Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit in Europa

Principal investigator Andreas Zick (Principal Investigator), Beate Küpper (Principal Investigator)
Based on Gordon Allport’s assumption on the interrelation of prejudice towards different outgroups, the concept of group-focused enmity places group-specific prejudices in an overall context of anti-democratic mentalities. “Group-focused enmity” describes the syndrome of interlinked negative attitudes and prejudices towards groups identified as “other”, “different” or “abnormal” and assigned inferior social status. These take the form of anti-immigrant attitudes, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim attitudes, sexism and homophobia as well as prejudices against other identified groups. Despite their distinctiveness, different types of prejudice share a common core of an ideology of unequal status. Individuals who share this ideology look down upon outgroups regardless of these groups’ specific identity. We investigated the broad extent, major determinants and possible causes of group-focused enmity on the basis of a telephone survey of representatives samples in eight European countries (n = 1.000 per country): Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, and Hungary.
Year 2006

Taxonomy Associations

Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
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