an overview of skilled labour migration to Norway, specifically focussing on highly-skilled labour migrants from India. The first part presents relevant migration policies in Norway: their history, their general characteristics, and some features of specific relevance for highly-skilled labour migrants from India. It ends with a critical assessment of an on-going policy process. The second part of the report presents some relevant data from official data registers, in five tables and one figure. This second part concludes with a critical appraisal of the data.
Year 2013
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34 Report

International talent recruitment to Norway. Opportunities, challenges, and lived experiences of skilled migrants

Authors Micheline van Riemsdijk, Matthew Cook
Companies vie to attract the best and brightest workers, and they recruit skilled migrants to meet their talent needs. This report investigates the recruitment of skilled workers in the information technology sector and the oil and gas industry in Norway, and the lived experiences of skilled migrants in these industries. The report presents findings from a survey of foreign-born information technology specialists and engineers in Norway, and interviews with human resource managers, migrants, policymakers, representatives for unions and employer organizations, and other stakeholders who are involved in international skilled migration.
Year 2013
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35 Report

Race and bicultural socialization in the Netherlands, Norway, and the United States of America in the adoptions of children from India.

Authors Maureen Riley-Behringer, Victor Groza, Wendy Tieman, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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36 Journal Article

Postpartum Depression Among Somali Women in Norway

Authors Astrid Louise Løvlie, Astrid Louise Lovlie, Ahmed Ali Madar
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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37 Journal Article

Fighting Words: What's Wrong with Freedom of Expression?

Authors Sindre Bangstad
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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38 Journal Article

Strangers in Paradise? Italian Mothers in Norway

Authors Lise Widding Isaksen
Book Title Family Life in an Age of Migration and Mobility
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39 Book Chapter

The Role of Family Policy Regimes in Work–Family Adaptations: Polish Parents in Norway and Poland

Authors Margunn Bjørnholt, Stefansen Kari, Dorota Merecz-Kot, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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40 Journal Article

Obstetric Outcomes of First- and Second-Generation Pakistani Immigrants: A Comparison Study at a Low-Risk Maternity Ward in Norway

Authors Kjersti S. Bakken, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Ola H. Skjeldal
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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41 Journal Article

Parents and children only? Acculturation and the influence of extended family members among Vietnamese refugees

Authors Laila Tingvold, James Allen, Anne-Lise Middelthon, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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42 Journal Article


Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2020
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43 Journal Article

Boathouses as Indicators of Ethnic Interaction?

Authors Gorill Nilsen, Stephen Wickler
Year 2011
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44 Journal Article

Migrant Tourism Entrepreneurs in Rural Norway

Authors Ingvild Iversen, Jens Kr. Steen Jacobsen
Year 2016
Journal Name Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
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45 Journal Article

The virality of Norwegian guilt. How a story of male rape from Norway made international headlines

Authors Adriana Margareta Dancus
Year 2018
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46 Journal Article

Dimensions of national identity in Norway

Authors O Knutsen
Year 1997
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47 Journal Article

Emigrants in the Historical Population Register of Norway

Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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48 Journal Article

Integration, underclass, and marginalization - Some reflections on the current immigration debate in Norway

Authors G Brochmann, Jon Rogstad
Year 1996
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49 Journal Article

Becoming Through an Encounter With an Artistic Congo Village Event in Norway

Authors Camilla Eline Andersen
Year 2019
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50 Journal Article

Body size perceptions among Pakistani women in Norway participating in a controlled trial to prevent deterioration of glucose tolerance

Authors Aysha Hussain, M Wandel, Benedikte Bjorge, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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52 Journal Article

Return Imaginaries and Political Climate: Comparing Thinking About Return Mobilities Among Pakistani Origin Migrants and Descendants in Norway and the UK

Authors Marta Bolognani, Marta Bivand Erdal
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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53 Journal Article

State Assisted Integration: Refugee Integration Policies in Scandinavian Welfare States: the Swedish and Norwegian Experience

