Law and Legal studies

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The Principle of Complementarity in Polish Migration Law. Is It a Facade?

Authors Pawel Dabrowski
Year 2019
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1 Journal Article

Child (protection) law and migration law; A legal-empirical analysis (full text only available in Dutch)

Authors Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen - Instituut voor Rechtssociologie, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen- Centrum voor Migratierecht (CMR), Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Secuirty, ...
Aanleiding voor dit onderzoek vormden spanningen die kunnen bestaan tussen het (jeugd)beschermingsrecht en het vreemdelingenrecht, zoals deze bijvoorbeeld naar voren zijn gekomen in de gebeurtenissen omtrent de casus van de Armeense kinderen.1 Het onderzoek bestond uit twee delen 1) de algemene wettelijke kaders en beleidskaders; 2) de knelpunten in de praktijk, met een nadere uitwerking van wettelijke en beleidsnormen in (een selectie van) deze knelpunten. Het onderzoek had als doel inzicht te bieden in (de combinatie van) het jeugd(beschermings)recht en het vreemdelingenrecht ten aanzien van minderjarigen. Er is onderzocht waar spanningen of knelpunten tussen beide rechtsgebieden optreden, zowel op het niveau van wet- en regelgeving als in de uitvoeringspraktijk. Daarbij is onder meer bekeken of, en zo ja in hoeverre, rechtsnormen uit het ene rechtsgebied prevaleren over rechtsnormen uit het andere rechtsgebied. Waar het prevaleren van rechtsnormen niet op heldere wijze uit de wet- en regelgeving voortvloeit, zijn andere (praktijkgerichte) oplossingsrichtingen verkend. De probleemstelling van het onderzoek luidt: Welke zijn de (potentieel) conflicterende en/of spanningsvolle onderdelen of aspecten in de wet- en regelgeving voor het jeugdbeschermingsrecht en het vreemdelingenrecht ten aanzien van minderjarigen, zowel op het niveau van de wet- en regelgeving als voor de uitvoering in de praktijk en in hoeverre blijkt uit de wet- en regelgeving welk recht prevaleert? Hoe kunnen de (ervaren) spanningen en conflicten worden opgelost in situaties waarin niet uit de wet- en regelgeving blijkt welk recht prevaleert en wat is hiervoor nodig?
Year 2021
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2 Report

EU migration law : legal complexities and political rationales

Authors Loic AZOULAI, Karin DE VRIES
Year 2014
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3 Book

Family Reunification - barrier or facilitator to integration?

Family related migration has been a main mode of immigration into the EU over the past few decades. The EU’s Family Reunification Directive for third country nationals and their family members (IRL and UK failing to opt into same) aims to ensure the fair treatment of legally residing migrants from non-EU/EEA countries. Paragraph 4 of the Directive states that family reunification ‘helps to create sociocultural stability, facilitating the integration of third country nationals in the MS which also serves to promote economic and social cohesion’. Despite these aims, government discretion and wide interpretation have resulted in anomalies, unnecessary delays, discriminatory practices, many refusals and in cases, no independent appeals mechanisms for redress. Project aims Although there is a large body of knowledge on the legal framework for family reunification, the impact of legal and administrative rules on the actual reunification process and on the integration more generally remains under-researched. Before this background the project aims to study in depth a) the application of the respective laws in practice, b) the impact on family life and c) compliance with EU and Human Rights Standards. The research will consider how immigration law can present obstacles to or assist integration of third country nationals and their families. As a specific objective, the project will promote admission policies that favor integration. Outcomes The project covers seven countries (UK, IRE, AT, DE, BG, PT, NL). The outputs are based on empirical research on: • The legal and policy framework in the respective countries, • European and national case law, • The impact of regulations and policies on the admission of family members from third countries, • The impact of regulations and policies on the integration of third country nationals and their families. Project partners: Immigrant Council of Ireland, The Aire Centre, Centre for Migration Law Nijmegen, Johann Daniel Lawaetz Foundation Hamburg, High Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue Portugal (AICIDI), Institute for Legal Studies Bulgaria, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Year 2011
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4 Project

