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Irregular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2007

Authors Fathi A. AROURI
This paper tackles the question of irregular migration in Jordan through its four main aspects. The first concerns irregular labour migrants and has been approached by using figures showing the socio-economic profile of non Jordanians working in Jordan and, additionally, unemployment in Jordan. This is done by assuming close similarities between legal and irregular labour migrants. The second is an attempt to estimate the stocks and describe the characteristics of irregular migrants in Jordan through data collected from arrival and departure statistics. The author focused on the nationalities of persons involved from 1995 to 2007. The third part of the paper is dedicated to refugees in Jordan. Two main groups have been singled out: the Palestinians (from 1948) as an older refugee group and the refugees from Iraq (from 1990) as a more recent one. Their numbers, geographic distribution and main demographic and other characteristics have been described. In the fourth part, the paper brings out some aspects related to transit migration before closing with conclusions and recommendations. Although the paper points to the unavailability of reliable data on irregular migration in Jordan, it makes use of a whole range of indirect estimations, all available from the Department of Statistics (DOS) and the Ministry of Labour (MOL) and from arrival and departure statistics and associated surveys. The 2004 population census data gives an idea about the non-Jordanians in Jordan broken down according to nationality and reason and duration of stay in Jordan. The MOL data provides statistics about non-Jordanians holding work permits broken down by nationality, educational levels, occupational levels, marital status, place of residence and monthly earnings. For refugees, data was extracted from UNRWA statistics and Fafo survey (2007) on Iraqis in Jordan.
Year 2008
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1 Report

Food security and humanitarian assistance among displaced Iraqi populations in Jordan and Syria

Authors Shannon Doocy, Gilbert Burnham, Elizabeth Biermann, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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2 Journal Article

The Impact of the Involuntary Mass 'Return' to Jordan in the Wake of the Gulf Crisis

Authors Nicholas van Hear, N VANHEAR
Year 1995
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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3 Journal Article

Iraqi Refugees in Jordan: Legal Perspective

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
Jordan has traditionally been one of the regions most welcoming countries toward Iraqis. The country received several flows of Iraqis during the last four decades, but most of Iraqis residing in Jordan fled the precarious situation prevailing in Iraq following the U.S. –led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Jordan is not a party to the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refuges or the 1967 Protocol on Refugees, but Jordan cooperates with the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the implementation of a Memorandum of understanding signed between the two parties in 1998. The provisions of this Memorandum are in many aspects, similar to those of the 1951 Convention. The focus of this study is the legal aspects of the Iraqis residing in Jordan; and due to the scarcity of legal writing on the subject, it relies mainly on the legal texts, whether nationals or internationals, and to the Jordanian government positions and measures pertaining to this subject. The study has eight sections, they are as follows: Entry of foreigners to the country, numbers of Iraqis in Jordan, entry restrictions, Non-Iraqi refugees, mainly Palestinians arriving from Iraq, the right of asylum in Jordan, temporary Protection Regime, expulsion and "refoulement" of Iraqi refugees, and living conditions of Iraqis in Jordan.
Year 2009
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4 Report

Bilingual Gerson: The Latin and French redactions of some works of the Parisian chancellor

Authors Jordan
Year 2002
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5 Journal Article

Iraqis in Jordan since 2003: What Socio-Political Stakes?

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
This research report describes the main features and social profile of the Iraqi community in Jordan, the various policies Jordan has formulated for them, and the evolution in popular debates targeting Iraqis. Policies and debates are analysed in the light of the socio-political challenges posed by the Iraqi presence in Jordan. Furthermore, socio-political challenges and opportunities which might be generated, either by the departure, or alternatively by the enduring presence of the post-2003 Iraqi "refugees" in Jordan are tackled.
Year 2009
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6 Report

'A Threat to National Unity' - Football in Jordan: Ethnic Divisive or a Political Tool for the Regime?

