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From Workers Self-Management to Global Workforce Management: Extended Case Study of the Transnational Steel Company, Arcelor Mittal in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project leader), Zoran Slavnic (Scientifically Responsible), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Colin Williams (Participants not from REMESO), Jacklyn Cock (Participants not from REMESO), Sara Nadin (Participants not from REMESO)
The project aims to explore the impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on employment and human resource management practices, new organizational ethnic hierarchies, industrial relations and local communities in different national contexts. The focus is on acquisitions by multinational companies (MNCs) from emerging economies in the post-communist region of former Yugoslavia. The research is situated at the forefront of the research on globalization, migration, global workforce management and the local and transnational challenges to corporate power. An extended case study investigates the acquisition of the Bosnian Steel company by Indian Mittal Steel and its impact on industrial relations, labour standards and management practices, including Indian management relationships with the state, local management, trade unions and local community. The project is developed in collaboration with the Management School, Sheffield University. It also engages Professor Jacklyn Cock, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, planning a joint comparative study of ArcelorMittal in South Africa and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Year 2010
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46701 Project

The Blackwell guide to research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism

Authors Karen Lybeck
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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46702 Journal Article

Heuristic reasoning and beliefs on immigration: an approach to an intercultural education programme

Authors Santiago Palacios Navarro, Blanca Olalde Lopez de Arechavaleta
Year 2010
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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46703 Journal Article

The Supply Side of Innovation: H‐1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention

Authors William R. Kerr, William R. Kerr, William F. Lincoln, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Labor Economics
Citations (WoS) 125
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46704 Journal Article

Contemporary grammars of political action among ethnic minority young activists

Authors Therese O'Toole, Richard Gale
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 24
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46705 Journal Article

Multilingual democracy experiments in movements: from transnational activists to local decision-makers

The project brings together a micro-sociology of democracy with a politics of multilingual deliberation in arenas of protest and decision-making. Designed as a pilot study, the project will explore the relevance that activists’ practices of face-to-face translation, developed for transnational discursive democracy experiments in social movements, can have for activists and officials also at domestic level in multilingual group settings. Having conducted two comparative studies on supranational discursive arenas in the European Social Forum (ESF) and the World Social Forum, I could show that surprisingly, activists’ practice of voluntary translation at the European level helps better including traditionally disadvantaged groups in deliberation compared to monolingual national social forum network assemblies studied. I would like the Marie Curie mobility to propose a case study that will increase the systematic relevance of my result, by studying multilingual democracy experiments also at the national and local levels, as envisaged by the EC’s research perspective (EC 2008). I propose a multi-disciplinary case study on the diffusion of European ideas and experiences of multilingual democracy to activist groups and local authorities in the United States who introduced translation, learning from Europeans as organizers of self-organized translation in the ESF. This is an original case for exploring the diffusion of European experiences and ideas on linguistic diversity and inclusivity, not by EU policy makers or institutions, but by European activists who spread their distinct practices of translation across transnational discursive arenas. I will clarify whether alternative multilingual organized democracy experiments, and translation, may enhance inclusive dialogue compared to English-only settings in the US national social forum process, and in local democracy experiments by social justice groups and decision-makers working with immigrants.
Year 2010
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46706 Project

How much is citizenship worth? The case of Kyrgyzstani migrants in Kazakhstan and Russia

Authors Vanessa Ruget, Burul Usmanalieva
Year 2010
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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46707 Journal Article

The Intercultural Challenges of General Practitioners in Norway with Migrant Patients

Authors Ursula Goth, John Berg, Haci Akman
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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46708 Journal Article

When Minority Labor Migrants Meet the Welfare State

Authors Bernt Bratsberg, B Bratsberg, O Raaum, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Labor Economics
Citations (WoS) 35
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46709 Journal Article

International language management: contained or dilute communication

Authors Jakob Lauring, Hanne Tange
Year 2010
Journal Name European J. of International Management
Citations (WoS) 19
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46711 Journal Article

Erratum to “Acculturation gaps in Vietnamese immigrant families: Impact on family relationships” [International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34 (2010) 22–33]

Authors Joyce Ho, D Birman, Dina Birman
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46712 Journal Article

Contesting identities, differences, and a unified Palestinian community

Authors Elizabeth Mavroudi
Year 2010
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 5
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46714 Journal Article

Reducing income transfers to refugee immigrants: Does start-help help you start?

