Media representations of migration

The media, whether in sending or receiving societies, generates a great deal of coverage of migration-related issues. As a contested subject, these issues may be represented in the media in a number of ways. This can lead to polarised discourses on migration in the wider society.

This topic includes  studies on media discourses including populist discourses, framing of migrants, opposition to migrant and refugee settlement in the media, and media representations of deservedness (to receive welfare support, for instance).

Showing page of 1943 results, sorted by

"Let Them In!" Humanitarian Work as Political Activism? The Case of the Maximiliaan Refugee Camp in Brussels

Authors Dirk Lafaut, Gily Coene
Year 2019
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1 Journal Article

"Invaders": U.S. Right Wing Media's Framing of Muslim Immigrants

Authors Faizullah Jan, Sayyed Fawad Ali Shah
Year 2020
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2 Journal Article

Where’s populism? Online media and the diffusion of populist discourses and styles in Portugal

Authors Susana Salgado
Year 2019
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 7
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3 Journal Article

Renegotiating family: Social media and forced migration

Authors Jay Marlowe, Rachel Bruns
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration Studies
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5 Journal Article

The Discursive Appeal to Solidarity and Partisan Journalism in Europe’s Migration Crisis

Authors Stefan Wallaschek
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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7 Journal Article

Queer Migration and Digital Affects: Refugees Navigating from the Middle East via Turkey to Germany

Authors Yener Bayramoglu, Margreth Luenenborg
Year 2018
Journal Name Sexuality & Culture
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8 Journal Article

Refugees and the Meaning of Home

Authors Helen Taylor
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9 Book

Transit Migration

Authors Aspasia Papadopoulou-Kourkoula
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10 Book

Explaining opposition to refugee resettlement: The role of NIMBYism and perceived threats

Authors Jeremy Ferwerda, Yusaku Horiuchi, D. J. Flynn
Year 2017
Citations (WoS) 3
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11 Journal Article

Framing the Immigration Policy Agenda

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten
Year 2017
Journal Name The International Journal of Press/Politics
Citations (WoS) 8
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12 Journal Article

Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market

Authors Andrea Rea, John Wrench, Nouria Ouali
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13 Book

Empowering experiences of digitally mediated flows of information for connected migrants on the move

Authors İlke Şanlıer Yüksel
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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14 Journal Article

Who is reshaping public opinion on the EU’s migration policies?

Authors Thomas Huddleston, Hind Sharif, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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15 Policy Brief

Evolution of negative visual frames of immigrants and refugees in the main media of Southern Europe

Authors Javier J. Amores, Carlos Arcila-Calderón, David Blanco-Herrero
Year 2020
Journal Name El Profesional de la Información
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16 Journal Article

In Exile and in Touch

Authors Linda Bakker, Godfried Engbersen, Jaco Dagevos
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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17 Journal Article

Rethinking International Protection

Authors Raffaela Puggioni
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18 Book

Malaysia and the Rohingya: Media, Migration, and Politics

Authors Emily Ehmer, Ammina Kothari
Year 2020
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19 Journal Article

Framing Different Groups of Immigrants in Central Europe Before and During the 2015-2017 EU Refugee Crisis

Authors Jan Kovar
Year 2022
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
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20 Journal Article

Image of Immigrants in South Korean News Coverage

Authors Sangtu Ko
Year 2020
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21 Journal Article

Framing Syrians in Turkey: State Control and No Crisis Discourse

Authors Deniz S. Sert, Didem Danis
Year 2020
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22 Journal Article

Migrants and media newsmaking practices

Year 2013
Journal Name Journalism Practice, 2013, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 266-281
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23 Journal Article

It's the frame that matters: Immigrant integration and media framing effects in the Netherlands

Authors Linda Bos, Rens Vliegenthart, Sophie Lecheler, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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24 Journal Article

Migration und Logistik - Teilprojekt b. Digitalisierung und selbstorganisierte migrantische Logistik

