Health services and situation

Health services and situation refers to both the country (e.g. disease and epidemics), the healthcare system (e.g. working conditions, quality, cost), and the individual (health status).

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to health services, healthcare provision, healthcare quality and costs, epidemics, health situation, and safety in the health services.

Showing page of 103 results, sorted by

The AIDS epidemic and migrants in South Asia and South-East Asia

Authors Daniel Simonet
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 6
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1 Journal Article

Migration Policy and Health Insecurity. Italy's response to COVID-19 and the impact of the Security Decree

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2020
Journal Name Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione
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2 Journal Article

Protecting unauthorized immigrant mothers improves their children's mental health

Authors Jens Hainmueller, Duncan Lawrence, Linna Martén, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Science
Citations (WoS) 20
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3 Journal Article

Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP

Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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5 Journal Article

Italy’s Health Divide: Securitised Migration Policies and their Impact on Migrant Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Sebastian Carlotti
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration Letters
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6 Journal Article

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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7 Journal Article

Migration, Migrants, and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean

Authors Deisy Ventura, Jameson Martins da Silva, Leticia Calderón, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Oxford Global Public Health Encyclopedia
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8 Journal Article

Knowledge among German and Turkish women about specifically female bodily functions, contraception, preventative medical examinations and menopause

Authors M David, T Borde, H Kentenich
Year 2000
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 11
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9 Journal Article

Inclusive inquiry: a compassionate journey in trauma-informed qualitative research with GBV survivors from displaced communities

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Dana Al-Azzeh
Year 2024
Journal Name Frontiers in Psychology
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10 Journal Article

Integración de la migración venezolana en Perú: Un análisis para la provisión de servicios básicos

Authors Universidad Esan, Edmundo Lizarzaburu, Conrado Garcia Gomez, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Vision Gerencial
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11 Journal Article

Developing critical HIV health literacy: insights from interviews with priority migrant communities in Queensland, Australia

Authors Satrio Nindyo Istiko, Simeon Remata, Aimable Ndayizeye, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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12 Journal Article

Health, social and legal supports for migrant agricultural workers in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: a scoping review

Authors C. Susana Caxaj, Carmen T. Naranjo, Alexa Chew, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Public Health
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13 Journal Article

Promoting Psychosocial Well-Being and Empowerment of Immigrant Women: A Systematic Review of Interventions

Authors Patricia Silva, Henrique Pereira
Year 2023
Journal Name Behavioral Science
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14 Journal Article

Financing of health services for undocumented immigrants in Iran: common challenges and potential solutions

Authors Manal Etemadi, Saeed Shahabi, Kamran Bagheri Lankarani, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Globalization and Health
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15 Journal Article

Psychological distress among Afghan refugees in Norway as a function of their integration

Authors Dixie Brea Larios, David L. Sam, Gro Mjeldheim Sandal
Year 2023
Journal Name Frontiers in Psychology
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16 Journal Article

"Your life doesn’t matter” : Towards strategic and thoughtful action: an audit of responses to counter health xenophobia in the South African public health system

Authors Iriann Freemantle, Rebecca Walker, African Centre for Migration & Society
With a particular focus on the health sector, this report documents responses to xenophobia in South Africa (SA) from 2000-2022. The overall aim of the research is to determine what has been effective in challenging xenophobia and how to foster solidarity to inform strategic and thoughtful future action, while identifying different forms and modes of responses to xenophobia, including xenophobic violence during this period. Over 80% of the population in SA rely on state-funded access to health. While almost everyone faces challenges in accessing treatment in the country’s failing public healthcare system, specific categories of the population – including asylum seekers, refugees and migrants without documents – face heightened risks, intersectional violence and discrimination when doing so. With rising inequality, unemployment and a public health system crippled by underfunding, corruption and systemic weaknesses, discrimination and violence against foreign nationals and others perceived as “outsiders” such as South Africans from other provinces or naturalised citizens is increasing. The Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the risks and vulnerabilities for many of the country’s most marginalised populations. Drawing from an audit of key civil society actions and strategies that have resisted (health) xenophobia in SA over the past two decades, the report explores the following main questions: what kinds of responses have emerged to tackle multiple forms of health xenophobia? What initiatives, strategies and actions were taken in the past and are taken now – whether organised or informal, by coalitions, organisations, groups or individuals – and how can an understanding of these responses help to mobilise more successfully in the future? The key findings show that there are persistent civil society responses that aim to address the immediate needs of foreign nationals while simultaneously fighting for more awareness, longterm systemic change and recognition of the core structural issues that have led to the crisis within the public healthcare system. To do this, civil society has utilised a variety of advocacy tools: engaging with Parliamentary mechanisms, community mobilisation, protest action, statements, public education, lodging complaints with statutory bodies, embarking on litigation and engaging community networks to mobilise on a local clinic level. The findings of this research also show that within an increasingly challenging context, diverse collaborations and partnerships can be particularly valuable. They draw on the experiences of social justice organisations and their connections with groups and individuals embedded in communities through their histories of local level networking and activism. Highlighting the small, less visible responses which, often have more sustainable impact, this report offers a starting point from which to plan and strategise for the future. However, considering continued and increasingly more emboldened and explicit xenophobia, and the failure (or refusal) of the South African government to take consistent and unequivocal action against xenophobia, it is evident that civil society responses have not been sufficient to quell and address this prejudice. While building on the strategies of the past, new strategies, alliances and energy are urgently needed to continue the struggle to ensure the Freedom Charter vision that “South Africa belongs to all who live in it” – including its public healthcare system.
Year 2023
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17 Report