Awareness of Arizona's immigration law SB1070 predicts classroom behavioural problems among Latino youths during early adolescence

Authors Carlos E. Santos, Cecilia Menjivar, Olga Kornienko, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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5 Journal Article

Integration Requirements in EU Migration Law

Authors Karin DE VRIES
Year 2012
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6 Working Paper

EU Citizenship and Migration Law: Reshaping the Balance of Multi-National Communities? The Case of Ceuta and Melilla

Authors Sara Iglesias Sánchez, Sara Iglesias Sanchez
Year 2016
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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7 Journal Article

Einwanderungsrecht und -politik Chinas aus der Sicht des Gesetzgebers, der Verwaltung und der Einwanderer

Principal investigator Björn Ahl (Principal Investigator ), Michaela Pelican (Principal Investigator ), Li Zhigang (Principal Investigator )
Als ein Teil des Projekts Einwanderung und Transformation der chinesischen Gesellschaft werden hier die sozialen Dynamiken und die Umsetzung des neuen chinesischen Ausländergesetzes von 2012 aus der Perspektive staatlicher und nicht-staatlicher Akteure untersucht. Dabei stehen die folgenden Fragen im Mittelpunkt: Wie positionieren sich bestimmte nationale Ministerien oder die Regierungen von Megastädten wie Guangzhou zur Zuwanderung und zur Ausländerintegration in China? Wie bilden sich demografische Herausforderungen, Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Sicherheitsbedenken in öffentlichen und fachlichen Diskursen über Rechtsreformen und die Umsetzung des neuen Ausländerrechts ab? Wie verhält sich der formale Vollzug des Ausländerrechts gegenüber informalen Praktiken, etwa informalen Arrangements und Aushandlungsprozessen zwischen Einwanderern und Verwaltungsbeamten? Das Projekt wird in Peking, dem Sitz des nationalen Gesetzgebers durchgeführt sowie in Guangzhou, einem Zentrum ausländischer Zuwanderung. Um die Perspektiven des Gesetzgebers, der Verwaltung und der Einwanderer zu integrieren, verwendet dieses Projekt einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der sich Methoden aus der Rechtswissenschaft, der Enthnologie und der Geografie bedient. Die im nationalen Gesetzgebungsverfahren involvierten Interessen werden mittels der Analyse von Texten und Experteninterviews in Ministerien, Parteiorganen, Universitäten und Thinktanks erforscht. Die Untersuchung des Vollzugs des Ausländerrechts in Guangzhou beinhaltet eine Aktualisierung bereits vorhandener qualitativer und quantitativer Daten sowie Interviews mit örtlichen Behörden, Konsulaten und Ausländerorganisationen. Die Perspektive der Einwanderer wird mittels Methoden der ethnografischen Forschung untersucht, wobei insbesondere Einwanderergruppen aus Westafrika und aus Europa betrachtet werden.
Year 2014
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8 Project

Protecting Syrians in Turkey: A Legal Analysis

Authors Meltem Ineli-Ciger
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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9 Journal Article

Scaling struggles over land and law: Autonomy, investment, and interlegality in Myanmar’s borderlands

Authors Emily Hong
Year 2017
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 1
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10 Journal Article

The preliminary reference dance between the CJEU and Dutch courts in the field of migration

Authors Jasper KROMMENDIJK
Year 2018
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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11 Journal Article

The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant “Illegality”

Authors Nicholas De Genova
Year 2004
Journal Name Latino Studies
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12 Journal Article

Regulation that Defies Gravity - Policy, Economics and Law of Legal Immigration in Europe

Authors Anna KOCHAROV
Year 2011
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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13 Journal Article

From Refugees to Immigrants: The Legalization Strategies of Salvadoran Immigrants and Activists

Authors Susan Bibler Coutin, SB Coutin
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 50
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14 Journal Article

In Search of the Perfect Citizen?

