Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms

This project explores the economic, social, institutional and policy factors that have shaped the impacts of free movement in the EU and public debates about it. The project has three goals. First, to generate a deeper understanding of the nature and impacts of intra-EU mobility, focusing in particular on how countries’ institutional and policy environments shape the impacts of free movement on individuals, households, labour markets, public services and public finances. Second, to assess how political and media narratives about intra-EU mobility are formed, focusing on the role of traditional and social media, political discourse, and influential participants in public debates. Third, to evaluate the relationship between real and perceived impacts, examining the factors that drive realities and misperceptions about free movement and why these debates have unfolded in different ways across the EU. Research methods range from content analysis based on machine-learning techniques to multi-wave panel and survey experiments to theoretical and empirical analysis of the role of institutions and norms in shaping free movement and public debates about it. Project Partners: Budapest Business School, European Journalism Centre, Uppsala University, Pompeu Fabra University, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, University of Vienna, Maastricht University, TNS Opinion, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, King Juan Carlos University, University of Gothenburg, Migration Policy Institute Europe
Year 2017

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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