The social outcomes of psychosocial support: A grey literature scoping review

Authors Tessa Ubels, Sara Kinsbergen, Jochem Tolsma, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name SSM - Mental Health
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18 Journal Article

Use of non-governmental maternity services and pregnancy outcomes among undocumented women: a cohort study from Norway

Authors Frode Eick, Odd Martin Vallersnes, Heidi E. Fjeld, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
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19 Journal Article

Mental Health in the Transit Context: Evidence from 10 Countries

Authors Maria Caterina Gargano, Dean Ajduković, Maša Vukčević Marković
Year 2022
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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20 Journal Article

Explanatory models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among Afghan refugees in Norway

Authors Dixie Brea Larios, Gro Mjeldheim Sandal, Eugene Guribye, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name BMC Psychology
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21 Journal Article

Ecuador’s and Iran’s Response to Protect Refugees and Migrants in Vulnerable Situations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Cesar Castilla, Samaneh Kachouie
Year 2022
Book Title The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development
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22 Book Chapter

Diagnostic testing: therapeutic mobilities, social fields, and medical encounters in the transnational healthcare practices of Polish migrants in the UK

Authors Giuseppe Troccoli, Chris Moreh, Derek McGhee, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Migration and Health
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23 Journal Article

Refugees' caring and commoning practices against marginalisation under COVID-19 in Greece

Authors Charalampos Tsavdaroglou, Maria Kaika
Year 2022
Journal Name Geographical Research
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24 Journal Article

A Systematic Review of the Protective and Risk Factors Influencing the Mental Health of Forced Migrants: Implications for Sustainable Intercultural Mental Health Practice

Authors Hadi Farahani, Natalie Joubert, Janet Carter Anand, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Sciences
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26 Journal Article

IT and Media Usage Impacts on the Mobility of Nepalese Immigrants in Portugal

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2021
Journal Name IMISCOE Spring Conference 2021 Papers
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27 Journal Article

Brexit uncertainties: Political rhetoric vs British core values in NHS

Authors Georgia Spiliopoulos
Year 2021
Book Title Research Handbook of Political Propaganda
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28 Book Chapter

Disasters and Displacement in Bangladesh: Re-conceptualising Strategies of Risk Reduction and Resilience

Authors Sarah Henly-Shepard, Megan Denise Smith
Year 2021
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29 Working Paper

In uitvoering Een analyse van het op statushouders gerichte beleid en wat er nodig is om dit beleid te verbeteren

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Jaco Dagevos, ...
Year 2021
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30 Policy Brief

Call for Action to Address Equity and Justice Divide During COVID-19

Authors Sonu Bhaskar, Aarushi Rastogi, Koravangattu Valsraj Menon, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Frontiers in Psychiatry
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32 Journal Article

Rethinking knowledge, power, agency: learning from displaced and slum communities in Bangladesh

Authors Afroja Khanam, Tiina Seppälä
Year 2020
Book Title Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene
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33 Book Chapter

Queering Asylum in Europe: A Survey Report

Authors Carmelo Danisi, Vítor Lopes Andrade, Moira Dustin, ...
This report discusses the data gathered through two surveys carried out in the context of the SOGICA project. SOGICA – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge – is a four-year (2016-2020) research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that explores the social and legal experiences of people across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI).
Year 2020
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34 Report

Policy Measures for the Diaspora during the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of Cyprus

Authors Angeliki Konstantinidou, Daniela Vintila
Year 2020
Journal Name HAPSc Policy Briefs Series
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35 Journal Article

Sexual and reproductive health of asylum seeking and refugee women in South Africa: understanding the determinants of vulnerability

Authors Jane Freedman, Tamaryn L. Crankshaw, Victoria M. Mutambara
Year 2020
Journal Name Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
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37 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
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38 Working Paper

Transnational medical travel: patient mobility, shifting health system entitlements and attachments

Authors Meghann Ormond, Neil Lunt
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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39 Journal Article

Appartenenza culturale e disabilità. Per una lettura multidimensionale della doppia diversità in ambito educativo e sociale - Cultural belonging and disability. For a multidimensional reading of double diversity in educational and social contexts

