ICT facilitating travel & migration

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) often play an important role in migration. ICT includes the use of hardware such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and PCs, and software like apps, social media platforms, webpages or digital radio. Digital infrastructures of migration are used by all relevant actors, such as migrants, governments, private actors and humanitarian organisations. They support migrants during their journey in ways that range from information campaigns on migration legislations and mediation of work, marriage or education-centered migration to advertisement of services including migrant smuggling and visa brokerage. However, the use of ICT strongly depends on the class, gender and age of a person as well as levels of digital literacy, electricity and network coverage.

Showing page of 675 results, sorted by

Migrant integration services and coping with the digital divide: challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic

Authors Caitlin McMullin
Year 2021
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2 Journal Article

Facebook, Polymedia, Social Capital, and a Digital Family of Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers: A Case Study of The Voice of Singapore’s Invisible Hands

Authors Adriana Rahajeng Mintarsih
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
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3 Journal Article

Warum digitale Dienstleistungen für Geflüchtete oftmals ihr Ziel verfehlen

Authors Carlotta Preiss, German Development Institute (DIE)
Year 2019
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4 Policy Brief

Territorial bounds to virtual space: transnational online and offline networks of Iranian and Turkish-Kurdish immigrants in the Netherlands

Year 2006
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 28
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5 Journal Article

Leveraging Facebook's Advertising Platform to Monitor Stocks of Migrants

Authors Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber, Krishna Gummadi
Year 2017
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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6 Journal Article

Close Social Networks Among Older Adults: The Online and Offline Perspectives

Authors Sofia Gil-Clavel, Emilio Zagheni, Valeria Bordone
Year 2021
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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7 Journal Article

A Study of Transnational Communication Among Iranian Migrant Women in Australia

Authors Sahel Farshbaf Shaker, Sahel Farshbaf Shaker
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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8 Journal Article

Protecting Filipino migrant workers in distress through social media platforms

Authors Jovito Jose P. Katigbak, Ma. Divina Gracia Z. Roldan
Year 2021
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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10 Journal Article

Transversal polarised discourse about “immigration” through multiple social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, et Al.
Year 2020
Book Title Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library
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11 Book Chapter

Online Feedback in Migration Networks

Authors Godfried Engbersen, Rianne Dekker, Marije Faber
Book Title Beyond Networks
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12 Book Chapter


Authors Tanya Matanova
Year 2020
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13 Journal Article

New Greek migrant (dis)identifications in social media: Evidence from a discourse-centred online ethnographic study

Year 2021
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14 Journal Article

Au Pairs on Facebook: Ethnographic use of social media in politicised fields

Authors Karina Märcher Dalgas, Karina Marcher Dalgas
Year 2016
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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15 Journal Article

Intercultural crossings in a digital age: ICT pathways with migrant and refugee-background youth

Authors Ben O'Mara, Anne Harris, Ben O’Mara
Year 2016
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
Citations (WoS) 4
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16 Journal Article


Authors Ekaterina Kapustina
Year 2020
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17 Journal Article

Support Online: Case of Russian-speaking Women’s Online Network in Warsaw

Authors Kseniya Homel
Year 2020
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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18 Journal Article

Data Centres Optimization for Energy-Efficient and EnvironmentalLy Friendly INternet

DOLFIN addresses the demand/response and energy stabilisation scenario of the Smart Grid by optimising the energy consumption of Data Centres (DC), accompanied, if necessary, with a respective negotiation and readjustment of the DC's Service Level Agreements (SLAs). To achieve this, DOLFIN adopts an innovative energy closed control loop that targets to deliver the following advancements:• Create an integrated poll of 4 parametric energy consumption optimisation mechanisms (eCOM).• Organise the orchestration of eCOMs at the DC level, through dynamically deployed energy optimisation policies.• Fine-tune the parametrical implementation of eCOM and contribute to their standardisation.• Create a platform for handling virtualised ICT resources in an energy aware manner, considering SLA restrictions.• Introduce the idea of synergetic DCs and implement a migration process for ICT-processing workload, complying with SLA restrictions.• Make the DOLFIN DC part of the Smart Grid energy stabilisation solution for the demand/response scenario.• Build a system that is able to take informed decisions, so as to adapt the DC's electricity consumption to the demands of the Smart Grid.• Combine traditional metrics for ICT SLA management with energy performance metrics for ICT.• Implement a DC SLA renegotiation process considering both ICT and energy metrics.• Constitute the ICT SLA metrics proportional to the energy SLA metrics in a DC.
Year 2013
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20 Project

