Former Director, Mediterranean Migration Observatory; External Expert/ External Researcher, Danube University, Krems; External Expert, ICMPD; Expert and Expert Evaluator, DG Migration and H2020, European Commission.
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 504


  • Danube University Krems

    University, Krems, Austria
    Consultant and External Researcher

  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development

    Other, Wien, Austria
    Expert on legal migration, for GFMD, Ecuador

  • European External Action Service

    Other, Brussels, Belgium
    Expert lecturer on migration

  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development

    Other, Wien, Austria
    Senior Researcher

  • The London School of Economics and Political Science

    University, London, United Kingdom
    External Senior Researcher

  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development

    Other, Wien, Austria
    Associate Researcher

  • European University Institute

    University, Fiesole, Italy
    Visiting Professor in International Migration

  • Queen's University Belfast

    University, Belfast, United Kingdom
    Research Fellow

  • University of Manchester

    University, Manchester, United Kingdom
    Honorary Research Fellow/ Lecturer

  • Mediterranean Migration Observatory, Panteion University

    Research Institute, Athens, Greece


Citizenship in the Gulf states

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2024
Book Title Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1 Book Chapter

The impact of the novel Coronavirus on migrant workers in the GCC countries

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2022
Journal Name Studi Emigrazione
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2 Journal Article

Border policies and migrant deaths at the Turkish-Greek border

Authors Orcun Ulusoy, Orcun Ulusoy, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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3 Journal Article

The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Brad K. Blitz, Heaven Crawley
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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4 Journal Article

Coping with the Libyan migration crisis

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Derek Lutterbeck
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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5 Journal Article

The unravelling of the EU's common policy on migration: Did the Emperor ever have any clothes?

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2016
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8 Journal Article

Regularisations and employment in Italy REGANE Assessment Report

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Francesca Zampagni
Year 2014
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
9 Working Paper

The southern European “model of immigration”: a sceptical view

Year 2012
Book Title European Immigrations
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11 Book Chapter

Feasibility study on the labour market performance of regularised migrants in Europe

The regularisation of irregular immigrants remains one of the main controversial policy options in regard to policies towards irregular migrants. While there is an increasing realisation that in some contexts regularisation may be an appropriate and necessary response to the sustained presence of irregular migrants, notably in humanitarian cases such as migrants who cannot be returned or who have family or other strong ties to their country of residence, opposition against regularisation remains strong, often based on principled considerations. However, very little is still known about wider impacts of regularisation, and in particular the impact of regularisation on those regularised. Objectives: The objectives of this feasibility study are threefold: • To determine the feasibility of conducting a comparative survey on the labour market performance of regularised immigrants in seven European countries; • To identify the best design for an empirical study of the labour market performance of regularised and irregular migrants and prepare draft tools for an implementation of the survey; • To provide tentative results on labour market trajectories of regularised migrants on the basis of exploratory qualitative research conducted in the course of the feasibility study. An earlier study conducted by ICMPD between 2007 and 2009 ( “Regularisations in Europe”, REGINE) had identified the overall extent of regularisation, the different forms, rationales and target groups of regularisation, while linking regularisation to the complex causes of irregularity, differing patterns of irregular migration and different overall policy responses to irregular migration across the EU. Yet as a study largely based on desk research and limited primary data collection amongst public authorities and other stakeholders, the study was unable to provide robust evidence regarding the wider impacts of regularisation, including the impact of regularisation on labour market trajectories of regularised migrants. The REGANE study sets out to address this gap. In its feasibility study phase, the study has three aims. First, it will assess the feasibility of conducting a quantitative survey amongst regularised and non-regularised migrants in 7 European countries; second, it will explore the best design for a quantitative empirical study of labour market trajectories of regularised migrants; and third it will undertake explorative qualitative research involving research with relevant experts, public authorities and migrants, thus not only preparing the ground for the implementation of the quantitative survey but also providing preliminary results regarding labour market trajectories of regularised migrants. The quantitative survey prepared through this feasibility study itself is planned to be implemented in a second phase of the project. It expected to provide the first systematic comparative assessment of individual level impacts of regularisation on those regularised in Europe.
Year 2012
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12 Project

Labour immigration and labour markets in the GCC countries: national patterns and trends

