A social anthropologist based in Norway, I have conducted migration research and migration related research for over 25 years. I began by investigating the meanings of home and homeland to Vietnamese refugees in Norway, and went on to study relations between Swedish welfare institutions and refugees from Vietnam. My PhD project explored and compared how ethnic and other differences were dealt with in schools in Norway and the Netherlands. More recently, I have looked into the impact of the Dublin...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 382
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7408-5463
LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-louise-seeberg-b4a3a01a/
Twitter https://twitter.com/@MarieLouiseSeeb
Researcher ID https://publons.com/researcher/3833491/marie-louise-seeberg/
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marie-Seeberg


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • NOVA - SVA, OsloMet

    University, Oslo, Norway
    Research Director and Research Professor


Waiting: Migrant nurses in Norway

Authors Taylor Vaughn, Marie Louise Seeberg, Aslaug Gotehus
Year 2019
Journal Name TIME & SOCIETY
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1 Journal Article

Migration for welfare: nurses within three regimes of immigration and integration into the Norwegian welfare state

Principal investigator Marie Louise Seeberg (Principal Investigator), Marta Bivand Erdal (), Jørgen Carling (), Aslaug Gotehus (), Elzbieta Gozdziak (), Izabella Main (), Marek Pawlak (), Hans Christian Sandlie (), Taylor Vaughn ()
WELLMIG innovatively brings together the perspectives that migrants not only depend on, but also make significant contributions to the welfare state. On the one hand, nurses - male and female - with education from their countries of origin contribute directly to the institutions of a Norwegian welfare state in need of hands to take care of an aging population. On the other hand, they also gain rights of access to benefits and welfare provisions. The combination of these two aspects brings to centre stage some of the dilemmas that arise when the welfare state encounters the globalisation of labour. We propose to study the different pathways of Polish, Swedish and Filipino nurses into the Norwegian labour market and society, examining the impact of mobility regimes on migrants' lives. Comparing Scandinavian, EU, and non-EU migrants, we will explore how and when migration, gender, race and ethnicity matter, and bring together regimes of immigration and integration in a mutually informative way. The comparison offers the opportunity to examine the impact of these regimes on migrants' integration into work and society in Norway. The project also expands the concept of work-life balance across the life course and takes into account transnational lives. We plan for consistency and comparison across different fieldwork sites. Our methodology comprises mixed methods and multi-sited fieldwork, including fieldwork in sending states. While the issue of nurse migration is highly policy relevant, it raises theoretical questions of central concern to the social sciences, regarding the mutual relations between individuals and structures, between the transnational and the national, and between dimensions of power, identity, equality and difference. Applying an intersectional perspective on gender, migrancy and class, we will study how immigration and integration policies are shaped and interplay, and how they affect migrants' choices and experiences.
Year 2016
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2 Project

All European countries are not the same The Dublin Regulation and onward migration in Europe

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg, Marianne Takle
This report describes a Dublin System on the brink of a major crisis. The report examines the significance of the Dublin Regulation for the onward migration of asylum seekers within Europe, based on data collected in Norway, Sweden, and Germany from February to April 2015. Our findings from this period are currently confirmed and strengthened with the increasing numbers of asylum seekers coming to Europe. The purpose of the Dublin Regulation is to determine the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States. It is crucial how the Dublin Regulation is applied, as this decides where migrants will live in the future. This research project aimed to identify the most important effects of the Dublin Regulation from the points of view of Member States as well as from migrants’ perspectives. The sharing of responsibility for asylum seekers in Europe is controversial. While the Dublin Regulation is the only current framework for allocating responsibility for individual asylum claims among the European countries, it is not designed to be an instrument for the general sharing of responsibility between Member States. The absence of adequate instruments for such sharing has detrimental results for Member States, the European Union, and migrants alike.
Year 2015
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3 Report

NO PLACE Small children in Norwegian asylum-seeker reception centres

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg, Cecilie Bagge, Truls Andre Enger
Year 2009
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4 Journal Article

