Philomene is a registered mental health nurse since 2006. She also has worked on the different programs aimed to redesign care pathways with a greater focus on prevention, early intervention, and reduction of health inequalities. For example, people with complex health problems, and asylum seekers, and refugees. She began teaching in 2011 at Liverpool John Moores University in the School of Nursing and Allied Health. She also has experience working in public health with specific programs aimed at...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 2289


  • Liverpool John Moores University

    University, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Senior Lecturer

  • Public Health Sefton (NHS), Liverpool

    Other, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Senior Health Promotion Officer

  • Northwest Regional Trainer – Race Equality and Cultural Capability

    Other, London, United Kingdom

  • Primary Care Trust, Liverpool

    Other, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Community Development Worker & Team Lead for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrant Populations

  • Mersey Care NHS Trust

    Other, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Practitioner (Honorary Contract)

  • Public Health Directorate, Wigan, Leigh and Ashton.

    Other, Wigan, United Kingdom
    Community Development Worker –Improving Access to mental health service for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrant Populations.


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