Principal investigator Sina Arnold (Principal Investigator)
Neue digitale Technologien spielen eine zentrale Rolle für logistische Entwicklungen, erleichtern sie doch Prozesse der Organisation und Effizienzsteigerung. Dies gilt auch für das Feld der Migration, und zwar nicht nur für durch Unternehmen und Staaten initiierte Prozesse des Regierens, Kontrollierens und Steuerns von Migrationsströmen, sondern auch für die (Selbst-)Organisierung der Prozesse von Flucht und Ankommen durch Geflüchtete selbst. Insbesondere dem Smartphone kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu. Während in aktuellen medialen Debatten der Besitz von Smartphones häufig Anlass für das Schüren von Ressentiments gegen Flüchtlinge war, sind explizite und implizite Aneignungsprozesse von mobilen Medien während der Flucht in Erfahrungsberichten und den wenigen bestehenden wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten erwiesen: Das Smartphone fungiert als mobiler Fluchthelfer mit höchst differenzierten und individuellen Nutzungsmustern. Seine Funktionen im Bereich der Navigation, Übersetzung, Kommunikation mit Heimat- und Ankunftsland, Informationsbeschaffung etc. sind mittlerweile unverzichtbar für transnationale Prozesse der Migration. In diesem Teilprojekt soll die Rolle von mobilen und sozialen Medien als Selbstermächtigungsinstrument für Geflüchtete untersucht werden. In einem ersten Schritt werden ca. 15 qualitative Interviews zur Mediennutzung mit Geflüchteten durchgeführt, um die spezifischen Nutzungsmuster im Fluchtprozess herauszuarbeiten. Hierbei werden auch die bisherigen Mediennutzungsgewohnheiten aus den Ursprungsländern berücksichtigt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Nutzung nach der Ankunft in Deutschland. In einem zweiten Schritt wird darauf aufbauend ein quantitativer Fragebogen erstellt, der an ca. 3- 500 Befragten in Notunterkünften und Erstaufnahmerichtungen verteilt wird.
Year 2016
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25 Project

News Media and Immigration in the EU: Where and How the Local Dimension Matters

Authors Andrea Pogliano
Book Title Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities
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26 Book Chapter

Framing racial position and political standing: Hmong Americans in the Wisconsin State Journal and the Chico Enterprise-Record

Authors Yang Sao Xiong, Michael C Thornton
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnicities
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27 Journal Article

Faith-Based Actors in Şanlıurfa, Turkey: Reducing Tensions Between Host Populations and Syrian Refugee Communities

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencütek
Year 2020
Journal Name Civil Society Review
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28 Journal Article

Connected Sahrawi refugee diaspora in Spain: Gender, social media and digital transnational gossip

Authors Silvia Almenara-Niebla, Carmen Ascanio-Sánchez
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Cultural Studies
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29 Journal Article

Media Literacy for Unaccompanied Refugee Youth - A Path to Integration

According to Eurostat, 2015 saw 90,000 unaccompanied minor asylum seekers register in the EU. Refugee children pose considerable policy challenges: their integration in Europe is of utmost importance. Studies show that while refugee children have IT competences, they lack the ability to make critical media choices, and make informed decisions regarding their well-being. This project builds on the IT knowledge of young refugees in order to further their integration by developing media literacy pedagogic tools. Media literacy education is essential for empowering citizenship, for gaining skills to become drivers of economic growth, and not least to prevent radicalization. Media literacy, a necessary aspect of lifelong learning, enables young people to participate civically, to overcome disadvantage and to represent marginalized and missing voices. For developing these pedagogic tools, the Fellow will first research how unaccompanied minor refugees use digital technology and social media through fieldwork carried out in 3 EU countries. In the second research phase, the Fellow will conduct participatory action research (PAR) in collaboration with an NGO which specializes in PAR with refugee youth. These results will be used to design teaching materials for youth workers and teachers. The project is unique because it brings together the disciplines of education, media literacy and migration studies for offering solutions to a matter of pressing urgency: the integration of unaccompanied minor refugees. This project will serve to widen the professional horizon of the Fellow. She will acquire specific research skills (digital ethnography, participant action research, educational tools design) and transferable skills (PhD supervision, leadership, editorial skills, managing large-scale events). The project will lay the foundations for the Fellow's long-term career goals, and she will be propelled to the forefront of media literacy research.
Year 2017
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30 Project

