Peace and Conflict studies

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Myanmar as a Post-conflict Society?

Authors Hkawn Ja Aung, Lahpai Nang Sam Aung
Book Title Refugee and Return
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1 Book Chapter


Authors Marieke van Houte
Book Title Return Migration to Afghanistan
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2 Book Chapter

African cities and violent conflict: the urban dimension of conflict and post conflict dynamics in Central and Eastern Africa

Authors Karen Buescher
Year 2018
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3 Journal Article

The transnational politics of the Ethiopian Muslim diaspora

Authors Dereje Feyissa
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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4 Journal Article

The Influence of Diaspora Politics on Conflict and Peace: Transnational Activism of Stateless Kurds

Authors Latif Tas
Book Title Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation
Citations (WoS) 1
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5 Book Chapter

Politicising dark tourism sites: evidence from Cyprus

Authors Anna Farmaki, Katerina Antoniou
Year 2017
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6 Journal Article

Policy and Possibilities of Humanitarian Development: Displaced Women and Peace-building Features of the UNHCR

Authors Kelly E Atkinson, Kelly E. Atkinson
Year 2018
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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8 Journal Article

Returnees for Change?

Authors Marieke van Houte
Book Title Return Migration to Afghanistan
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9 Book Chapter


Authors S. Ogata
Year 1997
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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10 Journal Article


Authors Marieke van Houte
Book Title Return Migration to Afghanistan
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11 Book Chapter

Participatory planning and design in a protracted conflict situation: Applications with citizen peace-building groups in Cyprus

Year 2002
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12 Journal Article

Between trust and distrust in research with participants in conflict context

Authors Mateja Celestina
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Social Research Methodology
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13 Journal Article

After War then Peace: The US-based Liberian Diaspora as Peace-building Norm Entrepreneurs

Authors O. Antwi-Boateng, Osman Antwi-Boateng
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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14 Journal Article

Spectres of History: Nationalist Party Politics and Truth Recovery in Northern Ireland

Authors Cillian McGrattan
Year 2012
Journal Name Political Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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15 Journal Article

Interfaces for Relational Listening: body, telematics, memory, migration

In the European context of migration and diasporas, and at the intersection of sound art, music cognition, psychology and human-computer interaction, this project will develop INTIMAL: a novel physical-virtual “embodied system” for relational listening. Through the artistic practice of telematic sonic performance this system will interconnect people’s bodily motion and voice with their memories and dreams of distant locations. The fellowship aims to equip the researcher with cutting-edge tools and transferable skills for creating sonic relations for both well-being and healing, tackling important societal challenges of migration. The project will use a unique practice-based methodology, combining different types of listening: relational listening (in dialog with the surroundings), deep listening (sonic meditations, dream and body awareness), networked listening (through telematic performance), and body sonification (translating motion to sound). These will inform and be informed by the development of the modular software platform INTIMAL. As a case study, nine Colombian migrant women in Europe will test INTIMAL in their listening experiences as a catalyst for healing and reconciliation within the context of Colombian post-conflict and peace building. At the University of Oslo the researcher will gain artistic, conceptual and technological skills through: (a) the exploration of artistic, psychological, scientific and cultural implications of capturing the body while listening; (b) the development of spatiotemporal models that interrelate data sources using a graphical programming environment (Max with Jamoma) in a system; (c) the development of complex and meaningful relational processes for telematic sonic performance. Throughout the two years the project will reach academic and non-academic audiences, opening career opportunities for the researcher’s unique profile for the design of interfaces for relational listening, within a variety of dislocation contexts.
Year 2017
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16 Project

Ubuntu and the Quest for Conflict Resolution in Africa

Authors Adeoye O. Akinola, Ufo Okeke Uzodike
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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17 Journal Article

A quantitative analysis of the micro-dynamics of persecution using biographic data of the Jews of Munich (1933-1945)

