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Cultural competency at the community level: A strategy for reducing racial and ethnic disparities

Authors India Ornelas
Year 2008
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1 Journal Article

The role of migration in the development of depressive symptoms among Latino immigrant parents in the USA

Authors India Ornelas, Krista M. Perreira
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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2 Journal Article

Painful Passages: Traumatic Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress among U.S. Immigrant Latino Adolescents and their Primary Caregivers

Authors Krista M. Perreira, India Ornelas
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 26
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3 Journal Article

The Physical and Psychological Well-Being of Immigrant Children

Authors Krista M. Perreira, India Ornelas
Year 2011
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4 Journal Article

Evaluation of Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma (ALMA): A Pilot Promotora Intervention Focused on Stress and Coping Among Immigrant Latinas

Authors Anh N. Tran, India Ornelas, Georgina Perez, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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5 Journal Article

Just say no! (and mean it): Meaningful negation as a tool to modify automatic racial attitudes

Authors India R. Johnson, Richard E. Petty, Brandon M. Kopp
Year 2018
Journal Name Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
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6 Journal Article

Length of Residence and Vehicle Ownership in Relation to Physical Activity Among U.S. Immigrants

Authors Dale Terasaki, India Ornelas, Brian E. Saelens, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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7 Journal Article

Understanding African American Men's Perceptions of Racism, Male Gender Socialization, and Social Capital Through Photovoice

Authors India Ornelas, Anh N. Tran, Jim Amell, ...
Year 2009
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8 Journal Article

Migration between India and Pakistan, 1951–61

Authors Pravin M. Visaria
Year 1969
Journal Name Demography
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9 Journal Article

EU-India Bilateral Remittances

Authors Chinmay TUMBE
A hundred years ago, during colonial times, more than a hundred thousand migrants from Britain and Ireland worked in India, mostly as soldiers and administrators. In contrast, only around 4,000 Indians lived in Britain: 1,000 students and 2,500 persons working in navigation related activities. As a result, European countries were net recipients of migrants’ remittances from India. A century later, nearly a million emigrants from India live in the countries of the European Union (EU) and less than 10,000 EU expatriates work in India, making India a net recipient of migrants’ remittances from the EU. Considering the significantly large Indian emigrant base in the EU, few questions that emerge are: How much money flows from the EU to India by way of migrants’ remittances? What part of emigrant capital flows are sourced from the EU? And what are the country shares of these remittance flows? This paper attempts to address these questions basing its analysis on data compiled from numerous reports published by the Reserve Bank of India over the last three decades.
Year 2012
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10 Report

India-EU migration : a relationship with untapped potential

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Kathryn LUM
The rise of India as an increasingly important economic and strategic partner brings a range of potential benefits to the European Union. However, while the EU is currently negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with India that will potentially open up India´s burgeoning market, many of its Member States are ´missing the boat´ when it comes to exploiting the full potential of Indian migration to the EU. Indian migration to Europe has a long history: a number of EU member states have historical colonial links with India, including Portugal, France, the Netherlands and the UK. These early Indian migrants settled successfully into their respective countries, and many have played leading roles in contributing to EU national economies. The current migration situation is much more complex, in large part because India is still not viewed as an important migration source country. Yet, as this report highlights, India constitutes the fourth largest country of origin for migration to the EU. The Indian student market is the second largest in the world after China´s, and represents great potential for European universities seeking to internationalise their student intake. Highly skilled workers from India, particularly from the IT industry, have made Indian nationals the largest recipient of highly skilled visas in Germany and the Netherlands. Among low-skilled workers, there are also success stories to be told. Contrary to the common migration myth that low-skilled workers are not needed, and even worse, steal jobs from native citizens, this report shows how low-skilled workers from India have successfully integrated into local economies without threatening local jobs. Finally, this report on Indian migration to the EU provides a roadmap for future strategic directions for the India-EU relationship. Given the growing importance of EU-India relations, it is vital that migration issues are also on the table. With political will, finding migration solutions that satisfy both India and the EU can hopefully be negotiated over the next five years.
Year 2014
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11 Report