Authors Dag Tuastad
Year 2014
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7 Journal Article


Authors W. A. ETTEMA
Year 1970
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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8 Journal Article

Back to Syria? : conflicting patterns of mobility among Syrian refugees in Jordan

Authors Luigi ACHILLI
Year 2016
Journal Name Orient, 2016, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 7-13
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10 Journal Article

The Impact of the Involuntary Mass ‘Return’ to Jordan in the Wake of the Gulf Crisis

Authors Nicholas Van Hear
Year 1995
Journal Name International Migration Review
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11 Journal Article

Displacement, Identity, and Belonging: Iraqi Communities in Amman

Authors Rasha S. Mansour
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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12 Journal Article

Irregular Migration to Jordan: Socio-Political Stakes

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
A striking evidence is the high figures of undocumented migrants in Jordan. The questions asked in the present report are the following: do these figures signal a failure of policies? What are actually the aims of policies directed at illegal migrants in Jordan? And, ultimately, are unauthorized migrants really unwanted, and why?
Year 2008
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13 Report

Péraldi Michel et Terrazzoni Liza, Mobilités et migrations européennes en (post) colonies

Authors Jordan Pinel
Year 2019
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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14 Journal Article

Séraphin Gilles, Famille et migration

Authors Jordan Pinel
Year 2019
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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15 Journal Article

Political and social trends in the future of global security. A meta-study on official perspectives in Europe and North America

Authors Javier Jordan
Year 2017
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16 Journal Article

John O'Neill, Irish bootmaker: A biographical approach to quality of life

Authors TE Jordan
Year 1999
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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17 Journal Article


Authors G JORDAN
Year 1995
Journal Name TIME & SOCIETY
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18 Journal Article


Authors TE Jordan
Year 1985
Journal Name Social Science History
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19 Journal Article


Authors RA Jordan
Year 1975
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20 Journal Article

crushed little stars A Praxis-in-Process of Black Girlhood

Authors Jordan Ealey
Year 2021
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21 Journal Article

The Russian Emigre Community in Interwar Bulgaria Attempt at a Typology of Transformations, with Focus on the "Aestheticization" of Newspaper

Authors Jordan Ljuckanov
Year 2020
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22 Journal Article

Therrien Catherine, La migration des Français au Maroc

Authors Jordan Pinel
Year 2018
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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23 Journal Article

The Turkish tarn in contemporary German literature: Toward a new critical grammar of migration.

Authors Jim Jordan
Year 2006
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24 Journal Article

Origins of ethnicity

Authors PD Jordan
Year 2002
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25 Journal Article

High-Skilled Migration to and from Jordan

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
This study explores the legal aspects of high-skilled migration to and from Jordan, but it must be remembered that it is difficult to deal with this subject without taking international migration more generally into account. The study is structured in four sections: Jordanian migrant workers in the GCC countries and migrant workers in Jordan – numbers, qualifications and remittances; legal framework pertaining to border-controls in Jordan and the GCC countries; the human rights of migrant workers in Jordan and the GCC countries; and finally the bilateral workforce cooperation agreements between Jordan and Arab receiving countries. Cette étude explore les aspects juridiques de la migration hautement qualifiée de et vers la Jordanie. Il s’agit néanmoins de garder en mémoire qu’il est difficile d’aborder un tel sujet sans tenir compte des migrations internationales dans leur ensemble. L’étude est structurée en quatre parties : les travailleurs jordaniens migrants dans les pays du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe et les travailleurs migrants en Jordanie – effectifs, qualifications et transferts financiers ; le cadre juridique relatif au contrôle des frontières en Jordanie et dans les pays du Golfe ; les droits humains des travailleurs migrants en Jordanie et dans les pays du Golfe ; et enfin, les accords bilatéraux de coopération en matière de main d’œuvre entre la Jordanie et les pays arabes de destination.
Year 2010
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26 Report

Jordanian Emigration: An Analysis of Migration Data

Authors Ahmad A. Hammouda
Year 1980
Journal Name International Migration Review
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27 Journal Article

COVID-IP: staring down the Bayh-Dole Act with 2020 vision

Authors Jordan Paradise
Year 2020
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28 Journal Article

"THE FIXITY OF WHITENESS" Genetic Admixture and the Legacy of the One-Drop Rule

Authors Jordan Liz
Year 2018
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29 Journal Article

Magnum orbis: photographs from the end(s) of the Earth

Authors Jordan Bear
Year 2010
Journal Name Visual Studies
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30 Journal Article

From interdependence, to dependence and independence - Home and school learning for traveller children

Authors E Jordan
Year 2001
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31 Journal Article


Authors C JORDAN
Year 1995
Journal Name Women's Studies
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32 Journal Article