Authors M. Valenta, Marko Valenta, Nihad Bunar, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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54 Journal Article

‘Women and children first!’ Anti-immigration parties and gender in Norway and the Netherlands

Authors Tjitske Akkerman, Tjitske Akkerman, Anniken Hagelund, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 64
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55 Journal Article

Moral economies of the welfare state: A qualitative comparative study

Authors Peter Taylor-Gooby, Bjorn Hvinden, Steffen Mau, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 2
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56 Journal Article

Labour migration and increasing inequality in Norway

Authors Marie H Slettebak
Year 2020
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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57 Journal Article

Do terrorist attacks affect ethnic discrimination in the labour market? Evidence from two randomized field experiments

Authors Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Tak Wing Chan, Elisabeth Ugreninov, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 2
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58 Journal Article

Obesity and minority-changing meanings of big bodies among young Pakistani obesity patients in Norway

Authors Kjetil Wathne, Anne-Lise Middelthon, Christina Brux Mburu
Year 2015
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59 Journal Article

Multilingual encounters in Northern Norway INTRODUCTION

Year 2021
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60 Journal Article

Et iakttatt foreldreskap Om å være foreldre og minoritet i Norge

Authors Ingrid Smette, Monika Grønli Rosten
Denne rapporten handler om erfaringer som foreldre fra ulike etniske og religiøse minoriteter har med å oppdra barn i Norge. Studien er gjennomført på oppdrag fra Barne-, ungdoms, og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir) som ønsker mer kunnskap om mangfoldet av foreldrepraksiser og -erfaringer i Norge for å utvikle likeverdige tjenester. Vi har brukt begrepene etniske og religiøse minoriteter som avgrensning fra andre minoritetskategorier, basert for eksempel på seksualitet eller funksjonsnedsettelse. Minoritetsbegrepet i vår studie viser til personer som definerer seg selv, eller opplever at de blir definert av andre, som minoritet i kraft av etnisk og/eller religiøs bakgrunn. I rapporten har vi undersøkt følgende problemstillinger:  Hvilke idealer har foreldrene for sitt foreldreskap, og hvordan sammenligner de sin måte å være mor og far på med hvordan de selv ble oppdratt?  Hvilke erfaringer har foreldrene med å stå for og videreføre verdier i potensiell konflikt med verdier i majoritetssamfunnet?  Hvilken betydning har ulike minoritetsfellesskap, nabolag og lokalmiljø for foreldreskapet?  Hvilke erfaringer har foreldrene med barnevern og andre hjelpetjenester i forbindelse med bekymringer for barn?  Hvilke begrensinger og muligheter opplever foreldrene at barna deres får som medlem både av en minoritetsgruppe og av majoritetssamfunnet? En stor del av forskningen på minoriteter i Norge har fokusert på enkeltgrupper og har analysert endringer mellom generasjoner innad i gruppen. I denne rapporten har vi derimot valgt å studere foreldreskap og betydningen av minoritetsposisjon på tvers av etnisitet og religion. Studien bygger på intervjuer med 32 foreldre med ulike forutsetninger og posisjoner i det norske samfunnet. Utvalget inkluderer flyktninger som har kommet til Norge enten som barn eller voksne, andregenerasjons innvandrere, nyankomne arbeidsinnvandrere og majoritetsnorske medlemmer av kristne trossamfunn utenfor den norske kirke. Gjennom dette grepet har vi utforsket likheter og forskjeller i foreldrenes erfaringer med å oppdra barn i en minoritetskontekst.
Year 2019
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61 Report

Migration to Norway - Flows and Regulations

Principal investigator Jan-Paul Brekke (Project Leader)
For the past two decades, migration and its regulation have been at the top of the policy agenda in Europe. The research project seeks to describe and explain the interaction between migration flows and migration regimes, pivoting on the case of Norway.
Year 2011
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62 Project

Return Migration Intentions in the Integration–Transnationalism Matrix

Authors Jørgen Carling, Jorgen Carling, Silje Vatne Pettersen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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63 Journal Article

