Internal migration

Internal migration refers to movements of people taking place within the borders of a given state, either by country-nationals or by international migrants. Research in this category includes studies on rural–urban, urban–urban, rural–rural and urban–rural migration, urbanisation, neo-rural trends, gentrification, population de-concentration and turnaround, development policies, urban/rural planning and seasonal migration.

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Internal consistency of demographic assumptions in the shared socioeconomic pathways

Authors Leiwen Jiang
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 11
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1 Journal Article

Recent urban and population change in Poland

Authors Pioter Korcelli, P KORCELLI
Year 1990
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 1
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2 Journal Article

Urban growth in China: past, prospect, and its impacts

Authors G.-Y. Cao, G. Chen, L.-H. Pang, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 14
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3 Journal Article

Guest editors’ introduction

Authors Landis MacKellar, Gui-Ying Cao, José Siri, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Population and Environment
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5 Journal Article

Temporary versus Permanent Population Mobility in Melanesia: A Case Study from Vanuatu

Authors Gerald Haberkorn, G HABERKORN
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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6 Journal Article

Temporary versus Permanent Population Mobility in Melanesia: A Case Study from Vanuatu

Authors Gerald Haberkorn
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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8 Journal Article

South‐East Asia

Authors Irene Bain
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 9
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9 Journal Article

Internal migrations in sixteenth century Anatolia

Authors O Gumuscu
Year 2004
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10 Journal Article

Consequences of Intra-European Movement for CEE Migrants in European Urban Regions

Authors Ursula Reeger
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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11 Book Chapter

Internal colonisation, hegemony and coercion: Investigating migration to Southern Lazio, Italy, in the 1930s

Authors Federico Caprotti
Year 2008
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 14
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12 Journal Article

The geography of climate migration

Authors Michał Burzyński, Frédéric Docquier, Hendrik Scheewel
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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13 Journal Article

“Population redistribution and economic growth, United States, 1870-1950,” A Review

Authors Leroy O. Stone
Year 1968
Journal Name Demography
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14 Journal Article

The Role of Migration in the Urban Transition: A Demonstration From Albania

Authors Mathias Lerch
Year 2014
Journal Name Demography
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15 Journal Article

Internal migration in Syria: Findings from a national survey

Authors Marwan Khawaja
“Internal Migration in Syria” presents the main findings of the Syria Internal Migration Survey (SIMS). The report looks at migration flows within and across provinces, and between rural and urban areas. Particular efforts have been made to investigate the claim that population movement from rural areas to Damascus and other provincial cities has diminished and that “reverse migration”, i.e. movement from cities to rural areas, and from provincial cities to other cities and towns has been taking place. In addition to examining the volume and patterns of internal migration, the report describes the socio-economic characteristics of migrants, examines the reasons for spatial movement, studies the use of remittances from migrants, and analyses the social integration of migrants at their places of destination. Furthermore, it looks at temporary, seasonal migration and peoples’ intentions to move in the future. The SIMS is a joint project between the University of Damascus, the Syrian Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies (Fafo). Data were collected during the second quarter of 2000. Interviews with more than 20,000 families were successfully completed. In addition to this report, two publications (a Tabulation report and an Analytical report), written in Arabic by the SIMS research teams from the University of Damascus and the CBS, have been published by the University of Damascus.
Year 2002
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16 Report

Putting on the moves

Authors Ravi Pendakur, R Pendakur, Nathan Young
Year 2013
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 6
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17 Journal Article

Immigrant Gateways and Hispanic Migration to New Destinations

Authors Daniel T. Lichter, DT Lichter, Kenneth M. Johnson
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 136
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18 Journal Article

Circular Migration in Asia: Approaches and Practices

Authors Piyasiri Wickramasekara
Book Title Global Migration Issues
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
19 Book Chapter

Mobility and morbidity of regular and seasonal migrants in India

Authors Mala Ray Bhattacharjee
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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20 Journal Article

