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Gendered Authorship and Demographic Research: An Analysis of 50 Years of Demography

Authors Sandra Krapf, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Katharina Wolf
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
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1 Journal Article

Demography in the Digital Era: New Data Sources for Population Research

Authors Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Emilio Zagheni, Samin Aref, ...
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4 Journal Article

The anthropological demography of Europe

Authors Laura Bernardi, Inge Hutter
Year 2007
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 13
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5 Journal Article

Seminar on Demographic Research in Relation to International Migration

Authors G. BEYER
Year 1974
Journal Name International Migration
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6 Journal Article

A Cohort Perspective on the Demography of Grandparenthood: Past, Present, and Future Changes in Race and Sex Disparities in the United States

Authors Rachel Margolis, Ashton Verdery, Ashton M. Verdery
Year 2019
Journal Name Demography
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7 Journal Article

„The study of population offers something for everyone“

Authors Karsten Hank, K Hank, Michaela Kreyenfeld
Year 2015
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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8 Journal Article

Sampling and Surveying Hard-to-Reach Populations for Demographic Research

Authors Victor Agadjanian, Natalya Zotova
Year 2012
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 13
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9 Journal Article


Authors C MARKS
Year 1987
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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10 Journal Article

Political demography: Powerful trends under-attended by demographic science

Authors Michael S. Teitelbaum, MS Teitelbaum
Year 2015
Journal Name Population Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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11 Journal Article

European Fertility Datasheet

Fertility indicators for 45 European countries. Main indicators of fertility level: total fertility rate; mean ideal number of children; completed Cohort fertility; childlessness; share of births outside marriage. Indicators of fertility timing: mean age first birth; Fertility of immigrants: total fertility rate of foreign born women; total fertility rate of native born women; SUGGESTED CITATION: Tomáš Sobotka, Kryštof Zeman, Michaela Potančoková, Jakob Eder, Zuzanna Brzozowska, Éva Beaujouan, Anna Matysiak (2015). Fertility Datasheet 2015. Vienna Institute of Demography / Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU).
Year 2013
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12 Data Set

Immigrants and Demography

Year 2015
Book Title Handbook of the Economics of International Migration
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13 Book Chapter


Year 1980
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14 Journal Article

Improving and Validating Survey Estimates of Religious Demography Using Bayesian Multilevel Models and Poststratification

Authors Christopher Claassen, Richard Traunmueller
Year 2020
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15 Journal Article


Authors Aleksandar Knezevic
Year 2017
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16 Journal Article

Spatial Demography: An Opportunity to Improve Policy Making at Diverse Decision Levels

Authors Marcia Caldas de Castro
Year 2007
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 21
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17 Journal Article

Regimes of Ethnicity: A Global Database of Ethnic Demography and Survey of State Policies on Ethnicity

This project is aimed at, first, creating a database by gathering the most up to date information on the ethnic demography of the 172 countries in the world with a population over 250,000; and second, conducting a survey of state policies on ethnicity in these countries in order to gauge the relationship between ethnicity and nationality as reflected in state policies. The database of global ethnic demography will be a major improvement over the current databases, most of which are inconsistent and unreliable because of their use of information processed by different authors, collected at different points in time, based on different definitions of ethnicity, and with different levels of specificity, making these databases inadequate for systematic comparisons. Surveys that include a list of 15 policy areas, which gauge the institutionalization of ethnicity in each country, will be sent out to country experts. Three experts will be contacted for each country, generating 516 survey responses in total. In addition to the list of fifteen policies, country experts will also be asked to agree or disagree with, or suggest better sources for, the ethnic demographic data collected by the researcher and provided as part of the survey. Results will be made available online in order to facilitate the dissemination of accurate information on ethnic demography and state policies on ethnicity around the world, and to receive feedback on the data and the survey results from the wider public and the scholarly community. Disclosure of experts' identities will be strictly subject to their consent. This new database will significantly increase the capacity for research conducted by other scholars in Europe and elsewhere on topics related to ethnicity. At the end of the project, the results will be published as a reference book on ethnic demography and state policies on ethnicity.
Year 2010
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18 Project

Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies: Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration

The aim of BAPS is to develop a ground-breaking simulation model of international migration, based on a population of intelligent, cognitive agents, their social networks and institutions, all interacting with one another. The project will transform the study of migration – one of the most uncertain population processes and a top-priority EU policy area – by offering a step change in the way it can be understood, predicted and managed. In this way, BAPS will effectively integrate behavioural and social theory with modelling. To develop micro-foundations for migration studies, model design will follow cutting-edge developments in demography, statistics, cognitive psychology and computer science. BAPS will also offer a pioneering environment for applying the findings in practice through a bespoke modelling language. Bayesian statistical principles will be used to design innovative computer experiments, and learn about modelling the simulated individuals and the way they make decisions. In BAPS, we will collate available information for migration models; build and test the simulations by applying experimental design principles to enhance our knowledge of migration processes; collect information on the underpinning decision-making mechanisms through psychological experiments; and design software for implementing Bayesian agent-based models in practice. The project will use various information sources to build models bottom-up, filling an important epistemological gap in demography. BAPS will be carried out by the Allianz European Demographer 2015, recognised as a leader in the field for methodological innovation, directing an interdisciplinary team with expertise in demography, agent-based models, statistical analysis of uncertainty, meta-cognition, and computer simulations. The project will open up exciting research possibilities beyond demography, and will generate both academic and practical impact, offering methodological advice for policy-relevant simulations.
Year 2017
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19 Project

Bayesian small area demography

Authors Junni L. Zhang, John Bryant, Kirsten Nissen
Year 2019
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20 Journal Article

Demography and international migration

Authors Philippe FARGUES
Year 2016
Book Title Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU (ed.), Routledge handbook of immigration and refugee studies, Abingdon ; New York, Routledge, 2016, pp. 236-242
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21 Book Chapter


Authors EE HUYCK, LF Bouvier
Year 1983
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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22 Journal Article

Demography, foreclosure, and crime:

Authors Ashley N. Arnio, Eric P. Baumer
Year 2012
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 18
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23 Journal Article

Demographie und Migration: Anziehung versus Schrumpfung

Authors Birte Nienaber, Grégory Hamez, Kirsten Mangels
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
24 Working Paper


Authors C GALLEY
Year 1995
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25 Journal Article

Multistate Demography and its Data: A Comment

Authors N Keyfitz
Year 1980
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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26 Journal Article

Exploring Demography and Sociological Factors Underlying Decisions to Join Gangs among Indians

Authors Shankar Durairaja, Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin, Geshina Ayu Mat Saat
Year 2019
Journal Name AKADEMIKA
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27 Journal Article

Nation and reproduction: immigrants and their children in population discourse in Italy

Authors Francesca Decimo
Year 2015
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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28 Journal Article

Demography and the Social Contract

Authors Marta Tienda
Year 2002
Journal Name Demography
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29 Journal Article

Forensic demography and civil rights

Authors Arlyne I. Pozner
Year 1967
Journal Name Demography
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30 Journal Article

Bayesian demography 250 years after Bayes

Authors Jakub Bijak, John Bryant
Year 2016
Journal Name Population Studies
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31 Journal Article

Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography

Authors Jakub Bijak
Year 2021
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32 Book


Year 1980
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33 Journal Article

OECD database on immigrant integration at the regional level

The OECD Regional Database provides a unique set of comparable statistics and indicators on about 2000 regions in 30 countries. It encompasses yearly time-series for around 40 indicators of demography, economic accounts, labour market, social and innovation themes in the OECD member countries.
Year 2015
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34 Data Set

Quantifying paradigm change in demography

Authors Jakub Bijak, Eric Silverman, Robert Franck, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Demographic Research
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35 Journal Article

Demography and the social contract

Authors M Tienda
Year 2002
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36 Journal Article

The Historical Demography of Racial Segregation

Authors Angelina Grigoryeva, M Ruef
Year 2015
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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37 Journal Article

CEPAM: The Centre of Expertise on Population and Migration

The Centre of Expertise on Population and Migration is a new research partnership between IIASA's World Population Program and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre that provides science-based knowledge on migration and demography to support EU policy.
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
38 Project

Aristotle and Open Population Thinking

Authors Philip Kreager
Year 2008
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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39 Journal Article

The Media Marketplace for Garbled Demography

Authors Michael S. Teitelbaum
Year 2004
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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40 Journal Article

The Role of Demographic Research in Promoting Refugee Resettlement and Integration in the United States

Authors Holly E. Reed, Ellen Percy Kraly, Irene Bloemraad
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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41 Journal Article

A Life-Course Analysis of Geographical Distance to Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents in Sweden

Authors Martin Kolk
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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42 Journal Article