This project addresses the micro-dynamics of persecution during the Shoah. The project’s first main objective is the creation of a new and unique dataset based on biographical data of all 13,500 Jews who lived in Munich between 1933 and 1945, and historical tax and forced divestment files which will be digitalised at the beginning of the project. The second main objective is to use this novel data set and state-of-the-art econometric methods to analyse (i) the role of social status in the exposure to expropriation, (ii) the reaction of victims to expropriation, (iii) the roles of socio-economic characteristics in the success to migrate, and (iv) the roles of socio-economic characteristics in the timing and probability of deportation. This innovative approach is complementary to the mainly qualitative Holocaust literature and will fill persistent research gaps in Holocaust research in particular and conflict research in general. The project will be realised at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Sweden, and feature collaborations with the Staatsarchiv München and the Institute for Contemporary History, Germany. SIPRI is a leading institute in peace research and exhibits a strong record in the analysis of security, violent conflict and genocide. The project will be supervised by SIPRI’s current director Prof. Tilman Brück, who is a global expert in the empirical analysis of the micro-dynamics of violent conflict. The project involves a comprehensive training plan which will accelerate the researcher’s scientific performance and contribute to the achievement of her career goals in academia. This inter-European, inter-disciplinary project is expected to meliorate European research excellence and produce significant outreach within an international multi-disciplinary scientific audience as well as the general public. It will allow follow-up investigations through the generated data set and will spark societal discourse and self-reflection.
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18 Project

Fragmentation and forgetting: Sarajevo's Vijecnica

Authors Kristen M. Hartmann
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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21 Journal Article

Female refugee networks: Rebuilding post-conflict identity

Authors L. Ripley Smith, LR Smith
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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23 Journal Article

Making It Through: Bosnian Survivors Share Stories of Trauma, Transcendence, and Truth

Year 2021
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25 Journal Article

Love (n)or Marriage

Authors Marieke van Houte
Book Title Return Migration to Afghanistan
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26 Book Chapter

Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups

JUSTINT will provide a novel way of analysing how post-conflict justice practices, such as war crimes trials and truth-seeking, advance or hinder peacebuilding. It breaks away radically from existing approaches and examines an interactive and dynamic aspect of discourse. Until now, we have relied on statements by politicians, civil society actors, or victims to understand their response to post-conflict justice, and studied them as static discourses. Instead, we need to investigate communicative exchanges to understand how discussions about the violent past unfold, and to what effect. JUSTINT asks: how do people interact with each other in response to post-conflict justice across national, ethnic, gender and age groups in different deliberative domains? Do their views change in these interactions, and how? Written and spoken communication can provide strong evidence of attitudes and of their transformation. JUSTINT will apply Quantitative Text Analysis and Conversation Analysis to interactions in face-to-face and virtual deliberative domains (courts, parliaments, civil society debates, blogs, Web-based comments, and Twitter). This mixed-method research will deliver fine-grained multi-language empirical analysis of patterns of discourse in four former Yugoslav countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Croatia), selected as a typical case of post-conflict justice practices. It will be carried out by an interdisciplinary team (three political scientists with expertise in peacebuilding, post-conflict justice and political behaviour, a gender specialist, a computational linguist and a quantitative text analyst). JUSTINT will generate a theory of justice interactions, and open up significant new research horizons at the intersection of peacebuilding and deliberation. It will break new ground by studying justice discourses at the level of words and conversational sequences through interdisciplinary integration and methodological innovation.
Year 2018
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27 Project

Climate Change and Violence in Post-Conflict Colombia

Authors Marina Malamud
Year 2020
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28 Journal Article

Evidence based policy for post crisis stabilization: bridging the gap

The CAERUS consortium aims to identify humanitarian relief actions that pave the way for human development and stability in post-conflict societies. Why have some countries successfully escaped the cycle of violence and conflict where others seem to be trapped? What has been the specific role of national, international and particularly European post-conflict relief action and development cooperation in these cases? This project will undertake humanitarian policy analysis on a global and regional scale, examining ways in which these policies support or undermine development and international security. It will also implement population-based studies in key crises-affected areas to obtain field evidence. Research will focus on health and educational policies. Many crises and conflicts entail a substantial degradation in human and social capital, creating barriers to post-conflict recovery and stabilization. The instant re-establishment of access to primary and secondary education, as well as to basic health services, is vital as these are tangible peace dividends. Offering young people real opportunities aside from warfare, and lowering the burden of disease and mortality in war-torn populations dries up the breeding ground of violence and conflict. Moreover, it potentially lowers migratory pressure towards the European Union from post-conflict societies. In addition, the CAERUS project seeks to detect barriers to provision of basic services in post-conflict settings. It will also assess how European technologies, especially field telecommunications and mobile laboratory capacities, can be used to increase timeliness and effectiveness of service provision in remote areas. These activities will, at the same time, increase European capacities to respond to outbreaks of rare and emerging diseases with pandemic potential. The consortium involves partners from Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria, United Kingdom and India.
Year 2014
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29 Project