Gender and Migration in Jordan

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
Abstract This study explores Jordan’s policies in regards to international migration in general and to migrant women in particular. It has four sections: women’s participation in the workforce in Jordan; the national and international framework for migration to Jordan; the question of transferability of Jordanian citizenship from a Jordanian woman, married to a non–citizen, to her children; and women immigrating to Jordan. Résumé Cette étude explore les politiques jordaniennes en matière de migration internationale en général, et concernant les femmes migrantes en particulier. Elle est structurée en quatre sections: la part des femmes dans la main d’œuvre en Jordanie; le cadre national et international de la migration internationale en Jordanie; la question de la transmission de la citoyenneté jordanienne; et enfin les femmes qui immigrent en Jordanie.
Year 2010
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34 Report

Towards Effective Temporary Labor Migration Schemes Report on Lebanon and Jordan

Migration policy is one of the fields least scrutinized in the Arab world. Responding to international economic trends, policy makers, social partners, and civil society players in Jordan and Lebanon have come to the realization that certain labour market bottlenecks can only be overcome by bringing in foreign workers. This has led to a significant immigration of laborers from a wide variety of countries and forced all relevant participants in the policy making process to renew their interest in coordinated temporary labour migration schemes. Both in Jordan and Lebanon, experts and policy makers alike see opportunities in these schemes that can help them meet the changing demands in their labour markets without permanently adding to their populations and labour forces. In the countries of origin, reciprocally, temporary labour migration schemes are intended to allow governments to alleviate pressures on their labour markets in the short and medium-term, and also let them reap the benefits of migration, through remittances and skill acquisition. In this study the authors will consider, based on a tripartite approach, whether the interests of employers and workers organizations coincide with those of governments in designing and implementing temporary migration schemes. The internationally codified rights of migrant workers to equality and non-discrimination and to their integration into societies and workplaces will be compared to the realities on the ground in Lebanon and Jordan. Have the limited provisions for protecting employees’ rights and a lack of their integration into the host societies negatively affected policy goals, closely linked to social cohesion? Does the effective protection of migrant workers contradict the needs of the indigenous populations in Lebanon and Jordan in general? Can the empowerment of the migrants themselves and their inclusion into the tripartite decision making process facilitate migration policy reform? Which social players can – and have – step in if the state and social partners neglect those roles foreseen for them by the international organizations dealing primarily with migrant labour, first and foremost the International Labour Organization (ILO)?
Year 2011
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35 Report

Unemployment in Jordan

Authors Fathi A. AROURI
Year 2007
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36 Report

Confluence Narratives: Ethnicity, History, and Nation-Making in the Americas

Authors Jordan B. Jones
Year 2020
Journal Name ELLIPSIS
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37 Journal Article

Digitize and punish: Computerized crime mapping and racialized carceral power in Chicago

Authors Brian Jordan Jefferson
Year 2017
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 5
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38 Journal Article

Unaccompanied and Separated Syrian Refugee Children: Case Study of a New Feature for Social Work Practice in Jordan

Authors Sahar Suleiman AlMakhamreh, Sahar Suleiman AlMakhamreh, Aisha Jane Hutchinson, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 1
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40 Journal Article

Introduction: understanding migrants’ economic precarity in global cities

Authors Lucy P. Jordan
Year 2017
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 3
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41 Journal Article

Black, Poor and Jewish: The Ostracism of Ethiopian Jews in Modern Israel

Authors Holly A. Jordan
Book Title Migration Policy and Practice
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42 Book Chapter

Safeguard Measures in Jordan

Authors Bashar Malkawi
Journal Name SSRN Electronic Journal
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43 Journal Article

YouTube as a Site of Counternarratives to Transnormativity

Authors Jordan F. Miller
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Homosexuality
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44 Journal Article

Archipelagic ambiguities: the demarcation of modern Japan, 1868-1879

Authors Jordan B. Walker
Year 2015
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45 Journal Article

Why "race"? (Regarding medieval attitudes towards people of differing ethnicities and national characteristics)

Authors William C. Jordan
Year 2001
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46 Journal Article

Architekturen des Asyls: Aneignungsprozesse in Flüchtlingsunterkünften

Principal investigator Philipp Misselwitz (Principal Investigator)
Auf Basis architektur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden untersucht das Forschungsprojekt die physisch-materiellen und symbolischen Aneignungsprozesse von geflüchteten Menschen an unterschiedlichen Asylorten. Damit rückt es das handlungsrelevante Raumwissen in einer hochmobilen Ausnahmesituation (Flucht) in den Mittelpunkt. Empirisch ist die Studie so angelegt, dass syrische Geflüchtete vergleichend in Deutschland (Berlin) und Jordanien (Zataari) untersucht werden.
Year 2018
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48 Project

