Dr Rachel Woodlock is an academic and writer who researches and teaches about Islam and Muslims. She co-edited Fear of Muslims? International Perspectives on Islamophobia with Professor Douglas Pratt (Springer, 2016), an evidenced-based examination of Islamophobia in both 'old-world' Europe and the 'new-world' of America and Australia, and also Southeast Asia. She also co-wrote For God's Sake: An Atheist, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim Debate Religion (Pan MacMillan, 2013), discussing some of life's...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 1524
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8865-9920
Researcher ID AAN-5427-2021
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rachel_Woodlock2


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • University of Melbourne

    University, Melbourne, Australia


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