Authors M Rosholm, Rune Vejlin, Michael Rosholm
Year 2010
Journal Name Labour Economics
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46715 Journal Article

Predictors of Psychological well-being of Pakistani Immigrants in Toronto, Canada

Authors Tahira Jibeen, Ruhi Khalid
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46716 Journal Article

Migracja jako wielka narracja w zderzeniu z ‘opowieściami emigranckimi’: przypadek dyskusji o emigracji do Wielkiej Brytanii na forum internetowym

Year 2010
Book Title Roads and crossroads. Migration of Poles in the European Union after May 1, 2004. Psychological and sociological analysis
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46719 Book Chapter

Migration Policy in Poland and Its Impact on the Inflows and Settlement of Immigrants

Year 2010
Book Title Immigration to Poland: policy, employment, integration
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46721 Book Chapter

Polityka migracyjna w Polsce oraz jej wpływ na napływ i osiedlanie się imigrantów

Year 2010
Book Title Not obvious transformation. Poland as a country of immigration
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46722 Book Chapter

Ansatte med flyktning- og innvandrerbakgrunn i asylmottak - Erfaringer fra statlige mottak for asylsøkere som drives av Hero Norge

Authors Marko Valenta, Kirsten Thorshaug, Kirsti Indrebø
Denne rapporten indikerer at det finnes en klar holdning i Hero Norges asylmottak om at ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn bidrar til mottaksdriften på en positiv måte. Det store flertallet ansatte mener at det er mange fordeler ved å ha ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn. Ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn utgjør med sine migrasjonserfaringer, språkkunnskaper og erfaringer med å bo i mottak en klar ressurs på mottakene. De bidrar med tilleggsperspektiver i faglige samtaler og de er en berikelse for arbeidsmiljøet. Når det gjelder rekrutteringsaspektet i mangfoldsarbeidet gjenstår det å oppnå en mer balansert spredning på tvers av stillinger i mottakene. Denne rapporten viser at selv om ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn er klart underrepresenterte i sentrale stillinger på mottakene, er det flere ansatte som er usikre eller negative til hvorvidt det bør være flere ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn i disse stillingene. Våre funn tilsier at det er svært viktig å inkludere det mestringsorienterte fokuset i mangfoldsarbeidet som gjøres på mottakene, det vil si perspektivene som vil bidra til overbevise ansatte om at utfordringene som minoritetsansatte møter i hverdagen kan mestres. Dette fokuset vil bidra til at ansatte på en mer realistisk måte ser hva slags kompetanse som må til for at en skal kunne fungere i sentrale stillinger på mottakene.
Year 2010
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46723 Report

Moving beyond ethnicity: the socio-economic status and living conditions of immigrant children in the UK

Authors Heaven Crawley
Year 2010
Journal Name Child Indicators Research
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46724 Journal Article

School ethnic composition and aspirations of immigrant students in Belgium

Authors Mieke Van Houtte, Peter A. J. Stevens
Year 2010
Journal Name British Educational Research Journal
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46725 Journal Article

Transnational diaspora entrepreneurship in emerging markets: Bridging institutional divides

Authors Liesl Riddle, George A. Hrivnak, Tjai M. Nielsen
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Management
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46726 Journal Article

How interethnic marriages affect the educational attainment of children: Evidence from a natural experiment

Authors Jan C. van Ours, Justus Veenman
Year 2010
Journal Name Labour Economics
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46727 Journal Article

Development and Preliminary Validation of Multidimensional Acculturative Stress Scale for Pakistani Immigrants in Toronto, Canada

Authors Tahira Jibeen, Ruhi Khalid
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46728 Journal Article

Making design safe for citizens:1 A hidden history of humanitarian experimentation

Authors Katja Lindskov Jacobsen
Year 2010
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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46729 Journal Article