Demography, Politics and Conflict: The Case of India

This proposal seeks support for research on demography and conflict dynamics that builds on the principal investigator’s current work and expertise. The core focus of the research is an historical and statistical examination of the interaction of demographic factors and their impact on political conflict and violence, with a particular focus on India. The main objectives are theoretical and empirical: to develop a framework for understanding how demographic dynamics influence political conflict and violence, and a data set of conflict episodes and demographic variables. It will use state-of-the-art statistical methods to study important questions related to demography and politics. This project brings together a number of disciplines, including political science, history, statistics, economics and demography. Three main factors relating to political violence will be analysed: differential population growth and youth bulges, and then how these are related to horizontal inequality. Although this project initially focuses on India, the implications will be broadened to include other areas of world, in particular Europe. Consider the case of former Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s, a case I explored in my first book. This country underwent profound ethnic shifts particularly between ethnic Albanians and ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo as result of fertility rates and migration. Similar dynamics are at work more broadly in Europe as fertility rates continue to decline in a fair number of countries (in some there is a bit of recovery, e.g. France and Sweden), putting pressure on these countries in terms of labour forces and immigration. These are the same dynamics I be examining in India and expect to explore them more broadly across the states of Europe and beyond.
Year 2013
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43 Project


Authors JL Angel, Dennis P. Hogan
Year 1992
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44 Journal Article

Demography or respect?: work group demography versus organizational dynamics as determinants of meaning and satisfaction at work

Authors Randy Hodson
Year 2002
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 27
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45 Journal Article

On Racial Disparities in Recent Fatal Police Shootings

Authors Lucas Mentch
Year 2020
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46 Journal Article

Applied Multiregional Demography: Migration and Population Redistribution

Authors David A Swanson
Year 2017
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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47 Journal Article


Authors Christopher Lewis
Year 2019
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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48 Journal Article

Model-Based Demography: Towards a Research Agenda

Authors Daniel Courgeau, Jakub Bijak, Robert Franck, ...
Year 2017
Book Title The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
49 Book Chapter

Demography of Race and Ethnicity in Italy

Authors Elena Ambrosetti, Eralba Cela
Year 2015
Book Title International Handbooks of Population
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50 Book Chapter

Demography and ethnicity: Case studies from Bradford

Authors Stephen Simpson
Year 1997
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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51 Journal Article

Demography, migration, and labour market in Qatar

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
In 2013, Qatar ranked second worldwide in terms of per capita GDP. This is due to its huge endowment in hydrocarbons and the small size of its national population, the smallest in all GCC countries. Exploiting the resources and channeling them into ambitious development policies required massive imports of foreign labour. The country's total population has quintupled since the mid-1980s; moreover, foreign nationals made an estimated 85.7 per cent of all residents and up to 94.1 per cent of all employed population in 2013. The awarding of the 2022 FIFA World Cup to Qatar in December 2010 turned the spotlight on the country's dilemma regarding the 'number vs. rights trade-off' issue: Qatar has one of the most constraining kafala systems in the region. Paradoxically, however, demographic data also indicate that a growing share of foreigners live with their families, give birth in the country, and intermarry with Qataris. The strict separation between nationals and migrants could thus start slowly eroding.
Year 2014
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52 Report

GCC Demography and Immigration: Challenges and policies

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Imco BROUWER
Year 2012
Book Title Steffen HERTOG (ed.), National Employment, Migration and Education in the GCC, Cambridge, [Berlin], Gerlach Press, 2012, The Gulf Region, [4], 241-273
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
53 Book Chapter

The Social Demography of Filipino Migrations Abroad

Authors Peter C. Smith, PC SMITH
Year 1976
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 10
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54 Journal Article

Social Situation Monitor: Labour market situation and social inclusion of migrants – trends in living conditions of migrants & social attitudes among migrants.