Authors Emanuela Bini
Year 2020
Journal Name Educazione Interculturale. Teorie, ricerche, pratiche (Vol. 20, n. 2) - Università degli Studi di Bologna
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41 Journal Article

Key Knowledge Questions on Migration Drivers

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2020
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43 Policy Brief

Položaj priseljencev na področju zdravja in zdravstvenega varstva v Sloveniji

Authors Romana Bešter, Mojca Medvešek, Janez Pirc
Year 2020
Book Title Diversity in ethnicity research: selected perspectives II
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44 Book Chapter

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora: Diaspora mobilisation during COVID-19

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Alina Balatchi-Lupascu
Year 2020
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45 Policy Brief

Who are the transnationals? Institutional categories beyond “migrants”

Authors Cathrine Talleraas
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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46 Journal Article

Handbook on counselling asylum seeking and refugee women victims of gender-based violence

Authors HEUNI, Inka Lilja
The purpose of this handbook is to describe a counselling method for assisting refugee women who have been victims of gender-based violence (GBV). The handbook was developed during 2017-2019 in a project titled “Co-creating a counselling method for refugee women GBV victims (CCM-GBV)” funded by the European Commission through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme.
Year 2019
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49 Report

International migration and universal healthcare access: evidence from Mexico’s ‘Seguro Popular’

Authors Ana Isabel López García, Pedro P. Orraca-Romano
Year 2019
Journal Name Oxford Development Studies
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51 Journal Article

Religion, Culture and Meaning-Making Coping: A Study Among Cancer Patients in Turkey

Authors Fereshteh Ahmadi, Pelin Erbil, Nader Ahmadi, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Religion and Health
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52 Journal Article

Flexibility and Ambiguity: Impacts of Temporariness of Transnational Mobility in the Case of Turkey

Authors İlke Şanlıer Yüksel, Ahmet İçduygu
Year 2018
Book Title Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces
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56 Book Chapter

Archipels, Territoires et Mobilités familiales

Principal investigator Eva Lelièvre (Principal Investigator)
L’objectif de ce projet est d’analyser la durabilité de l’organisation territoriale polynésienne en se focalisant sur les migrations, les familles et les politiques. En s’appuyant sur l’examen de l'organisation des familles, de leurs ancrages et des trajectoires de mobilité des individus qui les composent, nous souhaitons identifier les mécanismes à l’origine de la mobilité ou au contraire de l’ancrage des populations sur le territoire polynésien. Dans ce territoire archipélagique, notre objectif est d’évaluer le rôle de l’implantation des services publics (éducation, santé, transports), des zones de développement économique, plus généralement de l’organisation territoriale soutenue par l’ensemble des politiques sur les dynamiques de peuplement. Il conviendra aussi de prendre en compte la position de ce territoire de l’Océanie en lien avec d’autres espaces (l’Hexagone, la Nouvelle Calédonie, l’Asie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, l’Australie, le Canada, etc.) destinations potentielles en particulier des mobilités d’éducation et de santé. La Polynésie française est ici envisagée comme un système de peuplement réticulaire où les espaces intermédiaires n’existent pas. Il s’agit d’un espace ouvert où le réseau familial et ses solidarités permettent de franchir l’insularité. Un espace dont le solde migratoire négatif s’accentue et où l’on observe une polarisation intense dans la « métro-pôle » locale (l’île de Tahiti et sa capitale Papeete) où se situe le hub portuaire et aéroportuaire. Mais aussi un espace constitué de 118 îles regroupées en 5 archipels et réparties sur un territoire vaste comme l’Europe dont les îles les plus éloignées sont séparées de près de 2000 km. Le développement économique et la concentration de services publics dans la capitale expliquent la densification de la zone urbaine de Papeete au cours des 50 dernières années. Cette concentration a abouti aujourd’hui à une importante crise du logement doublée d’une crise économique pouvant être à l’origine du reflux vers les archipels, observé actuellement. Le rôle et l’implantation des services publics (éducation, santé, transports) soumis à l’obligation de continuité territoriale doivent alors faire preuve d’une forte résilience dans une société ou près d’un individu sur deux a changé de logements en l’espace de cinq ans. Ce projet présente une occasion unique d’analyser la durabilité des systèmes territoriaux à partir d’une triple entrée : les lieux et les territoires ; les familles et les liens ; les individus et leur parcours. Les analyses envisagées, qu’elles soient quantitatives ou qualitatives, vont donc explorer les fonctionnements familiaux, les dispositifs publics et les caractéristiques individuelles qui permettent de transcender l’insularité. Autrement dit, l’analyse multi scalaire envisagée permettra de comprendre le tiraillement qui peut exister entre l’accès aux services, les solidarités familiales, les ancrages territoriaux et plus généralement le maintien de populations sur un territoire si vaste. Porté par une équipe pluridisciplinaire (géographes, démographes, sociologues, statisticiens et politiste), notre projet repose sur un double partenariat avec l’UMR SAGE de l’université de Strasbourg et UMR IDEES de l’université de Rouen et l’Institut de statistique de Polynésie française (ISPF) qui participe au projet dans le cadre de différentes collectes déjà programmées et financées (l’enquête emploi 2018, l’enquête sur la famille, le logement et les relations à distance en 2019). Ce projet, original à bien des égards, articule collecte et analyse de matériaux quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Il s’inscrit dans un renouveau des questions autour de la famille et propose une analyse quantitative inédite sur un territoire jusque-là peu décrit. Il permet plus généralement de réinterroger les travaux sur la durabilité des territoires à partir d’un archétype géographique.
Year 2018
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57 Project