Intergovernmental relations and return - Part 3: Beyond return frameworks

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, A. Leerkes, M. Van der Meer, ...
Each year the Member States of the European Union issue around 500,000 return decisions to persons who do not, or no longer, have legal stay. A return decision requires the person to leave the territory of the state issuing the return decision and to go to a country where he/she does have legal stay, usually his/her country of citizenship. If persons do not leave themselves, they risk being returned by force. The implementation of assisted and forced return often requires cooperation by the countries of citizenship of the person receiving the return decision, and thus partially depends on the intergovernmental relations between EU+ (EU Member States plus Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) and non-EU+ countries. The WODC has conducted three interrelated studies on the influence of these relations on return. this study explores whether or not the Netherlands and Norway can learn from the experiences and strategies of one another by comparing the experiences and strategies of the two countries in relation to enforced return to Afghanistan3, Iran, and Iraq. Such comparisons may lead to useful new insights as different EU+ countries – despite the EU’s attempts at harmonisation – have developed somewhat different approaches to enforced return (cf. Leerkes & Van Houte, 2020). This raises the question of how different EU+ states strive to accomplish enforced return to the same origin states, and with what ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ outcomes (e.g., what rates of enforced return do they achieve, and do states enforce returns within the norms that matter in liberal democracies, including migrants’ fundamental rights and a commitment to accepted principles of sound administration?). This exploratory study was thus guided by two research questions: What are the experiences of the Netherlands and Norway with regards to enforced return (forced and assisted return) to Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq? What (inter)governmental strategies have the Netherlands and Norway developed with a view to effecting enforced return to Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq?
Year 2022
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64 Report

Sacrifice as Coping: A Case Study of the Cultural-Political Framing of Traumatic Experiences among Eelam Tamils in Norway

Authors E. Guribye, Eugene Guribye
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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65 Journal Article

Facilitating labour migration from Latvia: strategies of various categories of intermediaries

Authors Oksana Žabko, Oksana Zabko, Sylvi Endresen, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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66 Journal Article

Gender, Ethnicity, and Constrained Mobility: Insights into the Resultant Social Exclusion

Authors Tanu Priya Uteng
Year 2009
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 31
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67 Journal Article

Emerging patterns of East - West migration in Europe: New patterns of mobility in a changing political landscape

Principal investigator Jon Erik Døvik (Project leader)
EU-utvidelsen har skapt nye rammebetingelser for mobilitet i Europa etter at lavkostland i det tidligere Øst-Europa har blitt med i det indre markedet, mens EU’s yttergrense har blitt flyttet østover til landene i det tidligere Sovjetunionen. Denne studien vil ta for seg økonomisk migrasjon og nye utfordringer og muligheter for avsender og mottakerland i forhold til regulering av migrasjonsstrømmer og arbeidsmarkeder. Fokuset vil ligge på sammenhengen mellom migrasjon inn i EU/EØS-området fra land på ut siden, og økende mobilitet internt i EU/EØS mellom nye og gamle medlemsland. Prosjektet vil inneholde to PhD studier. Den ene vil se på øst-vest migrasjon innenfor det utvidede EU/EØS-området, med fokus på migrasjon fra Polen til Norge og andre vesteuropeiske land. Den andre vil ta for seg migrasjon til Norge og Polen fra Russland og Ukraina. Begge vil utforske mekanismene for økonomisk migrasjon på tilbudssiden og migrasjonens konsekvenser for avsenderlandene. Dette innebærer empiriske og analytiske tilnærminger som med utgangspunkt i omfattende surveyer og kvalitative data fokuserer på individuelle migranter og deres motiver, muligheter, valg og erfaringer, samt en kartlegging av hvilke konsekvenser økt migrasjon har for samfunnene i avsenderlandene.
Year 2006
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68 Project

