Poverty and inequality

Poverty and inequality refer to macro and micro level absolute and relative deprivation within sending and receiving countries and the relative inequality between countries.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to poverty, inequality, absolute and relative deprivation, and positive and negative selection of migrants.

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Rural Migration and Relative Deprivation in Agro-Pastoral Communities Under the Threat of Cattle Rustling in Nigeria

Authors Saifullahi Sani Ibrahim, Huseyin Ozdeser, Behiye Cavusoglu, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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1 Journal Article

Deprivation and Poverty in Hong Kong

Authors Peter Saunders, Hung Wong, Wo Ping Wong
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 23
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2 Journal Article

Are unequal societies more migratory?

Authors Mathias Czaika
Year 2013
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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3 Journal Article

What Drives Migration to Europe? Survey Experimental Evidence from Lebanon

Authors Anselm Hager
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
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4 Journal Article

Still Large, but Narrowing: The Sizable Decline in Racial Neighborhood Inequality in Metropolitan America, 1980–2010

Authors Glenn Firebaugh, G Firebaugh, CR Farrell, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
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5 Journal Article

Interstate migration of the US poverty population: Immigration “pushes” and welfare magnet “pulls”

Authors William H. Frey, Kao-Lee Liaw, Yu Xie, ...
Year 1996
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 31
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6 Journal Article

Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration, and Markets

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Susanne Veit (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives The GEMM project addresses the ‘Migration, Prosperity and Growth Dimension’ of the call on the European Growth Agenda within the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Commission. With over 20 researchers located in 8 countries in Europe, our consortium will approach this important topic and deliver: An analysis of the obstacles to the successful incorporation of migrants and in particular to the attraction and retention of highly skilled migrants; A thorough assessment of the migration related drivers of growth and the optimal functioning of markets; An assessment of ethnic inequality in the labor market as a barrier to competitiveness and innovation in Europe; A set of policy recommendations that contain concrete guidelines as to how migrants can contribute to the EU economy and society. These deliverables are realized by putting forward an innovative research agenda that combines scientific rigor, a mixed methods and comparative approach, and crosscutting expertise. The main contribution of this project is to advance our understanding of ethnic inequality as a central barrier to the optimal functioning of the European labor market and thus to growth and innovation. Ethnic inequality inhibits two main migration related drivers of growth: the efficient use of human capital and managing mobility of human capital both within Europe and from other regions in the world. In the research framework, we analyze the interrelatedness between ethnic inequality as a barrier to growth, and the two migration-related drivers of growth. We achieve a unified research focus across work packages in two ways: by analyzing types of migrants defined by their educational qualifications – individuals with high, medium and vocational, and low skills; by exploring three sets of determinants of inequality - individual (gender, age, health, family situation, caring responsibilities, social ties (friendship ties), religious affiliation), contextual (neighborhood deprivation, segregation, climate of reception), institutional determinants (employment discrimination, labor market (occupational, sectoral) segmentation, flexibility and security of work, access to social welfare (policy regimes more broadly)."
Year 2015
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7 Project

Introduction : irregular migrant domestic workers in Europe : who cares?

Year 2013
Book Title Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU (ed.), Irregular migrant domestic workers in Europe : who cares?, Burlington ; Farnham : Ashgate, 2013, Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series, 209-232
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
8 Book Chapter

Climate change events in the Bengali migration to the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh

Authors Rafiqul Islam, S Schech, Udoy Saikia
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
9 Journal Article

The Future of Immigrant Incorporation: Which Models? Which Concepts?

Authors Barbara Schmitter Heisler, BS Heisler
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 24
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10 Journal Article

The Future of Immigrant Incorporation: Which Models? Which Concepts?

Authors Barbara Schmitter Heisler
Year 1992
Journal Name International Migration Review
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11 Journal Article

The Push and Pull Factors Contributing Towards Asylum Migration from Developing Countries to Developed Countries Since 2000

Authors Nozomi Matsui, James Raymer
Year 2020
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12 Journal Article

Inequality, Family Processes, and Health in the "New" Rural America

Authors LM Burton, DT Lichter, John Eason, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
13 Journal Article

Child Poverty During the Years of the Great Recession: An Analysis of Racial Differences Among Immigrants and US Natives

Authors Kevin J. A. Thomas, Catherine Tucker
Year 2015
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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14 Journal Article

Urban poverty and marginalization under market transition: the case of Chinese cities

