Robin Stünzi is the Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move. He wrote a doctoral thesis on the securitization of the Swiss politics of asylum in a historical perspective. His research focuses on the Swiss and European politics of migration and asylum, on the movements of refugees and the processes of inclusion and exclusion of children of immigrants.


  • NCCR-on the move

    University, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
    Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer

  • University of Neuchâtel

    University, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
    Education and Careers Officer


Hiring discrimination on the basis of skin colour? A correspondence test in Switzerland

Authors Rosita Fibbi, Didier Ruedin, Robin Stünzi, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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1 Journal Article

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