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Citoyennete active et implications territoriales en Ile-de-France

Principal investigator Catherine Neveu (Principal Investigator)
L’objectif de la recherche en cours est double : d’une part revisiter les relations migration/développement en les inscrivant dans la circulation migratoire, et en portant un intérêt particulier aux transformations des sociétés liées aux interactions spatiales et sociales en matière de développement local, économique, social et politique, tant dans les pays de départ que d’arrivée. D’autre part, analyser les processus originaux par lesquels les migrants et leurs enfants s’inscrivent dans la société française tout en maintenant, voire en développant, des formes multiples d’appartenance, d’identification et d’engagement public, tant vis-à-vis de leurs espaces de vie que de ceux d’origine des familles. Les différentes formes de circulation et d’ancrage, les logiques et les enjeux qui les sous-tendent, seront analysés au-delà de la dualité « immigré-étranger » ou « assimilation-retour ». Nous proposons pour cela de travailler sur la notion d’appartenance (à la fois au sens d’adhésion volontaire et de sentiment), dont la plasticité permet de s’adapter en fonction de la capacité à circuler ou faire circuler, et qui renvoie aux notions d’ancrage territorial, d’identités multiples, et d’engagement. Cette recherche-action a donc pour objectif de dépasser les approches dichotomiques qui s’interrogent sur « l’intégration » des populations lorsqu’elles traitent du mouvement associatif « issu de l’immigration », et orientent ces populations vers une obligation de retour lorsqu’elles abordent la question du développement. Il s’agira alors de saisir, dans le même mouvement, processus de circulations et d’ancrages, tant du point de vue des populations migrantes et de leurs enfants, que de celui de leurs partenaires institutionnels.
Year 2009
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47002 Project

International Migrant Families

The research proposal is called International migrant families. Its objective is to develop a comprehensive analysis of the short- and long-term demographic consequences of international migration on an individual’s life course and on developments and integration of international-migrant populations in Western European receiving countries. The project is designed to fill the gaps in knowledge about those factors that cause differences in demographic behavior of international migrants and to generate new scientific and policy-oriented knowledge on the family dynamics, living arrangements, and health-care needs of women and men in a multi-cultural context in Western Europe. I plan work on both “ends” of the life course in order to understand the different trajectories of individuals and the interrelation between the various events and passages. The objectives can be articulated as follows: 1) To analyze and to explain the demographic behavior of international migrant populations in Europe, in comparison to the indigenous populations and to each other. 2) To identify migrant-specific indicators of demographic behavior that can be used for further analysis and projections. 3) To link the different indicators and life domains of one individual to others in order to better understand population dynamics and change. 4) To identify the implications of the findings of this project for policy strategies that could facilitate the integration on international migrants. International migration and migrant integration have become more pressing topics in Western European countries following growing immigration flows in the past 60 years. The multi-disciplinary demographic research proposed can provide one of the key inputs for policy makers in the European countries with a well argued, scientifically based and objective discussion of the relationships between public policy, family trends, the challenges of population ageing and the quality of life of Europe’s citizens.
Year 2009
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47004 Project

Between Family and Market: The Legal Regulation of Household Care Work in Globalizing Economies: Housewivery, Domestic Work, and Sex Work

Women’s disproportional familial care responsibilities are widely understood to pose a challenge to women’s equality. In post-industrial economies, where the majority of women have entered the workforce, care responsibilities still limit women’s opportunities. A common ‘care solution’ is the redistribution of care work between women of different classes, ethnicities, and nationalities in the form of paid care services. Although this is hardly a new phenomenon, post-industrial globalizing economies give it new forms that evoke new regulatory challenges. My research is an inquiry into the relationship between family and market, focusing on four paradigmatic cases of women’s care work. The first is the prototype of care work: housewife’s work in the home. The other three are the main market reconfigurations of the prototype: paid domestic work, sex work, and mail ordered brides. Studying of the legal regulation of these four cases, I investigate the nature of the distribution of care along gender and class lines. Law operates in these ‘markets of care’ through a combination of regulatory tools. My project offers a cross-section of the legal system, elucidating the combined operation of different areas of law – family, welfare, employment, immigration, and criminal law– and their influence on markets for paid domestic/sex work. These areas of law are studied comparatively in three legal systems: U.S.A, United Kingdom, and Israel. All three are post-industrial, globalizing economies, but there are acute differences in the way they handle their welfare state, immigration policy, and legal regimes of prostitution. Through the study of this matrix of legal regulation, the research aims to uncover the institutional settlement of care responsibilities in liberal welfare states, one which holds the potential for significant redistribution of social and political power among members of households and classes alike.
Year 2009
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47005 Project