Authors Fulong Wu
Year 2004
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 114
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15 Journal Article

Poverty Concentration and Determinants in China's Urban Low-income Neighbourhoods and Social Groups

Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 28
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16 Journal Article

Vocational Status, Hukou and Housing Migrants in the New Century: Evidence from a Multi-city Study of Housing Inequality

Authors Junhua Chen, Ying Wu, Huijia Li
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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17 Journal Article

Southern Negro Migration: Social and Economic Components of an Ecological Model

Authors William F. Stinner, Gordon F. De Jong
Year 1969
Journal Name Demography
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18 Journal Article

The effect on morbidity of variability in deprivation and population stability in England and Wales: an investigation at small-area level

Authors Paul Boyle, Oliver Duke-Williams, AC Gatrell
Year 1999
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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19 Journal Article

Social Trust Between Rural Migrants and Urban Locals in China - Exploring the Effects of Residential Diversity and Neighbourhood Deprivation

Authors Zheng Wang, Fangzhu Zhang, Fulong Wu
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 5
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20 Journal Article

Voting with their feet: highly skilled emigrants from southern Europe

Year 2014
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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22 Journal Article

Introduction. The Immigration-Crime Connection: Competing Theoretical Perspectives

Authors Scot Wortley
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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23 Journal Article

City of Water Port-au-Prince, Inequality, and the Social Meaning of Rain

Year 2021
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24 Journal Article

On the Determinants of Slum Formation

Authors Tiago Cavalcanti, Daniel Da Mata, Marcelo Santos
Year 2019
Journal Name The Economic Journal
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25 Journal Article

Land Tenure Inequality, Harvests, and Rural Conflict: Evidence from Southern Spain during the Second Republic (1931-1934)

Authors Jordi Domenech
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science History
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26 Journal Article

Pursuing the capabilities approach within the migration–development nexus

Authors Kerry Preibisch, Warren Dodd, Yvonne Su
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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27 Journal Article


Authors Tatiana S. Martynenko
Year 2020
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
28 Journal Article

The Determinants of Human Trafficking: A US Case Study

Authors Alicja Jac-Kucharski
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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29 Journal Article

Regards sur la migration irrégulière des Sénégalais : vouloir faire fortune en Europe avec des pirogues de fortune

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Avec une agriculture peu rentable à cause des sols peu fertiles et des précipitations irrégulières mais aussi du fait du désengagement de l’État de ce secteur au début des années 80 imposé par les programmes d’ajustement structurel, de nombreuses populations sénégalaises rurales ont émigré vers les centres urbains pour échapper à la pauvreté endémique. Dans ces villes, les migrants deviennent de simples acteurs du secteur informel où ils cohabitent avec des citadins victimes de déflations, de licenciements, de fermeture d’entreprises, etc. L’émigration vers d’autres pays devient dans ce contexte une alternative au dénuement économique. Ce papier met en exergue le voyage des sénégalais qui utilisent des pirogues de fortune dans l’espoir d’atteindre l’Europe via les îles canaries. L’auteur analyse les motivations sous-tendant ces itinéraires « irréguliers » ou « illégaux » et met en lumière les stratégies ainsi que les ressources que ces migrants utilisent pour partir. Abstract As agriculture is becoming unprofitable with only partially productive land and irregular precipitation, not to mention the disengagement of the state-imposed structural adjustment programmes, many rural Senegalese have moved to urban centers to escape poverty. In these towns, they become informal sector workers where they coexist with the urban victims of deflation, layoffs, business closures, and so on. Thus, emigration to other countries becomes an alternative to economic deprivation. The paper focuses on the Senegalese who embark on “fortune seeking pirogues”, hoping to reach Europe via the Canary Islands. The author analyses the motivations of these ‘irregular’ or illegal migratory itineraries and sheds light on the strategies and resources that they employ in order to leave.
Year 2010
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31 Report

Regards sur la migration irrégulière des Sénégalais : vouloir faire fortune en Europe avec des pirogues de fortune