Irregular migration from India to the EU : evidence from the Punjab

Authors Viresh Kumar BHAWRA
The present paper titled “Irregular Migration from India to EU: Evidence from Punjab” is a part of India-EU project “Developing Knowledge Base for Policymaking on India- EU Migration”. Author of the paper is serving as an Indian Police Service officer in the State of unjab, India and has utilised his first-hand experience of dealing with the problem as Nodal Officer of the State Government to analyse the perspective of law enforcement agency in a source country.
Year 2013
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12 Report

Investment and Migration Linkages between India and the EU

Authors Deeparghya MUKHERJEE, Rupa CHANDA
India has had long-standing investment ties with various EU countries. Many EU countries are significant investors in India and several EU-based MNCs have business operations in India. Of late, Indian investments in the EU have also gained importance. Leading Indian IT companies have established local presence through branches and subsidiaries in several EU countries. Alongside the growing business relations between India and the EU, there is increased short-term and circular mobility of persons between India and the EU, in large part to support business operations in each other’s markets. This paper examines the linkages between investment and associated labour mobility between India and the EU. Following the introduction, Section 2 provides a brief literature review of labour mobility and investment relations and their effects on developed and developing nations. Section 3 offers an overview of growing investment relations between India and the EU and accompanying labour flows between India and the EU to underscore the need for studying this linkage. Section 4 discusses immigration and labour market regulations which have a bearing on investment operations and vice versa, for selected EU countries in order to highlight the extent to which regulations on one impinge on the other. It also examines the Schengen treaty and the implications of recent developments such as the EU Blue Card and totalisation agreements (signed or under negotiation) between India and some EU countries for investment-related labour mobility from India to the EU. Section 5 provides the findings from in-depth interviews conducted with senior industry executives from leading EU as well as Indian firms to understand the nature of the labour flows which accompany investment operations. It also examines the extent to which investment and labour flows in the India-EU context are complementary and how barriers to labour mobility may affect investment operations in each other’s market. The discussion in this section indicates that there is considerable short-term mobility of Indian business visitors, intracorporate transferees, and professionals working from Indian subsidiaries of European firms to the EU countries. There is also movement of skilled Indians working in Indian firms in India, to their EU-based subsidiaries. In both cases, movement from India to the EU is mainly driven by the need to address skill shortages in the EU countries and to facilitate the migration and offshoring of client processes to India. The evidence indicates that investment presence in the EU facilitates mobility from India to the EU, although there are considerable differences in labour market and investment regulations across the different EU member countries. Section 6 examines the nature of movement by EU nationals to Indian subsidiaries of EU MNCs and the associated Indian immigration policies affecting such movement. The discussion indicates that such movement is very limited at present, mostly pertaining to business meetings and training sessions and the problems encountered mostly pertain to issues of transparency, poor institutional mechanisms and delays. Section 7 concludes by noting the main issues concerning labour mobility that would need to be addressed to promote India-EU investment relations.
Year 2012
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13 Report

Proceedings of the national consultation workshop on facilitating safe and legal migration and prevention of irregular migration

Authors [CARIM-India]
The “National Consultation Workshop on Facilitating Safe and Legal Migration and Preventing Irregular Migration” was organised by the India Centre for Migration (ICM) on the 6th and 7th of September, 2012 under the India-EU Project, “Developing a Knowledge base for Migration Policy Making on India EU Migration.” The venue of the Workshop was the Claridges, New Delhi.The objective of the Workshop was to create awareness and disseminate information related to irregular migration from India to the EU.
Year 2013
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14 Report

The Role of Gilani Businessmen and Artists in Propagation of Relations between Iran and India

Authors Seyed Abbas Azmodeh
Year 2017
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15 Journal Article

