I am Lecturer at NUS College of the National University of Singapore. Prior to this, I was Research Fellow at Asia Research Institute (ARI) in 2019-2022 and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of Social Sciences at Yale-NUS College in 2017-2019. I stay with ARI as an Associate of the Asian Migration Cluster. I completed a DPhil at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, as a recipient of the Oxford Clarendon and St Peter’s Diggle Scholarship. I received a Master of Social...


  • NUS College, National University of Singapore

    University, Singapore, Singapore

  • Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

    University, Singapore, Singapore
    Research Fellow

  • Yale-National University of Singapore

    University, Singapore, Singapore
    Postdoctoral Fellow

  • National University of Singapore

    University, Singapore, Singapore

  • National University of Singapore

    University, Singapore, Singapore
    Research Fellow / Dr

  • Yale-NUS College

    Other, Singapore, Singapore
    Postdoctoral Fellow


Pandemic Recalibration of Habits

Authors Yi’En Cheng
Year 2022
Book Title International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific
3 Book Chapter

Geographies of Education

Authors Yi’En Cheng, Menusha De Silva
Year 2022
Book Title The Routledge Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography
6 Book Chapter

Introduction: Mobile Aspirations? Youth Im/Mobilities in the Asia-Pacific

Authors Shanthi Robertson, Yi'En Cheng, Brenda S. A. Yeoh
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
15 Journal Article

Educational Mobility and Transnationalization

Authors Peidong Yang, Yi’En Cheng
Year 2018
Book Title Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
16 Book Chapter

Family migration

Authors Brenda S. A. Yeoh, Cheng Yi En
Year 2013
Journal Name The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
33 Journal Article

Suggested Research

UNHCR Population Statistics Database

The database contains information on UNHCR's populations of concern from 1951 onwards. It can be used to investigate different aspects of displacement: host countries and countries of origin, status (refugees, asylum seekers, returned refugees, internally displaced persons (IDP), protected/assisted by UNHCR, returned IDPs, stateless persons, etc.), evolution over time, etc. The dataset covers more than 180 countries. Information like age and sex are also recorded. The data can be easily filtered by single or multiple variables. The selected data can be downloaded to comma-separated variable (CSV) format file and imported in other applications for further analysis. Moreover, mid-year statistics are also available for download. General notes: A number of statistics are not shown in the system but are displayed as asterisks (*). These figures are being kept confidential to protect the anonymity of persons of concern and are not included in the totals.
Year 1951
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2 Data Set

Health Care Experiences of Stateless People in Canada

Authors Jocelyn Kane, Gezy Schuurmans, Miho Kitamura
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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3 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons in the Republic of Belarus : challenges to social cohesion

Authors Larissa TITARENKO
There is a global rise in forced migration resulting from military and ethnic conflicts and natural disasters. Being one of the stable countries in the post-Soviet region the Republic of Belarus attracts attention of forced migrants seeking asylum and/or protection. Thus, the problem of forced migration affects Belarus, as it acts as a recipient country for foreign nationals and stateless persons seeking refuge and/or asylum.
Year 2013
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6 Report

TRACKS: Identification of TRafficked Asylum seeKers' Special needs

TRACKS- identification of TRafficked Asylum seeKers’ Special needs is a transnational project that offers to analyze the asylum-trafficking in human beings (THB) nexus through the prism of special needs of trafficked asylum seekers and to equip national asylum authorities and civil society organizations to tackle crosscutting issues (i.e. protection, housing, rehabilitation, psychosocial support as well as security). Indeed, international protection of these asylum seekers might be challenged by their very specific vulnerability. Asylum seekers identified as victims of THB need to benefit from specific social and judicial support and reception conditions, as well as from a procedure that should be adapted to their individual specific situation. These needs have to be addressed to allow them to benefit from an appropriated international protection by EU member States. Very few victims of THB applying for asylum are granted refugee status or subsidiary protection as they have enormous difficulties to express their individual story because they are most of the time under influence, are not always aware of their rights in relation to their specific situation and went through traumatic experiences. Moreover, the asylum application can be used by criminal networks exploiting victims to make sure they legally stay on the territory. The situation of this specific vulnerable group requires a very specific answer that will result from a complementary accompaniment from a range of actors (i.e. regarding social and legal support, health, security issues, etc.).
Year 2016
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8 Project

Asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPS) in Georgia : the challenges of social cohesion

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Since the 1990s, Georgia has been facing one of its most severe problems: the resettlement and socioeconomic integration of internally displaced persons from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region who fled as a result of internal armed conflicts. Over the past few years, the number of IDPs has increased due to the inflow of foreign nationals seeking to obtain either a refugee or a humanitarian status. These numbers have further increased following the obligation assumed by the authorities of Georgia to repatriate the Meskhetian Turks exiled in an organized way from Georgia in 1944. Although the definition of internally displaced persons provided in the legislation of Georgia does not include ecological migrants displaced due to the natural calamities, this explanatory note will also touch upon the issues of resettlement of eco-migrants along with the complex task of resettlement of the Meskhetian Turks and IDPs from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region as well as the unified state approach to address their problems.
Year 2013
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20 Report

Study on the assessment of the extent of different types of trafficking (sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organs etc.) in EU countries

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Year 2008
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29 Project

Arrived, Yet In-between: Experiences of Iranian Asylum-Seeker Women Living with Insecure Residency in Australia

Authors Sara Shishehgar, Sara Shishehgar, Leila Gholizadeh, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
31 Journal Article

No Country of one’s own: an advisory report on treaty protection for stateless persons in the Netherlands

Authors Adviesraad Migratie, Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken or Members of the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
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Year 2014
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32 Report

Geen land te bekennen: een advies over de verdragsrechtelijke bescherming van staatlozen in Nederland

Authors Adviesraad Migratie, Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken or Members of the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
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Year 2013
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33 Report

Asylum Seekers in Scotland: The Accommodation of Diversity

Authors Duncan Sim, Alison Bowes
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 24
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34 Journal Article

Health, Integration and Agency: Sport Participation Experiences of Asylum Seekers

Authors Clemens Ley, Felix Karus, Lisa Wiesbauer, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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36 Journal Article

Asylbewerber- und Flüchtlingsbefragung

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Yuliya Kosyakova (Principal Investigator)
Durch die Asyl- und Flüchtlingsbefragung werden erstmals umfassende Erkenntnisse über die Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge in Deutschland gewonnen. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen die Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf dem Gebiet der Integration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen unterstützen. Die Schaffung dieser Datenbasis ermöglicht es der BA, andere Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland und Europa auf dem Gebiet der Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik durch evidenzbasierte Politikberatung zu unterstützen. Weiterhin wird eine Datenbasis für die Forschung über die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern und im besonderen von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen geschaffen. Projektmethode Befragung Projektziel Schaffung einer Datenbasis, die sowohl zur Politikberatung als auch zur Forschung zu Themen der gesellschaftlichen und Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen verwendet werden kann.
Year 2015
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41 Project

Statelessness in the United States: A Study to Estimate and Profile the US Stateless Population

Authors Donald Kerwin, Daniela Alulema, Michael Nicholson, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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43 Journal Article

Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings: A Cross-National Study

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Year 2013
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46 Project

Asylum Seeking in Australia

Authors Christine A. Stevens
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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48 Journal Article

How to be a ‘Good Asylum Seeker’? The Subjectification of Young Men Seeking Asylum

Authors Maria Petajaniemi, Maija Lanas, Mervi Kaukko
Year 2021
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Citations (WoS) 3
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52 Journal Article