Ethnomorality of Care: Migrants and their Aging Parents

Authors Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna, Anna Rosińska, Weronika Kloc-Nowak
Year 2018
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58 Book

Migration, Health and Cities

Authors CIDOB-Centro de Documentación Internacional de Barcelona
Year 2018
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59 Policy Brief

Exploring Potentialities of (Health)Care in Glasgow and Beyond: Negotiations of Social Security Among Czech- and Slovak-Speaking Migrants

Authors Taulant Guma
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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60 Journal Article

Exploring Potentialities of (Health)Care in Glasgow and Beyond: Negotiations of Social Security Among Czech- and Slovak-Speaking Migrants

Authors Taulant Guma
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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61 Journal Article

A concept analysis of the term migrant women in the context of pregnancy

Authors Marie-Clare Balaam, Melanie Haith-Cooper, Alena Parizkova, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Nursing Practice
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62 Journal Article

Maternal health services: an equal or framed territory?

Authors Joana Bessa Topa, Conceição Oliveira Nogueira, Sofia Antunes Neves
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
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63 Journal Article

A Cultural Competence Organizational Review for Community Health Services: Insights From a Participatory Approach

Authors Mandy Truong, Lisa Gibbs, Veronika Pradel, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Health Promotion Practice
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64 Journal Article

Experiencias migratorias de los varones homosexuales y bisexuales colombianos en España

Authors Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda
Year 2017
Journal Name Revista Española de Sociología
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65 Journal Article

More than medical tourism: lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia on South–South intra-regional medical travel

Authors Meghann Ormond, Dian Sulianti
Year 2017
Journal Name Current Issues in Tourism
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66 Journal Article

Políticas públicas para la población ecuatoriana migrante: ¿hacia una protección social transnacional?

Authors Daniela Paredes Grijalva, Verónica Redrobán Herrera
Year 2017
Journal Name GIGAPP
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67 Journal Article

Retirement here or there? Ageing-migrants’ transnational social protection strategies

Authors Daniela Paredes Grijalva, Verónica Redrobán Herrera
Year 2017
Journal Name OEG Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones
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68 Journal Article

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post) crisis Europe

Principal investigator Jean-Michel Lafleur (Principal Investigator)
The negative employment and social developments across Europe since the start of the crisis, coupled with increased fiscal constraints and changing migration patterns, have led to increasing depictions of EU and third-country immigrants as ‘abusers’ of their social protection systems. Member States have accordingly sought reduce migrants’ ability to access social protection benefits, despite the fact that they are disproportionately at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This project looks at the different strategies that migrants have to access social protection within (post) crisis Europe and does so by explicitly integrating social policy and migration studies’ approaches on the phenomenon. More precisely, it aims to study transnational social protection, that we define as migrants’ cross-border strategies to cope with social risks in areas such as health, long-term care, pensions or unemployment that combine entitlements to host and home state-based public welfare policies and market-, family- and community-based practices. This study thus consists in, first, identifying the social protection policies and programs that home countries make accessible to their citizens abroad, and then compiling this information into an online database. We will then aggregate the results of the database into a Transnational Social Protection Index (TSPIx) in order to determine the overall level of engagement of each state with citizens abroad in a comparative way. Second, on the basis of the results of the index, we will select case studies of migrants from two EU and two non-EU countries that vary in their level of engagement in providing social protection to their citizens abroad. We will then undertake multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork to qualitatively assess the informal social protection strategies used by migrants and examine their interaction with formal host and home state social protection provision.
Year 2016
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70 Project

Crossing Borders for Health and Well-being – A mixed methods study on medical travel between Finland, Russia and Estonia. (228 000 €)