Interethnic Contact Online: Contextualising the Implications of Social Media Use by Second-Generation Migrant Youth

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten, Warda Belabas
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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21 Journal Article

Connected Sahrawi refugee diaspora in Spain: Gender, social media and digital transnational gossip

Authors Silvia Almenara-Niebla, Carmen Ascanio-Sánchez
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Cultural Studies
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22 Journal Article

A World without Center: Culture, Identity Construction, and Cognition in the Digital Age

Authors Javier Alejandro Corredor, Oscar Humberto Pinzon, Rosa Marcela Guerrero
Year 2011
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Sociales
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23 Journal Article

Interethnic Contact Online: Contextualising the Implications of Social Media Use by Second-Generation Migrant Youth

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten, Warda Belabas
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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24 Journal Article

Digital Diplomacy. A New Micro-Sphere of Public Communication

Authors Simona-Nicoleta Voicu
Year 2020
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25 Journal Article

Introduction to this Special Issue on Multimedia, Mobility and the Digital Southeast Asian Family’s Polymedia Experiences

Authors Monika Winarnita
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
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26 Journal Article

Digital Media and Digital Networks in the Romanian Roma Migration: A new transnational polymedia

Authors Francisco Javier Ogayar Marin, Juan F. Gamella, Vasile Muntean
Year 2018
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27 Journal Article

Does the Internet encourage people to move? Investigating Swedish young adults' internal migration experiences and plans

Authors Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 12
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28 Journal Article

Moving ethnography online: researching Brazilian migrants' online togetherness

Authors Mieke Schrooten
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 20
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29 Journal Article

Migration and the accentuated ambivalence of motherhood: the role of ICTs in Filipino transnational families

Authors Mirca Madianou
Year 2012
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 65
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30 Journal Article

Migration and the Internet

Authors Thomas John Cooke, Ian Shuttleworth
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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31 Journal Article

The Impact of New Technologies on Leisure Activities in Developed and Emerging Economies

Authors Lynne Ciochetto
Year 2015
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34 Journal Article

Multiple modes of care: internet and migrant caregiver networks in Israel

Authors Rachel H. Brown
Year 2016
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 9
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35 Journal Article

ConnectIEM: ICT to support everyday life integration of immigrants and ethnic minority people

The research study "ICT to support the everyday life integration of immigrants or ethnic minority people (IEM)" (ConnectIEM) which was co-funded by JRC-IPTS and DG INFSO, European Commission. The following external research teams collaborated in the study: the Migration and Network Society Programme (MNS) hosted by the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), the Technological and Social Change Group (TASCHA) hosted by the University of Washington, and a network of local researchers based in the target countries. The study gathered through an on-line survey statistically representative and comparable cross-country data on the ICT skills, access and usage of “connected migrants” from the main migration groups living in 8 EU Member States. It then explored the relationship between internet usage and integration processes and developed evidence-based policy options.
Year 2011
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37 Project