Assessing the Jordan Compact One Year On: An Opportunity or a Barrier to Better Achieving Refugees' Right to Work

Authors Amanda Gray Meral
Year 2019
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49 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in Jordan– A Policy of no Policy

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
The focus of this study is the legal framework on irregular migration, in Jordan, which is at once a destination country, a country of origin and a country of transit for irregular migrants. This complex and controversial issue poses real concerns for Jordan, but has not yet been addressed effectively or efficiently either by Jordanian policy or in academic literature. Consequently, this study relies principally on the few legal texts pertaining to the topic, on the Ministry of Labor and on the Ministry of the Interior’s positions, and on information found in the Jordanian media. The study has four main sections: the first deals with Jordanian national law and the question of when a person is considered an irregular migrant; while the other three sections explore the way that the Jordanian public authorities deal with irregularity in practice. Finally, in the conclusion, we suggest ways in which the legal standing of irregular migrants in Jordan could be improved.
Year 2008
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50 Report

Men in Place: Trans Masculinity, Race, and Sexuality in America

Authors Jordan F. Miller
Year 2021
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52 Journal Article

Policing, data, and power-geometry: intersections of crime analytics and race during urban restructuring

Authors Brian Jordan Jefferson
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 2
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53 Journal Article

"We Know This Place": Neoliberal Racial Regimes and the Katrina Circumstance

Authors Jordan T. Camp
Year 2009
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54 Journal Article


Authors William C. Jordan
Year 1976
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55 Journal Article

Introducing the Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey 2016

Authors Caroline Krafft, Ragui Assaad
Year 2021
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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57 Journal Article

Hosting Guests, Creating Citizens: Models of Refugee Administration in Jordan and Egypt

Authors Rochelle Davis, Grace Benton, Will Todman, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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58 Journal Article

Daily-wage migrant workers, employment relations, and emergency relief during COVID-19 in Jordan

Authors Shaddin Almasri
The government of Jordan provided some emergency assistance to migrant workers during the pandemic, but migrants’ lack of formal employment impeded the implementation.
Year 2021
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59 Report

The Conditions and Migratory Aspirations of Syrian and Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

Authors Anna Kvittingen, Marko Valenta, Hanan Tabbara, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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60 Journal Article

Trade-for-Refugee Employment: Nexing for Deterrence or Development in the EU-Jordan Compact?

Authors Marion Panizzon
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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61 Book Chapter

Irrigation in sub-humid environments: a comparison of three cultures

Authors RH JACKSON, A SOFFER, R.H. Jackson, ...
Year 1986
Journal Name Geoforum
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62 Journal Article

Dislocated Masculinity: Adolescence and the Palestinian Nation-in-exile

Authors J. Hart, Jason Hart
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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63 Journal Article

Resilience capacities of health systems: Accommodating the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria

Authors Mohamad Alameddine, Alastair Ager, Sophie Witter, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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64 Journal Article

Redd Alert! (Re)Articulating Aboriginal Gang Violence in Western Canada

Authors Jordan Koch, Jay Scherer
Year 2016
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65 Journal Article

A Political Demography of the Refugee Question. Palestinians in Jordan and Lebanon: Between protection, forced return and resettlement

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
Refugees from Palestine are one of the oldest refugee populations in the world. And UN General Assembly Resolution 194, which anchors Palestinian refugees’ claims for their right of return to Palestine, is now 63 years old. Yet, in Jordan and Lebanon, the refugees’ main host countries, the Palestinian presence grew in importance in domestic politics through the 2000s. In Lebanon there were the political debates surrounding the granting of some civil rights to Palestinian refugees, which culminated mid-2010. In Jordan, controversies over political naturalisation stir up violent political debates. This essay explores the reasons behind the fact that, in Jordan and Lebanon, granting civil rights to refugees raises a lot of concern. It also examines how the civil rights issue cannot be separated from that of the protection of the Palestinian “cause”, the right of return. More generally, the report investigates the various perceived challenges and the outreach of Palestinian refugees’ settlement (tawtin) in each of the two countries, before and after the late 1980s-early 1990s. Return and resettlement were taken as the two extremes of a similar demographic policy, and therefore, proved to be powerful political tools for regimes and political actors, at the local, regional and international levels. The theoretical framework of political demography and the “political economy” of Palestinian refugee trends and policies in Jordan and Lebanon also allowed for the Palestinian issue to be resituated in the history and the socio-political context of each country; thus revealing their specific challenges. The essay shows that the granting of civil rights to Palestinians is hampered by its politically-destabilising significance in host countries, where civil rights are constructed as citizenship-bound privileges. Therefore, debates on Palestinian refugees flag up deepening rifts within Jordanian and Lebanese citizenries, and diverging views on political “imagined communities” (Anderson, 1991). In Jordan, such a rift has been deepened by the recent emergence of nationalist movements and by the tensions which emerged in the wake of the Arab uprisings. Representations of national populations as closed, de jure and ethnic-based increasingly oppose views of nationhood as open, de facto and assimilationist.
Year 2012
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66 Report

