Steffen Pötzschke is a senior researcher at the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim (Germany) and deputy team lead of the GESIS Panel (department Survey Design and Methodology). Steffen is also a corresponding member of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück. His research interests include international migration and mobility, transnationalism, integration, methods of migration research, and survey design.


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences

    Research Institute, Mannheim, Germany
    Senior researcher

  • Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (University of Osnabrück)

    University, Osnabrück, Germany
    Corresponding member


Using the innovative to improve the established: The employment of social networking sites as recruitment tools in migrant surveys

Authors Steffen Pötzschke
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration
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2 Journal Article

Attitudes towards refugees: Introducing a short three-dimensional scale

Authors Patrick F. Kotzur, Maria-Therese Friehs, Peter Schmidt, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name British Journal of Social Psychology
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3 Journal Article

Realizing a Global Survey of Emigrants through Facebook and Instagram

Authors Steffen Pötzschke, Bernd Weiß
Research on international migrants has seen a sharp increase during the last decades, yet sampling them remains a major challenge, especially in a cross-national setting and on a global scale. While various sampling methods are established in the field, most of them cannot easily be implemented globally due to their dependence on specific administrative or infrastructure elements or simply their costs. Since Social Networking Sites (SNS) operate on a global scale, they provide a sampling frame that can be utilized for the targeted recruitment of migrants worldwide. Increasingly used for research purposes and among the largest and most popular SNSs are Facebook and Instagram. In our project GEOOS (German Emigrants Overseas Online Survey), we utilize paid advertisements on these networks to target German emigrants, particularly Germans living outside of Europe. Our research aims to ascertain whether such ads could be used to recruit a nonprobability (migrant) sample on a global scale. More specifically, we are interested in the success of this approach concerning three performance indicators: Cost efficiency, coverage, and sample size. Our advertisement campaign ran for 18 days and resulted in total costs of about 2,223 Euro. This investment led a total of 3,895 individuals to complete the survey; of those, 98 percent belonged to the target population, meaning they were (a) either born in Germany or held German citizenship and (b) did not live in Germany. GEOOS participants lived in a total of 148 countries and territories around the globe. Similar to findings reported in previous studies on this target population, the largest sub-groups resided in predominantly Anglo-phone countries; however, taken together, participants in these countries only constitute 38 percent of our overall sample, with nearly a quarter of GEOOS participants (n = 867) living in Middle and South America, 862 residing in Asian countries, and 476 in Africa. Furthermore, a considerable share of our sample is constituted by individuals who would either not have been included in a sampling frame based on German population registers or who would have been unlikely to be reached through this method due to incomplete or outdated information.
Year 2021
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4 Report

Design und Umsetzung empirischer Forschung zu geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Literaturreview

Authors Débora Maehler, Steffen Pötzschke, Howard Ramos, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung
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5 Journal Article

Studies on the Acculturation of Young Refugees in the Educational Domain: A Scoping Review of Research and Methods

Authors Debora B. Maehler, Steffen Pötzschke, Howard Ramos, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Adolescent Research Review
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6 Journal Article

Integrating Refugee Children and Youth: A Scoping Review of English and German Literature

Authors Paul Pritchard, Howard Ramos, Debora B. Maehler, ...
Year 2019
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8 Journal Article

Everyday Europe - Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent

Authors Ettore RECCHI, Adrian FAVELL, Fulya APAYDIN, ...
Year 2019
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9 Book

Migrant Sampling Using Facebook Advertisements: A Case Study of Polish Migrants in Four European Countries

Authors Steffen Pötzschke, Michael Braun
Year 2017
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10 Journal Article

Methodische Grundlagen der quantitativen Migrationsforschung

Authors Silke Martin, Débora B. Maehler, Dorothée Behr, ...
Year 2016
Book Title Methods of Migration Research. An Interdisciplinary Research Guide
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11 Book Chapter

Migrant mobilities in Europe: Comparing Turkish to Romanian migrants

Authors Steffen Pötzschke
Year 2015
Journal Name Migration Letters
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
12 Journal Article

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