Using the latest statistical data from six GCC states and recent publications of the GCC Secretariat, a detailed profile is presented of immigration and employment across the region. Evaluation is made of the available data sources (listed in the appendix) and the actual extent of immigrant presence in both population and labour market is critically examined. Employment according to public/private sector, and also for fifteen economic sectors, is shown for each country (where available) by citizenship type and gender. Previously unpublished indicators, such as unemployment and participation rates, are calculated where possible by citizenship type, gender and age groups; a few countries provide data on actual nationalities or regional groupings of foreign employees, and these are reproduced here. Previously neglected issues that receive some attention are foreign births, family presence, foreign schoolchildren and duration of residence (the latter available only for the UAE). The emergence of the kafala system is examined in historical context; in particular, emphasis is placed on its role in promoting irregularities in the migration, residence and employment of foreigners across the GCC. Trends in government policies are described, including the recent and significant doubts in some countries about the ability of the kafala system to produce satisfactory outcomes. Some attention is paid to the important policies of nationalization’ of GCC labour markets: a conceptual categorization of such policies is made, according to five different policy objectives. Using both the broad and more detailed sectoral employment data previously presented, evaluation is then made of the degree of success of each country’s initiatives in this area. The paper concludes with an exposition of the commonalities and differences across the GCC in managing their labour markets and immigration. The structural specificities of each country are outlined, along with tentative prognoses of their future needs for immigrant workers.
Year 2011
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13 Report

REGINE - Regularisations in Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Albert Kraler
Year 2009
Journal Name
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14 Journal Article

Statistics and Reality: Greece

Year 2009
Book Title Statistics and Reality
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15 Book Chapter

REGINE: Regularisations in Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Albert Kraler
Year 2009
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
16 Book

Towards a Theory of Illegal Migration: historical and structural components

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2008
Journal Name Third World Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 17
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17 Journal Article

PRéFACE Ethnicité et migration : une histoire grecque

Year 2008
Journal Name Migrance
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18 Journal Article

REGINE: Regularisations in Europe: Study on practices in the area of regularisation of illegally staying third-country nationals in the Member States of the EU

REGINE is a research project on regularisation practices in the European Union. In order to gain insights in regularisation practices and the impact of regularisations elsewhere two additional non-EU countries– Switzerland and the US – has been also covered. Objectives: 1) To provide a thorough mapping of practices relating to the regularisation of third country nationals illegally resident in EU Member States. 2) To investigate the relationship of regularisation policies to the overall migration policy framework, including to protection issues and refugee policies. 3) To examine the political position of different stakeholders towards regularisation policies on the national level. 4) To examine potential options for policies on regularisation on the European level, incorporating Member States as well as other stakeholders’ views on possible instruments on the European level. NOTE: Data for the project has been gathered through a questionnaire addressed to EU Member States and additional questionnaires addressed to NGOs and Trade Unions.
Year 2007
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19 Project

‘Between a rock & a hard place’: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration & transit migration

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2006
Journal Name Review of African Political Economy
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20 Journal Article

Albanian emigration and the Greek labour market: Economic symbiosis and social ambiguity

Year 2004
Journal Name SEER: Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe
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21 Journal Article

Immigrants and the Welfare State in Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2004
Book Title International Migration
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22 Book Chapter

Semi-Reluctant Hosts: Southern Europe's Ambivalent Response to Immigration

Year 2002
Journal Name Brown Journal of World Affairs
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23 Journal Article

Immigration and Unemployment in Greece: Perceptions and Realities

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Constantina Safilios-Rothschild
Year 1999
Journal Name South European Society & Politics
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24 Journal Article

Greece: The Contours of a Fragmented Policy Response

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Rossetos Fakiolas
Year 1998
Journal Name South European Society & Politics
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26 Journal Article

Where Free Markets Reign: Aliens in the Twilight Zone

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 1998
Journal Name South European Society & Politics
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
27 Journal Article

The Emerging European Immigration Regime: Some Reflections on Implications for Southern Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin‐Edwards
Year 1997
Journal Name Journal of Common Market Studies
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28 Journal Article

The politics of immigration: Introduction

Authors Martin Baldwin‐Edwards, Martin A. Schain
Year 1994
Journal Name West European Politics
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30 Journal Article

Recent Changes in European Immigration Policies

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 1992
Journal Name Journal of European Social Policy
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31 Journal Article

Immigration After 1992

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 1991
Journal Name Policy & Politics
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32 Journal Article

The Politics of Immigration in Western Europe

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2013
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
33 Book

Mediterranean Migrations: Regionalisms Versus Globalisation

Authors Martin Baldwin-Eduards
Year 2012
Journal Name Finisterra
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
34 Journal Article

Migration in the Southern Balkans

Authors Hans Vermeulen, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Riki van Boeschoten
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
35 Book


Authors Riki van Boeschoten, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Hans Vermeulen
Book Title Migration in the Southern Balkans
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
36 Book Chapter

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