Examining mode 4 commitments in India and the EU’s agreements : implication for the India-EU BTIA

Authors Arpita MUKHERJEE, Tanu M. GOYAL
India and the European Union (EU) are currently negotiating a Broadbased Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) and Mode 4 liberalisation is a key component of the negotiations. India and the EU have different negotiating positions under Mode 4 in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in their bilateral agreements. The objective of this paper is to examine India and the EU’s offer in the WTO and their existing commitments in bilateral agreements and draw implications for the India-EU BTIA.
Year 2013
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16 Report

Divine Development: Transnational Indian Religious Organizations in the United States and India

Authors Rina Agarwala
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
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17 Journal Article

Missionaries, Christianity, and Education in 19th Century Punjab

Authors Yaqoob Khan Bangash
Year 2018
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18 Journal Article

Strengthening People-to-People (P2P) Connectivity through Cultural Exchange: Malaysia-India Bilateral Relations in a Globalised World

Authors Suseela Devi Chandran
Year 2017
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19 Journal Article

Countenance of the Indian Subcontinent and Iqbal Lahouri as a Theorist of Independence of Pakistan in the Poetry of Malik Alshoara Bahar

Authors Javad Jalayernia, Abolghasem Amir Ahmadi, Ali Eshghi Sardehi
Year 2016
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20 Journal Article

Foreign Swamis at Home in India: Transmigration to the Birthplace of Spirituality

Authors Meena Khandelwal
Year 2007
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 1
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21 Journal Article

Proceedings of the final conference of the project on Developing a knowledge base for policy making on India-EU migration' (February 2011 – October 2013) - 'India – EU migration and mobility: prospects and challenges' - New Delhi, 17 and 18 October 2013

Authors [CARIM-India]
The project on 'Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU migration' co-funded by the European Commission, implemented at the India Centre for Migration during February 2011 – October 2013 has been culminated with the final conference of the project organised on the theme, 'India-EU Migration and Mobility: Prospects and Challenges' on 17th and 18th October 2013 at the Ashok Hotel, New Delhi. The project envisaged that a final conference to be organized in Delhi in order to disseminate the outputs of the project and recommend a durable framework of discussion and institutional exchange between India and the EU on migration and mobility.
Year 2013
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22 Report


Authors S. Irudaya Rajan, G. Remya Prabha
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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23 Journal Article

Wealth equals wisdom? The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in India

Authors LA Gordon
Year 1997
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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24 Journal Article

Movement of IT professionals between India and the EU : issues and the way forward

Authors Divya SATIJA, Arpita MUKHERJEE
India and the European Union (EU) are major exporters of information technology (IT) and Itenabled services (ITeS) and both have high domestic demand for such services.The paper found that movement of professionals has benefitted both Indian and EU companies and, in future, bilateral trade in the IT/ITeS sector and labour mobility is likely to increase. However, there are a number of barriers affecting movement of professionals in this sector. The paper suggests that while some of these can be addressed through domestic reforms in India and the EU, others can be addressed under the on-going India-EU Broadbased Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) and through inter-governmental cooperation between India and EU member states.
Year 2013
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25 Report

Proceedings of the final conference of the project on Developing a knowledge base for policy making on India-EU migration' (February 2011 – October 2013) - 'India – EU migration and mobility: prospects and challenges' - New Delhi, 17 and 18 October 2013

Authors [CARIM-India]
The project on 'Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU migration' co-funded by the European Commission, implemented at the India Centre for Migration during February 2011 – October 2013 has been culminated with the final conference of the project organised on the theme, 'India-EU Migration and Mobility: Prospects and Challenges' on 17th and 18th October 2013 at the Ashok Hotel, New Delhi. The project envisaged that a final conference to be organized in Delhi in order to disseminate the outputs of the project and recommend a durable framework of discussion and institutional exchange between India and the EU on migration and mobility.
Year 2013
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26 Report

