Gianni D’Amato is Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, Director of the ‘NCCR – On the move’, and Head of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM). His main foci are addressing citizenship, mobility, populism, and the history of migration. Recent contributions in English include “Continuum, process, and dyad: three readings of the migration–mobility nexus”, Migration Studies, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 631–649, (together...
Migration Reasearch Hub ID: 4384


  • University of Neuchâtel

    University, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
    Professor and Director

  • Swiss Forum for Migration Studies

    Research Institute, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
    Project Leader

  • University of Potsdam

    University, Potsdam, Germany
    Research assistant


Continuum, process, and dyad: three readings of the migration–mobility nexus

Authors Marco Bitschnau, Gianni D’Amato
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1 Journal Article

Die schweizerische Logik der Integrationspolitik: Das Gleichgewicht zwischen Föderalismus, Konkordanz und direkter Demokratie

Authors Stefanie Kurt, Gianni D’Amato
Year 2022
Book Title Politik zur lokalen Integration von Migranten
2 Book Chapter

Politicising immigration in times of crisis: empirical evidence from Switzerland

Authors Marco Bitschnau, Leslie Ader, Didier Ruedin, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
3 Journal Article

Immigration and Integration Policy in Switzerland, 1848 to 2014

Authors Didier Ruedin, Camilla Alberti, Gianni D'Amato
Year 2015
Journal Name Swiss Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 13
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
4 Journal Article

Partei ergreifen: Protest gegen die Abschiebung von AsylbewerberInnen. Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

Principal investigator Helen Schwenken (Principal Investigator), Sieglinde Rosenberger (Principal Investigator), Gianni d'Amato (Principal Investigator)
"The project explores protest against the deportation of rejected asylum seekers in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Deportation has become a central element of immigration control, particularly of asylum seekers whose application has been rejected. At the same time, it can be seen as contradicting the intention of human rights obligations for individuals in need of protection, which raises normative questions related to justice and universal norms vis-à-vis state sovereignty and policy implementation adopted by lawful means. This tension is reflected by the fact that certain sections of the population and the public have become sensitive towards the forcible expulsion of non-citizens from the state territory. Such feelings of unease and moral outrage manifest themselves in various forms of protest that are directed against the most coercive measure a sovereign state can take. The central aim of the project is to explore and explain the goals, form and degree of diverse anti-deportation protest activities across countries and time (1995-2010). In particular, the project seeks to answer the following research questions: 1.What shapes the trajectories of protest against the deportation of asylum seekers and what is characteristic and even distinct about anti-deportation protest? 2. How can we explain variation in the goals, forms, and degree of anti-deportation protest, both across countries and over time? The project develops an innovative and integrated perspective by combining different theoretical approaches (political opportunity structure approach and resource mobilization perspective) and considering emotional processes into the analysis. Empirically, the study will be based on newspaper articles about deportation, protest material produced by protest groups and interviews with protesters. In methodological terms, the project combines quantitative and qualitative text analysis with a series of in-depth case studies on individual deportation cases that triggered protest. The project will make an important contribution to the literature on migration and social movements. More specifically, we will assess (a) the role of structural factors vis-à-vis agency and resources and (b) the motivational and strategic functions that emotions play in protest. "
Year 2013
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5 Project

Immigration and Social Systems: Collected Essays of Michael Bommes

Authors Christina Boswell, Gianni D'Amato
Year 2012
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
6 Book

Country report : Switzerland

Authors Alberto ACHERMANN, Christin ACHERMANN, Gianni D'AMATO, ...
Year 2010
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7 Report

Transnationalisme des migrants en Europe : une preuve par les faits

Authors Rosita Fibbi, Gianni D’Amato
Year 2008
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
8 Journal Article

Protests Revisited: Political Configurations, Political Culture and Protest Impact

Authors Helen Schwenken, Gianni D’Amato
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
9 Book Chapter

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