Principal investigator Laura Lyytikäinen ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Hankkeessa tutkimme terveyttä ja terveysmatkailua Suomessa, Virossa ja Venäjällä käyttäen monia erilaisia tutkimusmenetelmiä (mixed methods). Hankkeen tutkimusprojektit lähestyvät terveysliikkuvuutta maahanmuuton ja terveysturismin näkökulmista. Tutkimme venäläis- ja virolaistaustaisten maahanmuuttajien terveyspalvelujen käyttöä Suomessa ja kotimaissaan sekä venäläisiä ja suomalaisia terveys- ja hyvinvointituristeja Suomessa ja Virossa. Kysymme kuinka käsitykset terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista muokkautuvat rajat ylittävässä (transnational) kontekstissa ja kuinka nämä käsitykset liikkuvat ja liikuttavat terveyspalveluiden käyttäjiä pohjoisen Itämeren maiden välillä. Olemme kiinnostuneita paikan merkityksestä terveyskäsityksille – kuinka esimerkiksi Suomi määrittyy toisille terveyden turistikohteeksi ja toisille ”epäterveelliseksi” paikaksi, josta halutaan matkustaa tutumpaa, halvempaa tai parempaa palvelua tarjoavaan naapurimaahan. Hankkeemme on rohkea avaus, koska se ylittää rajoja monessa mielessä: ylittämällä metodologisia rajoja (kvalitatiivinen ja kvantitatiivinen tutkimus) sekä ammentamalla eri tieteenalojen teoriaperinteistä (sosiologia, antropologia, terveystutkimus, maantiede ja tilastotiede). Tutkimus pyrkii haastamaan käsityksiämme suomalaisesta terveysjärjestelmästä ja palvelukulttuurista maahanmuuttajien ja muiden rajoja ylittävien käyttäjien näkökulmasta. Hankkeemme on rohkea avaus, koska se ylittää rajoja monessa mielessä: ylittämällä metodologisia rajoja (kvalitatiivinen ja kvantitatiivinen tutkimus) sekä ammentamalla eri tieteenalojen teoriaperinteistä (sosiologia, antropologia, terveystutkimus, maantiede ja tilastotiede). Tutkimus pyrkii haastamaan käsityksiämme suomalaisesta terveysjärjestelmästä ja palvelukulttuurista maahanmuuttajien ja muiden rajoja ylittävien käyttäjien näkökulmasta. Työryhmän jäsenet: Kuukausiapurahan saajat: Harley Bergroth, Laura Lyytikäinen, Teemu Tapio Kemppainen, Veera Koskinen
Year 2016
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71 Project

Solidarity Reloaded: Volunteer and Civilian Organizations during the Migration Crisis in Hungary

Authors A. Bernát, A. Kertész, F. Márta Tóth
Year 2016
Journal Name Review of Sociology
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74 Journal Article

Disabilità e migrazione: pratiche di accoglienza nei servizi socio-sanitari e strategie inclusive a scuola - Disability and migration: welcoming practices in health services and inclusive strategies at school

Authors Emanuela Bini
Year 2016
Book Title Kulturen im Dialog IV - Culture in Dialogo IV - Cultures in Dialogue IV . Viertes JungakademikerInnen-Forum in Sudtirol. Quarto Forum per Neolaureati in Alto Adige. Fourth Forum for Young Graduates in South Tyrol
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75 Book Chapter

Teeth Tales: a community-based child oral health promotion trial with migrant families in Australia

Authors B. Christian, L. Gibbs, E. Waters, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name BMJ Open
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76 Journal Article

Exploring child dental service use among migrant families in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia

Authors B Christian, D Young, L Gibbs, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Australian Dental Journal
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77 Journal Article

Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and the Rise of the Knowledge Society.

Authors Joana Sousa Ribeiro
Year 2015
Book Title Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and the Rise of the Knowledge Society
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78 Book Chapter

Population, Migration, Ageing and Health: A Survey [Europe]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Giovanni Facchini, Cora Signorotto
Year 2015
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79 Working Paper

German spa towns as retirement destinations: How (pre)retirees negotiate relocation and locals assess in-migration

Authors Tobias Weidinger, Stefan Kordel
Year 2015
Journal Name Two Homelands
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80 Journal Article

Advies: Sporen uit het verleden - advies over de rol van medisch onderzoek bij de beoordeling van asielaanvragen.