Binnenwanderung im internationalen Kontext

Principal investigator Nikola Sander (Principal Investigator), Heiko Rüger (Principal Investigator), Nico Stawarz (Principal Investigator)
"Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit den Wanderungsmotiven, den sozio-demografischen Eigenschaften von wandernden Personen und den Auswirkungen von Binnenwanderung auf die regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Ein zentraler Aspekt ist die Untersuchung von Wanderungen zwischen städtischen und ländlichen Regionen sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die regionale Entwicklung. Die räumlichen Muster der Binnenwanderung in Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung werden mittels Melderegisterdaten analysiert. Die Untersuchung von bildungs-, berufs- und familienbedingten Wanderungsmotiven und soziodemografischen Charakteristika der Wandernden erfolgt mit Hilfe des Mikrozensus und Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP)."
Year 2017
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21 Project

Volume, characteristics and consequences of internal migration in Colombia

Authors George Martine
Year 1975
Journal Name Demography
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22 Journal Article

Internal and External Migration

Authors Georgeta Cristina Pencea, Adrian Bogdan Curteanu
Year 2020
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23 Journal Article


Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2020
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24 Journal Article

Climate variability and migration in the Philippines

Authors Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra, Shuaizhang Feng, Michael Oppenheimer, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 2
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25 Journal Article

Crossing Boundaries: Internal, Regional and International Migration in Cameroon

Authors Blessing Uchenna Mberu, Roland Pongou
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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26 Journal Article

Impacts of refugee flows to territorial development in Europe

The so-called migration and refugee crisis is one of the most contentious topics on the EU agenda in the current context. The recent events related to the Syrian civil war, political turmoil in Libya and the subsequent influx of refugees and other migrants towards Europe as well as perceptions caused by internal migration that led to ‘Brexit’ have had a polarsing effect on Europe. Therefore, territorial evidence on the flows of asylum seekers and refugees, their distribution between and within EU countries, regions and cities, impact on socio-economic development as well as information on crisis management and integration is in high demand. The ESPON applied research activity “Impacts of refugee flows to territorial development in Europe” addresses these issues and aims to provide relevant territorial evidence and policy recommendations. The research aims to answer the following questions: How does the distribution of asylum seekers and refugees look like at regional and urban level and how has this been changing over time as a result of European and national policy decisions in recent decades? What skills and qualifications do the refugees possess and how does the influx of refugees impact the recipient countries´ regional and local labour markets and demographic imbalances (especially concerning regions which are facing the challenges of losing population and ageing)? Do the skills and qualifications meet the needs of local labour markets and how do they compete with local population and regular migrants? How are different European regions and cities located in arrival, transit and destination countries responding to the refugee crisis in terms of providing humanitarian aid, services (accommodation, material support, healthcare provision, education, language courses, labour market programmes), community building, internal distribution of refugees and medium and long term integration? How does the diversity within Europe in terms of integration policies at regional and local levels look like? What are the main challenges and what are the good policy responses and the best practices for successful integration of refugees into the local communities, societies and labour markets at regional and local levels? What kind of support do they need? How successful have the integration measures been in the past? How to improve the use of existing funding opportunities? Is there a need to improve the legislation? What kind of impacts would the implementation of the proposal of European relocation scheme generate to European countries regions and cities? How are countries redistributing refugees internally? What are the main concerns for the host countries and communities? Consortium: VVA Europe, IT (lead contractor), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, IT, InTER - Insitute for Territorial Economic Development, SRB Central European University, HU International Centre for Migration Policy and Development (ICMPD), AT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE Bernd Parusel, SE Bastian A. Vollmer, DE Richard Williams, UK Gianni Antonio Carbonaro, UK
Year 2018
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27 Project

"On the move, or staying put?" An analysis of intrametropolitan residential mobility and ageing in place

Authors Mariana T. Atkins
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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28 Journal Article