E-Diaspora Atlas

Principal investigator Dana Diminescu (Principal Investigator)
Le projet « e-diasporas atlas » entend se démarquer de la formule classique d&rsquo,un atlas des migrations qui se focalise traditionnellement sur les flux, les trajectoires ou la dispersion des populations en mouvement sur les territoires physiques. Les évolutions récentes du phénomène migratoire montrent que les parcours des migrants d&rsquo,aujourd&rsquo,hui passent aussi &ndash, et parfois bien avant d&rsquo,investir le parcours physique &ndash, par les territoires numériques. L'un des changements majeurs intervenu depuis les années 80 dans le domaine des diasporas tient à la multiplication des communautés en dispersion dans l&rsquo,espace physique et à leurs nouvelles formes de regroupement, d&rsquo,action et d&rsquo,occupation dans les territoires numériques. Ce changement appelle à une autre approche épistémologique. Les sujets tout comme les outils conceptuels et méthodologiques classiques de la discipline doivent êtres reconsidérés et confrontés avec cette nouvelle donne migratoire. Le projet E-Diasporas Atlas a pour ambition 1. d'analyser une réalité sociologique en pleine mutation et porteuse de nouvelles questions sur les migrations. 2. d'expérimenter des outils de production, assemblage et mise à disposition de contenus. Ouvrir un nouveau terrain de recherche, articuler deux courants d&rsquo,études jusqu&rsquo,ici relativement dissociés (les théories des diasporas et l&rsquo,étude de l&rsquo,exploration du web) et développer des outils génériques à redéployer dans d&rsquo,autres disciplines SHS sont les objectifs majeurs de ce projet. Il s&rsquo,articule autour de trois composantes : - Exploration et constitution de corpus : Les chercheurs-experts mobilisés dans le cadre de ce projet explorent le web pour constituer leur corpus. Ils disposent d'outils spécifiques pour les aider dans cette tâche (leur permettant de capitaliser la navigation, enrichir et organiser les données, etc.). Les chercheurs pilotent toutes les phases de ces explorations ainsi que leur enchaînement. - Archivage : Après avoir réaliser des crawls de validation de ces corpus, les corpus collectés sont archivés dans leur épaisseur temporelle. - Analyse des corpus: Cette analyse intervient dès la phase d&rsquo,exploration. Elle nous permet d&rsquo,orienter méthodologiquement la prospection et d'évaluer le degré de 'diasporisation' des communautés des migrants en ligne. Elle comporte plusieurs niveaux : confrontation du terrain numérique et du terrain physique, analyse des réseaux, visualisation et cartographie des corpus, analyse sémantique des contenus, etc. Cette chaîne méthodologique représente une innovation dans les sciences humaines.
Year 2009
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38 Project

Converging practices: Fashion exhibits across museums and social media

Authors Heike Jenss
Year 2019
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39 Journal Article

Renegotiating family: Social media and forced migration

Authors Jay Marlowe, Rachel Bruns
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration Studies
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40 Journal Article

Measuring social response to different journalistic techniques on Facebook

Year 2020
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41 Journal Article

Social Connectivity in America: Changes in Adult Friendship Network Size From 2002 to 2007

Authors Hua Wang, B Wellman
Year 2010
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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43 Journal Article


Authors David Ramirez Plascencia
Year 2020
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44 Journal Article

Kognitive Prozesse und Antwortverhalten in einer Internet-Befragung

Authors Marek Fuchs
Year 2003
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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45 Journal Article

Seemingly innocent pictures. Visual representations of migrants and refugees circulating through the Czech Facebook nationalistic universe

Authors Andrea Pruchova Hruzova, Jan Zapotocky
Year 2021
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46 Journal Article

Beyond the ‘Migrant Network’? Exploring Assistance Received in the Migration of Brazilians to Portugal and the Netherlands

Authors Masja van Meeteren, Sonia Pereira
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47 Journal Article

Antisemitismus und Islamfeindlichkeit im Kontext des Gazakrieges vom Sommer 2014 in Österreich

Principal investigator Helga Embacher (Principal Investigator)
Das hier vorgelegte Projekt betritt wissenschaftliches Neuland, indem „muslimischer Antisemitismus“ nicht als isoliertes Phänomen oder ein durch Migration „importierter Antisemitismus“, sondern als Teil eines in Österreich insgesamt ausgeprägten Antisemitismus betrachtet wird. Damit kommt auch dem österreichischen Nährboden, und hier vor allem der seit 9/11 stark ausgeprägten Islam- und Türkenfeindlichkeit eine zentrale Rolle zu. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist die Frage der Reichweite, das heißt, kann von einzelnen Vorfällen oder problematischen Aussagen einzelner muslimischer RepräsentantInnen/PolitikerInnen ausgehend auf den äußerst heterogenen Islam in Österreich geschlossen werden? Neben herkömmlichen Quellen (Printmedien, Interviews) werden Social Media (Facebook, Internetforen, Websites) herangezogen. Im vorliegenden Projekt sollen Medien- und Diskursanalyse sowie die Methode der Oral History kombiniert werden.
Year 2015
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48 Project