Disorderly eating in contemporary women's writing Introductory essay

Authors Shirley Jordan, Judith Still
Year 2020
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67 Journal Article

Migration and Work in the United Kingdom: Mobility and the Social Order

Authors Bill Jordan, Philip Brown
Year 2007
Journal Name Mobilities
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68 Journal Article

Immigration, asylum and welfare: the European context

Authors Franck Düvell, Bill Jordan
Year 2002
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
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69 Journal Article

Demand and supply shocks in the IS-LM model: Empirical findings for five countries

Authors TJ Jordan, C Lenz
Year 1999
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70 Journal Article

CARIM – Migration Profile: Jordan

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Tamirace FAKHOURY, Delphine PERRIN
Year 2010
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71 Report

Employment of Syrian refugees in Jordan: challenges and opportunities

Authors Zeynep Şahin Mencütek, Ayat J. J. Nashwan
Year 2020
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72 Journal Article

Gender and Migration in and from Jordan

Authors Abdel Baset ATHAMNEH
This study attempts to shed light on the main characteristics of gender and migration from and to Jordan. As to immigration patterns, females account for an increasing proportion of foreign workers in Jordan. They come to cover labor shortages in low-skilled occupations where Jordanians do not wish to work, in the ‘personal and social services’ sector as well as in the Qualified Industrial Zones, where their importance is currently on the rise and where working conditions are unsatisfactory. The main sources of foreign female labor in Jordan are non-Arab Asian States, especially Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. With respect to Jordanians abroad, in 2009 they were estimated at 350,000 individuals, of whom only 16.6% were females. Emigration from Jordan towards other Arab countries (i.e. the most important from a quantitative point of view) is supposed to take place under a temporary project, while emigrants directed towards North American countries, which represent, however, an important proportion of recent migrants, are more long-term oriented. In these latter countries, women, as well as men, tend to be highly-educated and are mainly employed in highly-skilled occupations. Moreover, an important part of this analysis is dedicated to the link between migration and education, which demands an analysis of foreign students in Jordan as well as of Jordanians studying abroad and raises important issues. Finally, the last section of the paper proposes some policy recommendations and in particular argues for new institutions dedicated to migration movements in order to give robust and reliable evidence on Jordanian migration patterns. / Cette étude se propose d’apporter un éclairage aux principales caractéristiques du lien existant entre genre et migration depuis et vers la Jordanie. Les femmes immigrées en Jordanie constituent une part croissante parmi les travailleurs étrangers dans le pays. Elles couvrent généralement des pénuries d’emplois peu qualifiés que les Jordaniens ne veulent eux-mêmes pas occupés, notamment dans le secteur ‘services sociaux et à la personne’ et dans les Zones Qualifiés Industriels, au sein desquels leur nombre croît aujourd’hui, et leurs conditions de travail restent insatisfaisantes. Les principaux flux de femmes travailleuses immigrées sont en provenance de pays non-arabes et asiatiques, en particulier de l’Indonésie, des Philippines et du Sri Lanka. La part des Jordaniens résidant à l’étranger est estimée, au titre de l’année 2009, à hauteur de 350 000 individus, incluant une proportion de 16,6% de femmes. Les principaux flux d’émigration à destination d’autres Etats arabes s’inscrivent, en principe, dans une stratégie à court terme, alors que les émigrants à destination de l’Amérique du Nord - lesquels représentent une importante proportion parmi l’émigration récente -, s’inscrivent dans un projet migratoire à plus long terme. S’agissant de ces dernières destinations et à l’instar des hommes, les femmes sont davantage issues de l’enseignement supérieur, et sont principalement employées dans des postes hautement qualifiés. En outre, un important segment de cette analyse sera consacré à l’analyse du lien existant entre migration et éducation - lequel part d’une enquête menée sur un échantillon d’étudiants étrangers résidents en Jordanie, et d’étudiants jordaniens résidant à l’étranger -, dont il conviendra de tirer un certain nombre de conclusions. Enfin, la dernière section de cette note énonce une série de recommandations et préconise, en particulier, le développement de nouvelles institutions consacrées à l’analyse des mouvements migratoires en vue de dresser un tableau plus compréhensif des caractéristiques de la migration jordanienne.
Year 2011
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73 Report