The Great Migration in Black and White: New Evidence on the Selection and Sorting of Southern Migrants

Authors William J. Collins, Marianne H. Wanamaker
Year 2015
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29 Journal Article

Do Foreigners Replace Natives Immigrants? Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Analysis

Authors Herbert BRÜCKER, Stefano FACHIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2009
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30 Working Paper

Do Foreigners Replace Native Immigrants? Evidence from a panel cointegration analysis

Authors Herbert BRÜCKER, Stefano FACCHIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
Journal Name Economic Modelling, 2011, 28, 3, 1078–1089
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31 Journal Article

Forced urbanisation: A cross-national assessment of the effects of intranational political violence on a nation’s largest cities

Authors Robert M. Anthony, KK Robison, Robert M Anthony, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
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34 Journal Article

Mobilités ouest-africaines

Principal investigator Monique Bertrand (Principal Investigator)
Le projet MOBOUA a rassemblé 16 chercheurs dans quatre pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, dont 9 relevant des universités partenaires Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, du Mali et de Ouagadougou. Rappelant que la sous-région "retient mieux ses migrants qu'elle ne les exporte", il s'est démarqué de commandes de recherche portant sur les remises financières des "migrants" au Nord ; et sur la montée en force de tendances xénophobes dans les espaces politiques africains. L'approche retenue est celle de la mobilité dans ses différentes échéances et amplitudes (internationales, nationales, locales) et leur articulation spatio-temporelle dans une perspective analytique. L'argumentaire s'illustre en particulier sur trois types de mesures scientifique : 1. Les circulations internationales intra-africaines 2. Les prolongements intra-urbains, résidentiels et plus quotidiens, des mouvements vers les villes 3. Les liens sociétaux que les migrants entretiennent avec d'autres composantes, migrantes et non migrantes, du peuplement africain. Pour ce faire, le projet s'est donné pour objectif d'argumenter de l'intérieur la dynamique et la diversité d'un "Sud, aujourd'hui" ; d'analyser circulations et relocalisations en associant deux méthodes dans un dispositif de recherche pluridisciplinaire : le suivi biographique et pluri-générationnel des migrants selon leurs parcours respectifs ; l'observation de sites significatifs de l'accès des ruraux et des citadins aux ressources économiques et sociales locales. L'investissement méthodologique est donc un point fort de MOBOUA. Sont conjugués une approche "macro" de la migration internationale (mise à jour critique de diverses sources internationales) et de nombreuses collectes de première main : approche anthropologique, suivi territorial de migrants devenus citadins, protocole statistique d'enquêtes quantitatives. Quatre bases de "micro" données individuelles sont notamment en cours de traitement. Les résultats scientifiques obtenus répondent aux attentes initiales du projet sur les axes d'échanges retenus dans ses trois ateliers : - A chaque génération ses migrants : la recomposition des mobilités internes et internationales se cale sur les cycles de vie des candidats au départ, mais aussi sur les conjonctures historiques et la transition démographique marquant la sous-région à rythmes différenciés dans les pays. - Le passage théorique et méthodologique de "migrants à citadins" comble un déficit de connaissances localisées. L'articulation en ville de différentes mobilités participe pleinement de leurs recompositions familiales et politiques. - Au-delà des catégories d'installation et de mouvement, expériences collectives et projets migratoires plus individués se confrontent en réactivant de vieilles méridiennes de circulation entre Sahel et Côte Atlantique. L'impact des crises ivoiriennes compte dans les perspectives envisagées par MOBOUA tant pour l'avenir des migrations internationales ouest-africaines, que pour la contribution des apports démographiques externes aux dynamiques de métropolisation.
Year 2008
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35 Project


Authors D PANTON
Year 1993
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36 Journal Article

Analysing transnational and internal migration in the German North-east before World War I: Outlining a heuristic concept

Authors Klaus J. Bade
Year 2018
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38 Journal Article