Innovative and sustainable tourism strategies A viable alternative for Romania's economic development

Authors Monica Maria Coros, Oana Adriana Gica, Anca C. Yallop, ...
Year 2017
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30 Journal Article

Social network characteristics and resource access among formerly displaced households in Lira, Uganda

Authors Bernard B. Obaa, Robert E. Mazur
Year 2017
Journal Name Disasters
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32 Journal Article

The Hierarchization of Migration

Authors Marieke van Houte
Book Title Return Migration to Afghanistan
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33 Book Chapter

Finding the Cases that Fit: Methodological Challenges in Peace Research

Authors Claudia Simons, Franzisca Zanker
Journal Name SSRN Electronic Journal
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34 Journal Article

Children Born of War - Past, Present and Future

The physical and psychosocial impact of armed conflict on children is immense and particularly so, if these children are associated with the enemy. Overwhelming evidence suggests that children born of war (CBOW), i.e. children fathered by foreign soldiers and born to local mothers have been and continue to be a major obstacle to successful integration of both their mothers and themselves into post-conflict societies. At a global level, previous UN studies have further emphasized the lack of research on children born out of forced pregnancies in armed conflict. The proposed network addresses the described shortcomings by advancing the knowledge base through systematic analysis of lived experiences of CBOW in a variety of 20th century conflict and post-conflict situations. The main research goal is to further our understanding of how (if at all) CBOW in conflict and post-conflict situations are integrated into society; how (if at all) militaries, governments, and nongovernmental policy makers assist this integration process; and how the children's lived experiences reflect broader societal attitudes to memories of war and vice versa. Our vision is to promote scientific excellence by exploiting the specific research expertise and infrastructure of the co-ordinating partner and all participants in order to advance the research competencies and employability of early career researchers. Their enhanced understanding of the challenges of CBOW in volatile societies will inform the normative debates and, ultimately, policies on the reintegration of CBOW into post-conflict societies. By combining historical, social empirical, psychiatric, political, legal, memory, public health and development studies with the discourse surrounding currently enacted humanitarian intervention, insights gained from this network will surpass existing knowledge and will help improve on current integration efforts.
Year 2015
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36 Project

Race and the Yugoslav Region: Postsocialist, Post-Conflict, Postcolonial?

Authors Sunnie Rucker-Chang
Year 2020
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37 Journal Article

The failed peace. Compassion and inequality in the Guatemalan post-conflict

Authors Andrea Freddi, Paolo Grassi
Year 2020
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38 Journal Article

UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding: Progress and Paradox in Local Ownership

Authors Susanna P. Campbell
Year 2020
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39 Journal Article

Narratives of Agency and Capability from Two Adolescent Girls in Post-conflict Liberia

Authors Elizabeth J. Levey, Lance D. Laird, Anne E. Becker, ...
Year 2018
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40 Journal Article

Post-conflict reconstruction - a case study in Kosovo The complexity of planning and implementing infrastructure projects

Authors James Earnest
Year 2015
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41 Journal Article

Race and the Yugoslav Region: Postsocialist, Post-conflict, Postcolonial?

Authors Dafina Paca
Year 2020
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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42 Journal Article

Small towns and rural growth centers as strategic spaces of control in Rwanda's post-conflict trajectory

Authors Ine Cottyn
Year 2018
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43 Journal Article

Jason Hart, Years of Conflict: Adolescence, Political Violence and Displacement (Studies in Forced Migration)

Authors Tanya Narozhna
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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44 Journal Article

“Who are we without the war?”: The evolution of the Tamil ethnic identity in post-conflict Sri Lanka

Authors Kalyani Thurairajah
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnicities
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45 Journal Article

Constructing a shared public identity in ethno nationally divided societies: comparing consociational and transformationist perspectives

Authors John Nagle, Mary-Alice C. Clancy
Year 2012
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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46 Journal Article

The political socialization of youth in a post-conflict community

Authors Catherine M. Reidy, Laura K. Taylor, Christine E. Merrilees, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47 Journal Article

Legal and Institutional Dimensions of Protecting and Assisting Internally Displaced Persons in Africa

Authors A. M. Abebe, Allehone Mulugeta Abebe
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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48 Journal Article

Return Migration to Afghanistan

Authors Marieke van Houte
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49 Book

Mobilising diaspora to promote homeland investment: The progress of policy in post-conflict economies

Authors Nick Williams
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Citations (WoS) 2
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51 Journal Article