Authors Sergio Carrera
Year 2018
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15 Book

Foreign brother: Some faults with the new Immigration Law

Authors Lorenzo Pena
Year 2005
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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16 Journal Article

Deciding to Cross: Norms and Economics of Unauthorized Migration

Authors Emily Ryo
Year 2013
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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17 Journal Article

Legality and exploitation: Immigration enforcement and the US migrant labor system

Authors Marcel Paret
Year 2014
Journal Name Latino Studies
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18 Journal Article

International Refugee Law and Refugee Policy: The Case of Deterrence Policies

Authors Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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19 Journal Article

Jeugd(beschermings)recht en vreemdelingenrecht Een juridisch-empirische analyse

Authors Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Centrum voor Migratierecht (CMR)/ Instituut voor Rechtssociologie, Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Onderzoekscentrum voor Staat en Recht (STeR), ...
Aanleiding voor dit onderzoek vormden spanningen die kunnen bestaan tussen het (jeugd)beschermingsrecht en het vreemdelingenrecht, zoals deze bijvoorbeeld naar voren zijn gekomen in de gebeurtenissen omtrent de casus van de Armeense kinderen.1 Het onderzoek bestond uit twee delen 1) de algemene wettelijke kaders en beleidskaders; 2) de knelpunten in de praktijk, met een nadere uitwerking van wettelijke en beleidsnormen in (een selectie van) deze knelpunten. Het onderzoek had als doel inzicht te bieden in (de combinatie van) het jeugd(beschermings)recht en het vreemdelingenrecht ten aanzien van minderjarigen. Er is onderzocht waar spanningen of knelpunten tussen beide rechtsgebieden optreden, zowel op het niveau van wet- en regelgeving als in de uitvoeringspraktijk. Daarbij is onder meer bekeken of, en zo ja in hoeverre, rechtsnormen uit het ene rechtsgebied prevaleren over rechtsnormen uit het andere rechtsgebied. Waar het prevaleren van rechtsnormen niet op heldere wijze uit de wet- en regelgeving voortvloeit, zijn andere (praktijkgerichte) oplossingsrichtingen verkend. De probleemstelling van het onderzoek luidt: Welke zijn de (potentieel) conflicterende en/of spanningsvolle onderdelen of aspecten in de wet- en regelgeving voor het jeugdbeschermingsrecht en het vreemdelingenrecht ten aanzien van minderjarigen, zowel op het niveau van de wet- en regelgeving als voor de uitvoering in de praktijk en in hoeverre blijkt uit de wet- en regelgeving welk recht prevaleert? Hoe kunnen de (ervaren) spanningen en conflicten worden opgelost in situaties waarin niet uit de wet- en regelgeving blijkt welk recht prevaleert en wat is hiervoor nodig? INHOUD: 1. Introductie 2. Jeugd(beschermings)recht: relevante regelgeving en de rol van jeugdrechtelijke instanties 3. De positie van het kind in het vreemdelingenrecht 4. Kernbevoegdheden en taken van gecertificeerde instellingen, RvdK, IND en DT&V 5. Tussenconclusies en beantwoording van deelvragen 6. De uiteenlopende juridische posities van kinderen die wel, en kinderen die niet onder toezicht zijn gesteld 7. Duurzame oplossingen voor uitgeprocedeerde alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen: adequate opvang, buitenschuld en de rolverdeling tussen de betrokken actoren 8. Conclusies
Year 2021
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21 Report

Legal passing: navigating undocumented life and local immigration law

Authors Asad L. Asad
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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22 Journal Article

Deja Vu and the Gendered Origins of the Practice of Immigration Law: The Immigrants' Protective League, 1907-40

Authors Felice Batlan
Year 2018
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23 Journal Article