Recovery Migration After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Spatial Concentration and Intensification in the Migration System

Authors Katherine J. Curtis, Elizabeth Fussell, Jack DeWaard
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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39 Journal Article

Migration in India: A Review

Authors J.P. Singh
Year 1992
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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40 Journal Article

The Movement of People in Asia: Internal, Intra-Regional and International Migration

Authors Lin Lean Lim, Manolo Abella
Year 1994
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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41 Journal Article

Rural Industrialisation and Internal Migration in China

Authors Zai Liang, Z Liang, YP Chen, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Urban Studies
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42 Journal Article

Testing the differential urbanisation model for Italy

Authors Corrado Bonifazi, Frank Heins
Year 2003
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 14
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43 Journal Article

Experiencing agricultural failure: Internal migration, tourism and local perceptions of regional change in the Yucatan

Authors Lindsey Carte, Rebecca Maria Torres, Mason McWatters, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 19
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44 Journal Article

Economic development and population distribution in Albania

Authors Johan G. Borchert
Year 1975
Journal Name Geoforum
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45 Journal Article

Internal Migration in Thailand

Authors Philip Guest, Aphichat Chamratrithirong, Kritaya Archavanitkul, ...
Year 1994
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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46 Journal Article

Modelling Migration Flows of Immigrant Groups in Canada

Authors E G Moore, M W Rosenberg
Year 1995
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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47 Journal Article

Migration from Central and Eastern Europe to Turkey

Authors Tuğba Acar, Deniz Karcı Korfalı
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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48 Book Chapter

Self-employment, Internal Migration and Place Embeddedness

Authors Darja Reuschke
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 4
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50 Journal Article

Mobilités Ouest-Africaines

Principal investigator Monique Bertrand (Principal Investigator)
Le projet MOBOUA a rassemblé 16 chercheurs dans quatre pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Rappelant que la sous-région "retient mieux ses migrants qu'elle ne les exporte", il s'est démarqué des commandes de recherche portant sur les remises financières des "migrants" au Nord ; et sur la montée en force de tendances xénophobes dans les espaces politiques africains. L'approche retenue est celle de la mobilité dans ses différentes échéances et amplitudes (internationales, nationales, locales), et leur articulation spatio-temporelle dans une perspective analytique. L'argumentaire s'illustre en particulier sur trois types de mesure scientifique : 1. Les circulations internationales intra-africaines 2. Les prolongements intra-urbains, résidentiel et plus quotidiens, des mouvements vers les villes 3. Les liens sociétaux que les migrants entretiennent dans d'autres composantes, migrantes et non migrantes, du peuplement africain. Pour ce faire, le projet s'est donné pour objectif d'argumenter de l'intérieur la dynamique et la diversité d'un "Sud, aujourd'hui" ; d'analyser circulations de relocalisations en associant deux méthodes dans un dispositif de recherche pluridisciplinaire : le suivi biographique et pluri-générationnel des migrants selon leurs parcours respectifs ; l'observation de sites significatifs de l'accès des ruraux et des citadins aux ressources économiques et sociales locales. L'investissement méthodologique est donc un point fort de MOBOUA. Sont conjugués une approche "macro" de la migration internationale (mise à jour critique de diverses sources internationales) et de nombreuses collectes de première main : approche anthropologique, suivi territorial de migrants devenus citadins, protocole statistique d'enquête quantitatives. Quatres bases "micro" de données individuelles sont notamment en cours de traitement. Les résultats scientifiques obtenus répondent aux attentes initiales du projet sur les axes d'échange retenus dans ses trois ateliers : - A chaque génération ses migrants : la recomposition des mobilités internes et internationales sur les cycles de vie des candidats au départ, mais aussi sur les conjonctures historiques et la transition démographique marquant l sous-région à rythmes différenciés dans les pays. - Le passage théorique et méthodologique "de migrants à citadins", comble un déficit de connaissances localisées. L'articulation en ville de différentes mobilités participe pleinement de leurs recompositions familiales et politiques. - Au-delà des catégories d'installation et de mouvement, expériences collectives et projets migratoires plus individués se confrontent en réactivant de vieilles méridiennes de circulation entre Sahel et Côte Atlantique. L'impact des crises ivoiriennes compte dans les perspectives envisagées par MOBOUA tant pour l'avenir des migrations internationales ouest-africaines, que pour la contribution des apports démographiques externes aux dynamiques de métropolisation. La valorisation scientifique des recherche s'accompagne de restitutions auprès d'acteurs locaux du développement urbain.
Year 2007
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51 Project