"We Cannot Let Them Die": Undocumented Immigrants and Media Framing of Health Deservingness in the United States

Authors Anahi Viladrich
Year 2019
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31 Journal Article


Authors Magda Stroinska, Vikki Cecchetto
Year 2019
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32 Journal Article

"False asylumseekers" and "economical refugees"'? The exclusion of undocumented migrants in Austria

Authors K Kratzmann
Year 2005
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33 Journal Article

Young Gazan Refugees, Sport and Social Media: Understanding Migration as a Process of Becoming

Authors Holly Thorpe, Belinda Wheaton
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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34 Journal Article

Liminality and racial hazing of Muslim migrants: media framing of Albanians in Shepparton, Australia, 1930–1955

Authors James Barry, Ihsan Yilmaz
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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35 Journal Article

Disrupting State Spaces: Asylum Seekers in Australia's Offshore Detention Centres

Authors Rachel Sharples
Year 2021
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37 Journal Article

Data Privacy and Displacement: A Cultural Approach

Authors Saskia Witteborn
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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38 Journal Article

Migration und Hasskommentare in sozialen Medien in kulturvergleichender Perspektive

Principal investigator Dietrich Klakow (Principal Investigator ), Christian Schemer (Principal Investigator ), Angeliki Monnier (Cooperation Partner)
In westlichen Gesellschaften geht die Migrationsfrage oft mit erhöhter öffentlicher Angst einher und führt zu einem signifikanten Anstieg von Hasskommentaren gegen Migranten. Soziale Medien scheinen dafür ein fruchtbarer Boden zu sein. Mit Blick auf die soziale Dimension von Hasskommentaren untersucht das Projekt M-PHASIS die Muster von Hass in nutzergenerierten Inhalten über Migration. Um die Entstehung und Verbreitung von Hass in nutzergenerierten Inhalten in Deutschland und Frankreich zu verstehen, verfolgt das Projekt folgende Ziele:1. Das Verständnis und die Bewertung von Hasskommentaren durch die Betrachtung multipler Merkmale des Phänomens voranzubringen (lexikalische, syntaktische und Kontext-Facetten) und explizite sowie implizite Formen zu berücksichtigen.2. Ein Forschungsprotokoll zur Erkennung von Hass in Text zu entwickeln und diesen im Hinblick auf seine Referenten (d.h. mit Hasskommentaren assoziierten Motive) und den gewählten Repräsentationen sowie seine Ausbreitungscharakteristika zu klassifizieren.3. Methoden zur Erkennung von Hass im Hinblick auf Validität, Reliabilität und interkulturelle Äquivalenz zu verbessern.4. Die Verbreitung von Hasskommentaren und deren Entstehungsbedingungen (z.B. Plattformen, auf denen Hasskommentare erscheinen, Homogenität des nutzergeniertes Umgebungskontextes, journalistische Intervention) in Frankreich und Deutschland zu vergleichen.5. Hassbeispiele in sozialen Medien zu annotieren und zu archivieren, um sie zum Projektende der Forschungsgemeinschaft für Sekundäranalysen zur Verfügung zu stellen.Unsere Forschungshypothesen gehen davon aus: • dass Hasskommentare in sozialen Medien gegen Migranten kontextabhängig sind. Hasskommentare sind eingebettet in Themenkontexte, mehr oder weniger unterstützende Medien und soziokulturelle Unterschiede. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss ihre Verbreitung analysiert und interpretiert werden.• dass sich Hasskommentare auf verschiedene Arten manifestieren, die sich systematisieren lassen. Sie können aufgrund ihrer expliziten linguistischen Merkmale verstanden werden, können aber ebenso implizit sein und auf subtilem Weg ausgedrückt werden. Das Projekt untersucht daher, welche Arten von Kontexten welche Arten von Hasskommentaren hervorbringen. M-PHASIS verfolgt einen interdisziplinären Ansatz und strebt an, Resultate computergestützter Verarbeitung von Hasskommentaren in sozialen Medien weiter zu nutzen. Die Erkenntnisse werden die Erstellung einer Software-App ermöglichen, die Hasskommentare automatisch erkennen und/oder blockieren kann. Außerdem werden im Projekt erstellte Ressourcen der Forschungsgemeinschaft mittels Open-Access-Plattformen zur Verfügung gestellt. Automatische Tools zur Erfassung von Hasskommentaren aus sozialen Medien werden ebenfalls veröffentlicht. Die wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen des Projekts werden mittels eines Web-basierten Demonstrators validiert.
Year 2019
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39 Project

Make Tweets Great Again: Who Are Opinion Leaders, and What Did They Tweet About Donald Trump?