Impact of Modern Information and Communication Tools on International Migration

Authors Elena Kotyrlo
Year 2020
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49 Journal Article

Integrationspotenziale des Internets für türkische Jugendliche in Wien am Beispiel von Online-Spielen und digitalen Freundschaftsnetzwerken

Authors Gerit Götzenbrucker, Barbara Franz
Year 2010
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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50 Journal Article

Coherent Broadband Networks Embedding Smart Photonics for Cost-Effective Quintuple-Play

'WARP-5 is driven by the internet explosion and the question for sustainable bandwidth delivery. It endeavours the advancement of optical metro-access networks through the new paradigm of coherent ultra-dense WDM systems. Under the umbrella of Fibre-to-the-Home as ICT field with high market potential, efforts towards capacity and reach extension pose severe system complexity and require a disruptive yet straightforward solution. WARP-5 aims to provide the required potential for a next-generation photonic Tb/s-capacity ICT infrastructure and the required credentials for low cost and power consumption. It does so by tackling two important pillars of ICT networks: their capacity and scalability. WARP-5 will unlock the potential of advanced modulation formats in cost-sensitive ICT segments such as optical access. A novel modulation scheme for off-the-shelf devices radically improves simple intensity modulation towards 16-level QAM. The applied technique lifts the guaranteed per-user data rate to 10 Gb/s, without raising cost and energy consumption. The 30-fold increase in the granted bandwidth with respect to the commercially available standards such as XG-PON comes with a high spectral occupancy and 5 GHz channel spacing. Scalability of common ICT infrastructure will be guaranteed not only by the envisaged transition from the electrical TDM domain to the pure optical and highly granular WDM domain; WARP-5 adopts a disruptive amplification scheme that transforms background noise into supportive gain without electrically powered field equipment, providing a 'green' and effective solution to smoothly grow and migrate the network through reach/split extension. WARP-5 will demonstrate a next-generation ICT infrastructure with a long reach of 100 km and beyond, an aggregated capacity of up to 5 Tb/s and a high density of 1000 users. WARP-5 will strengthen the European leadership in coherent access networks by raising the research independence and performance of Dr. Schrenk.'
Year 2013
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52 Project

Political migration discourses on social media: a comparative perspective on visibility and sentiment across political Facebook accounts in Europe

Authors Tobias Heidenreich, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Fabienne Lind, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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53 Journal Article

Expanding Heritage Horizons through the Cheltenham: A Diaspora Project

Authors David Howell
Year 2020
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55 Journal Article

Does the Inclusion of Non-Internet Households in a Web Panel Reduce Coverage Bias?

Authors Stephanie Eckman
Year 2016
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56 Journal Article

Digital Integration of Migrants? Ethnographic Case Studies on digital Divide in Germany

Authors Paul A. Youngman
Year 2016
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57 Journal Article

Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong: Smartphone culture and activism

Authors Irfan Wahyudi, Panizza Allmark
Year 2020
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58 Journal Article

Online Methods and Analyzing Knowledge-Production: A Cautionary Tale

Authors Emily Noelle Ignacio
Year 2012
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59 Journal Article

Internet and social media uses, digital divides, and digitally mediated transnationalism in forced migration: Syrians in Turkey

Authors Jussi S. Jauhiainen, Saime Özçürümez, Özgün Tursun
Year 2021
Journal Name Global Networks
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60 Journal Article

Scenarios for crime and terrorist attacks using the internet of things

Authors Roey Tzezana
Year 2016
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61 Journal Article