Dava, daktar, and dua: Anthropology of practiced medicine in India

Authors RS Khare
Year 1996
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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27 Journal Article


Authors S. Irudaya Rajan, G. Remya Prabha
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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28 Journal Article

EU-India migration and trade linkages

Authors Chinmay TUMBE
This paper reviews the relationship between migration and trade between India and the European Union (EU). It provides an overview of EU-India trade across various dimensions and links it with migration in three specific contexts: (a) The $ 14 billion EU-India diamond trade that represents nearly 15% of total EU-India merchandise trade, and that is attributed to the direct and active role played by Indian immigrants and the diaspora (b) The trade in food products such as lentils, beans, rice and spices that reflects the pull of goods towards the EU to meet the preferences of the Indian immigrants and (c) The trade in services in the computer & information, education and entertainment sectors and the mobility of professionals, students and tourists respectively.
Year 2013
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29 Report

India-Born in the US Science and Engineering Workforce

Authors Roli Varma
Year 2010
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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30 Journal Article

A Qualitative Account of Young People’s Experiences Seeking Care from Emergency Departments for Self-Harm

Authors Sadhbh J. Byrne, India Bellairs-Walsh, Simon M. Rice, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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31 Journal Article

Mapping India-EU tourism flows

Authors Sasidaran GOPALAN
India and the EU have expanded their bilateral economic and investment ties significantly in the last decade or so. As a result of closer ties, the EU has emerged as a very important destination for various types of cross-border flows from India. In addition to the growing movement of professionals and students, there has also been a marked rise in cross-border flows of tourists between India and the EU. Given the economic and strategic significance of promoting tourism flows for fostering bilateral relations, this paper attempts to map the tourism flows between India and a selected few EU countries and also examine their relative significance as destinations or sources. The paper also draws some possible inferences about tourism’s role in facilitating irregular migration.
Year 2013
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32 Report

Member States’ social security agreements with India

Authors Pauline Melin
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Social Security
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33 Journal Article

For love and money: second-generation Indian-Americans ‘return’ to India

Authors Sonali Jain
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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34 Journal Article

Visions of India from Europe: Liberals, Marxists, and romantics. From Imperialism to dialogue

Authors Albert Ferrer
Year 2018
Journal Name ARS BREVIS
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35 Journal Article

Nineteenth-Century Eurasians and Spatiality in Emma Roberts' Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan, with Sketches of Anglo-Indian Society (1835)

Authors A. Divya
Year 2020
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36 Journal Article

Globalization, immigration, and Lewisian elastic labor in pre-World War II Southeast Asia

Authors Gregg Huff, Giovanni Caggiano
Year 2007
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37 Journal Article

Marginal but Modern: Young Nepali Labour Migrants in India

Authors Jeevan Raj Sharma
Year 2013
Journal Name YOUNG
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38 Journal Article

Doing business in India: cross-cultural issues in managing human resources

Authors Seeta Gupta, A. Uday Bhaskar
Year 2016
Journal Name Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
Citations (WoS) 8
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39 Journal Article

Social bonds: migration and comparative analysis of remitting behaviour between Pakistani and Indian diaspora

Authors Universität Klagenfurt, Dieter Bögenhold, Muhammad Zubair
Year 2018
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41 Journal Article

Migration, Social Capital, Financial Capital:

Authors Muhammad Zubair, Dieter Bögenhold, Universität Klagenfurt
Year 2017
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42 Journal Article

The Economics of Teaching in India Versus Teaching Aboard: Teacher Salary Differentials Using Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Authors Gavin George, Bruce Rhodes
Year 2020
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43 Journal Article

Migration from India to Australia

Authors S.P. Awasthi, Ashoka Chandra
Year 1994
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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44 Journal Article

Business, Ethnicity, Politics, and Imperial Interests: The United Planters' Association of Southern India, 1893-1950

Authors K. Ravi Raman
Year 2014
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45 Journal Article