Authors Serigne Mansour TALL, Aly TANDIAN
Avec une agriculture peu rentable à cause des sols peu fertiles et des précipitations irrégulières mais aussi du fait du désengagement de l’État de ce secteur au début des années 80 imposé par les programmes d’ajustement structurel, de nombreuses populations sénégalaises rurales ont émigré vers les centres urbains pour échapper à la pauvreté endémique. Dans ces villes, les migrants deviennent de simples acteurs du secteur informel où ils cohabitent avec des citadins victimes de déflations, de licenciements, de fermeture d’entreprises, etc. L’émigration vers d’autres pays devient dans ce contexte une alternative au dénuement économique. Ce papier met en exergue le voyage des sénégalais qui utilisent des pirogues de fortune dans l’espoir d’atteindre l’Europe via les îles canaries. L’auteur analyse les motivations sous-tendant ces itinéraires « irréguliers » ou « illégaux » et met en lumière les stratégies ainsi que les ressources que ces migrants utilisent pour partir. Abstract As agriculture is becoming unprofitable with only partially productive land and irregular precipitation, not to mention the disengagement of the state-imposed structural adjustment programmes, many rural Senegalese have moved to urban centers to escape poverty. In these towns, they become informal sector workers where they coexist with the urban victims of deflation, layoffs, business closures, and so on. Thus, emigration to other countries becomes an alternative to economic deprivation. The paper focuses on the Senegalese who embark on “fortune seeking pirogues”, hoping to reach Europe via the Canary Islands. The author analyses the motivations of these ‘irregular’ or illegal migratory itineraries and sheds light on the strategies and resources that they employ in order to leave.
Year 2010
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32 Report

Social Control, Urban Planning and Ethno-class Relations: Mizrahi Jews in Israel's 'Development Towns'

Authors Oren Yiftachel
Year 2000
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 52
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33 Journal Article

Global Mobility Corridors for the Ultra-Rich. The Neoliberal Transformation of Citizenship

Authors Roxana Barbulescu
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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34 Book Chapter

The Poverty Balancing Equation: Expressing Poverty of Place as a Population Process

Authors J. Tom Mueller
Year 2021
Journal Name Demography
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35 Journal Article

District 9, race and neoliberalism in post-apartheid Johannesburg

Authors Keith B. Wagner
Year 2015
Journal Name Race & Class
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36 Journal Article

Op zoek naar veilige(r) landen. Onderzoek naar beweegredenen van asielzoekers

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ)
Een advies over de komst van asielzoekers uit door Nederland als veilig aangemerkte landen. Waarom dienen zij een asielaanvraag in, terwijl de kans op inwilliging nihil is? Uit het onderzoek is gebleken dat motieven voor personen om uit veilig aangemerkte landen te vertrekken zeer divers zijn en een krachtige drijfveer vormen voor migratie naar ‘Europa’. Die motieven komen bijvoorbeeld voort uit een gebrek aan perspectief in eigen land – armoede, werkloosheid, ongelijkheid – versterkt door gebrekkig bestuur en corruptie en zijn krachtiger dan de aantrekkingskracht van Nederland. Nederland is dan ook vaak niet de eerste bestemmingskeuze. Tijdens de reis ontstaan meer pullfactoren voor Nederland, die vaak zijn ingegeven door verhalen van landgenoten over Nederland. Op basis van dit onderzoek doet de ACVZ de volgende aanbevelingen: • 1) Pak de grondoorzaken van migratie aan en overweeg legale migratiekanalen. • 2) Zet in op een geharmoniseerde EU-definitie van veilig land en uniforme toepassing ervan. • 3) Verkort de Dublinprocedure en/of doe meer zaken zelf af. • 4) Versterk de inzet op terugkeer. Bied maatwerk inreisverboden en terugkeerondersteuning. • 5) Richt informatiecampagnes in, ook op personen die al onderweg zijn.
Year 2018
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37 Report

The Politics of the Mundane

Year 2021
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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38 Journal Article

Migration to the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: Why place matters

Authors David L. Carr
Year 2008
Journal Name Human Organization
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39 Journal Article

What Drives Youth’s Intention to Migrate Abroad? Evidence from International Survey Data

Authors Santo Milasi
Year 2020
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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40 Journal Article

Human migration and the environment

Authors Susana B. Adamo, Haydea Izazola
Year 2010
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 20
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41 Journal Article

