Prior to joining academia, I was a senior HRM professional having worked in Australia, Fiji islands and the Middle East. I have worked at three public universities in Australia (Southern Cross University; CQUniversity and Curtin University) and a private higher education provider (Australian Institute of Business) prior to joining Torrens University. I am a Fellow of AHRI and a member of the AHRI Advisory Research Panel. I am a foundational convenor of the ANZAM Mixed Methods Research SIG and a past...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 3841


  • Torrens University Australia

    University, Adelaide, Australia

  • Australian Institute of Business

    Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia
    Director of Research, Head of Discipline HRM/MNGT

  • Curtin University

    University, Perth, Australia
    Research Fellow

  • Central Queensland University

    University, Gladstone, Australia
    Senior Lecturer - HRM

  • Southern Cross University

    University, Gold Coast, Australia
    Lecturer- HRM


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