Internal migrations in Spain, 1877-1930

Authors Javier Silvestre
Year 2005
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52 Journal Article

Cross-National Comparisons of Internal Migration

Authors Martin Bell, Salut Muhidin
Year 2009
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53 Working Paper

Introduction: understanding the links between population dynamics and climate change

Authors Adrian C. Hayes, Susana B. Adamo
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 1
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54 Journal Article

China’s family planning policies and their labor market consequences

Authors Fei Wang, Z Zhao, Liqiu Zhao, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 7
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55 Journal Article

Mobility and Citizenship during Pandemics: The multilevel political responses in South America

Authors Leiza Brumat, Victoria Finn
Year 2021
Journal Name Partecipazione e Conflitto
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57 Journal Article

Unravelling the Dynamics of Border Crossing and Rural-to-Rural-to-Urban Mobility in the Northeastern Thai-Lao Borderlands

Authors Soimart Rungmanee
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 5
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58 Journal Article

Beyond homeownership: Housing conditions, housing support and rural migrant urban settlement intentions in China

Authors Shenghua Xie, Juan Chen
Year 2018
Journal Name Cities
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60 Journal Article

Internal migration and health: Re-examining the healthy migrant phenomenon in China

Authors Juan Chen
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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61 Journal Article

From concentration to deconcentration - Migration patterns in the post-socialist city

Authors Timo Ott
Year 2001
Journal Name Cities
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62 Journal Article

From concentration to deconcentration - Migration patterns in the post-socialist city

Authors T Ott
Year 2001
Journal Name Cities
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63 Journal Article

Asiatische Bildungsmobilität: Eine vergleichende Studie der internationalen Migration von japanischen und chinesischen Studierenden

Principal investigator Thomas Faist (Principal Investigator ), Yasemin Soysal (Principal Investigator )
In dem Projekt wird eine systematische und komparative Analyse über asiatische Studierendenmobilität durchgeführt werden. Dabei handelt es sich um eine der weltweit stärksten bildungsbezogenen Migrationsbewegungen. Wir möchten neue Einblicke über den Zusammenhang zwischen bildungsbezogener Mobilität, Lebensplanung und Lebensverlauf gewinnen. Unser Forschungsdesign ist innovativ: Wir schlagen auf der Basis eines repräsentativen Samples von japanischen und chinesischen Studierenden einen dreifachen Vergleich vor: zwischen (1) japanischen und chinesischen Studierenden an britischen und deutschen Universitäten, (2) im Inland verbliebenen chinesischen und japanischen Studierenden und (3) nach Japan migrierten chinesischen Studierenden. Durch solche Vergleiche, und unter Verwendung von verschiedenen multivariaten Methoden und Netzwerkanalysen, erwarten wir einige theoretische Aspekte aufdecken zu können, etwa im Hinblick auf die Selektivität bildungsbezogener Mobilität, die Formierung individueller Präferenzen für regionale oder überregionale Migration, und die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen solcher Präferenzen auf den wahrgenommenen Wert und die Möglichkeiten tertiärer Bildung für die zukünftige Lebensplanung. Zusätzlich zu der Generierung von wertvollen Umfragedaten über die Migration von chinesischen und japanischen Studierenden, wird die Forschung einer Reihe von nicht-akademischen Interessenvertretern, einschließlich Regierungen, tertiären Bildungseinrichtungen, think-tanks und Organisationen, die in die Bereitstellungen von Informationen und Unterstützung für internationale Studierende involviert sind, zugute kommen. Das vorgeschlagene Projekt beruht auf dem aktuell geförderten Befragungsprojekt 'Bright Futures: Internal and International Mobility of Chinese Students' der europäischen Partner und deren Kooperation mit Forschern an der Universität Kyoto.
Year 2016
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64 Project