Reaching out : the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy : a comparative study on India and Australia

Authors Katharina EISELE, Anja WIESBROCK
This paper seeks to examine the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy by concentrating, first, on the EU’s legal framework in the area of migration followed by an analysis of the policy developments under the GAMM. In a second step, this paper depicts the EU relations with India and Australia, respectively, in terms of migration matters with a view to explore how the EU has defined its current positions towards these two third countries in form of a comparative case study. India and Australia have been selected for an analysis because the migration flows prevailing in each state vary and the level of economic development differs notably. While Australia has always been an immigration country and maintains traditional ties with the European continent, India has only recently emerged as a major country of emigration to the EU. Yet, the EU constitutes a major partner for both countries. Finally, some conclusive remarks are made on the diverging migration rules for third-country nationals from India and Australia.
Year 2013
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46 Report

Goans in Portugal: Role of history and identity in shaping diaspora linkages

Authors Rupa CHANDA, Sriparna GHOSH
The Portuguese colonial era in India began in 1502 and ended in 1961 with the annexation of Goa by India. This long standing colonial relationship led to a deep-rooted historical, cultural and social relationship between Goa and Portugal. Migration from Goa to Portugal, over different periods, played an important part in forging this relationship. This paper examines the history of migration from Goa to Portugal, the characteristics of the Goan community in Portugal, and its engagement with Goa and with India, based on secondary and primary sources of information. Section 2 discusses the different waves of migration from Goa to Portugal. It finds that Goans migrated to Portugal during the colonial period in search of education, then following the annexation of Goa by India in 1961, and subsequently during the 1970s when Goans “twice migrated” to Portugal from Mozambique and Angola following their independence. In recent decades, Goans have been migrating to Portugal to seek access to the larger European market. Today, there is a sizeable Goan community residing in Portugal. Sections 3 and 4 explore the question of identity as perceived by this community in Portugal. The findings indicate that history, the causal factors underlying migration, and the heterogeneity within the community in terms of background, economic and social status have a major influence on the notion of identity. One section of the community does not consider itself as a diaspora group or as expatriates or migrants as it sees itself as fully integrated with Portuguese society. Their connection is with Goa, not with India. Another section of the community views itself as belonging to India and also Goa, realizing that they have a distinct identity within Portugal. For the twice migrated, the issue of identity is even more complex as they identify with a third country and many have never lived in Goa or India. Section 5 discusses how this issue of identity has in manifested itself in different ways, such as through the community’ position on issues of minority representation within Portuguese society, through diaspora associations and networks, and the extent to which the community has engaged with and contributed back to Goa and India. It finds that due to the dilemma over identity, the community has had very weak economic and philanthropic ties with the homeland. Section 6 highlights the growing engagement between the Goan community in Portugal and India in recent years and some initiatives at the government level to deepen this engagement. However, it finds that a long term strategic vision has been lacking on the part of both the Indian and the Portuguese governments. Section 7 concludes by calling for a forward looking approach to engaging with the Goan diaspora community in Portugal. It recommends that this community be strategically leveraged not only to strengthen economic and cultural relations with Portugal but also to serve India’s larger foreign policy and geopolitical objectives in the Lusophone countries of Latin America and Africa.
Year 2012
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47 Report

Highly‐skilled Migration from China and India to Canada and the United States

Authors Lucia Lo, L Lo, Wei Li, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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48 Journal Article

Immigration from Bangladesh to India Based on Census Data

Authors Aswini Kumar Nanda
Year 2005
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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49 Journal Article

Aryans versus Non-Aryans: A Study of Dalit Narratives of India's Ancient Past

Authors Ashish Kumar
Year 2018
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50 Journal Article

India-EU Engagement and International Migration: Challenges and policy imperatives

