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relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Latino Immigration and Social Change in the United States: Toward an Ethical Immigration Policy

Authors Ian Davies
Year 2009
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46801 Journal Article

The Dynamics of Public Opinion on Ethnic Profiling After 9/11 Results From a Survey Experiment

Authors Deborah Schildkraut
Year 2009
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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46802 Journal Article

Multiculturalism and the Construction of Ethnic Identities in Labour and Health Practices: Avoiding the Culturalistic Fallacy in Applied Research

Authors Agnes Meershoek, Anja Krumeich
Year 2009
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46803 Journal Article

War Criminals Not Welcome; How Common Law Countries Approach the Phenomenon of International Crimes in the Immigration and Refugee Context

Authors J. Rikhof
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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46804 Journal Article

Residential Segregation and Integration in the Netherlands

Authors Sako Musterd, Wim Ostendorf
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 36
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46805 Journal Article

Population Dynamics: The Roles of Natural Change and Migration in Producing the Ethnic Mosaic

Authors Nissa Finney, Ludi Simpson
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 32
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46806 Journal Article

Up the Down Staircase: Redefining Gender Identities through Migration and Ethnic Employment in Germany

Authors Joyce Marie Mushaben
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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46807 Journal Article

The Early-Morning Phonecall: Remittances from a Refugee Diaspora Perspective

Authors Anna Lindley
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 64
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46808 Journal Article

Editor's Introduction

Authors Lori M. Hunter
Year 2009
Journal Name Population and Environment
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46809 Journal Article

Migration circulaire au Liban

Authors Hassan JOUNI
Lebanon is an emigration country by nature, but the country hosts foreign nationals too. Circular migration is absent from the Lebanese policy making. Nevertheless, various legal provisions show that the phenomenon does exist for specific categories of workers. The Lebanese legal and social framework allows circular migration in Lebanon. It appears that, within the Lebanese authorities, a debate is underway on the best manner to ensure circularity in the case of the emigration of skilled Lebanese migrants. Le Liban est un pays d’émigration par excellence mais aussi un pays d’accueil des immigrés. La migration circulaire est une notion absente du paysage juridico-politique libanais. Pourtant, plusieurs dispositions du droit libanais attestent de ce phénomène pour certaines catégories d’immigrés d’une façon claire et nette. Par ailleurs, le cadre juridique et social permet l’existence d’immigrés circulaires au Liban. Enfin, il apparaît qu’à l’échelle des autorités libanaises, une réflexion est actuellement menée sur les moyens d’assurer la circularité des élites émigrées libanaises.
Year 2009
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46810 Report

A comparison of the health status and health care utilization patterns between foreigners and the national population in Spain: New evidence from the Spanish National Health Survey

Authors Cristina Hernandez-Quevedo, Dolores Jimenez-Rubio
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46811 Journal Article

Untangling the Roots of Tolerance How Forms of Social Capital Shape Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities and Immigrants

Authors Rochelle R. Cote, BH ERICKSON
Year 2009
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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46812 Journal Article

"Why doesn't she seek help for partner abuse?" An exploratory study with South Asian immigrant women

Authors Farah Ahmad, Donna E. Stewart, Natasha Driver, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46813 Journal Article


Authors Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala
Year 2009
Journal Name ANDAMIOS
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46814 Journal Article

Immigrant political socialization as bridging and boundary work: mapping the multi-layered incorporation of Latin American immigrants in Toronto

Authors Patricia Landolt, Luin Goldring
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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46815 Journal Article

Residential Sampling and Johannesburg's Forced Migrants

Authors D. Vigneswaran, Darshan Vigneswaran
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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46816 Journal Article

Discontinuités culturelles et linguistiques: Portraits d’immigrants francophones en milieu minoritaire

Authors Nathalie Piquemal, Bathélémy Bolivar
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46818 Journal Article

Ethnic Identity and Immigrant Homeownership

Authors Amelie F. Constant, Rowan Roberts, Klaus F. Zimmermann
Year 2009
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 43
46819 Journal Article

Changing Chinese Migration Law: From Restriction to Relaxation

Authors Guofu Liu
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of internarional migration and integration
46820 Journal Article

The Perceptions and Experiences of Russian Immigrant and Sudanese Refugee Men as Fathers in an Urban Center in Canada

Authors David Este, Admasu A. Tachble
Year 2009
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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46821 Journal Article

Segmented assimilation theory and perinatal health disparities among women of Mexican descent

Authors Michelle A. Johnson, Kristen S. Marchi
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46822 Journal Article

“Not Mexican-American, but Mexican”: Shifting ethnic self-identifications among children of Mexican immigrants

Authors Jessica Tovar, Cynthia Feliciano
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46824 Journal Article