Norway: The Land of the Golden Mean

Authors Anniken Hagelund, Grete Brochmann
Book Title Immigration Policy and the Scandinavian Welfare State 1945–2010
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
70 Book Chapter

Habitus Mismatch and Suffering Experienced by Polish Migrants Working below their Qualification Level in Norway

Authors Anna Przybyszewska
Year 2020
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71 Journal Article

Tilhørighetens balanse Norsk-pakistanske kvinners hverdagsliv i transnasjonale familier

Authors Bjørg Moen
Rapporten setter søkelys på kvinners hverdagsliv i norsk-pakistanske familier. Forskeren har søkt å løse opp dikotomiseringen mellom «moderne» og «tradisjonelle» muslimske kvinner som ofte blir forstått i relasjon til «vestlige selvstendige kvinner» og «muslimske passive og undertrykte kvinner». Hun viser et mangfold av tilpasninger og meninger som kvinner har. Endringer og variasjoner preger livet, der familierelasjoner er i endring og tradisjonelle autoritetsstrukturer utfordres. Kvinner deltar på ulike arenaer i samfunnet, men fortsetter å ha tilhørighet i tette norsk-pakistanske familier og nettverk. Familiesamhold veier tungt også transnasjonalt.
Year 2009
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73 Report


Authors Arnfinn H. Midtboen
Year 2015
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74 Journal Article

Cultural adjustments required by expatriate managers working in the Nordic countries

Authors M Tixier
Year 1996
Citations (WoS) 3
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75 Journal Article

Losing the Right to Stay: Revocation of Refugee Permits in Norway

Authors Simon Roland Birkvad, Jan-Paul Brekke, Marta Bivand Erdal
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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76 Journal Article

MRSA infections in Norway: A study of the temporal evolution, 2006-2015

Authors Francesco Di Ruscio, Birgitte Freiesleben de Blasio, Jorgen V. Bjornholt, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 6
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77 Journal Article

Vom wandel der lebensverhältnisse in Nordnorwegen 1950–1970

Authors Reinhard Mook
Year 1971
Journal Name Geoforum
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78 Journal Article

Ethical aspects of directly observed treatment for tuberculosis: a cross-cultural comparison

Authors Mette Sagbakken, Gunnar Bjune, Jan C. Frich, ...
Year 2013
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79 Journal Article

Land of opportunity? Comparing earning profiles of immigrants in Norway and the United States

Authors E Barth, B Bratsberg, O Raaum
Year 2004
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80 Journal Article

Early warning and Preparedness System (EPS) Quarterly Asylum Report

The Quarterly report aims to provide an overview of key asylum trends by analysing data regarding applications for international protection made by asylum seekers, pending cases and decisions made on applications by European Member States and Associate Countries (Norway and Switzerland).
Year 2013
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81 Data Set

Experiences and perceptions of body weight among Turkish immigrant women in Norway

Authors Erin Yildirim Rieger, Laura Terragni, Elzbieta Anna Czapka
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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82 Journal Article

After the 22 July Terror in Norway: Media debates on freedom of expression and multiculturalism

Authors Elisabeth Eide, Maria Kjølstad, Anja Naper
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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83 Journal Article

New differences, old explanations

Authors Silje Noack Fekjær, Silje Noack Fekjaer
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 31
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84 Journal Article

Mixed Marriages in Late Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century: Comparing Russia and Norway

Authors Elena Glavatskaya, Elizaveta A. Zabolotnykh, Gunnar Thorvaldsen, ...
Year 2020
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85 Journal Article

Ungdom i flyktningfamilier Familie og vennskap - trygghet og frihet?