Safeguarding Democracy: Powersharing and Democratic Survival

Authors Benjamin A. T. Graham, Kaare W. Strom, Michael K. Miller
Year 2017
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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52 Journal Article

Introduction: rethinking reconciliation and transitional justice after conflict

Authors James Hughes, Denisa Kostovicova
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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53 Journal Article

Ethnic Factor and Politics in the Asuogyaman District of Ghana

Authors Kenneth Shelton Aikins, Richard Ametefe
Year 2017
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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54 Journal Article

About justice that is yet to come: a few remarks about the international pursuit of post-conflict gender justice

Authors Olga Jurasz
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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55 Journal Article

Diaspora mobilisation for conflict and post-conflict reconstruction: contextual and comparative dimensions

Authors Maria Koinova
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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56 Journal Article

Re-envisioning community-based heritage tourism in the old city of Nazareth

Authors Alon Gelbman, Daniel Laven
Year 2016
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57 Journal Article

Hegemonic Relationships: Donor Countries and NGOs in Western Balkan Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Authors Nikolaos Tzifakis, Asteris Huliaras
Year 2013
Journal Name Southeastern Europe
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58 Journal Article

Social Engineering for Reintegration: Peace Villages for the ‘Uprooted’ Returnees in Burundi

Authors Jean-Benoît Falisse, Jean-Benoit Falisse, Rene Claude Niyonkuru, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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59 Journal Article

Endorsers, challengers or builders? Political parties’ diaspora outreach in a post-conflict state

Authors Maria Koinova
Year 2018
Journal Name International Political Science Review
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60 Journal Article

Trade Unions, Transnational Solidarity and Ethnic Divisions: EU Social Dialogue and Post-War Reconstruction in the Western Balkans

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader)
The research project addresses the EU's regional approach to support countries in the Western Balkans in their progress towards EU membership. It focuses on the social reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and the regional dialogue on social and employment policies within the Bucharest process. The study investigates local and national trade unions strategies to challenge downward pressure on labour rights and standards brought about by the implementation of a neoliberal model of reconstruction. It analyses the counter-influence of European social dimension as well as practices of the international organizations such as the UNDP, ILO and International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and civil society organizations on the development of 'transethnic' regional solidarities. It also examines the forms of labour collaboration necessary to counterbalance hostile employers and governments. The main question concerns the efficacy of EU support for social dialogue and the implementation of the ILO 'decent work agenda' in empowering trade unions in their struggle for labour rights and standards in post-conflict former Yugoslavia. The issue is especially pertinent considering the wider study of post-conflict societies, marked by social fragmentation, ethnic divisions, political clientelism, poverty, informal economy and migration pressures.
Year 2009
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61 Project

Rebels, Revenue and Redistribution: The Political Geography of Post-Conflict Power-Sharing in Africa

Authors Felix Haass, Martin Ottmann
Year 2020
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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62 Journal Article

Building Bridges among Bridge-Destroyers: Post-Conflict Interfaith Dialogue after the Bosnian War

Authors Peter Admirand
Year 2020
Journal Name SOUNDINGS
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63 Journal Article

Investing in Peace: The Motivational Dynamics of Diaspora Investment in Post-Conflict Economies

Authors Tjai M. Nielsen, Liesl Riddle
Year 2009
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64 Journal Article

The role of dark commemorative and sport events in peaceful coexsitence in the Western Balkans

Year 2021
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65 Journal Article

Challenges of branding in post-conflict countries: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Bozo Skoko, Hrvoje Jakopovic, Dejan Gluvacevic
Year 2018
Journal Name TOURISM
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66 Journal Article

The Bosnian Diaspora

Authors Sabrina P. Ramet, Marko Valenta
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67 Book

Paths to reconversion taken by Northern Irish paramilitaries

Authors Elise Feron
Year 2006
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68 Journal Article

Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration

Authors Jørgen Carling, Marta Bolognani, Marta Bivand Erdal, ...
This report presents insights from the research project Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration (PREMIG), funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Over a five-year period, a core group of eight researchers in Norway and the United Kingdom studied return migration from multiple perspectives. They drew upon statistical analyses and face-to-face interaction with more than five hundered migrants and returnees in seven countries.
Year 2015
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69 Report

Social innovation in a post-conflict setting: examining external factors affecting social service NGOs

Authors Aleksandar Bozic
Year 2021
Journal Name Development Studies Research
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70 Journal Article

