ON THE MOVE "The reality of free movement for young European citizens migrating in times of crisis

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Project Manager Spanish partner)
The project builds on the assumption that barriers to the exercise of fundamental rights, in this case free movement, cannot be addressed unless accurately identified. When these deal with specific population groups, such as young people, this is all the more relevant. The obstacles that young people face with respect to legislation, access to finance and resources, to name but a few, are very different from other age groups. Complementing the existing knowledge through this perspective enriches the understanding of existing barriers and obstacles to free movement in a targeted way. The project adopts a unique methodology that operates on several levels and allows for the collection, analysis and synthesis of information in a way that it sheds light into aspects of free movement that have not been explored. It uses a mixed-method approach that combines: a) empirical field research through structured interviews with young people and national authorities in the participating countries b) data collection and targeted legal research in all partner countries; c) socio-legal analysis of the data collected and d) comparative analysis of the findings. Further, the project will raise awareness at national and EU level on barriers to free movement.
Year 2015

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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