A tale of networks and policies: prolegomena to an analysis of irregular migration careers and their developmental paths

Authors Martina Cvajner, Giuseppe Sciortino
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 25
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47006 Journal Article

The Importance of Being Southern: The Making of Policies of Immigration Control in Italy

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Claudia Finotelli, Giuseppe Sciortino, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 33
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47007 Journal Article

Local languages, national contexts, global concerns: case studies in multilingual education for speakers of ethnic minority languages

Authors Marilyn J. Gregerson, Pamela J. MacKenzie, Isabel I. Murphy, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47008 Journal Article

Basque-Atlantic shores: ethnicity, the nation-state and the diaspora in Europe and America (1808–98)

Authors Fernando Molina, Pedro J. Oiarzabal
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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47009 Journal Article

Segregated by neighbourhoods? A portrait of ethnic diversity in the neighbourhoods of the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana

Authors Samuel Agyei-Mensah, George Owusu
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 25
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47010 Journal Article


Year 2009
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 46
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47011 Journal Article

Ku nowemu modelowi polityki? Polityka angażowania diaspory a założenia nowego Rządowego Programu Współpracy z Polonią i Polakami

Authors Agnieszka Legut
Year 2009
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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47012 Journal Article

Italophilia meets Albanophobia: paradoxes of asymmetric assimilation and identity processes among Albanian immigrants in Italy

Authors Russell King, Nicola Mai
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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47013 Journal Article

Internal Migration and Income of Immigrant Families

Authors Saman Rashid
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47014 Journal Article

Labor market outcomes, savings accumulation, and return migration

Authors Murat G. Kırdar, Murat G. Kirdar
Year 2009
Journal Name Labour Economics
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47016 Journal Article

Mother tongue and bilingual minority education in China

Authors Linda T.H. Tsung, Linda T. H. Tsung, Ken Cruickshank
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47017 Journal Article

Identity, Good Language Learning, and Adult Immigrants in Canada

Authors Andreea Cervatiuc
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 18
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47018 Journal Article


Year 2009
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 11
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47019 Journal Article

The short-term health of Canada's new immigrant arrivals: evidence from LSIC

Authors Bruce Newbold
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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47020 Journal Article

The Rise of an Intercultural Nation: Immigration, Diversity and Nationhood in Quebec

Authors Cory Blad, Philippe Couton
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 20
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47021 Journal Article

Trends and Patterns of Interethnic Parnerships and Well-being of Mixed Ethnic Children in the EU

This projects aims to conduct a cross-national analysis of interethnic partnerships in the European Union. The study focuses on partnerships between natives and immigrants because interethnic union has long been regarded as an indicator of integration. Focusing on the 27 member states of the EU, this research will explore two main themes: 1) trends and patterns of interethnic partnerships; and 2) socioeconomic well-being of offspring of interethnic unions. The study will focus on explaining similarities and dissimilarities in interethnic partnership patterns of different immigrant groups across 27 member states based on an empirical analysis of the EU Labour Force Survey. Furthermore, arguing that interethnic partnerships can enhance bridging social capital and facilitate the integration of children growing up in an interethnic household, this research will investigate the well-being of offspring of interethnic unions measured by their development, educational achievement and health. The study will also attempt to explain the mechanisms through which a native parent promotes the children’s well-being through the lens of social capital. Focusing on children’s outcomes and using nationally-representative longitudinal surveys of selected five member states, this research is of methodological significance in tackling the endogeneity and sample selection problems which usually arise when studying offspring of interethnic unions. This project will add to the knowledge in integration and well-being of children from various immigrant groups in different societies in the EU.
Year 2009
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47022 Project

Bilingual intercultural education in indigenous schools: an ethnography of teacher interpretations of government policy

Authors Laura Valdiviezo
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47023 Journal Article

“Luring Overseas Trained Doctors to Australia: Issues of Training, Regulating and Trading”

Authors Robyn Iredale
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 7
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47024 Journal Article

A cross-context study of early language skills of immigrant children in Canada and the Netherlands