Housing conditions in Palestinian refugee camps, Jordan

Authors Jamal Alnsour, Julia Meaton
Year 2014
Journal Name Cities
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74 Journal Article

Economic Implications of the International Migration of High Level Manpower

Authors Klaus Weiermair
Year 1970
Journal Name International Migration
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75 Journal Article

Trafficking in Persons in Jordan

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
The study is designed to offer the reader an outline of Jordan’s legal responses to human trafficking. It is divided into five sections: legal framework of human trafficking; child labor and human trafficking; migrant domestic workers and human trafficking; migrant laborers in the qualified industrial zones (Qizs); and finally Jordanian case law. The conclusion then follows these five sections. Cette étude vise à présenter au lecteur les réponses juridiques apportées par la Jordanie à la traite des personnes. Elle est en cinq sections : le cadre juridique de la traite des personnes, le travail des enfants et la traite, les migrants travailleurs domestiques et la traite, les travailleurs migrants dans les zones qualifiées industrielles et enfin la jurisprudence jordanienne. Une conclusion suivra ces cinq sections.
Year 2011
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76 Report

The Opioid Crisis in Black Communities

Authors Keturah James, Ayana Jordan
Year 2018
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77 Journal Article

Migration as Adaptation? Exploring the Scope for Coordinating Environmental and Migration Policies in the European Union

Authors Andrew Geddes, Andrew Jordan
Year 2012
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Citations (WoS) 9
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78 Journal Article

''In-this-folk-lore-land'' - Race, class, identity, and folklore studies in Louisiana

Authors RA Jordan, F DeCaro
Year 1996
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79 Journal Article

Religious Identity and Experiences of Displacement: An Examination into the Discursive Representations of Syrian Refugees and Their Effects on Religious Minorities Living in Jordan

Authors Khatereh (KAT) Eghdamian, Khatereh (Kat) Eghdamian
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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80 Journal Article

Media Coverage of Syrian Female Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon

Authors Ahmad S. Haider, Saleh Olimy, Linda S. Al-Abbas
Year 2021
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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81 Journal Article

General Overview of Migration Into, From and Through Jordan

Authors Abdel Baset ATHAMNEH
Jordan is both a receiving and a sending country for migration. Since its independence, it has received several waves of forced migration as a result of regional instability. Moreover, Jordan is a major receiver of labour migrants, too, especially from Egypt and non-Arab Asian countries, the non Arab-Asian migrants being mainly women and typically employed in the service sector. As to emigration trends, Jordan has long been a sending country, especially to the Arab Gulf states. This note attempts to shed light on the main characteristics of inward and outward Jordanian migration patterns and characteristics in recent times. La Jordanie est à la fois un pays d'origine et d’accueil d’importants flux migratoires. Depuis son indépendance, le pays a accueilli plusieurs vagues de migration forcée liée à des motifs tenant essentiellement à l'instabilité de la région. De plus, il est un pays d’attraction pour les travailleurs migrants originaires, en particulier, d'Egypte et de pays asiatiques non-arabes, ces derniers enregistrant le départ de flux principalement de femmes, employées dans le secteur des services. Quant aux tendances enregistrées dans le champ de l'émigration, la Jordanie s’est longtemps positionnée comme un pays d'émigration, à destination plus particulièrement des Etats du Golfe. Cette analyse se propose de retracer les contours des caractéristiques principales et des tendances enregistrées du phénomène migratoire vers et depuis la Jordanie au cours de la période la plus récente.
Year 2012
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82 Report

The Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus in the Fertile Crescent: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors Hiam Chemaitelly, Laith J. Abu-Raddad, Karima Chaabna
Year 2015
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 30
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83 Journal Article

The role of cultural pressures and group favouritism in shaping Syrian refugees' identity in the Jordanian work environment

Authors Tamer Koburtay, Deema Refai, Radi Haloub
Year 2020
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84 Journal Article

Causes of family separation and barriers to reunification: Syrian refugees in Jordan

Authors Hannah Chandler, Zahirah McNatt, Neil Boothby, ...
Year 2019
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85 Journal Article

Labour in global production networks: workers in the qualifying industrial zones (QIZs) of Egypt and Jordan

Authors Shamel Azmeh
Year 2014
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 16
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87 Journal Article

Does Having a Migrant Parent Reduce the Risk of Undernutrition for Children Who Stay Behind in South-East Asia?