Empowerment of bilingual education professionals: the training of trainers programme for educators in multilingual settings in southern Africa (ToTSA) 2002–2005

Authors Carol Benson, Peter Plueddemann, Peter Plüddemann
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 3
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46730 Journal Article

‘Last stop expulsion’- The minority question and forced migration in East-Central Europe: 1918-49To Hans Lemberg, in memory

Year 2010
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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46731 Journal Article

You can’t clap with one hand: Learnings to promote culturally grounded participatory action research with migrant and former refugee communities

Authors Philippa Collie, Sara Kindon, JH Liu, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46732 Journal Article

Indigenous worldviews in intercultural education: teachers’ construction of interculturalism in a bilingual Quechua–Spanish program

Authors Laura Alicia Valdiviezo
Year 2010
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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46733 Journal Article

Enabling and constraining aspects of social capital in migrant families: ethnicity, gender and generation

Authors Elisabetta Zontini
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 24
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46734 Journal Article

Ethnic Population Concentration and Net Migration in London

Authors John Stillwell
Year 2010
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 20
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46735 Journal Article

Latina Spaces: Middle–Class Ethnic Capital and Professional Associations in the Latino Community

Authors Jody Agius Vallejo
Year 2009
Journal Name City & Community
Citations (WoS) 27
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46736 Journal Article

A Dynamic Approach to the Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency: The United States, 1980–2000

Authors Frank van Tubergen, M Kalmijn, Matthijs Kalmijn
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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46737 Journal Article

Why is There So Little Migrant Settlement in East Asia?

Authors Dong-Hoon Seol, John D. Skrentny
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 28
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46738 Journal Article

Immigrant Gateways and Hispanic Migration to New Destinations

Authors Daniel T. Lichter, DT Lichter, Kenneth M. Johnson
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 136
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46739 Journal Article

Acculturation Identity and Higher Education: Is There a Trade-off between Ethnic Identity and Education?

Authors Lena Nekby, Magnus Rodin, Gulay Ozcan, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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46740 Journal Article

Residential Segregation and the Electoral Participation of Immigrants in Australia

Authors Antoine Bilodeau
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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46741 Journal Article

Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspirations

Authors Martin Kahanec, Mehmet Serkan Tosun
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46742 Journal Article

Labor Market Experiences of Canadian Immigrants with Focus on Foreign Education and Experience

Authors Raluca Buzdugan, SS Halli, Shiva S. Halli
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46743 Journal Article

Book Review: A Nation of Emigrants. How Mexico Manages Its Migration

Authors Dietrich Thränhardt
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46744 Journal Article

International Mobility of New Migrants to Australia

Authors Lynda Sanderson
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46745 Journal Article

The Revolving Door to Gold Mountain: How Chinese Immigrants Got around U.S. Exclusion and Replenished the Chinese American Labor Pool, 1900–1910

Authors Kenneth Chew, Mark Leach, John M. Liu
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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46746 Journal Article

Greek Immigration Policy at the Turn of the 21st Century. Lack of Political Will or Purposeful Mismanagement?

Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 20
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46760 Journal Article

Refugee Rights in Times of Mixed Migration: Evolving Status and Protection Issues

Authors J. van der Klaauw
Year 2009
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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46761 Journal Article

The Impact of the Recent Global Economic Crisis on Migration. Preliminary Insights from the South Eastern Borders of the EU (Greece)