Year 2021
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40 Journal Article

Coverage of a Crisis: The Effects of International News Portrayals of Refugees and Misuse of the Term "Immigrant"

Authors Jennifer Hoewe
Year 2018
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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41 Journal Article


Authors Marjan Malesic
Year 2017
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42 Journal Article

Contesting Regimes of Post-Communist Citizenship Restitution: Analysing UK Media Coverage of ‘Paupers’ Passports’

Authors Eleanor Knott
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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44 Journal Article

Where the Wild Things Are: Fear of Islam and the Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in Hungary and in Poland

Authors EM Gozdziak, Peter Marton
Year 2018
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45 Journal Article

Where the Wild Things Are: Fear of Islam and the Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in Hungary and in Poland

Authors EM Gozdziak, Peter Marton
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
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46 Journal Article

"The most brutal immigration regime in the developed world": 1 International Media Responses to Australia's Asylum-Seeker Policy

Authors Hannah M. Laney, Caroline Lenette, Anthony N. Kellett, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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47 Journal Article

Where the Wild Things Are: Fear of Islam and the Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in Hungary and in Poland

Authors Elżbieta M. Goździak, Péter Márton
Year 2018
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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48 Journal Article

The discourse of deservingness: Racialized framing during rumored ICE raids

Authors Beatriz Aldana Marquez, Apryl A Williams, Nancy Plankey-Videla, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Ethnicities
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49 Journal Article

Disaster depictions and geopolitical representations in Europe’s migration ‘Crisis’

Authors Kara E. Dempsey, Sara McDowell
Year 2019
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 1
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51 Journal Article

Cultural and academic adjustment of refugee youth: Introduction to the special issue

Authors Jody Lynn McBrien, Karen Dooley, D Birman, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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52 Journal Article


Authors Emilija Bojkovska
Year 2017
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53 Journal Article

European Mobilities or Poverty Migration? Discourses on Roma in Germany

Authors Heide Castaneda
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
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54 Journal Article


Authors Snjezana Bralic, Maja Bezic
Year 2020
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55 Journal Article

The Gendered Representation of Refugees Using Visual Frames in the Main Western European Media

Authors Javier J. Amores, Carlos Arcila-Calderón, Beatriz González-de-Garay
Year 2020
Journal Name Gender Issues
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56 Journal Article

The use of social media among Indonesia's Migrant Workers (IMWs)

Authors Citra Hennida, Kandi Aryani, Sri Endah Kinasih
Year 2021
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57 Journal Article

News media representation on EU immigration before Brexit: the 'Euro-Ripper' case

Authors Marta Martins
Year 2021
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58 Journal Article

Brothers and barbarians: Discursive constructions of ‘refugees’ in Russian media

Authors Natalia Moen-Larsen
Year 2020
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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59 Journal Article

When the lens is too wide: The political consequences of the visual dehumanization of refugees

Authors Ruben T. Azevedo, Manos Tsakiris, Sophie De Beukelaer, ...
Year 2021
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60 Journal Article