The labor of social change: Seasonal labor migration and social change in rural western India

Authors Pronoy Rai
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 5
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65 Journal Article

Movilidad residencial regional, migraciones y balance territorial en la Comunidad de Madrid durante la crisis económica

Authors Julio A. Del Pino Artacho
Year 2017
Journal Name Papers. Revista de Sociologia
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66 Journal Article

Internal migration and contraceptive knowledge and use in Guatemala

Authors DP Lindstrom, Coralia Herrera Hernandez
Year 2006
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67 Journal Article

Rural-to-Urban Migration: Socioeconomic Status But Not Acculturation was Associated with Overweight/Obesity Risk

Authors Angela Hilmers, Robert H. Gilman, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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68 Journal Article

Internal migration, urban living, and non-communicable disease risk in South Africa

Year 2021
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70 Journal Article

Internal and International Mobility as Adaptation to Climatic Variability in Contemporary Mexico: Evidence from the Integration of Census and Satellite Data

Authors Stefan Leyk, LM Hunter, Fernando Riosmena, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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71 Journal Article

Migrant worker acculturation in China

Authors Yongxia Gui, JW Berry, Yong Zheng, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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72 Journal Article

The Majority‐Minority Divide in Attitudes toward Internal Migration: Evidence from Mumbai

Authors Nikhar Gaikwad, Gareth Nellis
Year 2017
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 5
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73 Journal Article

Educational selectivity of internal migrants: A global assessment

Authors Aude Bernard, Martin Bell
Year 2018
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 3
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74 Journal Article

When Internal Migration Fails: A Case Study of Central American Youth Who Relocate Internally Before Leaving Their Countries

Authors Angel Alfonso Escamilla García
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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76 Journal Article

Chinese citizenship ‘after orientalism’: academic narratives on internal migrants in China

Authors Małgorzata Jakimów, Malgorzata Jakimow
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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77 Journal Article

Migration in market and democracy transition: Migration intentions and behavior in Romania

Authors Dumitru Sandu, Gordon F. de Jong
Year 1996
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 17
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78 Journal Article

Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to Portugal: The Visibility of a New Migration Landscape

Authors Sónia Pereira, Maria Lucinda Fonseca
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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79 Book Chapter

Migration and labour market integration in late nineteenth-century England and Wales

Authors GR Boyer, TJ Hatton
Year 1997
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80 Journal Article

Internal migration and health: Premarital sexual initiation in Nigeria

Authors Blessing Uchenna Mberu, MJ White
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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81 Journal Article

Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia

Authors Carolina Viviana ZUCCOTTI, Andrew GEDDES, Alessia BACCHI, ...
The RuMiT (Rural Migration in Tunisia) research addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth outmigration and the impact of rural youth migration on rural livelihoods and societies in origin regions in Tunisia. The research used a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods, providing comparative insights into: international and internal migrants and non-migrants; pre- and post-2011 migrants; households with and without migrants. Main results show that migrants from rural areas are increasingly highly educated and leaving to pursue their studies abroad. This particularly applies to women, who also register a decrease in marriage-related migration. Migration proves to be rewarding for both internal and international migrants, in terms of occupational and social security outcomes. In particular, migrant women have higher labour market participation and employment rates than non-migrants. As a direct consequence of an emigration which is still male dominated, households with migrants are increasingly feminized, i.e. with a higher share of women, who are more likely to be active compared with women in nonmigrant households. Migrant households were also found to have higher access to social security. While incomes from remittances tend not to be invested in productive activities, evidence shows that one internal migrant out of four and one international migrant out of three has an economic activity in the areas of origin, which in most of the cases is connected with agricultural or animal production. The Rural Migration in Tunisia (RuMiT) research project was undertaken in the framework of the FAO project “Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction: Fostering rural diversification through enhanced youth employment and better mobility” (GCP/INT/240/ITA) – in brief, the Rural Youth Migration (RYM) project – implemented in Tunisia and Ethiopia between 2015 and 2017, and funded by the Italian Development Cooperation.
Year 2018
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82 Report

Exodus from the California Core: Using Demographic Effectiveness and Migration Impact Measures to Examine Population Redistribution Within the Western United States

Authors Christopher J. Henrie, David A. Plane
Year 2008
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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83 Journal Article

Poland’s Perspective on the Intra-European Movement of Poles. Implications and Governance Responses

Authors Marta Kindler
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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84 Book Chapter

Migration of Ukrainians to the European Union: Background and Key Issues

Authors Marta Kindler, Olena Fedyuk
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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85 Book Chapter

A Life Course Perspective on Urban-Rural Migration: the Importance of the Local Context

Authors Aileen Stockdale, Gemma Catney
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 28
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86 Journal Article

Exploring Child Mortality Risks Associated with Diverse Patterns of Maternal Migration in Haiti

Authors Emily Smith-Greenaway, Kevin J. A. Thomas
Year 2014
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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87 Journal Article

Migrants' dreams and planners' nightmares

Authors A.M. Findlay
Year 1985
Journal Name Cities
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88 Journal Article

Internal migration and health stratification in urban China

Authors Jianlin Niu, Yaqiang Qi
Year 2015
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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89 Journal Article

Recent Migration Patterns in the Developed World: A Clarification of Some Differences between our and NASA's Findings

Authors D Vining, R Pallone, D Plane
Year 1981
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 19
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90 Journal Article

Internal Migration and Early Life Mortality in Kenya and Nigeria

Authors Blessing Uchenna Mberu, Michael Mutua
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 3
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91 Journal Article

Tourism migrant workers: The internal integration from urban to rural destinations

Authors Jiuxia Sun, Ling Ling, Zhuowei (Joy) Huang
Year 2020
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92 Journal Article

New Patterns of Internal Migration in Emigrant-Sending Communities: the Case of China

Authors Qian Song, Zai Liang
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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93 Journal Article

Environmental aspects of internal migration in Tanzania

Authors Cristina Ocello, Daniele Vignoli, Maria Rita Testa, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 5
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94 Journal Article

Gender inequalities in employment and wage-earning among internal labour migrants in Chinese cities

Authors Min Qin, Sabu S. Padmadas, Jane Falkingham, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Demographic Research
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95 Journal Article

Generational differences in urban settlement intentions of rural-to-urban migrants in China: Exploring the role of farmland holding

Authors Haiyang Lu, Ziran Li, Junqian Wu
Year 2021
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96 Journal Article

The Impact of Internal Migration on under-Five Mortality in 27 Sub-Saharan African Countries

Authors Abukari I. Issaka, Andre M. N. Renzaho, Kingsley E. Agho
Year 2016
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 3
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97 Journal Article

Changing Western German Internal Migration Systems during the Second Half of the 1980s

Authors T Kontuly, K P Schön
Year 1994
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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98 Journal Article

The internal migration-development nexus: Evidence from southern India

Authors Warren Dodd, S Humphries, Cate Dewey, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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99 Journal Article

Subsequent Migration of Immigrants Within Australia, 1981–2016

Authors James Raymer, Bernard Baffour
Year 2018
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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100 Journal Article
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