Notwithstanding the difficulty of framing the topic, this study provides for a preliminary assessment of the impact of the recent global economic crisis on migration flows and employment in Greece. After providing insights into immigration stocks, incoming migration flows and their variation in Greece as well as migration-related flows, notably remittances, in recent months, the paper discusses the main lines of Greek migration policy and the political context in which it develops so as to provide for the context of both legal and irregular migration flows. Furthermore, it analyses the current economic context with a view to highlighting recent changes in the Greek labour market as regards the employment and unemployment rates of both Greeks and immigrant workers. In the concluding section, the paper evaluates to what extent the crisis has affected migration flows into and out of Greece and seeks to make predictions on how the economic crisis may further affect migration trends in Greece. Résumé Eu égard à la difficulté de cerner la thématique, la présente recherche pourvoit une analyse préliminaire de l’impact de la récente crise financière sur la migration et l’emploi en Grèce. Après s’être penchée sur l’effectif des immigrés, les flux migratoires entrants en Grèce et leur variation ainsi que sur la question des rentrées d'argent au cours des derniers mois, l’étude met en exergue les lignes fondamentales de la politique migratoire grecque ainsi que le contexte politique permettant de cerner les flux d’immigrants légaux et irréguliers. En outre, l’étude analyse la constellation économique actuelle en vue de montrer les récents changements survenus au niveau du marché du travail grec tout en tenant compte des taux d’emploi et de chômage des nationaux et des immigrants. En guise de conclusion, la recherche évalue dans quelle mesure la crise a affecté les flux entrants et sortants et tente de faire quelques prédictions se rapportant aux répercussions éventuelles de la crise économique sur les enjeux migratoires dans le pays.
Year 2009
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46762 Report

The Impacts of the Current Financial and Economic Crisis on Migration in the Spain-Morocco Corridor

Authors Joaquín ARANGO, Fernando GONZÁLEZ QUIÑONES
Abstract In 2009, it seems clear that the period of relatively rapid and sustained increase of international migration has come to a halt or, at any rate, slowed down as a result of the financial and economic crisis that started in the summer of 2007. It can be surmised that Spain is likely to be counted among the countries in which the multiple repercussions of the crisis on immigration will be larger and deeper. One reason for it is the fact that in Spain the economic downturn results in exceptionally higher rates of unemployment. Another reason is that the contrast of the new reality generated by the crisis is bound to mark an especially stark contrast with the preceding one. This paper aims at analyzing the major implications of the present financial and economic crisis on Spanish immigration, with particular attention to the community of Moroccan background that lives and works in Spain. The consequences of the recession on migration flows, their changing volume and trends are analyzed, together with its impacts on the demand for labor, unemployment and living conditions. With the many limitations that the paucity of data impose, trends in return migration and in the volume of remittances are examined as well. Looking at the future, it is likely that a long time frame will be required in Spain until the deep effects of the crisis disappear, due to the peculiar characteristics of the Spanish labour market. In such a scenario, it is clear that the forecasts for the employment and opportunities of the immigrant population cannot avoid a certain degree of pessimism. Résumé En 2009, l’augmentation des flux migratoires a subi un fort ralentissement suite à la crise financière et économique qui a commencé au milieu de l'année 2007. On peut affirmer que l'Espagne va probablement figurer parmi les pays dans lesquels les répercussions multiples de la crise sur l'immigration seront plus grandes et plus profondes. Ceci dépend du fait qu’en Espagne le ralentissement de l'économie a provoqué des taux de chômage exceptionnellement plus hauts par rapport à d'autres pays. Une autre raison est que la nouvelle réalité produite par la crise est difficilement réversible. Cette étude propose d’analyser les implications de la crise financière et économique actuelle sur l'immigration espagnole, avec une attention particulière à la communauté marocaine qui vit et travaille en Espagne. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, sont analysés les implications de la récession sur les flux migratoires, leur ampleur et tendances, ainsi que l’impact sur la demande du travail, le chômage et les conditions de vie. Malgré les nombreuses limitations imposées par le manque de données, les tendances de la migration de retour et des transferts financiers sont également examinées. S’agissant des prévisions, il est probable que les effets de la crise ne disparaîtraient de sitôt, en raison des caractéristiques spécifiques du marché du travail espagnol. Dans un scénario pareil, il est clair que les prévisions concernant l'emploi et les opportunités de la population étrangère soient plutôt pessimistes.
Year 2009
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46763 Report

The Impact of the Global Crisis on Illegal Migration and Remittances: The Turkish Corridor