Exploring Latino geographies

Authors Lourdes Torres
Year 2015
Journal Name Latino Studies
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62 Journal Article

A Framework for Estimating Migrant Stocks Using Digital Traces and Survey Data: An Application in the United Kingdom

Authors Francesco Rampazzo, Jakub Bijak, Agnese Vitali, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Demography
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63 Journal Article

ICT and geographies of British Arab and Arab American activism

Year 2010
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 13
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64 Journal Article

Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging

Many immigrants enter Europe both legally and illegally every year. This creates multiple challenges for the Union, including the gender and ethnic segregation of migrant groups, especially women. While it strives for an inclusive and integrated society as envisioned by the EU motto ‘Unity in Diversity’, it is still often perceived more as ‘Fortress Europe.’ This project focuses on the ‘connected migrant’, studying how virtual communities of migrants, or digital diasporas, convey issues of technology, migration, globalisation, alienation and belonging capturing the lives of migrants in their interaction with multiple worlds and media. More specifically, it will investigate whether digital technologies enhance European integration or foster gender and ethnic segregation, and, if so, how. Using a multi-layered and cutting-edge approach that draws from the humanities, social science and new media studies (i.e. internet studies and mobile media), this research considers: 1. How migration and digital technologies enable digital diasporas (Somali, Turkish, Romanian) and the impact these have on identity, gender and belonging in European urban centres; 2. How these entanglements are connected to and perceived from outside Europe by focusing on transnational ties; and 3. How digital connections create new possibilities for cosmopolitan outlooks, rearticulating Europe’s motto of ‘Unity in Diversity.’ The outcomes of this work will be innovative at three levels. a) Empirically, the project gathers, maps and critically grounds online behaviour by migrant women from a European comparative perspective. b) Methodologically, it breaks new ground by developing new methods of analysis for digital diasporas contributing to the development of ‘postcolonial’ digital humanities. c) Conceptually, it integrates colonial and migrant relations into the idea of Europe, elaborating on the notion of cosmopolitan belonging through virtual connectivity.
Year 2016
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65 Project

Working Below Skill Level as Risk Factor for Distress Among Latin American Migrants Living in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors Bernarda Espinoza-Castro, Bernarda Espinoza-Castro, Luis E. Vásquez Rueda, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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66 Journal Article

The digital divide and social inclusion among refugee migrants: A case in regional Australia

Year 2015
Journal Name Information Technology & People
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67 Journal Article

Singaporean Societies: Multimedia Communities of Student Migration

Authors Raviv Litman
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration, Mobility, & Displacement
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68 Journal Article

Inferring migrations: traditional methods and new approaches based on mobile phone, social media, and other big data

This project aims at exploring possibilities at-using social media data and big data in general for estimating (labour) mobility and migration in the EU. The report is published online. As results were promising, a pilot project will be launched on its basis sometime in 2017. **Feasibility Study:** http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&pubId=7910&type=2&furtherPubs=yes This report addresses the question of whether it is technically, financially and legally feasible to estimate geographic mobility and migration flows in the European Union. The study reviews state-of-the-art methods to measure stocks and flows of migrants using traditional data sources but also new and innovative data sources such as mobile phone data and social media data. It finds that it is indeed feasible to estimate geographic mobility and migration flows in the European Union but that that it depends on several important factors such as access to data, legal obstacles and desired outcomes that are outlined in the paper.
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69 Project

Social Networks in East and Southeast Asia II: Labor Migration, Opportunity, Social Media, and Well-Being

Authors Vincent Chua, B Wellman
Year 2015
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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70 Journal Article