Authors Adviesraad Migratie, Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken or Members of the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
In het asielrecht is het in eerste instantie aan de asielzoeker om aannemelijk te maken dat hij bescherming nodig heeft van de Nederlandse overheid. De Nederlandse overheid beoordeelt de aannemelijkheid van het asielrelaas op basis van de gesprekken die medewerkers van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) voeren met de asielzoeker en algemene informatie over het land van herkomst. Naast deze informatie wordt in sommige gevallen medisch onderzoek gebruikt om stellingen van de asielzoeker te onderbouwen, of juist te weerleggen. Dit type medisch onderzoek vormt het onderwerp van dit advies. In het asielrecht werd jarenlang het uitgangspunt gehanteerd dat bij de beoordeling van asielverzoeken medische aspecten in beginsel geen rol kunnen spelen. De verantwoordelijke bewindspersonen hebben de afgelopen jaren steeds het standpunt ingenomen dat er medisch gezien (meestal) geen zekere uitspraken kunnen worden gedaan over de oorzaak van littekens, fysieke en psychische klachten. Dit standpunt is niet onomstreden. Al in 1999 stelde een groot aantal deskundigen een handleiding op voor onderzoek naar de gevolgen van marteling en andere wrede, onmenselijke of vernederende behandeling of bestraffing. Deze handleiding wordt ook wel het Istanbul Protocol genoemd. In dit protocol is expliciet neergelegd hoe de waarschijnlijkheid van een causale relatie tussen littekens, lichamelijke en psychische klachten en de gestelde oorzaak daarvan, kan worden onderzocht. Ook in de praktijk bij de IND wordt het standpunt dat medische aspecten in beginsel geen rol kunnen spelen genuanceerd. Als de asielzoeker een medische rapportage indient die conform de richtlijnen van het Istanbul Protocol is opgesteld, wordt deze door medewerkers van de IND betrokken bij de beoordeling van de asielaanvraag. Voor het verkrijgen van dit type medisch onderzoek zijn asielzoekers tot op heden afhankelijk van particuliere organisaties, met name van het instituut voor Mensenrechten en Medisch Onderzoek (iMMO). Aanleiding voor het advies en adviesvraag Met het oog op verdere harmonisering van het Europese asielstelsel is op 26 juni 2013 de herziene Procedurerichtlijn gepubliceerd. Deze richtlijn bevat minimumnormen waaraan alle asielprocedures in de lidstaten van de Europese Unie moeten voldoen. De richtlijn dient uiterlijk op 20 juli 2015 te zijn geïmplementeerd in nationale wet- en regelgeving. Artikel 18 van de herziene richtlijn bevat een nieuwe bepaling die specifiek ziet op medisch onderzoek betreffende aanwijzingen van vroegere vervolging of ernstige schade. Het gevolg van de richtlijn is dat littekens en psychische of fysieke klachten een element zullen gaan vormen waarmee de staatssecretaris bij de beoordeling van asielaanvragen rekening zal moeten gaan houden en waar hij ook op eigen initiatief onderzoek naar zal moeten gaan doen. De staatssecretaris heeft de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) op 21 maart 2014 gevraagd hoe artikel 18 in de asielprocedure kan worden vormgegeven. De adviesvraag die door de ACVZ is gehanteerd luidt: “Hoe moet de implementatie van artikel 18 van de Procedurerichtlijn betreffende medisch onderzoek in regelgeving en in de asielprocedure worden vormgegeven?” In het advies wordt nagegaan in welke gevallen medisch onderzoek moet worden verricht, aan welke normen het medisch onderzoek moet voldoen, hoe het medisch onderzoek procedureel kan worden ingericht en hoe het onderzoek moet worden meegewogen in de beoordeling van een asielverzoek. Daarnaast is nagegaan hoe immigratiediensten van andere landen omgaan met dit type medisch onderzoek.
Year 2014
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81 Report

Insecure lives: Irregular Migration and Precarious Labour in Finland (INSECURE) / Epävarma elämä: Epävirallinen maahanmuutto ja prekaari työ Suomessa (INSECURE) (550 000 €)

Project description: INSECURE is a multi-sited, multi-method study of irregular migration in Finland. It provides an understanding of how mobility controls, employment and citizenship regimes affect migrants’ social and material conditions in Finland and produce everyday insecurity of existence and marginalisation. The project obtains knowledge on how migrants cope with precarious living and working conditions. INSECURE analyses the ways in which irregular migration is framed as a security question in Finnish policy documents. The project produces applicable empirical knowledge to assist policy-making in confronting the question of irregular migration in Finland. By investigating the situation of vulnerable subjects excluded from the realm of citizenship, the project breaks new ground in revealing what security de facto means in contemporary societies characterised by multiple forms of mobilities, including irregular migration. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: INSECURE on monipaikkainen ja –metodinen tutkimus epävirallisesta maahanmuutosta Suomessa. Projekti tuottaa uudenlaista ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka liikkuvuuden, työmarkkinoiden ja kansalaisuuden kontrollointi tuottavat jokapäiväistä turvattomuutta ja syrjäytymistä ja vaikuttavat siirtolaisten yhteiskunnallisiin ja taloudellisiin elinehtoihin Suomessa. Projektissa tutkitaan, kuinka siirtolaiset rakentavat elämäänsä turvattomuuden ja prekaarien työsuhteiden ja asumisolojen ympäristössä. INSECURE analysoi epävirallisen maahanmuuton turvallistamista viranomaisdiskursseissa Suomessa. Projekti tuottaa soveltamiskelpoista empiiristä tietoa epäviralliseen maahanmuuttoon liittyvän päätöksenteon tueksi. Haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien ja kansalaisuuteen sidottujen oikeuksien ulkopuolelle suljettujen siirtolaisten aseman tutkiminen avaa uusia näkökulmia turvallisuuden käytännön merkityksiin nykyisessä yhteiskunnassa, jota luonnehtii monimuotoisen liikkuvuuden ja epävirallisen maahanmuuton muodot.
Year 2014
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83 Project