Mass Media Influences on Anti-Immigrant Attitudes

Principal investigator Elmar Schlüter (Principal Investigator), Eldad Davidov (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives The project investigates linkages between the political mobilisation of immigration issues and anti-immigrant sentiments among native populations by simultaneously examining the impact of immigrant group size, negative immigration-related news reports and their interaction on perceived group threat. Starting from a group threat perspective, the guiding hypothesis of the study is that an increase (decrease) in the frequency of negative mass media coverage of diversity-related issues will result in an increase (decrease) in individual anti-immigrant attitudes. In addition, we investigate whether media effects interact with immigrant group size, following the hypothesis that media framing has stronger effects where people have less direct experience with immigrants. While claims regarding such media effects are frequently made, they are rarely investigated because they require a combination of survey and media content data. In this project, such data are brought together for two countries, Spain and Germany. Research design, data and methodology The analysis for Spain uses cross-sectional survey data for the period 1996 to 2007, enriched with regional statistics on immigrant group size. These are linked to data drawn from a longitudinal content analysis of newspaper reports and analysed using multilevel linear regression. The German study will improve further upon existing work by a) capturing a wider range of news sources (including newspaper and television reports), b) more precisely assessing the valence of immigration-related mass media coverage (in terms of positive, neutral and negative evaluations of immigration related issues) and c) relating these measures to the dynamic formation of anti-immigrant attitudes using growth curve models over four measurement points (2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006). This research will rank among the first studies which – from a multilevel point of view – deliver quasi-experimental evidence that the mass media are an important factor in shaping anti-immigrant attitudes and policy preferences. Findings The Spanish study has already been completed; the German one will follow in 2011. Findings for Spain show that a greater salience of negative immigration-related news reports increases perceived group threat over and above the influence of immigrant group size. Additionally, the impact of negative immigration-related news reports on perceived group threat is amplified (weakened) in regions with a smaller (larger) immigrant group size. Collectively, these results testify to the importance of immigrant group size and negative immigration-related news reports as key contextual sources of perceived group threat among host society members."
Year 2009
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61 Project

Representing the “European refugee crisis” in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death

Year 2016
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 124
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62 Journal Article

Does race matter among Cuban immigrants? An analysis of the racial characteristics of recent Cuban immigrants

Authors BE Aguirre, EB Silva
Year 2002
Journal Name Journal of Latin American Studies
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63 Journal Article

Discourses of exclusion on Twitter in the Turkish Context: #ulkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (#idontwantsyriansinmycountry)

Authors Yasemin Erdogan-Ozturk, Hale Isik-Guler
Year 2020
Journal Name Discourse, Context and Media
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64 Journal Article

Immigration Forum Comment: Foreign Relations and Migration

Authors Meredith Oyen
Year 2016
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65 Journal Article

The consequences of colonialism in Latvia during a mass migration period in Europe (2015/2016)

Authors Sandra Veinberg
Year 2017
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66 Journal Article

Protest Against the Reception of Asylum Seekers in Austria

Authors Sieglinde Rosenberger, Miriam Haselbacher
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
67 Book Chapter

Community Services and Out-Migration

Authors Douglas S. Massey, Nathalie Williams, William G. Axinn, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 19
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68 Journal Article

Assessing migration through social media: a review

Authors Alessandra Righi
Year 2019
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69 Journal Article

Asylum-Related Migrants' Social-Media Use, Mobility Decisions, and Resilience

Authors Maria Merisalo, Jussi S. Jauhiainen
Year 2020
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70 Journal Article

Normalizing Cuban refugees

Authors Cheris Brewer Current
Year 2008
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 5
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71 Journal Article

The Mediation of Climate Change Induced Migration. Implications for meaningful media discourse and empowerment of key intermediaries to raise public awareness

The IKETIS project will seek to raise awareness in the UK of the need for action to address climate change induced migration and will focus on the mediation of the climate refugees’ issue. The first aim of the action is to understand the representational practices that shape media and NGOs discourse about climate refugees. The second aim is to build capacity of journalists, NGOs and policy-makers, key intermediaries in the mediation of climate change induced migration, to enhance social support for policy actions. Together, both aims contribute to the transformation of how climate change induced migration is perceived and provide new patterns of critical thinking and civic engagement. The research consists of four phases: i) identify the policy, institutional and definitional factors that may impede meaningful media discourse on the issue ii) perform critical discourse analysis (image and text) and frame analysis of the representations of climate change induced migration of UK online news media iii) using these findings, then move on to examine how UK humanitarian and environmental NGOs utilise and challenge frames identified by online news media coverage of climate displacement and iv) based on the understanding of the representational practices that formulate climate refugees mediated discourse, promote climate justice approach to frame climate change and build capacity of journalists, NGOs and policy-makers to best use climate justice approach through e-learning strategies. This training-through research scheme will provide the applicant with the necessary skills to develop competences in media theory, visual communication, critical discourse and frame analysis and digital media research and plan an academic career track for a better integration into the academic community, while the applicant will be of specific benefit to the research-informed teaching that forms the basis of the host institution’s approach to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching practice.
Year 2017
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72 Project