Authors Refik ERZAN
Abstract This paper aims to estimate the direction and magnitude of the impact of the global economic crisis both on illegal migration and remittances through the Turkish corridor to the EU. Regarding the former, results are ambiguous due to the fact that growth in the EU will likely be affected more severely than in the peripheral countries. With respect to the impact on migrants’ remittances, the idea is that the EU slowdown, which will reduce the financial capacity of immigrants, will dominate over the increased need for funds at home, curtailing the remittances received by developing countries. The prospected magnitude of this decline may differ considerably across recipient countries. Résumé Cet article propose d’estimer l'impact de la crise économique mondiale sur l'ampleur de la migration illégale ainsi que sur les transferts financiers des émigrants à travers le couloir turc de migration vers l’Union Européenne. S’agissant des migrations irrégulières, les résultats sont plutôt ambigus. Cela tient au fait que la croissance économique de l'Union Européenne sera probablement affectée plus sévèrement que celle des pays périphériques. Pour ce qui concerne les transferts, l'idée est que le ralentissement économique de l'Union européenne, qui réduira la capacité financière des immigrants et donc les transferts d’épargne vers les pays d’origine, accroîtra le besoin de ressources financières dans les pays en développement. Cependant, l'ampleur de cette baisse peut différer considérablement selon les pays.
Year 2009
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46764 Report

A Fantastic Rain of Gold: European Migrants' Remittances and Balance of Payments Adjustment During the Gold Standard Period

Authors Rui Pedro Esteves, David Khoudour-Casteras
Year 2009
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46766 Journal Article

Migration, Diasporas and Development: Some Critical Perspectives

Authors Oliver Bakewell
Year 2009
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46767 Journal Article

An exploratory investigation of the real-time training modes used by hotel expatriates

Authors Vincent P. Magnini
Year 2009
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46768 Journal Article

Documenting the Brain Drain of "La Creme de la Creme" Three Case-Studies on International Migration at the Upper Tail of the Education Distribution

Authors Frederic Docquier, Hillel Rapoport
Year 2009
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46769 Journal Article

Remittances and Conflict: Some Conceptual Considerations

Authors Anna Lindley
Year 2009
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46770 Journal Article

Whispers in an Ice Cream Parlor: Culinary Tourism, Contemporary Legends, and the Urban Interzone

Authors B Ellis
Year 2009
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46771 Journal Article

Perceived Ethnic Discrimination versus Acculturation Stress: Influences on Substance Use among Latino Youth in the Southwest

Authors Stephen Kulis, Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, Tanya Nieri
Year 2009
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46772 Journal Article

Fighting for Foreigners: Immigration and Its Impact on Japanese Democracy

Authors Yuka Ishii
Year 2009
46773 Journal Article

Emigrant Worlds and Transatlantic Communities: Migration to Upper Canada in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

Authors Robynne Rogers Healey
Year 2009
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46774 Journal Article

Public Relations and Diplomacy in a Globalized World: An Issue of Public Communication

Authors Jacquie L'Etang
Year 2009
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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46775 Journal Article

Migration and Financial Flows: Egypt in the MENA Region

Authors Heba NASSAR
This paper describes the evolution of the main financial inflows into the MENA region with a special focus on Egypt as an origin country for emigrants and migration remittances as a component of financial flows. The evolution of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), Official Development Assistance and Official Aid (ODA/OA) and Remittances into the region have been described and compared to the same flows in other regions. The variation over time of the amount and share of flows by country/region of origin and destination have also been analysed in an attempt to identify the reasons behind any changes. Special attention was given to remittances as the most important financial flow related to migration, and the diverse uses that remittances are put to in Egypt. Résumé Cette article décrit l’évolution des principaux flux financiers vers la région MENA avec une concentration sur l’Egypte comme pays de départ des migrants et sur les transferts migratoires comme composante des flux financiers. L’évolution des investissements directs étrangers, de l’aide officielle et des transferts vers la région a été décrite et ces éléments ont été confrontés aux même flux destinés à d’autres pays/régions du monde. Les variations dans le temps de la quantité et de la structure des flux a été aussi analysée avec une tentative d’identifier les raisons derrière ces changements. Une attention particulière a été accordée à l’analyse des transferts financiers comme composante principale des flux financiers relatifs à la migration ainsi qu‘à leurs divers usages.
Year 2009
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46776 Report

Improving the EU Immigration System: Reflections in the Light of the Return Directive

Authors Maria Belen OLMOS GIUPPONI
Year 2009
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46777 Working Paper