Prejudice and Stereotypes: an analysis of the factors responsible for hostility towards ethnic minorities in the Netherlands

Authors Olivia Carlotta CELOZZI
In their study of prejudice and intolerance in Italy, Sniderman and colleagues found that for Italians generalised mistrust and the feeling of economic insecurity are essential determinants in negative attitudes toward immigrants and that categorization is the mediator in the model. The same model tested in Italy, namely the “Two Flavours” model, has been applied in the Dutch context to explore the factors that can best predict the prejudice of Dutch people toward ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Expressive and psychological factors as well as instrumental, rational factors are employed to predict prejudice. Categorization is hypothesised to be the most proximate factor accounting for prejudice. The results demonstrate the importance of categorization and mistrust in the formation of prejudicial attitudes, but suggest no mediator effect for mistrust, economic insecurity and categorization.
Year 2009
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46825 Report

Border Problems. Lebanon, UNIFIL and Italian participation

Authors Lucrezia Gwinnett LIGUORI
: In their study of prejudice and intolerance in Italy, Sniderman and colleagues found that for Italians generalised mistrust and the feeling of economic insecurity are essential determinants in negative attitudes toward immigrants and that categorization is the mediator in the model. The same model tested in Italy, namely the “Two Flavours” model, has been applied in the Dutch context to explore the factors that can best predict the prejudice of Dutch people toward ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Expressive and psychological factors as well as instrumental, rational factors are employed to predict prejudice. Categorization is hypothesised to be the most proximate factor accounting for prejudice. The results demonstrate the importance of categorization and mistrust in the formation of prejudicial attitudes, but suggest no mediator effect for mistrust, economic insecurity and categorization.
Year 2009
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46826 Report

Migration ‘Securitization’ and its Everyday Implications: an examination of Turkish asylum policy and practice

Authors Kristen BIEHL
Generally known as a migrant-sending country, in the last two decades Turkey has evolved into a migrant-receiving and transit country. Since the 1980s, in particular, Turkey has found itself on various migratory routes, receiving a steady influx of migrants and refugees from the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe and parts of Africa. As with much of the rest of the developed world, the immediate response of the Turkish authorities to these mixed flows has been characterized by a ‘securitizing’ and ‘criminalizing’ discourse. The main goals of this paper are twofold. First, I examine the historical development of Turkish asylum policy in order to illustrate the manner in which discourses on security play out in policy making. Second, based on accounts collected from refugees living in Istanbul and ‘satellite cities’ across Turkey, I explore the impact of these discourses and resulting policies on the everyday lives of refugees in Turkey, with particular attention to the ways in which the line drawn by the authorities between ‘illegal’ migrants and ‘genuine’ refugees are increasingly blurred.
Year 2009
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46827 Report

To Stay or Return: Migration Intentions of Students from People’s Republic of China in Saskatchewan, Canada

Authors Yixi Lu, Li Zong, Bernard Schissel
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46828 Journal Article

Social Exclusion Risks and their Accumulation among Russian-Speaking, Ethnically Finnish and Estonian Immigrants to Finland

Authors Simo Mannila, Anni Reuter
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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46829 Journal Article

A Rare Examination of Typically Unobservable Factors in US Asylum Decisions

Authors L. C. Keith, Linda Camp Keith, Jennifer S. Holmes, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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46830 Journal Article

Immigrants' emotional identification with the host society

Authors Birgit Becker
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 6
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46831 Journal Article

Differences in self-rated health by immigrant status and language preference among Arab Americans in the Detroit Metropolitan Area

Authors Sawsan Abdulrahim, WE Baker
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46832 Journal Article

Explaining Mexican-Immigrant Welfare Behaviors: The Importance of Employment-Related Cultural Repertoires

Authors Jennifer Van Hook, Frank D. Bean
Year 2009
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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46833 Journal Article

Bethlem's Irish: migration and distress in nineteenth-century London

Authors Vishal Bhavsar, Dinesh Bhugra
Year 2009
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46834 Journal Article

Immigration and literary bilingualism: regarding the language of Copi, Wilcock, Perlongher and Bianciotti

Authors Pablo Gasparini
Year 2009
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46835 Journal Article

Early Repatriation Policy: Russian Refugee Return 1922-1924

Authors K. Long, Katy Long
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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46836 Journal Article

London Calling?