Refugee entrepreneurship and self-reliance: the UNHCR and sustainability in post-conflict Sierra Leone

Authors Claudena M. Skran
Year 2019
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71 Journal Article

The Protection of Cultural Property: Post-Colonial and Post-Conflict Perspectives from Sri Lanka

Authors Naazima Kamardeen
Year 2017
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72 Journal Article

"Show me your impact": Evaluating transitional justice in contested spaces

Authors Colleen Duggan
Year 2012
Journal Name Evaluation and Program Planning
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74 Journal Article

Participatory Visual Research with Displaced Persons: 'Listening' to Post-conflict Experiences through the Visual

Authors Sanne Weber
Year 2019
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75 Journal Article

The Weight of Ethnic Collectivism: Youth, Identifications, and Boundaries in Post‐conflict Bosnia Herzegovina

Authors Arianna Piacentini
Year 2018
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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76 Journal Article

From Urban Catastrophe to ‘Model’ City? Politics, Security and Development in Post-conflict Kigali

Authors Tom Goodfellow, Alyson Smith
Year 2013
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 17
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77 Journal Article

Boundary-spanning dialogue for the 21st-century agoras

Authors AN CHRISTAKIS, S Brahms
Year 2003
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78 Journal Article

Diaspora and ambidextrous management of tourism in post-colonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations

Authors Hugues Seraphin, Maximiliano E. Korstanje, Vanessa Gowreesunkar
Year 2020
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79 Journal Article

Leadership Attitude and Clan-Structure: Lessons for Leadership Practices in Contemporary Post-Conflict Nation Building in Somalia

Year 2021
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80 Journal Article

Changing landscapes, changing practice: Negotiating access to sleeping sickness services in a post-conflict society

Authors Jennifer J. Palmer, Francesco Checchi, Caroline Jones, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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81 Journal Article

Imaginaries on the Return to a Post-Conflict Colombia Discourses of refugees residing in Ecuador

Authors Felipe Andres Aliaga Saez, Cristhian Uribe Mendoza, Jorge Enrique Blanco Garcia, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name DIGITHUM
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82 Journal Article

Public Relations and Diplomacy in a Globalized World: An Issue of Public Communication

Authors Jacquie L'Etang
Year 2009
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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83 Journal Article

Conflict and Cooperation in Armenian Diaspora Mobilisation for Genocide Recognition

Authors Maria Koinova
Book Title Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation
Citations (WoS) 1
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84 Book Chapter

'Garang's Seeds': Influences on the Return of Sudanese-Canadian Refugee Physicians to Post-Conflict South Sudan

Authors J. L. Finlay, Juli L. . Finlay, Rodney A. Crutcher, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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87 Journal Article

Inside wars : local dynamics of conflicts in Syria and Libya

Authors Luigi NARBONE, Agnès FAVIER, Virginie COLLOMBIER
Year 2016
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88 Book

Transnational education and the remaking of social identity: Nepalese student migration to Denmark

Authors Karen Valentin
Year 2015
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 5
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89 Journal Article

Ethnic Conflict and War Crimes in the Balkans: The Narratives of Denial in Post-Conflict Serbia

Authors Ohannes Geukjian
Year 2015
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
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90 Journal Article

Ethnic Conflict and War Crimes in the Balkans: The Narratives of Denial in Post-Conflict Serbia.

Authors Katarina Ristic
Year 2016
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93 Journal Article

Ethnic Conflict and War Crimes in the Balkans: The Narratives of Denial in Post-conflict Serbia

Authors Krisztina Racz
Year 2015
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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94 Journal Article

Refusing refuge

Authors Frances Webber
Year 2018
Journal Name Race & Class
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95 Journal Article

Understanding refugee durable solutions by international players: Does dialogue form a missing link?

Authors Fred Bidandi
Year 2018
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97 Journal Article

Xinjiang under China: reflections on the multiple dimensions of the 2009 Urumqi uprising

Authors Angel Ryono, Matthew Galway
Year 2015
Journal Name Asian Ethnicity
Citations (WoS) 4
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98 Journal Article

Non-ethnic Mobilisation in Deeply Divided Societies, the Case of the Sarajevo Protests

Authors Heleen Touquet
Year 2015
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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99 Journal Article

The perils of outsourcing post-conflict reconstruction: donor countries, international NGOs and private military and security companies

Authors Nikolaos Tzifakis, Asteris Huliaras
Year 2015
Journal Name Conflict, Security & Development
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100 Journal Article
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