Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity (FOCUS)


Principal investigator Nahikari Irastorza (Project Leader), Jason Tucker (Project Leader ), Pieter Bevelander (Participants)
This project starts from the basic assumptions that forced migration to the European Union will continue in the future due to a number of different push and pull factors, that influx of refugees will influence the social, political and economic landscape of receiving societies, and that there are a variety of costs and benefits of integrating refugees in the host societies that are reflected in relational dynamics between the host and refugee communities. Bearing these considerations in mind, the goal of FOCUS is to increase the understanding of and to provide effective and evidence-based solutions for the challenges of forced migration within host communities. By doing so, it also aims at contributing to increased tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and reduced radicalization across Europe and the Middle East. Based on a comprehensive mapping and trans-disciplinary, multi-site field research conducted in Jordan, Croatia, Germany and Sweden, FOCUS explores the socio-psychological dimensions of refugee and host-community relations and analyses the socio-economic integration of refugees and the consequences of this in host societies. This knowledge is then used to transform and strengthen existing promising solutions for social and labour market integration. The integration solutions will be pilot tested in at least five European countries by governmental and non-governmental end-users. The solutions are finally brought together in the Refugee and Host Community Toolbox, which will support policy makers, municipal actors, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in responding to the needs of both refugees and host communities and thereby act as agents of change in this field.
Year 2019

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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