Authors Basant Kumar POTNURU, Sam VISHISHTA
In the absence of a multilateral framework and a rule based global structure for the governance of international migration of people in all its complexities, countries engage in bilateral or regional cooperation in an attempt to engage and harmonize international movements and strive for a win-win situation. India and the EU are major trading partners and are engaged in a strategic Joint Action Plan with annual summit level talks; both sides are on the cusp of a new beginning through the soon to be concluded Free Trade Agreement (FTA). India-EU engagements, while underlining the importance of engagement on movement of people, have not clearly spelt out, as of yet, any roadmap for facilitation and enhancement of movement of people between the regions. The current paper examines if, and how, the bilateral relationship or engagement between India and the EU over the years has influenced international migration flows between the two sides and what potential challenges and policy options they face for a successful engagement and facilitation of movement of people. The paper suggests that given India’s strategic position as a major country of origin for skilled and semi-skilled migrant workers, coupled with foreseeable requirements in the EU domestic markets. There is need for a closer examination of policy initiatives to embrace bilateral flows and make the exercise beneficial for both partners. The International migration flows between India and Europe in the past had always depended on the quality and strength of engagement between the countries and regions. Currently, the EU however has a low profile in India in terms of its ability to attract the best of the talent compared to competitors such as the US and Canada. Therefore, the main challenge is to enhance the EU’s presence in India through greater participation, outreach and building of networks among academia, think tanks and the media. Student mobility need to be increased in all important sectors such as IT, healthcare, science and technology, research and development so as to help create advocacy groups and to enable a greater synergy of talent between India and the EU and enhance future cooperation, partnership and development. Easing of immigration policies for selective sectors of employment and education which are of strategic concern is also important. This will require measures for mutual recognition of degrees and skills, and a minimal window for long-term immigration and integration of third country migrant professionals and workers.
Year 2012
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52 Report

Health in China and India: A cross-country comparison in a context of rapid globalisation

Authors Trevor J. B. Dummer, Ian G. Cook
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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53 Journal Article

Dual citizenship in the relationship India-Europe

Authors Gerard-René DE GROOT, Maarten Peter VINK
This paper discusses the politically controversial topic of dual or multiple citizenship in the context of the relationships between India and Europe, and EU member States in particular. The paper first focuses on the attitude of the Indian legislator towards dual citizenship and pays particular attention to the development of a special status for Overseas Indians holding another citizenship. Thereafter it discusses the attitude of Member States of the European Union towards dual or multiple citizenship, and how this attitude has changed in the course of the years. Finally, the paper explores the changes that would occur if India would accept the possibility to possess dual citizenship c.q. if it would considerably increase the rights of Overseas Citizens of India.
Year 2013
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54 Report

Differences in How Trait Emotional Intelligence Predicts Life Satisfaction: The Role of Affect Balance Versus Social Support in India and Germany

Authors Selda Koydemir, Astrid Schuetz, Omer Faruk Simsek, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Happiness Studies
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55 Journal Article

Ethnic minorities and their vulnerability to AIDS in a border state of India

Authors J Thomas, M Bandyopadhyay
Year 1999
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56 Journal Article

Ethnic enclaves and birth outcomes of immigrants from India in a diverse US state

Authors Jennifer B. Kane, Nancy E. Reichman, Julien Teitler
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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57 Journal Article

India-EU migration : the social security rights of Indian nationals moving to and within the European Union

Authors A. P. (Anne Pieter) VAN DER MEI
With the intensification of the economic relationships between India and the European Union (EU) labour mobility from India to the EU is bound to increase in the forthcoming years. This mobility raises numerous questions not only as regards immigration and labour market access, but also in relation to social social security. This paper focuses on the social security status of Indian nationals moving to EU Member States for employment reasons. It presents and analyses, first, the EU’s internal social security coordination regime with a view to establishing the social security status of third country nationals, and Indian workers in particular, moving between EU Member States and, second, the external coordination applicable to Indian nationals, moving from India to individual EU Member States (Belgium and the Netherlands) for employment reasons.
Year 2013
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58 Report

