Everyday politics of solidarity: Undocumented mobilities in Europe and the Mediterranean


Principal investigator Anitta Kynsilehto ()
Project description: The Mediterranean Sea is the most spectacular stage for undocumented border-crossings around Europe, which hardly surprises anyone after the year 2015. Despite the international interest, the annual number of deaths only keeps increasing. In the meantime, the Mediterranean region is also a site of manifold solidarity practices, where different voluntary organisations and informal groups provide the people on the move with means for day-to-day survival, such as accommodation, food, health and sanitation, and offer empathetic support in solidarity. This research project examined everyday politics of solidarity through the interaction between undocumented migrants and solidarity actors. The research material was collected by multi-sited ethnographic methods in Morocco, France and Greece. The research showed how this interaction entails the quest for rendering the constantly changing, volatile political context intelligible in order to envisage further actions.
Year 2015

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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