Observed correlations between linguistic proficiency and school success, on the one hand, and existing differences in the academic success of immigrant students across countries, on the other hand, lead to the expectation that there are differences across countries in the early language development of immigrant children. The aim of the present study is therefore to pinpoint factors of success and failure with regard to the language development of bilingual immigrant children by looking across contexts. The contexts in this study are chosen on the basis of academic success: in Canada, immigrant students are rather successful, whereas in the Netherlands they perform below native levels. Immigrants in Canada and the Netherlands differ in socio-economic status, level of education, levels of integration in society, quality of schools immigrant children attend and clustering. These factors influence the quality and quantity of the language immigrant children are exposed to, which, in turn, will have an immediate effect on their linguistic proficiency. The method proposed in this study is innovative. Comparisons in terms of academic performance are routinely carried out between countries, but cross-context studies of early spoken language of immigrant children in contrastive environments, like Canada and the Netherlands, are non-existent. The outcome of this study is relevant for scientific purposes because it enables testing of input-driven approaches to language acquisition. From a societal perspective, the topic of this project is urgent. In the Netherlands, as in various other European countries, the proportion of immigrant children is increasing. Relatively high proportions of these children show delays in primary education. Insight in their language skills may be essential for understanding these delays.
Year 2009
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47025 Project

Russian in Latvia: an outlook for bilingualism in a post-Soviet transitional society

Authors Gatis Dilans
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47026 Journal Article


Authors MAGGI W.H. LEUNG, Maggi W. H. Leung
Year 2009
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 3
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47027 Journal Article

Greek-Cypriot Refugees’ Welfare a Third of a Century Following their Expatriation: Implications for Local and International Policy

Authors Savvas Georgiades
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47028 Journal Article

Young bilingual learners at home and school: researching multilingual voices

Authors Ana Christina Da Silva Iddings
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47029 Journal Article

Culturally Competent Health Promotion: The Potential of Participatory Video for Empowering Migrant and Minority Ethnic Communities

Authors Lai Chiu
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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47030 Journal Article

Mexican Immigrant Gardeners: Entrepreneurs or Exploited Workers?

Authors Hernan Ramirez, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 63
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47031 Journal Article

From ‘fish out of water’ to ‘fitting in’: the challenge of re-placing home in a mobile world

Authors Melissa Butcher
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 38
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47032 Journal Article

Diversity – a new mode of incorporation?

Authors Thomas Faist, T Faist
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 93
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47033 Journal Article

Diaspora and development? Nigerian organizations in London and the transnational politics of belonging

Year 2009
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 15
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47034 Journal Article

Partnerships, Anti-Discrimination and the Role of Immigrant Associations

Principal investigator Aleksandra Ålund (REMESO Project Leader), Magnus Dahlstedt (Participants from REMESO), Nedzad Mesic (Participants from REMESO)
The project focuses on the role of immigrant associations in combating discrimination. The project sets out from previous research indicating a need for a broader understanding of immigrant associations for the development of alternative strategies in education and the labor market, in order to advance the understanding of the conditions for partnerships between civil society, public and private sectors. The project examines partnership between public, private and voluntary actors through a qualitative study of Anti-Discrimination Agencies, (ADA) in Stockholm, run by immigrant associations. The efforts of the ADA to assist individuals who feel discriminated on the basis of gender, ethnic background etc., indicates the growing importance of ADA as actors in the field of social strategies for social inclusion. One of the preliminary findings indicates that activism among ADA as civil society organisations is based on delicate balancing between volunteer activism and adjustment to increasingly emphasized market exigency.
Year 2009
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47035 Project

Un antisémitisme nouveau?The debate about a ‘new antisemitism’ in France

Authors Timothy Peace
Year 2009
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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47036 Journal Article