Report on the media representation of the Indian community in Cyprus : a case of invisibility

Authors Vera PAVLOU
This report gives an overview of the depiction of the Indian community in Cyprus based on qualitative content analysis in local media. The themes discussed are education, business and investment activities, the insertion and experiences of Indian nationals in the labour market, culture, gender relations and integration initiatives. The analysis is based on a selection of articles published between April 2012 and April 2015 in Cypriot online and printed newspapers, news portals and blogs. A theme that emerges from the analysis is that of the invisibility of the local Indian community in Cypriot media. The analysis shows that local media demonstrates a very limited interest in the Indian community and Indian culture(s) as part of Cypriot society. The Indian community in Cyprus is not particularly numerous, nor consolidated and this explains, to a certain extent, why there are not many explicit references to the community in the local media. Another reason for the partial invisibility of the Indian community is the general lack of debate and engagement of the local media with migrant communities in Cyprus.
Year 2015
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73 Report

La construcción mediática de la migración en el Mediterráneo: ¿no-ciudadanía en la prensa española?

Year 2016
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios
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74 Journal Article

Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs

The internet, and social media in particular, create new opportunities and pose new challenges for the ways people think about themselves as well as manage the expressions of their identities. In this research project I aim to enrich our knowledge about the transformations of identity in the new media landscape of the early XXI century by investigating those transformations from the perspective of diasporic LGBTQs, that is, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. I will focus on the latest theories on social media and identity about 1) fixating the fragmented self (van Zoonen 2013), 2) collapsed contexts (boyd 2011) and 3) the multiplication of contexts (Papacharissi 2011), by investigating those phenomena from the perspective of Polish post-accession immigrants to the UK. I will examine what diasporic LGBTQs and their social media’s uses can teach us about the relationship between the internet and identity, as well as what opportunities and difficulties social media create to a group that faces different challenges of exclusion and discrimination. I will first use a quantitative survey to map the diversity of social media used by Polish LGBTQs in the UK. However, because I am primarily interested in meanings of daily media practices, it is qualitative methods, and in-depth interviews in particular, which will form the core of my methodological toolkit. At the same time, to trigger more and better quality data I will combine traditional qualitative methods with such innovative approaches as think-aloud protocols (which require from participants to talk about the activity in which they are involved) and digital methods (the methods of the medium under scrutiny).
Year 2016
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75 Project

Interethnic Contact Online: Contextualising the Implications of Social Media Use by Second-Generation Migrant Youth

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten, Warda Belabas
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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76 Journal Article

Interethnic Contact Online: Contextualising the Implications of Social Media Use by Second-Generation Migrant Youth

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten, Warda Belabas
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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77 Journal Article

Waiting for the smuggler : tales across the border

Authors Luigi ACHILLI
Year 2019
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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78 Journal Article

Protecting Filipino migrant workers in distress through social media platforms

Authors Jovito Jose P. Katigbak, Ma. Divina Gracia Z. Roldan
Year 2021
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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79 Journal Article

"Between field and recording": Violeta Parra and migrant technologies

Authors Gonzalo Montero
Year 2018
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80 Journal Article

Media coverage on migration : promoting a balanced reporting

This paper is part of the IOM Migration Research Leaders Syndicate’s contribution toward the Global Compact for Migration. It is one of 26 papers that make up a consolidated Syndicate publication, which focuses on proposing ways to address complex and pressing issues in contemporary international migration. The Migration Research Leaders Syndicate, convened as part of IOM’s efforts to extend policy and technical expertise in support of the Global Compact for Migration, comprises senior researchers from diverse geographic, disciplinary and thematic backgrounds. The Syndicate provides a channel for leading experts in migration to propose ideas to meet the ambitious goals outlined in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants of September 2016. In technical papers such as this one, Syndicate members were invited to identify and propose ways to resolve key conundrums currently posing challenges to international migration governance. To hone their proposals, they benefited from the input of advisors with experience in bridging policy and research, whether as senior non-migration scholars, former policy makers or prominent practitioners. The papers are short and crisp contributions that provide evidence-based, innovative ideas to improve international cooperation on fostering safe, orderly and regular migration.
Year 2017
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81 Report