Realizing a Global Survey of Emigrants through Facebook and Instagram

Authors Steffen Pötzschke, Bernd Weiß
Research on international migrants has seen a sharp increase during the last decades, yet sampling them remains a major challenge, especially in a cross-national setting and on a global scale. While various sampling methods are established in the field, most of them cannot easily be implemented globally due to their dependence on specific administrative or infrastructure elements or simply their costs. Since Social Networking Sites (SNS) operate on a global scale, they provide a sampling frame that can be utilized for the targeted recruitment of migrants worldwide. Increasingly used for research purposes and among the largest and most popular SNSs are Facebook and Instagram. In our project GEOOS (German Emigrants Overseas Online Survey), we utilize paid advertisements on these networks to target German emigrants, particularly Germans living outside of Europe. Our research aims to ascertain whether such ads could be used to recruit a nonprobability (migrant) sample on a global scale. More specifically, we are interested in the success of this approach concerning three performance indicators: Cost efficiency, coverage, and sample size. Our advertisement campaign ran for 18 days and resulted in total costs of about 2,223 Euro. This investment led a total of 3,895 individuals to complete the survey; of those, 98 percent belonged to the target population, meaning they were (a) either born in Germany or held German citizenship and (b) did not live in Germany. GEOOS participants lived in a total of 148 countries and territories around the globe. Similar to findings reported in previous studies on this target population, the largest sub-groups resided in predominantly Anglo-phone countries; however, taken together, participants in these countries only constitute 38 percent of our overall sample, with nearly a quarter of GEOOS participants (n = 867) living in Middle and South America, 862 residing in Asian countries, and 476 in Africa. Furthermore, a considerable share of our sample is constituted by individuals who would either not have been included in a sampling frame based on German population registers or who would have been unlikely to be reached through this method due to incomplete or outdated information.
Year 2021
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71 Report

How migrants manifest their transnational identity through online social networks: comparative findings from a case of Koreans in Germany

Authors Sunyoung Park, Lasse Gerrits
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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72 Journal Article

Social and Cultural Innovation: Research Infrastructures Tackling Migration

Authors Riccardo Pozzo, Vania Virgili
Year 2017
Journal Name Diogenes: International Journal of Human Sciences
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73 Journal Article


Authors Lidija Kos-Stanisic, Emil Cancar, Josh Richardson
Year 2018
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74 Journal Article

Facebook Ethnography: The Poststructural Ontology of Transnational (Im) migration Research

Authors David Joseph Piacenti, LA Rivas, Josef Garrett
Year 2014
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75 Journal Article

Multi-scale methods for reconstructing collective shapes of digital diasporas

Year 2021
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76 Journal Article

Determinants of ‘Mobilisation’ at Home and Abroad: Analysing the Micro-Foundations of Out-Migration & Mass Protest

Principal investigator Olga Onuch (Principal Investigator), Gwendolyn Sasse (Principal Investigator), Jacquelien; van Stekelenburg (Principal Investigator), Sorana Toma (Principal Investigator)
Im Zentrum des MOBILISE Projekts steht die folgende Forschungsfrage: Warum reagieren einige Menschen auf gesellschaftlichen Unmut mit Protesten, während andere in die Emigration gehen? Wir verknüpfen die konzeptuellen Erwartungen aus der Migrationsforschung und der Forschung zu sozialen Protesten miteinander und untersuchen: a) ob es ähnliche Faktoren sind, die die Entscheidung für Migration und/oder Protest auf der Ebene des Individuums bestimmen; b) wie der jeweilige politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Kontext diese Arten von Mobilisierung beeinflusst; c) ob die Optionen Migration und Protest unabhängig voneinander sind, oder ob sie sich gegenseitig verstärken, oder ob eine Option die andere unterdrückt. MOBILISE verbindet verschiedene methodologische Ansätze (nationale repräsentative face-to-face Panel-Umfragen, Online-Umfragen unter Migrant*Innen; Direktumfragen unter Protestteilnehmenden, Fokusgruppen, narrative Interviews, Soziale Medien-Analyse) und ein Forschungsdesign, das zeitgleich an verschiedenen Standorten umgesetzt wird. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf die Ukraine, Polen, Marokko und Brasilien - vier Länder, die in den letzten Jahren sowohl von signifikanter Emigration als auch von Protesten geprägt waren. Wir folgen den Migrant*innen aus diesen Ländern nach Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien. MOBILISE verbindet in seiner Konzeption und empirischen Reichweite vier innovative Elemente: 1) Es verbindet die Phänomene Migration und Protest in einer Studie; 2) es erfasst alle für eine vergleichende Studie relevanten Gruppen (Protestierende, Migrant*innen, Migrant*innen, die protestieren, und Individuen, die sich weder für Migration noch für Protest entschieden haben); 3) es erfasst Individuen durch die Panel-Struktur der Umfragen über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg; 4) es nutzt Soziale Medien als Zugang zu Echtzeit-Informationen über die Rolle von Netzwerken und politischen Transfers (political remittances). Durch diese vier Dimensionen verspricht das Projekt, erstmals in diesem Umfang empirische Daten zu erheben, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Theoriebildung in der Migrations- und Protestforschung zu leisten sowie einen Transfer von empirischen Erkenntnisse an Policy-Makers zu ermöglichen, die von zentraler Bedeutung für politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilität sind.
Year 2019
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77 Project