Civic stratification and crime. A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses

Authors Arjen Leerkes, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel, ...
Year 2018
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24 Journal Article

Civic stratification and crime. A comparison of asylum migrants with different legal statuses

Authors Arjen Leerkes, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel, ...
Year 2018
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25 Journal Article

Legal analysis on the Right to Livelihood for Stateless Persons in Malaysia

Authors Tamara Joan Duraisingam, Harmahinder Singh Iqbal Singh
Year 2020
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26 Journal Article

Legal Concepts of Integration in EU Migration Law

Authors Kees Groenendijk
Year 2004
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 39
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28 Journal Article

Beyond status: Seeing the whole child

Authors Angela D. Morrison, David B. Thronson
Year 2010
Journal Name Evaluation and Program Planning
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29 Journal Article

Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants

Authors Cecilia Menjivar, Leisy J. Abrego
Year 2012
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 240
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30 Journal Article

Rescaling the Sanctuary City: Police and Non-Status Migrants in Ontario, Canada

Authors Mia Hershkowitz, Graham Hudson, Harald Bauder
Year 2020
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31 Journal Article

Immigration Law

Year 1987
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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32 Journal Article

Foreigners' Crime and Punishment. Criminalizing Practices in Expulsions of Foreign Offenders.

Principal investigator Jukka Könönen ()
Project description: This research proposal addresses a contested topic, expulsion of foreign offenders. The primary data consists of the analysis of expulsion decisions for Estonian, Romanian, and West African citizens in 2014 and 2018. The comparative research setting enables to examine both racialized practices in the criminalization of migration and and tightening of immigration policies after the refugee crisis in 2015. The use of expulsion decisions as a research data is novel in the international context. Moreover, this research discusses the relation between the criminal law and the immigration law in migration management. The punitive application of the immigration law points to the separation of legal practices for citizens and non-citizens, which has significant implications for the whole judicial system. This research contributes to the international debates by breaking new empirical, methodological, and theoretical grounds in the field of migration studies and criminology. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Tutkimushanke käsittelee kiistanalaista aihetta, ulkomaalaisten rikosperusteisia käännytyksiä. Hankkeen pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Viron, Romanian ja Länsi-Afrikan kansalaisille tehdyt käännytyspäätökset vuonna 2014 ja 2018. Vertaileva tutkimusasetelma mahdollistaa tarkastella sekä maahanmuuton kriminallisoinnin rodullistettuja ulottuvuuksia että maahanmuuttopolitiikan kiristämistä vuoden 2015 ”pakolaiskriisin” jälkeen. Käytetty aineisto on ainutlaatuinen kansainvälisessä kontekstissa. Tutkimus pureutuu ulkomaalaislain ja rikoslain väliseen yhteyteen maahanmuuton hallinnassa. Ulkomaalaislain rankaiseva soveltaminen viittaa oikeuskäytäntöjen eriytymiseen rikosprosesseissa kansalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välillä, millä on laajempia merkityksiä koko oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta empiiristä tietoa sekä metodologisesti ja teoreettisesti uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja suhteessa kansainväliseen keskusteluun muuttoliikkeistä ja kriminologiasta.
Year 2019
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33 Project

EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary): Second Revised Edition

Authors Violeta Moreno-Lax, Steve Peers, Madeline Garlick, ...
Year 2018
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34 Book

EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary): Second Revised Edition

Authors Elspeth Guild, Steve Peers, Diego Acosta Arcarazo, ...
Year 2018
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35 Book

The Juárez Wives Club: Gendered citizenship and US immigration law

Year 2016
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 4
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36 Journal Article


Authors Lerdys Saray Heredia Sanchez
Year 2019
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37 Journal Article

Advies: Gewogen gevaar. De belangenafweging in het vreemdelingrechtelijke openbare-ordebeleid

