Doing Family Across Borders: A Comparative Study of Work, Family and Welfare Strategies among Polish Migrants in Norway, Sweden, and the UK.

Principal investigator Gunhild Odden (Principal Investigator), Pieter Bevelander (Researcher), Kathy Burrell (Researcher), Nils Olav Østrem (Researcher), Oleksandr Ryndyk (PhD Candidate)
This project seeks to answer the main research question: how transnational family considerations, combined with labour market conjuncture and migrants' rights to welfare provision in the host country, shape migrant workers' relation to work and welfare? In order to answer this research question from a comparative perspective the project will focus on two groups of Polish migrant workers, living alone or reunited with the family in the host country, in three different welfare and labour market contexts (Norway, Sweden and the UK). The study will explain why some migrant workers fare relatively better at the host country's labour market, while others are more prone to rely on social welfare provision. The project will in particular look at migrants' actual and planned use of welfare provision, tax-reduction strategies, and their plans regarding family reunification, re-emigration or eventual retirement in the host country. The project will use mixed methods. At the beginning, data from available databases will be analysed (WP1). Further, a tailor-made online survey tool will be used to generate data missing in existing databases (WP2). The respondents will be recruited onboard international flights between Poland, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. Finally, the quantitative analyses will be complemented by qualitative analyses of semi-structured interviews with Polish migrant workers collected in Norway, Sweden, and the UK (WP3). A smooth implementation of the project will be ensured by including four overseas research grants between the Project Owner and the two international partners in Sweden and the UK. Apart from its high scientific value, the project will have an explicit practical value for Norwegian and international stakeholders dealing with the issues concerned in this study. Knowledge produced by the project can be used for policy formulation by relevant national organizations, including ministries, tax authorities, labour and welfare organizations.
Year 2016

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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