Home Rule for India

Authors Graham H. Stuart
Year 1919
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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59 Journal Article

The Kashmir conflict and human rights

Authors Sabzar Ahmad Bhat
Year 2019
Journal Name Race & Class
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60 Journal Article

The Overseas Citizen of India and Emigrant Infrastructure: Tracing the deterritorializations of diaspora strategies

Authors Dhooleka Sarhadi Raj
Year 2015
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 10
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61 Journal Article

The Long Way Home: The Vicissitudes of Belonging and Otherness in Northeast India

Authors Urmitapa Dutta
Year 2015
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62 Journal Article

Indian Investment in Eastern Europe: Prospects, issues and the way forward

Authors Tanu M. GOYAL, Arpita MUKHERJEE
With liberalisation, economic growth and stable macroeconomic conditions, companies from developing countries like India, have started investing abroad. Of late, Indian companies have diversified their investments and have shifted from markets within Asia to European markets. This paper examines Indian investment in Eastern Europe, barriers to investment and possibilities for enhancing it through appropriate policy measures. Eastern Europe is a new destination for Indian investment. The paper highlights that India and East European countries have complementarities. However, despite several initiatives, the present level of Indian investment in Eastern Europe is low and limited to a few countries and sectors. A majority of the Indian investments are directed towards Russia and most of these investments are made in the manufacturing and mining sector. Moreover, a large part of the investments is made by a few large Indian companies. Based on in-depth interviews, the study found that lack of market knowledge, poor governance structure, high level of corruption, non-transparent public procurement process and cumbersome customs procedures are some factors hindering Indian investments in the region. The study identifies various areas of investment and collaborations and suggests measures to remove the barriers to investment. While some of these can be addressed under the on-going India-EU Broadbased Trade and Investment Agreement, others require strengthening diplomatic ties, foster information sharing and domestic reforms in India and East European countries.
Year 2012
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63 Report

Bearding, Balding and Infertile: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Nationalist Discourse in India

Authors Shruti Buddhavarapu
Year 2020
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64 Journal Article

Internment as a business challenge: Political risk management and German multinationals in Colonial India (1914-1947)

Authors Christina Lubinski, Valeria Giacomin, Klara Schnitzer
Year 2021
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65 Journal Article

Studying at the source: Ashtanga yoga tourism and the search for authenticity in Mysore, India

Authors Callie Batts Maddox
Year 2015
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66 Journal Article

Deprovincializing Racial Capitalism: John Crawfurd and Settler Colonialism in India

Year 2021
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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68 Journal Article

Migration, development and inequality: Eastern Punjabi transnationalism

Year 2007
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 20
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69 Journal Article

An Increase in the Sex Ratio of Births to India-born Mothers in England and Wales: Evidence for Sex-Selective Abortion

Authors Sylvie Dubuc, David Coleman
Year 2007
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 51
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70 Journal Article

Tibetan Refugee Journeys: Representations of Escape and Transit

Authors Rebecca Frilund
Year 2019
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71 Journal Article

Fluid attachments in Northeast India: introduction

Authors Mélanie Vandenhelsken, Melanie Vandenhelsken, Bengt G. Karlsson
Year 2016
Journal Name Asian Ethnicity
Citations (WoS) 1
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72 Journal Article

Uncertain Comparisons: Zionist and Israeli Links to India and Pakistan in the Age of Partition and Decolonization

Authors Rephael G. Stern
Year 2021
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73 Journal Article

Policy and non-policy economic determinants of inter-regional migration of workers in a developing country: Some new evidence based on a polytomous logit model for India

Authors M. R. Narayana
Year 1990
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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74 Journal Article


Authors Iwona Filipczak
Year 2017
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75 Journal Article

The EU and India : common interests, divergent policies

Authors Radha KUMAR
Year 2013
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76 Working Paper