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ)
De Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) onderzoekt in het advies 'Gewogen gevaar' hoe het Nederlandse openbare-ordebeleid met inachtneming van het Unierecht op een evenwichtige wijze kan worden ingericht. Zodanig dat enerzijds recht wordt gedaan aan het belang van bescherming van de openbare orde en anderzijds aan de bescherming van rechtmatige belangen van migranten? In het Nederlandse vreemdelingenrecht bestaan 2 rechtssystemen naast elkaar. Aan de ene kant het nationale openbare-ordebeleid waarin de zogenoemde ‘glijdende schaal’ centraal staat en aan de andere kant het Unierecht dat rechtstreeks van toepassing is in de Nederlandse rechtsorde. De ACVZ is in het advies op basis van onderzoek tot de conclusie gekomen dat het Unierechtelijke openbare-ordebegrip, het criterium van de ‘actuele bedreiging’, op 90% van de aanvragen voor een verblijfsvergunning van toepassing is. Daarnaast signaleert de ACVZ ontwikkelingen in de jurisprudentie die leiden tot een universelere toepassing van het actuele bedreigingscriterium. De ACVZ constateert dat het nationale openbare-ordebeleid hiermee uit de pas loopt. Daarom adviseert de ACVZ om het actuele bedreigingscriterium over de hele linie van het vreemdelingenrecht toe te passen en meer rechtszekerheid te bieden door toepassing van één glijdende schaal. Op basis van het gedane onderzoek beveelt de ACVZ het volgende aan: 1) De actuele-bedreigingstoets en de bescherming van de fundamentele belangen van migranten moeten altijd in ogenschouw worden genomen bij toepassing van de glijdende schaal; 2) Herzie de huidige praktijk van intrekking van het verblijfsrecht met terugwerkende kracht; 3) Breng het aantal glijdende schalen terug van drie naar één; 4) Veranker zowel de actuele-bedreigingstoets als de brede belangenafweging in het Vreemdelingenbesluit.
Year 2018
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38 Report

Legal Migration to the European Union

Authors Anja Wiesbrock
Year 2018
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39 Book

US Immigration Law and its Geographies of Social Control: Lessons from Homosexual Exclusion during the Cold War

Authors Mathew Coleman
Year 2008
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 20
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40 Journal Article

Citizenship for Real: Its Hypocrisy, Its Randomness, Its Price

Authors Dimitry Kochenov
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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41 Book Chapter

Book Review: Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law

Authors Austin Kocher
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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42 Journal Article

Historical Heritage in Contemporary Polish Law Relating to Foreigners

Authors Barbara Mikołajczyk, Barbara Mikolajczyk
Year 2015
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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44 Journal Article

Immigration Law in the European Community

Authors Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
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45 Book

Law and Ethnic Plurality

Authors Prakash Shah
Year 2018
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47 Book

‘Desert Island’ Detention: Detainees’ Understandings of ‘Law’ in the UK’s Immigration Detention System

Authors Sarah Singer
Year 2019
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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48 Journal Article

In the Name of Equality? The Missing Intersection in Canadian Feminists' Legal Mobilization Against Multiculturalism

Authors Eleonore Lepinard
Year 2010
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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49 Journal Article

Roads to Citizenship: Mexican Migrants in the United States

Authors Alejandra Castañeda
Year 2004
Journal Name Latino Studies
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50 Journal Article

Civil society and the mobilization of European human rights: Minorities and Immigrants in the Strasbourg Court

LEGAPOLIS seeks to understand and explain how by interpreting the Convention the European Court of Human Rights has over time expanded and transformed from a primarily political and institutionally weak international regime into a binding legal system of transnational rights review. It explores in a systematic way the causes and consequences of its expansion by specifically focusing on the Court’s burgeoning case law pertaining to minorities, immigrants and asylum seekers. Through a series of case studies and comparative analyses, LEGAPOLIS explores the proposition that the Court’s expansion and institutionalization has been spanned by processes of social mobilization and repeat litigation on the one hand, and progressively more expansive interpretations by the Strasbourg Court. LEGAPOLIS employs a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach that extensively draws from legal studies but employs a political science and political sociology perspective with insights from European integration studies. In taking a bottom-up approach centring on the role of civil society, it shall make a distinct contribution to existing research on human rights and European integration, particularly from an interdisciplinary and contextual approach to law and rights that is highly undeveloped in Europe.
Year 2010
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51 Project