Interethnic Contact and Residential Segregation

Principal investigator Elmar Schlüter (Principal Investigator ), Johannes Ullrich (Principal Investigator ), Peter Schmidt (Principal Investigator )
"Theoretical background and objectives This project aims to shed new light on the causes and consequences of ethnic residential segregation, i.e. ""the degree to which two or more [ethnic] groups live separately from one another in different parts of the urban environment"" (Massey and Denton 1988: 283). While the number of papers dealing with this classic research question is large, the debate whether, to what extent and for whom ethnic residential segregation matters is far from resolved. This project addresses two issues in particular, namely interaction effects between individual and context characteristics, and the question to what extent segregation results from immigrants' deliberate choices to live among co-ethnics, or from such homphily preferences on the side of members of the majority population. Surprisingly, empirical studies investigating the prevalence and causes of immigrants' residential preferences remain scant. Guided by the preference model of residential choices (Charles 2003), we examine under which conditions and how the residential preferences of ethnic minority and majority members reflect a desire for self-segregation and avoidance of other ethnic groups or not. This study is likely to yield critical findings for both theory and applied initiatives, given that investigating the prevalence and the sources of segregation preferences is of key importance for understanding macro-level patterns of ethnic residential segregation. Research design, data and methodology In a first study, we applied multilevel generalised linear regression techniques to individual level survey data from a large metropolitan area (Duisburg) in Germany, supplemented with contextual measures of ethnic residential segregation on the neighbourhood level. We examined whether patterns of segregation were related to rates of interethnic contact, and whether this relationship differed for respondents of different socio-economic status. In a second study, we used factorial survey methodology to address majority members' preferences. One key advantage of this design is that it avoids the notorious problem of collinear contextual variables when investigating neighbourhood settings. In two within-subjects experiments conducted over the internet (total N = 1032), participants evaluated schools or residential areas with different levels of ethnic diversity (i.e. proportions of immigrants). In the vignettes describing schools and areas, we additionally varied factors that are ecologically related to diversity (i.e., neighbourhood socio-economic status and crime in residential areas, and quality of education at schools). At the person level, we measured intergroup contact and prejudice and used these variables to predict the level 1 effect of diversity on preferences for residential or school choice. We estimated a two-level random coefficients model with latent variables to explain preferences. In a third study, we will employ also an experimental factorial survey design, but this time to investigate immigrants' residential preferences. We will use quota samples of different ethnic minority groups living in Germany (e.g. Turks). Respondents will evaluate vignettes describing different residential areas which, in addition to the size of the ethnic in-group, vary systematically along additional dimensions known to affect residential choices such as neighbourhood SES, ethnic infrastructure or crime risk. Findings The first study has been completed, the second is ongoing and the third will be started in early 2011. Controlling for individual characteristics, results from the first study bring new evidence that friendships of immigrants with host society members are less prevalent in residential areas with greater degrees of ethnic segregation. The strength of this negative association, however, proves to be contingent on immigrants' educational attainment: The lower one's educational attainment, the stronger the negative association between ethnic residential segregation and immigrants' interethnic friendships. In other words, residential segregation is in particular detrimental for those sections of immigrant population for whom interethnic contacts are likely to be most important as a source of social capital, namely those of low socio-economic status. Preliminary results of the second study show that diversity had negative effects on evaluations of schools and residential areas, over and above the effects of infrastructure, crime, or quality of education. Furthermore, results indicate that intergroup contact reduced bias against diverse schools or residential areas, mediated by prejudice, but it did not produce a preference for diversity, except for people with prejudice scores as low as the sample minimum."
Year 2009
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47037 Project

Cultural Interactions between Muslim Immigrants and Receiving Societies

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Jean Tillie (Principal Investigator), Dirk Jacobs (Principal Investigator), Paul Statham (Principal Investigator), Marco Giugni (Principal Investigator), Manlio Cinalli (Principal Investigator)
"The theoretical background and objectives The project EURISLAM provides an encompassing view of the integration of Muslim immigrants in six West European countries by linking information on the institutional status of Islam and religious rights for Muslims, public debates on Muslims and Islam in the mass media, and individual attitudes, behavioural patterns, and interethnic contacts of both Muslim immigrants and native populations. Using an institutional and discursive opportunity structure perspective, the project investigates to what extent cross-national differences in religiosity, socio-economic position, interethnic contacts, and identification of Muslims vary as a function of the way in which Islam has been incorporated in different countries and to what extent they are affected by differences in the salience and content of public debates on Muslims and Islam. Similarly, we ask how such contextual conditions affect the ways in which majority populations see and interact with Muslims. Research design, data and methodology The study combines several types of data: indicators of Muslim rights, content analyses for the period 1999-2008, a new survey among four groups of Muslims (Turks, Moroccans, Pakistani and ex-Yugoslav Muslims) and a comparison group of native non-Muslims, and finally focus groups with members of ""transnational families"", of which members have migrated to different countries. This part of the project is quasi-experimental in nature because it compares groups with a very similar background before migration (namely members of the same family) who have ended up in different immigration countries. Findings Our findings show that Muslims have been able to gain the most religious rights in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and the least in France and Switzerland, which are both strongly influenced by a laicist tradition of church-state relations. Germany and Belgium occupy intermediary positions. A first analysis shows that these different opportunity structures have important consequences for the nature of public debates about Muslim rights. In order to compare the debates across countries, we distinguish between claims on rights within and outside public institutions, claims asking for parity with existing regulations for Christians (and sometimes also Jews) versus those that refer to special arrangements for which there is no direct Christian equivalent, and finally those that refer to mainstream (e.g., mosques or headscarves) or minoritarian (e.g., the burqa) Muslim practices. We find evidence that accommodation of Muslim rights leads to a process of claim shift, as it encourages both Muslim groups and their opponents within the public domain to shift attention from private, parity, and mainstream issues to more “obtrusive” issues. In line with the expectations of the political opportunity perspective we find that this tendency is strongest in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, where much of the debate refers to special rights in the context of public institutions, which are often related to religious practices of small groups of orthodox Muslims. In the other countries, and especially in France and Switzerland, more basic religious rights, referring to practices such as mosques, minarets, and headscarves dominate the debate, which are not important as issues of controversy in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. These results indicate that although the incorporation of Islam is highly controversial in all countries, the terms of the debate vary starkly, and do so largely in line with national integration policy and state-church traditions. In that sense the debate about Islam is, in spite of highly visible international events around Islam in the period of study, not genuinely transnational. For the moment, the incorporation of, and controversies about Islam largely follow national paths."
Year 2009
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47039 Project