A cross-cultural comparison of road traffic risk perceptions, attitudes towards traffic safety and driver behaviour

Authors Trond Nordfjaern, Stig Jorgensen, Torbjorn Rundmo
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Risk Research
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77 Journal Article

The Integration of Interstate Migrants in India: A 7 State Policy Evaluation

Authors Varun Aggarwal, Giacomo Solano, Priyansha Singh, ...
Year 2020
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78 Journal Article

Too Much Nationality: Kashmiri Refugees, the South Asian Refugee Regime, and a Refugee State, 1947-1974

Authors C. D. Robinson, Cabeiri Debergh Robinson
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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79 Journal Article

The Indian and Chinese Academic Diaspora in Australia: A Comparison

Authors G Hugo
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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80 Journal Article

How can we model ethnic democracy? An application to contemporary India

Authors Katharine Adeney
Year 2020
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82 Journal Article

Genetic Diversity among Coastal Populations of Maharashtra, Goa and Odisha, India

Authors A. K. Kapoor, Deepali Verma
Year 2013
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83 Journal Article

The Indian and Chinese Academic Diaspora in Australia: A Comparison

Authors G Hugo
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 2
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84 Journal Article

Masculinity in the Sikh Community in Italy and Spain: Expectations and Challenges

Authors Nachatter Singh Garha
Year 2020
Journal Name Religions
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85 Journal Article

Effect of women’s migration on urban children’s health in India

Authors Anil K. Kumar, R. S. Reshmi, N. Hemalatha, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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86 Journal Article

Teachers on the Move

Authors Rashmi Sharma
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 10
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87 Journal Article

An overview of highly-skilled labour migration to Norway : with a focus on India as country of origin

Authors Geir Tore BRENNE, Helge Hiram JENSEN
The paper aims at providing an overview of skilled labour migration to Norway, specifically focussing on highly-skilled labour migrants from India. The first part presents relevant migration policies in Norway: their history, their general characteristics, and some features of specific relevance for highly-skilled labour migrants from India. It ends with a critical assessment of an on-going policy process. The second part of the report presents some relevant data from official data registers, in five tables and one figure. This second part concludes with a critical appraisal of the data.
Year 2013
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88 Report

Destination Personality: Scale Development And Validation

Authors Vikas Kumar, Jogendra K. Nayak
Year 2018
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89 Journal Article

Jim Corbett's My India: A Study of Ideological Otherness

Authors Parul Rani, Nagendra Kumar
Year 2020
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90 Journal Article

Problematising 'Indigeneity' through Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar's The Mysterious Ailment of Rupi Baskey

Authors Amitayu Chakraborty
Year 2019
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91 Journal Article

Assessing the measurement of internal migration in India

Authors Ram B. Bhagat
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 6
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93 Journal Article

Assessing the measurement of internal migration in India

Authors Ram B. Bhagat
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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94 Journal Article

Exploring Rural–Urban Inequality in India in the Post-economic Reform Period

Authors Debolina Kundu, Arvind Pandey
Year 2020
Journal Name Environment and Urbanization ASIA
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95 Journal Article

Displacement and development: Long term impacts of population transfer in India

Authors Prashant Bharadwaj, Rinchan Ali Mirza
Year 2019
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96 Journal Article


Authors Md Shahnawaz Abdin, Rahul Kumar
Year 2020
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97 Journal Article

Son Preference of Immigrants to the United States: Data from U.S. Birth Certificates, 2004–2013

Authors Embry M. Howell, DL Poston, Huanjun Zhang, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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98 Journal Article

Bayesian reconstruction of two-sex populations by age: estimating sex ratios at birth and sex ratios of mortality

Authors Mark C. Wheldon, Samuel J. Clark, Patrick Gerland, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
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99 Journal Article

India's Ecocity? Environment, Urbanisation, and Mobility in the Making of Lavasa

Authors Ayona Datta
Year 2012
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
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100 Journal Article
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