Mass capture against memory: Chinese head tax certificates and the making of noncitizens

Authors Lily M. Cho, Lily Cho
Year 2018
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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78 Journal Article

Perceived Credibility and Consumption of Homeland News among Diasporic Nigerians in Malaysia

Authors Lambe Kayode Mustapha, Saodah Wok
Year 2015
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79 Journal Article

Links between well-being and communication with friends and family in one's country of origin amongst migrants in Australia

Authors Daniel Rupert du Plooy, ES Kashima, Anthony Lyons
Year 2020
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80 Journal Article

Analyzing the Effect of ICT on Migration and Economic Growth in Belt and Road (BRI) Countries

Authors Kashif Iqbal, Hui Peng, Muhammad Hafeez, ...
Year 2020
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82 Journal Article

Towards an Integration of Models of Discrimination of Immigrants: from Ultimate (Functional) to Proximate (Sociofunctional) Explanations

Authors Dmitry Grigoryev, JW Berry, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, ...
Year 2020
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83 Journal Article

A study of the communication channels used by migrants and asylum seekers in Italy, with a particular focus on online and social media

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Rezart HOXHAJ, Sabrina NARDIN, ...
The present study provides a comprehensive analysis of the information and communication channels that migrants use upon their arrival in Italy, and which may help determine their secondary movements. The pages that follow present findings drawn from surveys and interviews and focus groups carried out in Italy with 686 migrants (including irregular migrants, asylum seekers, and migrants who qualified for refugee status, humanitarian protection or subsidiary protection) during the second half of 2017. These findings are followed by recommendations involving the development of more effective mechanisms for migration information dissemination and for awareness-raising campaigns for migrants within the context of the EU’s Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling.
Year 2018
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84 Report

'Going against the grain'? Distance relationships, emotional reflexivity and gender

Authors Mary Holmes
Year 2019
Journal Name Emotion, Space and Society
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85 Journal Article

Using Internet search data to examine the relationship between anti-Muslim and pro-ISIS sentiment in U.S. counties

Authors Christopher A. Bail, Friedolin Merhout, Peng Ding
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 1
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86 Journal Article

The Internet and Desire to Move: The Role of Virtual Practices in the Inspiration Phase of Migration

Authors Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Year 2016
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 2
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87 Journal Article

The use of social media among Indonesia's Migrant Workers (IMWs)

Authors Citra Hennida, Kandi Aryani, Sri Endah Kinasih
Year 2021
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88 Journal Article

Przejścia młodych z edukacji na rodzimy i zagraniczny rynek pracy: rola lokalności, grupy rówieśniczej i nowych mediów