Social media analytics for future oriented policy making

Authors Verena Grubmueller, Bernhard Krieger, Katharina Goetsch
Year 2013
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83 Journal Article

Migration data using social media a European perspective

Authors S. Spyratos, I. Weber, M. Vespe, ...
Year 2018
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84 Report

Tsunami of tragedie? Media-aandacht en beeldvorming rond het vreemdelingenbeleid

De centrale probleemstelling van het onderzoek is: Welke patronen zijn te herkennen in de inhoud en het verloop van berichtgeving en meningsvorming in de diverse media in casus van individuele migranten en collectieven? Hieruit volgen vier deelvragen die betrekking hebben op vier centrale begrippen uit dit onderzoek: patronen van media-aandacht, frames, actoren en hun framingstrategieën, en impact op beleid en politiek. Volgens welke patroon verloopt de aandacht voor de casus in verschillende type media? Wat zijn de belangrijkste 'frames' in de berichtgeving? Wat zijn de belangrijkste actoren in de berichtgeving en welke strategieën hanteren zij om de mediabeeldvorming te beïnvloeden? Welke impact heeft media-aandacht en beeldvorming gehad op de politieke en beleidsagenda?
Year 2015
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85 Project

Polentone vs Terrone. A discourse-historical analysis of media representation of Italian internal migration

Authors Lorella Viola
Year 2019
Book Title Migration and Media
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86 Book Chapter

The Institutional Digital Divide: Immigrant-Serving Nonprofit Organization Adoption of Social Media

Authors Heath Brown
Year 2015
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87 Journal Article

A content analysis of media reports on the Indian community in Finland

Authors Liina MUSTONEN
The report analyses the media representation of Indian community resident in Finland. The four major Finnish newspapers were analysed during the period between 2012 and 2015. In comparison with many other European countries with larger migrant communities, the Indian community in Finland is small. Although specific reporting on ethnic communities is limited in the Finnish press, interesting insights on the media representation of the Indian community can be drawn from the data. The research concludes that reports on business relations and Finnish companies' operations in India, mostly concerning Nokia's failures in India, are often portrayed in a negative light. India is considered as a difficult business environment and culturalist explanations dominate over others. At the same time the reporting recognizes the opportunities that India's new rising market can offer to Finnish companies. In turn, residents with Indian origin in Finland are portrayed as hard-working and important part of the economy in Finland. Indian culture understood as art is also seen as an enriching addition to the Finnish culture. However, occasional notions in the Finnish press point to the idea of a 'Finn' as a somewhat closed category : a migrant becomes Finn, or resembles a Finn instead of 'Finnishness' becoming more inclusive. Similarly the press sometimes gives an essentialized representation of gender roles among the Indian community in Finland without giving a voice to the immigrant community that is being essentialized.
Year 2015
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88 Report

Return Migration to Afghanistan

Authors Marieke van Houte
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89 Book

Towards a European Islam

Authors Jørgen S. Nielsen
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91 Book

Migration Policy and Practice

Authors Christian Matheis, Harald Bauder
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92 Book

Ethnicity, Migration and Enterprise

Authors Prodromos Panayiotopoulos
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93 Book

International Migration and Crisis

Authors Ana Elizabeth Jardón Hernández
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94 Book

New Border and Citizenship Politics

Authors Sabine Ruß-Sattar, Helen Schwenken
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95 Book

Migration, Space and Transnational Identities

Authors Pauline Leonard, Daniel Conway
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97 Book

Rethinking the Irish Diaspora

Authors Michael Pierse, Johanne Devlin Trew
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98 Book

Migrant Capital

Authors Umut Erel, Louise Ryan, Alessio D’Angelo
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99 Book

Migrants, Work and Social Integration

Authors Saniye Dedeoglu
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book
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