Mauritanie : Migration Hautement Qualifiée

Authors Sidna Ndah MOHAMED SALEH
Le présent rapport cherche à dresser un panorama de la question de la migration hautement qualifiée en Mauritanie. Des données récentes estiment que l’effectif des compétences mauritaniennes de niveau supérieur ayant émigrées représente une proportion comprise entre 10,4% et 12,0% par rapport à l’ensemble de la main d’œuvre mauritanienne ayant un niveau d’instruction supérieur ; ce chiffre correspond égalent à quelques 22,0% du nombre de migrants mauritaniens à l’étranger. La présente note analytique vise à clarifier les causes de la migration qualifiée qui sont étroitement liées avec le fonctionnement du marché du travail dans ce pays. En effet, la Mauritanie demeure un pays à faible revenu dont l’économie se base principalement sur les revenus provenant des ressources naturelles (industries extractives, pêcheries, pétrole, par exemple) et de l'aide provenant de l’étranger. Outre à cette structure économique, le marché du travail est caractérisé par un niveau de chômage élevé et persistant ainsi que par une informalité importante de l’emploi. Par ailleurs, les sortants du système éducatif, notamment les diplômés, se retrouve également confronté à la question du chômage. Ce phénomène laisse à penser qu’une certaine inadéquation entre le système de formation et les besoins du marché du travail existe en Mauritanie. Au déficit d’opportunités d’emploi s’ajoute un niveau de pauvreté élevé favorisant tous types d'émigration, notamment pour les individus ayant un niveau d’instruction supérieur et pouvant probablement davantage se permettre les coûts de l’émigration. The aim of this paper is to offer a profile of highly-skilled migrants from Mauritania. From recent data, we know that highly-skilled emigrants make up about 22.0% of all emigrants; or between 10.4% and 12.0% of the highly-skilled labor force in Mauritania. Here, we focus on the pull factors of this type of emigration which are mainly related to the functioning of the labor market. Mauritania remains a low-income country with an economy based largely on income from natural resources – i.e. fishery industries and extractive activities – as well as foreign aid. High levels of unemployment and informal employment are the main features characterizing this labor market. As the graduate population seems to be particularly vulnerable to such negative labor-market conditions, the mismatch between the educational system and labor-market needs plays a fundamental role in the decision to emigrate. Finally, together with these labor-market determinants, poverty represents a constant push-factor for all types of emigration and thus also for highly-skilled individuals, who can better afford the costs of emigration.
Year 2010
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42 Report

Causality Chains in the International Migration Systems Approach

Authors Roel Jennissen
Year 2007
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 29
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43 Journal Article

Migration-related health inequalities: Showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin

Authors Davide Malmusi, Carme Borrell, Joan Benach
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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44 Journal Article

The Politics of Refugee Protection in a (Post)COVID-19 World

Year 2021
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45 Journal Article

Scottish mortality rates 2000-2002 by deprivation and small area population mobility

Authors Denise Brown, Alastair H. Leyland
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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48 Journal Article

Economic Inequality, Immigrants and Selective Solidarity: From Perceived Lack of Opportunity to In-group Favoritism

Authors Gabriele Magni
Year 2020
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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49 Journal Article

Labour migration and increasing inequality in Norway

Authors Marie H Slettebak
Year 2020
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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50 Journal Article

The State, Institutional Transition and the Creation of New Urban Poverty in China

Authors YT Liu, Fulong Wu, Yuting Liu
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 31
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52 Journal Article

Health trajectories of immigrants in the United States: Does income inequality of country of origin matter?

Authors Dina Maskileyson
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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54 Journal Article

Women's migration and quality of life in Turkey

Authors Mohammad Hemmasi, M Hemmasi, CV Prorok, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 11
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55 Journal Article

Networks Versus Need: Drivers of Urban Out-Migration in the Brazilian Amazon

Authors Heather F. Randell, LK VanWey, Leah K. VanWey
Year 2014
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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57 Journal Article

Enhancing Knowledge for Renewed Policies against Poverty

NOPOOR aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. We believe that poverty cannot be tackled without a comprehensive approach. We know that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, but NOPOOR will explore new and uncharted dimensions. It is not just a picture of poverty, but also an understanding of poverty entry and exit processes that is needed for achieving MDGs and for making more effective the policies. Nineteen experienced partners are involved in the project, which includes ten teams from developing and emerging countries in three regions (Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). These countries have implemented different poverty reduction policies, and this will form the basis for the comparative and case studies approach taken. The project will identify key mechanisms that explain the persistence and exacerbation of poverty, which have been altered by the insertion of developing countries into the globalization process, including trade, aid, FDI and migration, and by the growing interdependence of economies. Causes may differ between countries. This calls for policies and actions to be tailored to each poor country’s characteristics, including their access to resources, political regime, quality of institutions and governance. These points are developed by various approaches, including political economics, and different methods: surveys, econometric studies and case studies. NOPOOR will put significant resources into generating new knowledge from original surveys, database work and qualitative work. .It will also look forward to future scenarios. Conclusions will be oriented to policy recommendations. Beyond this contribution to scientific knowledge, NOPOOR will pursue an active policy of dissemination and capacity building, including training of young Southern researchers and the implementation of a permanent network with National Institutes of Statistics (NIS). The project is policy-oriented. NOPOOR will accompany the EU's agenda for its policy against poverty by consultations, guidance notes, and policy briefs on issues relating to the program. The review of MDG will constitute an important point of focus in the future years.
Year 2012
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58 Project


