National strategy for migration and asylum : an attempt of holistic and integrated approach towards migration issues in Moldova

Authors Alex OPRUNENCO
The labour migration has been a paramount phenomenon that has affected Moldova’s society in numerous ways over the last decade. In response to this development the country’s institutional set-up and policy framework evolved significantly. The current state of policy thinking on migration is increasingly driven by the following factors: consolidation of the role of state in managing the developments in this area; progressive adjustment to European policy framework; strengthening of the migration-development nexus and attempts at leveraging human and financial capital of Diaspora into development; fight against illegal migration that appear to be of strong concern for both international community and Moldovan society. At the same time the institutional set-up and policy framework remained disparate and not enough correlated with each other. The newly drafted National Strategy on Migration and Asylum apparently should address these challenges and bridge the existing gaps. Moreover, the Strategy seeks to link realm of migration and asylum to the general development policy framework of the country. Thus, the Strategy marks a new stage in development of the migration management in Moldova and should address the migration-driven challenges in a comprehensive manner and in full compliance with the European commitments of the country.
Year 2012

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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