Molnar, Tamas


Dr Tamás MOLNÁR (1980) graduated at the ELTE, Faculty of Law (Budapest) in 2003 and the ULB-IEE (Brussels) in 2006 (LLM on EU law). In 2010 he passed the Hungarian bar exam. He obtained his Ph.D. in public international law in 2013 at ELTE (Budapest) with the dissertation: “Incorporation of international legal norms into Hungarian law” (an upgraded version of which, as a monograph, was awarded the Geza Herczegh International Law Prize in 2013). He obtained his “habilitation” (Dr.habil.) in public...


  • Corvinus University of Budapest

    University, Budapest, Hungary
    visiting lecturer

  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

    Other, Wien, Austria
    legal research officer


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