In Search of the Lace Curtain: Residential Mobility, Class Transformation, and Everyday Practice among Buffalo's Irish, 1880-1910

Authors William Jenkins
Year 2009
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46778 Journal Article

A model of mother-child adjustment in Arab Muslim immigrants to the US

Authors Karen J. Aroian, Thomas N. Templin, Edythe S. Hough, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46779 Journal Article

An analysis of conservation attitudes and awareness around Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India: implications for conservation and development

Authors Joel T. Heinen, Rahul J. Shrivastava
Year 2009
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 21
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46780 Journal Article

Bildungschancen von Grundschülern: Die Bedeutung des Klassen- und Schulkontextes am Übergang auf die Sekundarstufe I

Authors Alexander Schulze, Alexander Schulze, Felix Wolter, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Citations (WoS) 15
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46781 Journal Article

Effekte der Gruppengröße auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten

Authors Nadia Granato, N Granato
Year 2009
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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46782 Journal Article

Forced marriage in the UK: Religious, cultural, economic or state violence?

Authors Khatidja Chantler, Geetanjali Gangoli, Marianne Hester
Year 2009
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
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46783 Journal Article

Diamonds in the Rough: Bridging Gaps in Supports for At-Risk Immigrant and Refugee Youth

Authors Marian J. Rossiter, Katherine R. Rossiter
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46784 Journal Article

The New Migratory Routes of Europe? Polish and Romanian Emigrations in a Comparative Historical Perspective

Authors Aurore Flipo
Year 2009
Journal Name Romanian Journal of European Studies
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46785 Journal Article

Spatial econometric model of natural disaster impacts on human migration in vulnerable regions of Mexico

Authors Sergio O. Saldana-Zorrilla, Krister Sandberg
Year 2009
Journal Name Disasters
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46786 Journal Article

Contextual effects on health care access among immigrants: Lessons from three ethnic communities in Hawaii

Authors Jin Young Choi
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46787 Journal Article

“It’s all in the mix”: constructing ethnic segregation as a social problem in Germany

Authors Sybille Münch
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
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46788 Journal Article

Immigrant and Refugee Experiences in North American Cities

Authors Carlos Teixeira, Wei Li
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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46789 Journal Article

The Mixed Embeddedness of Ethnic Entrepreneurs in a New Immigrant Gateway

Authors Marie Price, Elizabeth Chacko
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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46790 Journal Article

The language of friendship and identity: children’s communication choices in an interfaith exchange

Authors Julia Ipgrave
Year 2009
Journal Name British Journal of Religious Education
Citations (WoS) 10
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46791 Journal Article

Deceit, diversity, or mobilization? Intra-ethnic diversity and changing patterns in Florida's Hispanic Vote

Authors Benjamin G. Bishin, Casey A. Klofstad
Year 2009
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46792 Journal Article

On the Rights of Undocumented Children

Authors Roberto G. Gonzales
Year 2009
Journal Name SOCIETY
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46793 Journal Article

Mexican Deaths in the Arizona Desert: The Culpability of Migrants, Humanitarian Workers, Governments, and Businesses

Authors Julie Whitaker
Year 2009
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46794 Journal Article

Illicit markets, weak states and violence: Iraq and Mexico

Authors Phil Williams
Year 2009
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46795 Journal Article

Globalization, Development and International Migration: A Cross-National Analysis of Less-Developed Countries, 1970-2000

Authors M. R. Sanderson, J. D. Kentor
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Forces
46796 Journal Article

Participatory Action Research: Practical Strategies for Actively Engaging and Maintaining Participation in Immigrant and Refugee Communities

Authors Jeannette van der Velde, LD Ogilvie, Deanna L. Williamson
Year 2009
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46797 Journal Article


Authors Peter Burke
Year 2009
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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46798 Journal Article

Symptoms of Turkish Patients with Depression in Ankara and Berlin

Authors Derya Iren Akbiyik, Stefan Priebe, Vildan Sumbuloglu, ...
Year 2009
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46799 Journal Article


Authors Mary J. Ditton, Leigh Lehane
Year 2009
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46800 Journal Article
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