Role-identity dynamics in care and household work – strategies of Polish workers in Naples

Year 2014
Journal Name Qualitative Sociology Review
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84 Journal Article

Patterns of Drug Use among (ethnic and cultural) Minorities

Principal investigator Tom Delcorte (Coordinartor), Dirk Jacobs (Partner), Ilse Derluyn (Partner), Wouter Vanderplasschen (Partner)
Even though attitudes and practices of ethnic minority groups in Belgium have been extensively studied in the last decade, little is known about the prevalence and nature of their substance use (alcohol and illicit drugs). It therefore remains an under-researched topic, especially in Europe (Bashford et al., 2004). One of the main reasons lies in conceptual and methodological issues that complicate research on ethnicity. These issues, combined with the multidimensional nature of drug use, fear of accusations of racism and discrimination, and a general lack of minority ethnic health and social care workers and researchers, have created an environment where the theme of ethnicity, drug use and related service provision has been neglected. A necessary first step towards a holistic approach for these specific populations is to establish accurate information on the extent of drug use and its possible determinants. This project re-unites a multidisciplinary network (sociology, criminology, special education and social work) that has previously performed the Belspo-funded study on ‘Treatment trajectories of drug users from ethnic minorities’ (ZEMIV-project 2006-2007; Derluyn et al., 2008) - aims to help fill this gap. The general objectives of this research are: • to contribute to a better understanding of the prevalence and nature of drug use among ethnic and cultural minorities (ECM) in Belgium; • to unveil the determining factors behind substance use (illicit drugs and alcohol); • to increase ECM capacity in raising awareness about drug issues within the participants’ own communities; • and to assess the needs of ECM and articulate them with the actors responsible for planning services.
Year 2014
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85 Project

The Effect of Local Area Crime on Mental Health [UK]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani
Year 2014
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86 Working Paper

Para um debate sobre Mobilidade e Fuga de Cérebros

Authors Joana Sousa Ribeiro
Year 2013
Book Title Para um debate sobre Mobilidade e Fuga de Cérebros
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87 Book Chapter

Percepciones sobre uso de condón e ITS/VIH: migrantes y no-migrantes de México a EE. UU.*

Authors Itzel Eguiluz, Pilar Torres-Pereda, Betania Allen-Leigh
Year 2013
Journal Name Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud
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88 Journal Article

Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe Who Cares?

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou
Year 2013
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90 Book

Care Work in a Swedish Nursing Home: Gendered Norms and Expectations

Authors Palle Storm
Year 2013
Book Title Designing Wellbeing in Elder Care Homes
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91 Book Chapter

Capacitación y estrategias para el trabajo en intervención social y preparación para la mejora del empleo en las dos orillas (Andalucía-Norte de Marruecos)

Principal investigator Francisco Checa Olmos (Principal Investigator)
Estimular, mejorar y coordinar las estrategias de intervención social y sanitaria (con mujeres y menores-jóvenes en Marruecos e inmigrados marroquíes en Andalucía) y mejorar la formación y el acceso al empleo de la población en ambas orillas en torno al turismo.
Year 2012
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92 Project

"Niewidoczna" praca - ukraińskie migrantki pracujące w charakterze pomocy domowych w Polsce

Year 2008
Book Title Women's migrations: a multidimensional perspective
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96 Book Chapter

Migration and occupational integration: foreign health professionals in Portugal"

Authors Joana Sousa Ribeiro
Year 2008
Book Title Rethinking professional governance: International directions in health care
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97 Book Chapter

