Zhmurko, Olga


I am Olha Zhmurko, a researcher and founder of the Vox Populi Agency in Ukraine (VPA has been operating since 2018). Currently, I am in Brno, Czech Republic, studying at the Department of Sociology at Masaryk University. I also work at the Czech Social Data Archive at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. I am staying in the Czech Republic as a person with temporary protection due to the Russian aggression in Ukraine. I have practical experience in implementing social research,...


  • International Renaissance Foundation

    Non-governmental Organisation, Kyiv, Ukraine
    Program Director (on Roma national minortity inclusion)

  • Vox Populi Agency

    Other, Kyiv, Ukraine
    Founder, CEO. Senior researcher

  • Institute of Sociology of Academy of Science

    Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
    Researcher at the Czech Archive on Social Data

  • Masaryk University

    University, Brno, Czech Republic
    PhD candidate


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