The indelible effects of legal liminality among Colombian migrant professionals in the United States

Authors Lina Rincón, Lina Rincon
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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52 Journal Article

Service Provision and Migration

Authors Simon J. Tans
Year 2018
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53 Book


Year 1986
Journal Name NEW SOCIETY
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54 Journal Article

Immigration Controls

Authors David A. Martin, Kay Hailbronner, Hiroshi Motomura
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56 Book

Intersecting Policies of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Migration in the EU and the Netherlands

Authors Tesseltje de Lange
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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58 Book Chapter

Legal Status and Refugee Integration: a UK Perspective

Authors S. d. Lomba, Sylvie Da Lomba
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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60 Journal Article

Dependency in immigration law

Authors David Pearl
Year 1974
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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61 Journal Article

Looking for immigration law

Authors Hiroshi Motomura
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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62 Journal Article

Esthetics and Methods in the Study of Sexual Rights

Authors J Goldberg-Hiller
Year 2017
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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64 Journal Article

Where to Look for Change?

Authors Vera Pavlou
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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66 Journal Article

Transformative Effects of Immigration Law: Immigrants' Personal and Social Metamorphoses through Regularization

Authors Cecilia Menjivar, Sarah Morando Lakhani
Year 2016
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 22
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69 Journal Article

Irregular Immigrants and Control Policies in the UK

Authors Franck Düvell, Myriam Cherti, Iryna Lapshyna
Illegal immigration, irregular migrants and the processes used by governments and other official bodies to deport, prosecute or otherwise undertake enforcement activities against people on the basis of immigration status form one of the most contentious and vexed element of global migration debate. This report presents findings from an ESRC-funded project examining irregular migration and immigration enforcement in the UK. The study focuses specifically on in-country immigration law enforcement and its effects, impacts and limits, a phenomenon that has so far received very little academic attention. It looks at the impact of increasingly tight legislation and robust enforcement measures on irregular migration and on irregular immigrants; in particular, it investigates: The organisational structure, culture and practices of immigration law enforcement agencies; The political, legal, practical and ethical limits of law enforcement; The interaction between irregular immigrants’ strategies, employer practices and enforcement measures; How irregular migrants navigate internal immigration controls; The impact of enforcement on irregular migrants’ access to fundamental rights; How this suite of processes, actions and impacts are perceived and shape policies. The investigation considers three sometimes overlapping groups – immigration enforcement (29 individuals interviewed)– which are examined at both a managerial and delivery level; stakeholder groups such as public service providers (16 individuals) and employers (18 individuals), who are also charged with the enforcement of migration laws, as well as voluntary sector organisations (21 individuals); and the target groups for enforcement action – notably the irregular migrants themselves (175 individuals).
Year 2018
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72 Report


Authors Julio Cesar De Jesus Arrias Anez, Betzabeth Raquel Plaza Benavides, Cesar Elias Paucar Paucar
Year 2020
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75 Journal Article

Trends in the Gender Ratio of Immigrants to the United States

Authors Linda W. Gordon, LW Gordon
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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76 Journal Article

Less than the sum of its parts: institutional realities and legal aspirations in early twenty-first century American immigration

Authors Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino Cuellar
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
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77 Journal Article