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in France

Authors Florence LEVY
The fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) is now part of the French political agenda. Yet the priority is given to the fight against sexual exploitation while labour exploitation is still regarded as a minor phenomenon. The particular issue of exploitation in domestic work has not been considered on its own even if France has been condemned twice by the European Court of Human Rights for failing to protect victims in two cases of exploitation in domestic work. Since then, the law has been amended, and we have to wait until we can assess the effectivity of this new legal framework. The issue of demand remains a blind spot in terms of how THB is understood. The public declarations of government’s commitment to the fight against THB provide a contrast with the low number of convictions actually brought down by the courts. The research highlights the difficulties faced by labor inspectorates and legal actors in establishing cases of THB in domestic work. This is linked with the characteristic of this work sector, but also with confusions in the understanding of what is THB, what are the victims and perpetrators profiles and the tensions between the fight against illegal immigration and the mission to protect victims of THB.
Year 2016
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53 Report

Asylum seeking in Australia

Authors CA Stevens
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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56 Journal Article

A Systematic Review of Naturalistic Interventions in Refugee Populations

Authors Sierra van Wyk, Robert D. Schweitzer
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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58 Journal Article

EU Law and the Detainability of Asylum-Seekers

Authors Cathryn Costello, Minos Mouzourakis
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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59 Journal Article

Secundaire migratie van asielzoekers in de EU

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Asviescommissie voor Vremdelingenzaken, ACVZ), Koos Richelle, Minze Beuving, ...
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Year 2019
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61 Report

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in Italy

Authors Letizia PALUMBO
While both the topics of domestic work (DW) and trafficking human beings (THB) have received increased attention in scholarship, there is very limited research on the nexus of these two issues in Italy, i.e. on cases of THB in the DW sector. This paper investigates the forms of severe exploitation and THB in DW in Italy and examines the factors affecting the demand-side in this sector. Moreover, it analyses the gaps in current legal and political responses. The paper highlights that domestic workers frequently experience several forms of exploitation and maltreatment, which go from the violation of the fundamental protection provided by the contract to severe abuse and trafficking. The hidden nature of DW renders the identification of cases of THB extremely difficult. The paper reveals that while economic motivations are the main factor influencing the demand for cheap and exploitable workers in DW, other aspects, such as political, legal, social and cultural factors, also play a crucial role in affecting the demand-side. Moreover, this study points out that Italian legal and political responses to THB and severe exploitation have proven inadequate in preventing these phenomena and in protecting the rights of the victims. By highlighting the need to adopt a comprehensive approach to THB, the paper proposes a set of recommendations in regard to political and legal responses, also addressing the demand-side.
Year 2016
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63 Report

Deterrence Index

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Year 1999
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65 Data Set

ROOT: Research on organized trafficking

To contribute to a real comprehension of the impact of organized crime in trafficking in women. To prepare a transnational project directed at eradicating the trafficking in human beings (THB) for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Sicily, in a European dimension
Year 2013
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72 Project

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in Greece

Authors Danai ANGELI
Even though Greece counts as one of Europe’s four main trafficking hubs and even though migrant domestic workers have been arriving in the country since the late 70s, these two storylines somehow fail to meet. According to the official figures, trafficking of human beings (THB) for domestic work is practically non-existent in Greece; and labour trafficking in general, is just a recent phenomenon. Addressing demand for cheap and exploitable workers becomes then a theoretical question. Migrant domestic workers themselves, however, have a very different story to tell about how they entered and stayed in the country, under what terms they found their work, what the expectations are and why they cannot leave. In most cases, these are stories of false promises, long working hours, small salaries and fear of coming forward. Lifting these cases out of their invisibility and understanding what are the factors shaping the demand in the context of THB in the domestic work sector is an important necessary step to open the debate on trafficking in domestic work in Greece.
Year 2016
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78 Report