Zwangsmigration und Holocaust. Jüdische Flüchtlinge in Westeuropa 1938-1944

Principal investigator Ahlrich Meyer (Principal Investigator ), Insa Meinen (Principal Investigator )
Ziel des Vorhabens ist eine länderübergreifende Untersuchung des Fluchtverhaltens von Ju-den in Reaktion auf die sogenannte „Endlösung der Judenfrage“. Im Mittelpunkt stehen individuelle Überlebensstrategien angesichts der antijüdischen Verfolgungsmaßnahmen des NS-Regimes, der restriktiven Flüchtlingspolitik der westeuropäischen Aufnahmeländer und der Deportationen in die Vernichtungslager. Dazu sollen drei historische Felder exemplarisch erforscht werden:• das Ausmaß der Fluchten von Juden aus Deutschland und Österreich nach Westeuropa (mit Schwerpunkt Belgien) im Zeitraum nach dem „Anschluß“ Österreichs und dem Novemberpogrom 1938;• die Fluchtbewegungen innerhalb der drei von Deutschland besetzten westeuropäischen Länder (aus den Niederlanden und Belgien nach Frankreich) seit Beginn des Auswan-derungsverbots für Juden 1941 und während der Zeit der Massendeportationen nach Auschwitz 1942 bis 1944;• der Anteil der jüdischen Flüchtlinge an der Gesamtzahl der Deportationsopfer aus Westeuropa (Belgien und Frankreich).
Year 2009
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47040 Project

Instytucjonalne bariery integracji – doświadczenia migrantek w Polsce

Year 2009
Journal Name Biuletyn RPO
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47041 Journal Article

Rozmieszczenie Polaków w Londynie

Year 2009
Book Title Man and agriculture
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47042 Book Chapter

Germanophobia in Switzerland

Principal investigator Marc Helbling (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives This project considers two common assumptions that arise in the empirical literature on xenophobia—namely that xenophobic attitudes are found mostly among the poorly educated, and that xenophobia mainly concerns immigrants from low social classes and from geographically and culturally disparate nations. These arguments are discussed in the context of the migration of high-skilled Germans to Switzerland, a phenomenon that has increased markedly in the last few years, leading to major controversies. One might expect that the Swiss do not perceive Germans as a cultural threat as they are, at least at first sight, culturally similar. This argument can however be questioned in two ways. We first have to differentiate between objective similarity and subjectively perceived dissimilarity. As it turns out, the cultural difference between Germans and Swiss-Germans is considered to be very large in Switzerland. Second, some argue that boundaries between groups that are culturally very close are not necessarily less fragile. In a second step we question the common generalisation that working class people are more often xenophobic because they fear that immigrants take their jobs. As we are confronted in the case at hand with highly educated immigrants, it might be that in this case well-educated people in high positions feel threatened by the new arrivals. This would disconfirm the argument according to which better-educated people are more tolerant as they are more open-minded and have more cognitive capacities for differentiated perceptions. Research design, data and methodology To investigate our arguments both quantitative and qualitative data are analysed. In a first step, data from a survey conducted in the city of Zurich between October 1994 and March will be analysed. This is so far the only survey that includes relevant questions about German immigrants. More recent data on this topic will be collected in the context of the 2011 Swiss electoral survey (see project 2.5 above). Moreover, data from five focus group interviews with Swiss and Germans will be analysed. On the one hand, this allows us to better understand which arguments Swiss use to justify attitudes towards Germans and which aspects they dislike/criticise for which reasons. On the other hand, we will be in the position to study how Germans think about Swiss, why Germans migrated to Switzerland and how they feel abroad. Findings It turned out that German immigrants put in danger Swiss characteristics as much as immigrants from the Balkans. Socio-economic factors turned out to be relevant, too. Contrary to many other studies I found that education does not improve attitudes towards Germans. At the same time, I found that people who are young and seek to improve their job position are significantly more Germanophobic than those who are satisfied with their current job situation and are already established. It appears that as much as low-skilled workers fear that poorly educated immigrants take their jobs, well-educated Swiss consider German immigrants as competitors on the job market."
Year 2009
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47043 Project