Integration and Naturalisation Tests, The New Way to European Citizenship

Principal investigator Anne Walter (Principal Investigator), Marina Seveker (Principal Investigator)
"Das Forschungsprojekt fokussiert Gründe und Folgen der Einführung von Prüfung sprachlicher Kenntnisse und/oder Kenntnisse der Rechts- und Gesellschaftsordnung und der Lebensverhältnisse in Deutschland im Zusammenhang mit dem Ehegattennachzug von Migranten, dem Erwerb einer Niederlassungserlaubnis und der Einbürgerung. Ziel der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung ist es, die Rechtsgrundlage und die Umsetzungspraxis der so genannten Sprach- und Einbürgerungstests zu erfassen und ihre Wirkungen zu analysieren. Die empirische Grundlage für die Analyse bilden leitfadengestützte Interviews, die auf die Bestandsaufnahme einschlägiger Forschungsliteratur aufbauen. Interviewt werden Migranten, die an solchen Tests teilgenommen haben, sich zu den Tests vorbereiten oder gegen ihre Teilnahme am Test entschieden haben, aber auch Kursleiter, Vertreter der Migrantenselbstorganisationen und kommunale Verwaltungsmitarbeiter. Verfahren der Sprach- und Einbürgerungstests für Zugewanderte sowie ihre gegenwärtigen Wirkungen werden unter Berücksichtigung des jeweiligen Entstehungskontextes und der nationalen Integrationspolitik in Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Lettland, den Niederlanden und Österreich verglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung werden im Rahmen einer nationalen Tagung diskutiert und ferner auf einer internationalen Abschlusstagung vorgestellt. "
Year 2010
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78 Project

International Migration Law.

Authors Elwin J. Griffith, Richard Plender
Year 1978
Journal Name International Migration Review
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79 Journal Article

Danilov's U.S. Immigration Law Citator.

Authors Carolyn Waller, Dan P. Danilov, Mark B. Nerheim
Year 1983
Journal Name International Migration Review
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80 Journal Article

Race Relations and Immigration Law.

Authors James J. Orlow, Ian A. Macdonald
Year 1971
Journal Name International Migration Review
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81 Journal Article

The New U.S.A. Immigration Law

Authors D.G. BENN
Year 1965
Journal Name International Migration
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82 Journal Article

Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
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84 Book

Digital Borders and Real Rights

Authors Evelien Brouwer
Year 2018
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85 Book

The Role of Departure States in Combating Irregular Emigration in International Law: An Historical Perspective

Authors Andrew Wolman
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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86 Journal Article

Book Review: Chinese Immigration Law

Authors Yu Zhu, Yu Zhu
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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87 Journal Article

New Immigration Law in Retrospect

Authors Peter Rodino
Year 1968
Journal Name International Migration Review
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88 Journal Article

Bringing critical race theory to Europe : the case of immigrant women

Authors Fulvia STAIANO
Year 2015
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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89 Journal Article

Differential inclusion of non-citizens in a universalistic welfare state

Authors Jukka Könönen, Jukka Kononen
Year 2018
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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90 Journal Article

Book Review of The national versus the foreigner in South America: 200 years of migration and citizenship law

Authors Victoria Finn
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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91 Journal Article

The EU ‐Turkey‐'deal': Legal Challenges and Pitfalls

Authors Roman Lehner
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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93 Journal Article

Family reunification and the immigration multiplier: U.S. immigration law, origin-country conditions, and the reproduction of immigrants

Authors Guillermina Jasso, Mark R. Rosenzweig
Year 1986
Journal Name Demography
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94 Journal Article

Changing times

Authors Anna KRISZTIÁN
Year 2018
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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95 Journal Article

Deportation Decisions: Judicial Decision-Making in an American Immigration Court

Authors Asad L. Asad
Year 2019
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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98 Journal Article


Authors Frances Webber
Year 1983
Journal Name Race & Class
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99 Journal Article

Negotiating language status in multilingual jurisdictions: Rhetoric and reality

Authors Janny H. C. Leung
Year 2016
Journal Name SEMIOTICA
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100 Journal Article
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