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in the Netherlands

Authors Eefje DE VOLDER
In general the Netherlands is performing relatively well in terms of combatting trafficking in human beings (THB). Yet, the Dutch government still needs to make considerable effort to address the demand-side of THB and to take action in relation to forms of exploitation outside the sex industry.While generally attention for labour exploitation is on the increase, sector-specific attention is still required. The domestic work sector has been considered a risk sector for exploitation since 2008, yet attention for this sector remains scarce. Because the work takes place in the private household, domestic workers are in a vulnerable and isolated position and are therefore in need of specific attention to avoid exploitation. At the same time, the fact that the work takes place in the private realm and that the group of domestic workers is diverse poses serious challenges for the Dutch Government to tackle this particular form of labour exploitation. This report seeks to provide general insight into THB in DW in the Netherlands with special attention for demand side aspects, in order propose recommendations to the Dutch Government how it could step up its efforts to tackle THB in DW.
Year 2016
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79 Report

The living arrangements of children in immigrant families in the United States

Authors P Brandon
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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82 Journal Article

Demand in the context of trafficking in human beings in the domestic work sector in Belgium

Belgian anti-THB policy is often pointed as exemplary given its broad definition of the crime of trafficking for labour exploitation, as being the work or service carried out in conditions contrary to human dignity, in which the coercion element is not compulsory. However, hardly any policy initiatives in Belgium tackle specifically demand-side aspects in labour exploitation and THB in the domestic work sector. Recent policy changes in the domain of domestic work at diplomatic households and the formalisation of live-out domestic work with a service voucher policy have positive effects on the sector. Undocumented domestic workers in the shadow market and possibly regular migrants under temporary work permits are, though, still largely unprotected. The main obstacles to prevent exploitative situations within the sector are the migration and employment policies applying to domestic work. Indeed, this paper argues that when migrant workers are without the possibility to regularise their migration status maintain them in a vulnerable situation: migration status is a key issue for giving people the real possibility to access and defend their rights. Only the full respect of (all) workers’ rights will reduce their vulnerability to labour exploitation and trafficking.
Year 2016
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83 Report

Rita Chin, The Guest Worker Question in Postwar Germany

Authors Anna Holian
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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86 Journal Article

Identity Negotiation amongst Pakistani Urban Refugees and Asylum Seekers Living in Bangkok

Authors Amanda Simon, Amanda Simon, Methawadee Behnjharachajarunandha, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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87 Journal Article

Hunger: The Silent Epidemic Among Asylum Seekers and Resettled Refugees

Authors Linda Piwowarczyk, Terence M. Keane, Alisa Lincoln
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 18
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92 Journal Article

Layered Confinement in Reception Centers—A Study of Asylum Seekers’ Experiences in Finland

Authors Antti Kivijarvi, Martta Myllyla
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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93 Journal Article

Van asielzoeker naar zorgverlener. Arbeidsdeelname van asielmigranten in de zorgsector

Authors The Dutch Advisory Commitee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
Er zijn al geruime tijd grote personeelstekorten in de zorgsector. In 2021 is er een tekort van tussen de 56.300 en 73.800 werknemers, dat naar verwachting zal oplopen tot tussen de 100.000 en 130.000 werknemers in 2030. Tegelijkertijd zijn er asielmigranten die maar niet aan het werk komen. Zelfs tijdens de coronacrisis, waarin er extra handen in de zorg nodig zijn, krijgen asielmigranten nauwelijks de kans om aan het werk te gaan als zorgverlener. Terwijl er onder hen wel degelijk mensen zijn die een zorgachtergrond hebben. Daar komt bij dat de Nederlandse zorgsector te maken heeft met een dynamische en superdiverse samenleving en er dus ook nieuw soort werk nodig is. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan tolken of zorgconsulenten die mensen de weg kunnen wijzen in het Nederlandse zorglandschap en aan de zorg voor ouder wordende migranten. Waarom is het dan zo moeilijk voor asielmigranten on een baan te krijgen in een sector die staat te springen om nieuwe arbeidskrachten? De ACVZ heeft in deze verkenning onderzocht wat de barrières zijn voor asielmigranten om in de zorg aan de slag te gaan, hoe deze kunnen worden weggenomen en waar de kansen liggen om meer asielmigranten aan te trekken voor een baan in de zorg. Die adviesraad identificeert in deze verkenning drie obstakels.
Year 2021
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99 Report
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