The Social Situation Monitor: Ensuring continuity of the European Observatory on Demography and Social Situation, this contract aims at providing policy-relevant analytical and methodological support on the developments in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health, helping the Commission in its efforts to monitor living standards and life chances across the EU and across different groups in society, and to evaluate how policies affect them.
Year 2012
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55 Project

Erratum to: Immigration, Crime, and Incarceration in Early Twentieth-Century America

Authors Carolyn Moehling, Anne Morrison Piehl
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
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56 Journal Article

The Organizational Demography of Racial Employment Segregation

Authors Jesper B. Sørensen
Year 2004
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
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57 Journal Article

The Social Demography of Filipino Migrations Abroad

Authors Peter C. Smith
Year 1976
Journal Name International Migration Review
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58 Journal Article

Demography, migration and labour market in Saudi Arabia

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
Saudi Arabia is a prime destination and source of remittances from workers for many countries in Asia and the Arab world. As of mid-2013, expatriates made up 32 percent of the Kingdom's population, most of them coming from South Asia. They accounted for 56.5 percent of the employed population and 89 percent of the private sector workforce. Since September 2011, and in spite of a spurt in foreign labour recruitment starting in the mid-2000s, a voluntary policy called Nitaqat aims at 'Saudising' the Kingdom's workforce. The most recent data also show the scale of the irregular migration phenomenon in Saudi Arabia: the amnesty campaign which started in April 2013 allowed 4.7 million foreign workers to regularise their status, while an ongoing crackdown on illegals forced one million to leave the Kingdom in 2013 alone, of which (as of November 30, 2013) 547,000 were deported.
Year 2014
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
59 Report

Reconsidering wealth, status, and power: Critical Demography and the measurement of racism

Authors Hayward Derrick Horton, Lori Latrice Sykes
Year 2001
Journal Name Race and Society
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60 Journal Article

The Colonial Origins of the Divergence in the Americas: A Labor Market Approach

Authors Robert C. Allen, Eric B. Schneider, Tommy E. Murphy
Year 2012
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61 Journal Article

Yanomami demography and mobility: assessing socio-environmental changes

Authors Maurice Seiji Tomioka Nilsson, Philip M. Fearnside
Year 2017
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62 Journal Article

The demography of the Kuwaiti population of Kuwait

Authors Allan G. Hill
Year 1975
Journal Name Demography
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63 Journal Article

Regeneration and mobility: the spatial dynamics of industries in wartime Shanghai

Authors Christian Henriot
Year 2012
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64 Journal Article

Chinese entrepreneurship in Indonesia: A business demography approach

Authors Pierre van der Eng
Year 2020
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65 Journal Article

Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3)

Following entering into force of the EU legislative acts on demography statistics, the demographic data at regional level are annually collected from 36 countries in the frame of the UNIDEMO that is the main demographic data collection of Eurostat in the domains of demography and migration. As the most extended annual Eurostat demographic data collection, UNIDEMO (acronym from Unified Demography) collects data on population stocks, vital events (live births and deaths), marriages, divorces and migration flows at national and regional levels by various breakdowns. The statistics corresponding to the reference year T shall be transmitted by countries to Eurostat by the deadline of 31 December of the calendar T+1, and will be disseminated during March of the calendar year T+2. Demographic data at regional level include statistics on population stocks at the end on the calendar year and on vital events (live births and deaths) occurred along the year being territorially disaggregated by NUTS 2 and 3 levels, in accordance with the following EU legal acts: - Article 3 of the Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 on European demographic statistics and its implementing measures stated in the Regulation (EU) No 205/2014; - Regulation (EU) 868/2014 which is the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics, abbreviated as NUTS. The current classification known as NUTS-2013 subdivides the territory of the European Union into 98 regions at NUTS level 1, 276 at NUTS level 2 and 1342 at NUTS level 3. The NUTS is the official division of the EU for regional statistics. - For Candidate and EFTA countries the data are collected according to the agreed statistical regions that have been coded in a way that resembles NUTS. The current Candidate Countries for which data at regional level are collected are Montenegro, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Turkey. Demographic data breakdown collected at regional level according to the above EU legal acts vary according to the NUTS level. The following statistics are available: Table codeDescription demo_r_gind3Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3) 
Year 2000
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67 Data Set

Wittgenstein Centre population projections

Global population projections by age, sex and education published by Lutz, Butz, and K.C. (2014). World Population & Human Capital in the Twenty-first Century. Population projections of educational attainment by age and sex for 195 countries. The new set of projections by levels of educational attainment was produced by a large team of researchers at the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital and at other institutions. It also includes population projections developed for the 5th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) according to a set of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. There are two main areas where the new projections advance the state of the art beyond other existing global population projections (those that cover most world countries): * They explicitly and systematically incorporate population heterogeneity by level of education, thereby illustrating how educational attainment can and should be routinely added to age and sex as a third demographic dimension. * The assumptions about future trends in fertility, mortality, and migration include the scientific input of more than 500 population experts around the world who responded to an online questionnaire and assessed the validity of alternative arguments as well as the conclusions of intensive discussions at five meta-expert meetings. Version 1.2 includes the back projections from 2010 to 1970. More information in Speringer et al. 2015. The suggested citation for data and plots from this website is: Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, (2015). Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer Version 1.2. Available at:
Year 1970
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68 Data Set