Authors Ada Engebrigtsen, Øivind Fuglerud
Denne rapporten er utarbeidet for Redd Barna av Ada Engebrigtsen og Øivind Fuglerud og er den første rapporteringen fra intervjuundersøkelsen «Ungdom i flyktningfamilier» som er finansiert av Helse- og Rehabilitering. Rapporten er videre basert på utdrag fra NOVA-undersøkelsen Ung i Oslo 2006. De statistiske dataene fra Ung i Oslo 2006 er bearbeidet av Bera Moseng. Intervju-undersøkelsen omfatter 36 intervjuer med 61 ungdommer i Oslo og Tromsø, Ung i Oslo omfatter bl.a. statistisk materiale fra 166 ungdommer med bakgrunn fra Somalia og 164 med bakgrunn fra Sri Lanka, alle fra Oslo. Rapporten gir en bred beskrivelse av ungdom i flyktningfamilier, hovedsaklig med somalisk og tamilsk bakgrunn, slik de selv beskriver sider ved sine liv. Rapporten legger hovedvekten på spørsmål omkring familietilknytning og familieforhold, vennskap, fritid og nabolag, forhold til skole og lærere, tillitsforhold og opplevelse av inklusjon og eksklusjon, og betydningen, men også begrensningen ved etniske fellesskap.
Year 2007
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86 Report

'The Lay Gaze'-Rural Norwegian men's assessment of others' health based on pictures

Year 2021
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87 Journal Article

Do immigration scenarios influence Norwegians' attitudes towards immigrants? A survey experiment

Authors Dag Arne Christensen, Sveinung Arnesen, Tor Midtbo
Year 2019
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88 Journal Article

Spirituality and national culture as antecedents to ethical decision-making: a comparison between the United States and Norway

Authors RI Beekun, J Westerman
Year 2012
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89 Journal Article

The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Dependency [Norway]

Authors Monique De Haan, Ragnhild C. Schreiner
Year 2018
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90 Working Paper

Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway

Authors Deniz Akin
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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91 Journal Article

The Legal Condition of Refugees in Norway

Year 1994
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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93 Journal Article

Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure

Authors European Migration Network (EMN)
This study examines how data are managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure (making, registering, lodging and examining) across the Member States and Norway. It maps data management approaches in the asylum procedure (i.e. data protection and safeguards), examines challenges faced by Member States, and analyses the impact of any procedural changes to enhance data-sharing among asylum authorities (and others). This study reflects the situation and developments in data management in the asylum procedure between 2014 and 2020. Member States collect different types of data as part of the asylum procedure. However, some categories of data are commonly collected by most, if not all, Member States and Norway, including data on current and/or birth names, birth date, citizenship, contact details, health status, photo and fingerprints, information on family members already in a Member State, vulnerabilities, and level of education. Data on asylum applicants are primarily collected through oral interviews, questionnaires and electronic tools (for biometric data). However, several Member States have also started to use social media analysis, analysis of mobile devices and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect data on asylum applicants. Most Member States and Norway cross-check data on asylum applicants against European (i.e. Visa Information System (VIS), Schengen Information System (SIS), Eurodac) and national databases. Only a minority cross-check information against international databases. Since 2014, most Member States have experienced challenges in data management. These challenges primarily relate to the lack of human or financial resources and the interoperability of (national) databases. Some Member States changed their data management procedures in response to challenges to the implementation of asylum processes posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the digitalisation of some steps of the asylum procedure and changes in the collection of fingerprints.
Year 2020
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95 Report

Changes in Food Habits among Pakistani Immigrant Women in Oslo, Norway

Authors Tonje Mellin-Olsen, T Mellin-Olsen, M Wandel, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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96 Journal Article

How Do Husbands Affect the Labour Market Participation of Majority and Immigrant Women?

Authors Idunn Brekke
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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97 Journal Article

Environmental Transformation of the State: The USA, Norway, Germany and the UK

Authors John S. Dryzek, Christian Hunold, David Schlosberg, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Political Studies
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98 Journal Article

Earnings assimilation of immigrants in Norway - A reappraisal

Authors P�l Longva, Oddbj�rn Raaum
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 25
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99 Journal Article

The balancing act. Museums as spaces for democratic debate: a case study from Oslo, Norway

Authors Sofie Scheen Jahnsen
Year 2021
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100 Journal Article
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