NOPOOR aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. We believe that poverty cannot be tackled without a comprehensive approach. We know that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, but NOPOOR will explore new and uncharted dimensions. It is not just a picture of poverty, but also an understanding of poverty entry and exit processes that is needed for achieving MDGs and for making more effective the policies. Nineteen experienced partners are involved in the project, which includes ten teams from developing and emerging countries in three regions (Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). These countries have implemented different poverty reduction policies, and this will form the basis for the comparative and case studies approach taken. The project will identify key mechanisms that explain the persistence and exacerbation of poverty, which have been altered by the insertion of developing countries into the globalization process, including trade, aid, FDI and migration, and by the growing interdependence of economies. Causes may differ between countries. This calls for policies and actions to be tailored to each poor country’s characteristics, including their access to resources, political regime, quality of institutions and governance. These points are developed by various approaches, including political economics, and different methods: surveys, econometric studies and case studies. NOPOOR will put significant resources into generating new knowledge from original surveys, database work and qualitative work. .It will also look forward to future scenarios. Conclusions will be oriented to policy recommendations. Beyond this contribution to scientific knowledge, NOPOOR will pursue an active policy of dissemination and capacity building, including training of young Southern researchers and the implementation of a permanent network with National Institutes of Statistics (NIS). The project is policy-oriented. NOPOOR will accompany the EU's agenda for its policy against poverty by consultations, guidance notes, and policy briefs on issues relating to the program. The review of MDG will constitute an important point of focus in the future years.
Year 2012
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59 Project

Inequality on the Increase: Trajectories of Privilege and Inequality in Madrid

Authors Daniel Sorando, Pedro Uceda, Marta Domínguez
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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60 Journal Article

IT AIN'T ABOUT RACE: Some Lingering (Linguistic) Consequences of the African Slave Trade and Their Relevance to Your Personal Historical Hardship Index

Authors John Baugh
Year 2006
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
61 Journal Article

The Spread of Inequality

Authors Deborah S. Rogers, MW Feldman, Omkar Deshpande
Year 2011
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 9
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62 Journal Article

Immigrant Children, Educational Performance and Public Policy: a Capability Approach

Authors Abdirashid A. Ismail, Abdirashid A. Ismail
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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63 Journal Article

Imperfection Measures and the Production of Poverty: A Case Study of the Use of the Asset Index in Bangladesh

Authors Mausumi Mahapatro, Deborah Johnston
Year 2020
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64 Journal Article

Using Internet search data to examine the relationship between anti-Muslim and pro-ISIS sentiment in U.S. counties

Authors Christopher A. Bail, Friedolin Merhout, Peng Ding
Year 2018
Citations (WoS) 1
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65 Journal Article

Socioeconomic Implications of the Increasing Foreign Remittance to Nepal: Evidence from the Nepal Living Standard Survey

Authors Udaya R. Wagle
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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66 Journal Article

Gender differences in income inequality among immigrant populations to the United States

Authors GA HOOVER, Mehmet E. Yaya
Year 2010
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67 Journal Article

Family life course transitions and the economic consequences of internal migration

Authors Gordon F. De Jong, Deborah Roempke Graefe
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 22
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69 Journal Article

Trends in Elderly Poverty in Hong Kong: A Decomposition Analysis

Authors Siu-Yau Lee, Kee-Lee Chou
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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70 Journal Article

Individualisierung als Deutungsmuster sozialer Ungleichheit

Authors Gerd Nollmann, Hermann Strasser
Year 2002
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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71 Journal Article

Health care for the poor - An exploration of primary-care physicians' perceptions of poor patients and of their helping behaviors

