Dr. Ragna Lillevik is a researcher at Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, based in Oslo, Norway. She works on the creation and implementation of public policy on immigration, integration and diversity. She did her PhD on the governance of Islam in Norway as part of the interdisciplinary project "Muslim Politics and Governance of Islam: Interactions of Structure and Culture in Multireligious Europe". Lillevik's experience includes tracing policy developments, evaluating how policies are...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 2030
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1382-5055


  • Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Reserach

    Research Institute, Oslo, Norway


A chance to qualify – experiences with the introductory programme for refugees

Authors Ragna Lillevik, Guri Tyldum
This report presents the results from a qualitative user survey among participants in the introductory programme for refugees in Norway. The objective of the study has been to show the range of opportunities, strategies and experiences reported by the participants and point out factors that they highlight as motivating for learning Norwegian and improving their qualifications for the Norwegian labour market. The report does not aim to describe which experiences are more common, but we hope it will provide a better understanding of how participants from a diverse range of backgrounds experience the introductory programme and how it works for them. The report is based on interviews with 38 programme participants and nine teachers, programme advisors and principals in four municipalities in the eastern, western and northern regions of Norway. The following is a brief summary of our main conclusions.
Year 2018
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1 Report

Innvandrerorganisasjoners rolle i integreringen Sett gjennom en statlig tilskuddsordning

Authors Beret Bråten, Josefine Jahreie, Ragna Lillevik
I denne rapporten ser vi på hva som bidrar til at innvandrerorganisasjoner og kommuner lykkes i å samarbeide om integrering. Myndighetene er opptatt av å hindre utenforskap, både gjennom arbeid og utdanning og ved å skape tilhørighet og tillit til det norske samfunnet. Innvandrerorganisasjoner forventes å bidra gjennom aktiviteter der folk møtes på tvers av minoritet-majoritet. Sett innenfra er innvandrerorganisasjonen en arena for identitet. De bidrar gjerne til dialog og felles aktiviteter, men lokale myndigheter må lede an. Dette lykkes best der forvaltningen opptrer ubyråkratisk, ser på innvandrerorganisasjonene som likeverdige partnere og skaper møteplasser i form av fysiske steder og dialogfora.
Year 2017
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2 Report

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