Problematyka liczebności ludności polskiej na Ukrainie i ukraińskiej w Polsce

Authors Piotr Eberhardt
Year 2009
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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47044 Journal Article

Irregular migration in times of global economic crisis - perceptions and realities in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and Asia

Principal investigator Gunnar Geyer (Principal Investigator ), Dita Vogel (Principal Investigator )
Migration policies are guided more by fears than by facts. Many fears are rooted in economic arguments. In receiving regions, e.g., natives fear that immigrants will take their jobs. In sending regions, there is the fear of losing the migration option and of decreasing remittances due to the economic crisis. The research group seeks to investigate into perceptions and realities in selected migrant-sending and receiving countries. It will compare perceptions and realities as reflected in data, media and public discourses, which are obstructing the creation and sharing of knowledge. With the planning grant, the project team aims at elaborating a comparative theoretical and methodological approach suitable for the study of the perceptions and realities of irregular migration in times of global economic crisis. Reports about the state of art will focus on China, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Nigeria, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Year 2009
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47045 Project

Irregular Migration in times of global economic crisis – perceptions and realities in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and Asia

Principal investigator Dita Vogel (Project Coordinator)
Migration policies are guided more by fears than by facts. Many fears are rooted in economic arguments. They are thus intensified in times of economic crisis. In receiving regions, natives fear that immigrants will take their jobs or put additional strain on social infrastructure and the welfare system. In sending regions, there is the fear of losing the migration option and of decreasing remittances. The moral panic generated by changes in migration situation can often lead to a fear of and hatred for "the other" and social crisis. This pilot project seeks to explore perceptions and realities of irregular migration in 4 European countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and Finland) and 3 non-European countries (China, Nigeria and Ecuador) and develop a larger international research project on these issues under the “Europe and Global Challenges” Programme, jointly organised by the a consortium of foundations composed of the Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy), the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden) and the Volkswagenstiftung (Germany). Objectives • To elaborate a comparative theoretical and methodological approach suitable for the study of the perceptions and realities of irregular migration • To prepare reports about the state-of-art concerning perceptions and reality of irregular migration in times of global economic crisis in the selected European and non-European countries • To integrate theoretical, methodological and organisational approaches into a coherent project and team structure
Year 2009
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47046 Project

Program participation of immigrant children: Evidence from the local availability of Head Start

Authors MJ Neidell, Jane Waldfogel, Matthew Neidell
Year 2009
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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47047 Journal Article

Learning to be prejudiced: A test of unidirectional and bidirectional models of parent–offspring socialization

Authors José-Miguel Rodríguez-García, Jose-Miguel Rodriguez-Garcia, Ulrich Wagner
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47048 Journal Article

A Conundrum of Irish Diasporic Identity: Mutative Ethnicity1

Authors Alan O'Day
Year 2009
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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47049 Journal Article

Traces of contact: Language contact studies and historical linguistics

This project aims to establish criteria by which results from language contact studies can be used to strengthen the field of historical linguistics. It does so by applying the scenario model for language contact studies to a number of concrete settings, which differ widely in their level of aggregation and dime depth: the languages of the Amazonian fringe in South America, the complex multilingual setting of the Republic of Suriname, the multilingual interaction of immigrant groups in the Netherlands, and two groups of multilingual individuals. New methods from structural phylogenetics are employed, and the same linguistic variables (TMA and evidentiality marking, argument realization) will be studied in the various projects. In the various projects, use will be made from a shared questionnaire, so that comparable data can be gathered. By applying the scenaio model at various levels of aggregation, a more principled link between language contact studies and historical linguistics can be established.
Year 2009
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47051 Project

The English language, multilingualism, and the politics of location

Authors Ena Lee, Bonny Norton
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47052 Journal Article