Child Health and Migrant Parents in South-East Asia

Migration is often part of an economically beneficial livelihood strategy for transnational families. For many of the sending countries in Southeast Asia, a growing proportion of transnational migrants, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines, are women. Many of these female migrants are married and an unknown number leave their children behind. To date, no official data exists on the number of children under 12 years of age with one or both parents absent due to migration but anecdotal evidence suggests that growing numbers of transnational migrants from the region leave children behind. Although most migrants send remittances to left-behind kin, visits home tend to be infrequent with migrants going away for two or more years at a time. With demand from wealthy countries for domestic workers, nurses and other carers increasing as their populations age, solving care problems in rich countries may be creating a considerable ‘crisis of care’ in less developed countries. However, little is known about the multi-dimensional impacts of migration on left-behind families, particularly children. It is not known whether left-behind children themselves are more vulnerable to poor physical and mental health outcomes, or in what way, when and under what circumstances do they benefit and/or suffer from the absence of parent(s), especially when the migrant is the child’s mother. CHAMPSEA Wave 1 is the first mixed-method study aimed at filling this significant gap in existing knowledge by examining both the reconfiguration of familial support systems after parental migration and the impact on child health/well-being in Southeast Asia. CHAMPSEA Wave 2 continues to investigate the long-term impacts of parental migration on the health and well-being of children who took part in CHAMPSEA Wave 1. The follow-up study surveyed and interviewed members of the same CHAMPSEA households in Indonesia (East and West Java) and the Philippines (Bulacan and Laguna) including children in middle childhood (then 3, 4 and 5 years and are now 11, 12 and 13) and young adults (then 9, 10 and 11 and are now 17, 18 and 19). Using the same mixed-methods research design utilised in CHAMPSEA Wave 1 that capitalizes on the complementary strengths of quantitative and qualitative methods, CHAMPSEA Wave 2 collects primary data using carefully designed survey instruments in order to create a unique longitudinal data set that will allow the investigation of multiple dimensions of children’s health and well-being. Through the longitudinal examination of transnational migration/householding, familial care politics and left-behind children, CHAMPSEA Wave 2 aims to: enhance knowledge on the health and well-being of children left behind in Southeast Asia when one/both parents migrate overseas for work; examine comparative impacts of paternal/maternal migration on child health over time; and contribute to academic, community, and policy debates in the region and beyond on larger questions relating to the feminisation of ‘care migration’ and the politics of care in sending communities, the organisation of reproductive labour within transnational households, and the migration-and-development nexus.
Year 2008
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98 Project

La culture alimentaire à l'épreuve de la migration. Conséquences pour les politiques alimentaires

Principal investigator Evelyne Ribert (Principal Investigator)
La connaissance de l’alimentation des migrants en France est encore très limitée. Pourtant elle constitue un enjeu important pour une meilleure compréhension mutuelle des populations, pour l’économie agroalimentaire et pour les politiques de santé publique et d’action sociale. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de caractériser les styles alimentaires (systèmes de pratiques, d’attitudes, de normes et de représentations) et d’évaluer le bien-être alimentaire des Marocains et des Maliens, en France et dans leurs pays d’origine. Ces groupes sont largement représentés dans la population migrante vivant en France. Ils commencent à être étudiés, dans leurs pays d’origine, par deux des partenaires du projet, ce qui a contribué au choix de ces deux pays. Ils vivent des mutations rapides dans leurs modes de vie et d’alimentation, tant en France que dans leurs pays d’origine. Dans les deux cas, leurs conditions de vie sont souvent précaires, ce qui les rend particulièrement vulnérables à certains risques de santé (carences, obésité et pathologies). Au-delà des migrants, cette recherche vise à comprendre les mécanismes de recomposition, d’agencement, de métissage, voire d’abandon des normes dans un environnement caractérisé par leur multiplicité. Il s’agit également d’évaluer les effets d’une individualisation croissante des choix et des pratiques alimentaires, à l’œuvre au niveau global. Même si ces processus sont particulièrement visibles chez les migrants, ils sont aussi révélateurs des dynamiques alimentaires de la société française dans son ensemble. La complémentarité des approches qualitative (entretiens individuels, « focus group », observation in vivo) et quantitative (enquêtes par questionnaire auprès de 3000 individus au total en milieux rural et urbain au Maroc, au Mali et en France) permettra de couvrir une diversité de situations et autorisera des comparaisons à valeur de représentativité statistique. La démarche comparatiste entre pays d’origine et de résidence est en outre très peu courante en sciences sociales appliquées à l’alimentation. Le regard pluridisciplinaire de l’équipe, composée de sociologues, d’économistes et de nutritionnistes, spécialistes des pays du Nord et du Sud, renforcera la robustesse scientifique de la recherche. Les apports scientifiques sont doubles. D’une part, cette recherche viendra enrichir un corpus scientifique non constitué sur les liens entre alimentation et migration. D’autre part, le projet ambitionne de développer un questionnaire sur les représentations, les pratiques alimentaire et les indicateurs du bien-être alimentaire, intégrant à la fois des caractéristiques objectives (comme les indicateurs anthropométriques), mais aussi des indicateurs plus subjectifs, renvoyant aux affects associés aux expériences vécues en lien avec l’alimentation. Les résultats obtenus contribueront à la définition des politiques d’alimentation (attentes et besoins spécifiques en termes de produits, de qualité de l’offre, demande pour les aliments ou plats ethniques,...), de santé publique et de nutrition (éducation, communication) et d’action sociale (dialogue, intégration,..). Les enquêtes menées au Maroc et au Mali fourniront également des informations novatrices sur la sécurité alimentaire et ses déterminants, utiles à la fois pour les pouvoirs publics de ces pays et pour les institutions de coopération internationale et d’aide au développement.
Year 2008
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99 Project

Immigration, health and diversity management : Preliminary developments of a project in neighborhoods of Catalonia

Authors Dan Rodríguez-García, Teresa San Román-Espinosa
Year 2007
Journal Name AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana
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100 Journal Article
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