Authors Elspeth Graham, Lucy P. Jordan
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 9
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88 Journal Article

ICTs, Agency, and Gender in Syrian Activists' Work among Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Authors Katty Alhayek
Year 2016
Journal Name Gender, Technology and Development
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89 Journal Article

The Health Profile and Chronic Diseases Comorbidities of US-Bound Iraqi Refugees Screened by the International Organization for Migration in Jordan: 2007–2009

Authors Emad A. Yanni, Marwan Naoum, Nedal Odeh, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 26
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90 Journal Article

Internationalization at Home Alternatives to Study Abroad

Authors Krista M. Soria, Jordan Troisi
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 62
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91 Journal Article

Deciphering folk costume: Dress codes among contra dancers

Authors L Horton, P Jordan-Smith
Year 2004
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92 Journal Article

Perceptions About the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: Evidences from Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencuetek, Ayat J. Nashwan
Year 2020
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93 Journal Article

Prevalence of functional constipation among Palestinian preschool children and the relation to stressful life events

Authors Denise Froon-Torenstra, Elise Beket, Ali M. Khader, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 1
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94 Journal Article

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for African Immigrant Children in U.S. P-12 Schools

Authors Michael Takafor Ndemanu, Sheri Jordan
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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95 Journal Article

Immigration control and the management of economic migration in the United Kingdom: organisational culture, implementation, enforcement and identity processes in public services

Authors Franck Du¨vell, Bill Jordan
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 31
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96 Journal Article

Analysing South-South Humanitarian Responses to Displacement from Syria: Views from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey

Since 2012, over 4 million people have fled Syria in ‘the most dramatic humanitarian crisis that we have ever faced’ (UNHCR). By November 2015 there were 1,078,338 refugees from Syria in Lebanon, 630,776 in Jordan and 2,181,293 in Turkey. Humanitarian agencies and donor states from both the global North and the global South have funded and implemented aid programmes, and yet commentators have argued that civil society groups from the global South are the most significant actors supporting refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Whilst they are highly significant responses, however, major gaps in knowledge remain regarding the motivations, nature and implications of Southern-led responses to conflict-induced displacement. This project draws on multi-sited ethnographic and participatory research with refugees from Syria and their aid providers in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey to critically examine why, how and with what effect actors from the South have responded to the displacement of refugees from Syria. The main research aims are: 1. identifying diverse models of Southern-led responses to conflict-induced displacement, 2. examining the (un)official motivations, nature and implications of Southern-led responses, 3. examining refugees’ experiences and perceptions of Southern-led responses, 4. exploring diverse Southern and Northern actors’ perceptions of Southern-led responses, 5. tracing the implications of Southern-led initiatives for humanitarian theory and practice. Based on a critical theoretical framework inspired by post-colonial and feminist approaches, the project contributes to theories of humanitarianism and debates regarding donor-recipient relations and refugees’ agency in displacement situations. It will also inform the development of policies to most appropriately address refugees’ needs and rights. This highly topical and innovative project thus has far-reaching implications for refugees and local communities, academics, policy-makers and practitioners.
Year 2017
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97 Project

The socio-economic conditions of Jordan’s Palestinian camp refugees

Authors Åge Arild Tiltnes, Huafeng Zhang
This report summarizes findings of two household surveys examining the living conditions of the Palestinian refugee-camp population in Jordan 2011, and examines how the living conditions have evolved since the late 1990s. It finds that people’s overall situation has improved, but that there are significant differences across camps and socio-economic groups, on many indicators.
Year 2014
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98 Report

Does Having a Migrant Parent Reduce the Risk of Undernutrition for Children Who Stay Behind in South-East Asia?

Authors Elspeth Graham, Lucy P. Jordan
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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99 Journal Article

Perception of the communicative performance of Americans and Chinese in intercultural dyads

Authors Michael J. Schneider, William Jordan
Year 1981
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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100 Journal Article
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