Becoming a father, missing a wife: Chinese transnational families and the male experience of lone parenting in Canada

Authors Johanna L. Waters
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 26
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47053 Journal Article

Why many visible minority women in Canada do not participate in cervical cancer screening

Authors Ernest Amankwah, Emmanuel Ngwakongnwi, Hude Quan
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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47054 Journal Article

The influence of age at migration and length of residence on self-rated health among Swedish immigrants: a cross-sectional study

Authors TS Leao, Kristina Sundquist, Jan Sundquist, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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47056 Journal Article

Resources mitigating the impediment of discrimination to the acculturation success of students migrated to Hong Kong

Authors Chau-kiu Cheung, Kwan-kwok Leung
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47057 Journal Article

‘Do you know Naomi?’: researching the intercultural competence of teachers who teach Greek as a second language in immigrant classes

Authors Kostas Magos, George Simopoulos
Year 2009
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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47058 Journal Article

Pedagogies of choice: challenging coercive relations of power in classrooms and communities

Authors Jim Cummins
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47059 Journal Article

Working and analysis of the National Immigrants Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes / ENI): Migratory networks in Spain.

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
Year 2009
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47060 Project

Trade Unions, Transnational Solidarity and Ethnic Divisions: EU Social Dialogue and Post-War Reconstruction in the Western Balkans

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader)
The research project addresses the EU's regional approach to support countries in the Western Balkans in their progress towards EU membership. It focuses on the social reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and the regional dialogue on social and employment policies within the Bucharest process. The study investigates local and national trade unions strategies to challenge downward pressure on labour rights and standards brought about by the implementation of a neoliberal model of reconstruction. It analyses the counter-influence of European social dimension as well as practices of the international organizations such as the UNDP, ILO and International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and civil society organizations on the development of 'transethnic' regional solidarities. It also examines the forms of labour collaboration necessary to counterbalance hostile employers and governments. The main question concerns the efficacy of EU support for social dialogue and the implementation of the ILO 'decent work agenda' in empowering trade unions in their struggle for labour rights and standards in post-conflict former Yugoslavia. The issue is especially pertinent considering the wider study of post-conflict societies, marked by social fragmentation, ethnic divisions, political clientelism, poverty, informal economy and migration pressures.
Year 2009
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47061 Project

English-only language-in-education policy in multilingual classrooms in Ghana

Authors Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa
Year 2009
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
Citations (WoS) 19
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47062 Journal Article

Dual Citizenship Rights: Do They Make More and Richer Citizens?

Authors Francesca Mazzolari
Year 2009
Journal Name Demography
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47063 Journal Article

New agendas? Culture and citizenship in EU policy

Authors Uta Staiger
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Cultural Policy
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47064 Journal Article

Associational links with home among Zimbabweans in the UK: reflections on long-distance nationalisms

Authors JOANN MCGREGOR, J McGregor
Year 2009
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 24
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47065 Journal Article

Immigration, ethnicity, and housing—Success hierarchies in Israel

Authors Uzi Rebhun
Year 2009
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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47066 Journal Article

Heritage agency in a transnational California community: Latino parents and bilingual education

Authors Pete Farruggio
Year 2009
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
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47067 Journal Article

Which migration, what development? Unsettling the edifice of migration and development

Authors Parvati Raghuram
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 93
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47068 Journal Article

Étude sur l’impact du conflit israélo-palestinien sur le racisme, l’antisémitisme et le dialogue interculturel en Belgique

Principal investigator Dirk Jacobs (Coordinator), Louise Callier (Researcher), Yoann Veny (Researcher)
Year 2009
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47069 Project

Ocena rozmiarów i kierunku napływu obcokrajowców (imigrantów) do polskich miast, w tym ich cech społeczno-demograficznych

Year 2009
Book Title Demographic and social conditions of urban regeneration in Poland
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47070 Book Chapter

Das Humankapital von Migranten und die selektive Auswahl während des Wanderungsprozesses 1800 - 1950