Principal investigator Izabela Grabowska-Lusińska (Principal Investigator)
Objectives: (1) To explore the role of place of living (locality) in school-to-work transitions to the domestic and foreign labour market by both young females and males; (2) To investigate the roles of parents and relatives in school-to-work transitions to both domestic and foreign labour market of young females and males; (3) To study the role of a peer group in school-to-work transitions to the domestic and the foreign labour market of young females and males; (4) To explore the role of new media and acquaintances connected to them in school-to-work transitions to both domestic and foreign labour market of young females and males; (5) To study how much youngsters use knowledge and skills obtained during education in the labour market and how they use experience acquired abroad after return to Poland. What we already know: The school-to-work (also abroad) transition is not a single event. It is a life phase which can last few years and can consist of various, also temporary jobs with. differentiated content. This is the time in the biographies of youngsters to make up their minds and make decisions for the future occupational paths. After EU enlargement in May 2004, one in three Polish youngsters from small towns and villages had their first jobs abroad. As main reasons they usually indicated financial motivations but in-depth studies uncovered that transiting from Polish education to the foreign labour market means also: firm leaving parental home, self-responsibility, ‘taking life in own hands’, ‘building up self-esteem’. Travels abroad are also for a life style connected to the way of living in multicultural metropolises. This is also a kind of an escape from the local constraining nexus: educationjob-marriage-kid-mortgage. Methodology: The core of the project is a peer group mapped and selected in localities in Poland with different social and economic backgrounds, such as: migration history, postcommunism transition, local labour market etc. Members of selected peer-groups will be monitored throughout the course of three years, in the interludes of 12 months (panel study). We will select 10 peer groups in three selected localities which at the end will give roughly of 320 in-depth interviews in total. The project will also take a social photography of places of living (localities) of youngsters. This social photography will be textured with observations of places where youngsters spend free time, talks with parents, local informants such as school teachers, people from local labour offices, people running clubs and other institutions where youngsters go and content analysis of new media such as: Facebook, blogs, professional portals etc. What the project can offer: Between the waves of talks with youngsters from the selected peer groups, the project will offer free of charge, voluntary coaching and job counselling in the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (University SWPS). The project will give also future opportunities to the youngsters to get involved in the Youth in Centre just established at University SWPS, for instance through participating in Youth Advisory Boards which will be set up to advice youth studies undertaken by the Centre. Originality: Researching the school-to- domestic and- foreign labour market transitions of youngsters through the eyes of members of peer groups who are both movers and stayers.
Year 2016
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89 Project

Assessing migration through social media: a review

Authors Alessandra Righi
Year 2019
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92 Journal Article

The impending globalization of ADHD: Notes on the expansion and growth of a medicalized disorder

Authors Peter Conrad, Meredith R. Bergey
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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94 Journal Article

Studying Migrant Assimilation Through Facebook Interests

Authors Antoine Dubois, Emilio Zagheni, Kiran Garimella, ...
Year 2018
Book Title Social Informatics
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95 Book Chapter

ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration

MIICT, is conceived with the goal of designing, developing and deploying tools that address the challenge of migrant integration through the co-creation of improved ICT-enabled services with migrants, public sector services and NGOs (Non-Governmental-Organisations). Previous research has established that issues of integration, dissemination, employment (and unemployment), incapacity support and education rank highly among migrants of varying demographics; including different age groups, genders, education levels and immigration status [1]. Factors such as autonomy, perception, culture and history, as well as institutional constraints shape the dynamics and experiences of migrants [2], and highlight the complexity of the migration process. This complexity is also said to indicate diversity in migration and integration process as a result of the almost infinite combinations of factors that may impact upon migrants' experiences; influenced by the relationships between the economic, social, political and cultural factors that exist across a given juncture [3].
Year 2018
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96 Project

Protecting language or promoting dis-citizenship? A poststructural policy analysis of the Shanghainese Heritage Project

Authors Qing Shao, Xuesong (Andy) Gao
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 1
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97 Journal Article

Asylum-Related Migrants' Social-Media Use, Mobility Decisions, and Resilience

Authors Maria Merisalo, Jussi S. Jauhiainen
Year 2020
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98 Journal Article

Debating Multicultural Korea: Media Discourse on Migrants and Minorities in South Korea

Authors Joseph Yi, Gowoon Jung
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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99 Journal Article

Connections: The Use Social Associations With Migratory Background Make of ICT to Build Social Capital for Newcomers' Social Integration

Authors Camilla Modesti, Alessandra Talamo, Annamaria Recupero, ...
Year 2020
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100 Journal Article
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