The annual Eurostat's collections on statistics on **live births** are structured as follows: - NOWCAST: Annual data collection on provisional monthly data on live births and deaths covering at least six months of the reference year (Article 4.3 of the Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 205/2014). - DEMOBAL (Demographic balance): Annual data collection on provisional data on population, total live births and total deaths at national level (Article 4.1 of the Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 205/2014). - UNIDEMO (Unified Demographic): The most extended annual collection on demography and migration, collecting data at national and regional level for population, births, deaths, immigrants, emigrants, marriages and divorces by a large number of breakdowns. (Art. 3 of the Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and Art. 3 of the Regulation (EC) No 862/2007). The annual demography data collections aim at collecting from the National Statistical Institutes both mandatory data and voluntary data. The mandatory data are those defined by the legislation listed on "6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements" in the reference metadata. The demographic data collected on voluntary basis depend on the availability and on the quality of information available in the National Statistical Institutes. For more specific information on mandatory/voluntary data collection see "6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements" in the reference metadata. Table codeDescription demo_facbcLive births by mother's age and country of birth demo_faczcLive births by mother's age and citizenship
Year 1960
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69 Data Set


Authors John Bongaarts, Valerie L. Durrani, Susan Greenhalgh, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name Population and Development Review
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70 Journal Article


The annual Eurostat's collections on deaths statistics are structured as follows: - NOWCAST: Annual data collection on provisional monthly data on live births and deaths covering at least six months of the reference year (Article 4.3 of the Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 205/2014). - DEMOBAL (Demographic balance): Annual data collection on provisional data on population, total live births and total deaths at national level (Article 4.1 of the Commission implementing regulation (EU) No 205/2014). - UNIDEMO (Unified Demographic): The most extended annual collection on demography and migration, collecting data at national and regional level for population, births, deaths, immigrants, emigrants, marriages and divorces by a large number of breakdowns. (Art. 3 of the Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and Art. 3 of the Regulation (EC) No 862/2007). The annual demography data collections aim at collecting from the National Statistical Institutes both mandatory data and voluntary data. The mandatory data are those defined by the legislation listed on "6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements" in the reference metadata. The demographic data collected on voluntary basis depend on the availability and on the quality of information available in the National Statistical Institutes. For more specific information on mandatory/voluntary data collection see '6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements' in the reference metadata. Table codeDescription demo_macbcDeaths by age, sex and country of birth demo_maczcDeaths by age, sex and citizenship
Year 1960
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71 Data Set

Demography, migration, and the labour market in Oman

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
As of May 27, 2015, estimates of Oman’s total population stood at 4,187,516 persons, of whom 1,849,412 (44.2 per cent) were foreign nationals. Foreign workers are overwhelmingly from the Asian subcontinent: Indians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis together made up 87 per cent of the workforce in 2013. Eighty-two per cent of all foreign workers were employed in the private sector that year, and 12 per cent were filling managerial and “white collar” posts. The flow of foreign workers to Oman has been rising over the 2000s up till today. Lagging youth employment and rising poverty levels spurred popular protests in 2011 which slowed down economic diversification and the private sector’s development process. However, sectoral Omanisation quotas are now enforced and the hiring of Omani nationals in every business has become mandatory. Aggressive measures also target foreign residents in irregular situation which has led to several massive amnesty and deportation campaigns since 2010.
Year 2015
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72 Report

Demography, migration, and the labour market in Bahrain

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
Mid-2013, estimates of Bahrain s population stood at 1,253,191 persons, of whom 638,361 (51 per cent) were foreign nationals. Most were from Asia (85 per cent) and especially from India (half of all foreign residents). Eighty per cent of expatriates are employed. They account for 77 per cent of the employed population and 81 per cent of the private sector s workforce. Asians are overwhelmingly involved in services and blue collar occupations, while Arabs more often fill managerial posts. Immigration flows to the Kingdom increased significantly over the 2000s, fuelled by high oil prices and the ensuing boom in the construction and services sectors. This demonstrates the difficulty to reconcile labour reforms, and especially, the Bahrainisation of the work force, with the maximisation of economic productivity.
Year 2015
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73 Report