Principal investigator Jörg Baten (Principal Investigator)
Das Humankapital von Migranten ist ein Kernthema in heutigen politischen Debatten. Welche Länder können hochqualifizierte Kräfte anziehen? Welche Komponenten des Lebensstandards eines Zieltandes sind besonders attraktiv, und wie selektiv ist die Migration, relativ zum Herkunftsland? Die Wirtschaftsgeschichte bietet reiches Datenmaterial über das Humankapital und die Selektionsprozesse von Migranten, sogar disaggregierte Daten zu einzelnen Berufsgruppen sind verfügbar. Aber diese Daten wurden noch nicht in umfassenden und international vergleichenden Studien betrachtet. Zusätzliche Analysemöglichkeiten bieten die kürzlich entwickelten Techniken der Humankapitalmessung über Indikatoren. Zudem erlauben die bereits etablierten anthropometrischen Analysestrategien eine Betrachtung von erweiterten Wohlfahrtskonzepten, so dass der Prozess der Migration besser verstanden werden kann. Wir werden drei der wichtigsten Immigrationsländer für die Zeit 1800-1950 betrachten: die USA, Argentinien und Brasilien, die Migranten in großer Zahl aus einer umfangreichen Zahl von Herkunftsländern anzogen.
Year 2009
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47071 Project

Towards a Success Story? Turkish Immigrant Organizations in Norway

Authors Jon Rogstad
Year 2009
Journal Name Turkish Studies
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47072 Journal Article

Labour Migration in the Global Division of Labour: Migrant workers in Mauritius1

Authors David Lincoln
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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47073 Journal Article

​Migration and Remittances Surveys

The catalog provides open and free access to data collected through the Migration and Remittances Household Surveys implemented under the Africa Migration Project. The project was undertaken jointly by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank. It seeks to improve our understanding of migration and remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa, including their magnitude, causes, and impacts on poverty reduction, with a view to generating informed policy recommendations. It also seeks to strengthen the capacity of policy makers, researchers, financial institutions and donor agencies in Africa to enhance the development impact of migration and remittances in Africa. Through research, a survey, analysis and consultation, the project has generated the first comprehensive body of information on migration and remittances in Africa. The project has received financial support from the African Development Bank (AfDB), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Department of International Development (DFID), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Development Partnership, and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
Year 2009
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47075 Data Set

‘Smuggling the vernacular into the classroom’: conflicts and tensions in classroom codeswitching in township/rural schools in South Africa

Authors Margie Probyn
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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47077 Journal Article

The over-education of UK immigrants and minority ethnic groups: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey

Authors Joanne Lindley
Year 2009
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 33
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47079 Journal Article

The diaspora project of Arab Americans: assessing the magnitude and determinants of politicized ethnic identity

Authors Kenneth D. Wald
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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47080 Journal Article

Immigration as Local Politics: Re-Bordering Immigration and Multiculturalism through Deterrence and Incapacitation

Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 48
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47081 Journal Article

Teacher-researchers promoting cultural learning in an intercultural kindergarten inAotearoaNew Zealand

Authors Joy L. Cullen, Penelope (Penny) Anne Haworth, Heather Simmons, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
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47082 Journal Article

Legislative Update: EC Immigration and Asylum Law Attracting and Deterring Labour Migration: The Blue Card and Employer Sanctions Directives

Authors Steve Peers
Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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47083 Journal Article

Eager to Leave? Intentions to Migrate Abroad among Young People in Kyrgyzstan

Authors Victor Agadjanian, Lesia Nedoluzhko, Gennady Kumskov
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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47084 Journal Article

Convergence in Foreigners' Rights and Citizenship Policies? A Look at Japan

Authors Kristin Surak
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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47085 Journal Article

Mexican Migration Networks in the United States, 1980–2000

Authors Ivan Light, Light, Elsa von Scheven
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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47086 Journal Article

Migration to European Countries: A Structural Explanation of Patterns, 1980–2004

Authors Marc Hooghe, Bart Meuleman, Ann Trappers, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 86
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47087 Journal Article

Book Review: Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada

Authors Karen A. Woodrow-Lafield
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
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47088 Journal Article

Between “Here” and “There”: Immigrant Cross-Border Activities and Loyalties

Authors Roger Waldinger
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 88
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47089 Journal Article

Toward a Demography of Immigrant Communities and Their Transnational Potential

Authors Jørgen Carling, Jorgen Carling
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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47090 Journal Article

Late-Life Migration, Work Status, and Survival: The Case of Older Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel

Authors Howard Litwin, Elazar Leshem
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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47091 Journal Article

Health of Immigrants in European Countries

Authors Aida Sole-Auro, EM Crimmins, Aïda Solé-Auró, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 63
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47092 Journal Article

The U.S. Destinations of Contemporary Mexican Immigrants

Authors Eileen Diaz McConnell
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 45
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47093 Journal Article

Discrimination and Well-Being: Perceptions of Refugees in Western Australia

Authors Farida Fozdar, Farida Tilbury, Silvia Torezani
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 58
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47094 Journal Article
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