Små barns hverdager i asylmottak

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg
Små barns hverdager i asylmottak ligger langt unna hverdagen for andre barn i samme aldersgruppe i Norge. Foreldrene er fattige, tilværelsen preget av midlertidighet, usikkerhet og mangel på struktur, og boforholdene er dårlige. Barn som bor i asylmottak befinner seg i skjæringspunktet mellom innvandringspolitikk og barne- og velferdspolitikk. Innvandringspolitiske hensyn brukes for å begrunne den svært lave levestandarden, som er vanskelig å forsvare i et barnepolitisk perspektiv. De fire artiklene som er samlet i denne rapporten, er tidligere publisert i ulike tidsskrifter, og belyser situasjonen til små barn som bor i asylmottak fra flere vinkler. Rapporten er i hovedsak basert på feltarbeid utført i 2006 blant barn 0-6 år i to asylmottak: ett transittmottak og ett ordinært mottak. Prosjektet «Små barns hverdager i asylmottak» inngår i NOVAs strategiske instituttprogram Barneforskning.
Year 2009
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5 Report

Tracing UMAs´ families A comparative study of some European countries´ practices and experiences in tracing the parents or caregivers of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers

Authors Kirsten Danielsen, Marie Louise Seeberg
This report is a study of different European countries´ practices and experiences in tracing the parents or other caregivers of separated minor asylum seekers. The term "unaccompanied minor asylum seekers" (UMAs) refers to children under the age of 18 who are separated from their caregivers, and who apply for asylum in a foreign country. The increase in the numbers of UMAs arriving in Europe from 2000-2003, along with an understanding of UMAs as particularly vulnerable, formed the point of departure for the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to initiate this study. Our main source of data has been an electronic, web-based survey. The questionnaire was sent to Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. None of these countries have a separate tracing unit within the organization responsible for tracing UMAs´ families. All the countries co-operate with NGOs, mostly with the national offices of the Red Cross on an ad hoc basis.Some countries make use of their embassies or other diplomatic missions in the UMAs countries of origin. Our findings show that tracing work is both difficult and resource-demanding, and the success rate generally low. Furthermore, not all successful family tracing leads to family reunification. In most cases, if the countries do not succeed in their tracing attempts or adequate care is not available in the country of origin or a third country, the minor is given temporary or permanent residence in the receiving country.
Year 2006
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6 Report

"Det er kunnskapene mine dere trenger, ikke språket mitt" Etnisitet, kjønn og klasse ved to arbeidsplasser i helse- og omsorgssektoren.

Authors Rannveig Dahle, Marie Louise Seeberg
Denne rapporten er et resultat av prosjektet «Arbeidsplasser i helse- og omsorgssektoren: kjønn, klasse, etnisitet». Prosjektet, som ble gjennomført fra 2003 til 2005, var finansiert gjennom Norges forskningsråds program for arbeids­livsforskning. Bakgrunnen for prosjektet er den økende andelen ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn i denne sektoren. Sektoren har allerede en høyere andel ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn enn for eksempel servicesektoren har. Forskerne har gjennomført feltarbeid ved to arbeidsplasser, et bo- og omsorgssenter og et sykehus, begge i Oslo-området. Hensikten med prosjektet har vært å utforske hvordan ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn, i vid forstand, inkluderes i det eksisterende arbeidsmiljøet, og hvordan arbeidsorganisering, arbeidsrelasjoner og hierarkidannelser påvirkes av at ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn er rekruttert inn i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Prosjektet fokuserer altså ikke på ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn, men på to arbeidsplasser der innvandrere er blant de ansatte. Spørsmålene som reises i rapporten er viktige, ikke bare for de ansatte selv, men også i et større perspektiv. De kan bidra til å belyse hva som hindrer innvandrere i å få innpass på arbeidsmarkedet, og hva som kan gjøres for å inkludere også disse arbeidstakerne.
Year 2005
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7 Report

“Does She Speak Norwegian?”: Ethnic dimensions of hierarchy in Norwegian health care workplaces

Authors Rannveig Dahle, Marie Louise Seeberg
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
8 Journal Article

Child Refugees and National Boundaries

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
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9 Book Chapter

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