Island Demography: A Review of Selected Caribbean Contributions

Year 2011
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74 Journal Article

Demography of Immigrant Youth: Past, Present, and Future

Year 2011
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75 Journal Article

Forms of Migration and Measurement in Social Demography

Authors V. Narain
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration
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76 Journal Article

Migration policy, African population growth and global inequality

Authors Andrew MOUNTFORD, Hillel RAPOPORT
Year 2016
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77 Journal Article

Assessing population dynamics in a rural African society: The Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System

Authors Fred Binka, K Adazu, JF PHILLIPS, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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78 Journal Article

Immigrant business proprietors in England and Wales (1851-1911)

Authors Harry Smith, Robert J. Bennett, Carry van Lieshout
Year 2019
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79 Journal Article

Les praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne en France : les parcours et projets migratoires de ces médecins en région Poitou-Charentes

Principal investigator Emmanuel Ma Mung (co-Principal Investigator), Anne-Cécile Hoyez (co-Principal Investigator)
Depuis les années 1980, l’évolution de la démographie médicale française engendre des disparités territoriales dans la répartition des personnels médicaux au niveau national. Ces déséquilibres, provenant en partie du non remplacement des médecins dans les hôpitaux « périphériques » et des stratégies d’évitement de certaines zones rurales par les jeunes médecins, ont ainsi créé une possibilité pour les praticiens à diplôme hors Union Européenne de venir travailler en France, pour pallier à des déficits problématiques à la fois pour les structures hospitalières et pour les collectivités territoriales. Notre projet de recherche a pour objectif d’étudier la situation des PADHUE au sein de la région Poitou-Charentes, région touchée par la problématique de la « pénurie » médicale. Nous allons donc nous interrogés sur la présence, la répartition géographique et les conditions d’exercice de ces médecins ainsi que sur les parcours et les projets migratoires de ces migrants hautement qualifiés qui exercent dans un secteur-clé: celui de l’hôpital.
Year 2010
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80 Project


Year 1992
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81 Journal Article

Demography and Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Making the Connection

Authors Heather Allen, Rebecca Katz
Year 2010
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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82 Journal Article

The Demography of Israel and Palestine: Present and Future

Year 2015
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83 Journal Article


Authors Karen M. Kaufmann
Year 2007
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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84 Journal Article

Does social identity theory underlie relational demography? A test of the moderating effects of uncertainty reduction and status enhancement on similarity effects

Authors Caren B. Goldberg, Christine Riordan, Bryan S. Schaffer
Year 2010
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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85 Journal Article

Ethnicity and Migration in Canada

Authors Frank Trovato, S.S. Halli
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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86 Journal Article

The Mathematics of Multiregional Demographic Growth

Authors A Rogers
Year 1973
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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87 Journal Article

Streamlining Simulation Experiments with Agent-Based Models in Demography

Authors Oliver Reinhardt, Jakub Bijak, Jason Hilton, ...
Year 2018
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88 Journal Article

Demography, migration, and the labour market in the UAE

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
The objective of the paper is to draw a sketch of UAE’s population and migration dynamics, using the scarce data available from the federal and emirate-level statistical bureaus. In 2010, expatriates in the UAE were estimated to number 7,316,073 persons, twenty times the 1975’s figure of 356,343. Foreign nationals thus made up 88.5 per cent of the country’s total population; most were believed to come from Asia and especially from India. In the employed population, foreign nationals accounted for an even larger share (96 per cent of the Dubai’s employed population in 2011). Non-Emiratis comprised 40 per cent of the UAE’s public sector’s workforce in 2013, but as much as 99.5 per cent of those employed in the private sector. Unlike in other GCC states, a quarter of working expatriates were in managerial posts, employed across all activities’ spectrum. Expatriates’ demographic expansion mounted during the 2000s, a period of spectacular economic growth fuelled by soaring oil prices. Since 2008’s financial downturn, however, the economy recovered and the hiring of foreign workers has resumed, stimulated by large-scale projects such as Dubai’s Expo 2020. Nonetheless, reforms in immigration policies are now undertaken, fuelled by security concerns and pressures from human rights’ protection bodies. The reality of some expatriates’ settlement is also witnessed in numbers (expatriate children aged 0-14 outnumbered Emirati children already in 2005), while mixed marriages are acknowledged in policies: some naturalisations of children of Emirati mothers have been performed since 2011.
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