My scholarship interrogates the significance of social categories as they mediate myriad opportunities and constraints in the everyday lives of immigrants and ethnoracial minorities. I utilize diverse methodologies, data sources, and theoretical perspectives to investigate how ascriptive social categories (race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc.) and their corresponding symbolic boundaries are activated, reinforced, and contested within organizations, politics, and popular culture, among others....


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • Rutgers University-New Brunswick

    University, New Brunswick, United States
    Assistant Professor of Sociology

  • International Migration Institute

    Research Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Research Fellow

  • American Sociological Association: Section on Int'l Migration

    Non-governmental Organisation, Washington D.C., United States
    Secretary and Treasurer

  • Rutgers University

    University, New Brunswick, United States
    Assistant Professor

  • University of Oxford

    University, Oxford, United Kingdom
    Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

  • University of California Davis

    University, Davis, United States
    Associate Instructor/Teaching Assistant


Migrants’ transnational political engagement in Spain and Italy

Authors Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, Ali R Chaudhary, Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
3 Journal Article

Pakistani immigrant organisational spaces in Toronto and New York City

Authors Ali R. Chaudhary, Luis Eduardo Guarnizo
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
6 Journal Article

Rational Choice Theory

Authors Bill McCarthy, Ali Chaudhary
Year 2014
Book Title Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice
9 Book Chapter


Year 2013
Journal Name Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia
10 Journal Article

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