Erdilmen, Merve


Merve Erdilmen is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science with Gender Studies Specialization at McGill University. Her research has been supported by Mitacs Globalink, Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC), Local Engagement Refugee Research Network, and Women in International Security (WIIS). She was also a research associate at at GLOBALCIT at the European University Institute. Her areas of research are gender and migration policies, international practices of...


  • McGill University

    University, Montreal, Canada
    PhD candidate

  • Centre for Refugee Studies, York University

    University, Toronto, Canada
    Graduate research fellow


Whither the Refugees? International Organisations and “Solutions” to Displacement, 1921–1960

Authors Megan Bradley, Laura Madokoro, Merve Erdilmen, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 9
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2 Journal Article

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