Authors Menachem Monnickendam, Shlomo M. Monnickendam, Chana Katz, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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72 Journal Article

Human Rights for All Is Better than Citizenship Rights for Some

Authors Daniel Kanstroom
Book Title Debating transformations of national citizenship
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75 Book Chapter

The Migration-Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State-of-the-Art Overview

Authors N Nyberg-Sorensen, Ninna Nyberg-Sorensen, Nicholas Van Hear, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 94
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76 Journal Article


Year 1994
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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77 Journal Article

Migrant poverty and social capital: The impact of intra- and interethnic contacts

Authors Boris Heizmann, Petra Boehnke, Petra Böhnke
Year 2016
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 4
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78 Journal Article

The impact of income inequality on economic residential segregation: The case of Malmö, 1991–2010

Authors Simone Scarpa
Year 2015
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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79 Journal Article

Poverty Dynamics of Households in Rural China

Authors Katsushi S. Imai, Jing You
Year 2014
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80 Journal Article

Income Inequality in Host Countries and Remittances: A Discussion of the Determinants of Portuguese Emigrants' Remittances

Authors Paulo Reis Mourao
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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83 Journal Article

Immigrant health, place effect and regional disparities in Canada

Authors Lu Wang, Wei Hu
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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84 Journal Article

Who Is an Immigrant and Who Requires Integration? Categorizing in European Policies

Authors Marleen van der Haar, Liza Mügge
Book Title Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
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85 Book Chapter


Authors DS Massey, AB GROSS, K SHIBUYA
Year 1994
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 260
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86 Journal Article

When poverty meets affluence: Migrant street workers in Scandinavia

Principal investigator Anne Britt Djuve (Project Leader), Jon Horgen Friberg (), Guri Tyldum ()
The phenomenon of EU migrants who go abroad to beg, collect bottles, trade and do other types of informal “street work” (Adriaenssen 2011) has featured on the political agendas of most European countries over the last decade. While the EU framework was intended to encourage the free movement of labour, there is little regulation in place to address the free movement of poverty. As unwanted mobility from EU member states can no longer be stopped at the borders, European states have come to depend on internal policing and regulations in attempts to regulate these practices. Thus far, there has been little research into this particular form of mobility and the related institutional responses. This project addresses this knowledge gap. Drawing on theories of economic sociology and institutional theory, we will explore the causes for and outcomes of this mobility, its organisation and the development and impact of policies and discourses in countries of destination. As this mobility in many ways represents an “extreme” case of transnational migration and ethnic relations, knowledge about the mechanisms involved may challenge or strengthen assumptions within existing theories. The project will therefore engage with wider theoretical debates within the field of migration studies.
Year 2015
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87 Project

Migration, development and inequality: Eastern Punjabi transnationalism

Year 2007
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 20
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88 Journal Article


Authors Neetu Choudhary, D. Parthasarathy
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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89 Journal Article

Sources of racial wage inequality in metropolitan labor markets: Racial, ethnic, and gender differences

Authors L McCall
Year 2001
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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90 Journal Article

Rethinking Immigrant Tuberculosis Control in Canada: From Medical Surveillance to Tackling Social Determinants of Health

Authors Sylvia Reitmanova, Diana Gustafson
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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91 Journal Article

Does Internal Migration in Northern Ireland Increase Religious and Social Segregation? Perspectives from the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) 2001-2007

Authors Ian Shuttleworth, Paul James Barr, Myles Gould
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 13
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92 Journal Article


Authors Reynolds Farley, Lawrence D. Bobo
Year 2010
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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93 Journal Article

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among US Immigrants: Results of the 2003 New Immigrant Survey

Authors Jin Young Choi, Jin Young Choi
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 13
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Does Skilled Migration Cause Income Inequality in the Source Country?

Authors Dambar Uprety
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration
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Sources of racial wage inequality in metropolitan labor markets: Racial, ethnic, and gender differences

Authors L McCall
Year 2001
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 123
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Does corruption promote emigration? An empirical examination

Authors Arusha Cooray, Friedrich Schneider
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 13
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98 Journal Article

The invisible barrier: Neighbourhood poverty and integration of immigrants in Canada

Authors Abdolmohammad Kazemipur, Shiva Halli
Year 2000
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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The Making of the New Urban Poor in Transitional China: Market Versus Institutionally Based Exclusion

Authors YT Liu, Shenjing He, Fulong Wu, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 12
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100 Journal Article
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