Authors Thoroddur Bjarnason, T Bjarnason
Year 2009
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 7
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46837 Journal Article

La dimension sociopolitique de la question « Migration et développement » en Algérie

Authors Hocine LABDELAOUI
Résumé La participation de l’émigration algérienne au développement de leur pays d’origine a fait l’objet d’expérimentation de plusieurs politiques gouvernementales depuis l’indépendance. Malgré diverses tentatives, aucune réussite réelle n’a été enregistrée. Un tel constat suscite bien d’interrogations et nécessite une analyse approfondie afin de clarifier les différentes facettes de la problématique « migration et développement.» La présente note analytique esquisse une analyse du discours politique algérien sur la participation de l’émigration algérienne au développement de son pays et cerne les différents aspects de la problématique « migration et développement » en Algérie. En outre, elle définit des éléments de réflexion sur la mise en place d’une nouvelle stratégie de gestion de la participation des émigrés algériens au développement de leur pays d’origine. Abstract Algerian emigrants’ contribution to the development of their origin country has been the object of many experimental policies carried out by different governmental cartels since independence . Despite the diversity of political formulas and programs whose aim was to consolidate the link between emigration and development, no real success has been detected. This remark raises many speculations regarding the issue, and necessitates an in-depth analysis so as to clarify the relation between “migration and development” in Algeria. The analytical note purports to analyse the Algerian political discourse on the contribution of Algerian emigrants’ to the development of their country and tackles the different facets of the problem. Furthermore, it highlights main key elements regarding the implementation of a new strategy aiming at managing the contribution of Algerian emigrants to development.
Year 2009
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46838 Report

Why Immigrants Come to America: Braceros, Indocumentados, and the Migra.

Authors GL Ochoa
Year 2009
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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46839 Journal Article

The Experiences of Involuntarily Childless Turkish Immigrants in the Netherlands

Authors Floor B. van Rooij, Frank van Balen, Jo M. A. Hermanns
Year 2009
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46840 Journal Article

"Cultures of Inequality": Ethnicity, Immigration, Social Welfare, and Imprisonment

Authors Robert D. Crutchfield, David Pettinicchio
Year 2009
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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46841 Journal Article

SOCIAL ACTORS AND VICTIMS OF EXPLOITATION Working children in the cash economy of Ethiopia's South

Authors Tatek Abebe, Anne Trine Kjorholt
Year 2009
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46842 Journal Article

'You are not yourself': Exploring masculinities among heterosexual African men living with HIV in London

Authors L DOYAL, Jane Anderson, Sara Paparini
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46843 Journal Article

Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Education in Modern Greece

Authors Dimitrios Zachos
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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46844 Journal Article

Gender, Ethnicity, and Constrained Mobility: Insights into the Resultant Social Exclusion

Authors Tanu Priya Uteng
Year 2009
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 31
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46845 Journal Article

Discrimination, work and health in immigrant populations in Spain

Authors Andres A. Agudelo-Suarez, Diana Gil-Gonzalez, Elena Ronda-Perez, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46846 Journal Article

Iraqi Refugees in Jordan: Legal Perspective

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
Jordan has traditionally been one of the regions most welcoming countries toward Iraqis. The country received several flows of Iraqis during the last four decades, but most of Iraqis residing in Jordan fled the precarious situation prevailing in Iraq following the U.S. –led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Jordan is not a party to the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refuges or the 1967 Protocol on Refugees, but Jordan cooperates with the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the implementation of a Memorandum of understanding signed between the two parties in 1998. The provisions of this Memorandum are in many aspects, similar to those of the 1951 Convention. The focus of this study is the legal aspects of the Iraqis residing in Jordan; and due to the scarcity of legal writing on the subject, it relies mainly on the legal texts, whether nationals or internationals, and to the Jordanian government positions and measures pertaining to this subject. The study has eight sections, they are as follows: Entry of foreigners to the country, numbers of Iraqis in Jordan, entry restrictions, Non-Iraqi refugees, mainly Palestinians arriving from Iraq, the right of asylum in Jordan, temporary Protection Regime, expulsion and "refoulement" of Iraqi refugees, and living conditions of Iraqis in Jordan.
Year 2009
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46847 Report

Iraqi Refugees in Neighboring Countries: A New Forced Protracted Displacement in the Region

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
The Iraqi refugees as other Iraqis are victims of the abuses of human rights inside their country, and they are also victims of foreign invasion and occupation. This study examines the different legal regimes that have been used by five asylum countries in dealing with the protection and assistance needs of hundreds of thousands of these refugees. While acknowledging the role played by these host countries and in particular Syria and Jordan, in alleviating the suffering of Iraqi refugees the study points that the legal status of these refugees is still ambiguous. The study considers if they are more considered as foreigners or refugee’s, at least de facto refugee’s. It highlights also that the domestic law in these countries is not always in compliance with international law. The role played by the UNHCR is also envisaged. Finally, this study discusses the uncertain future of the refugees whether they decide to stay at the asylum countries, to return home, or to be resettled in third countries.
Year 2009
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46848 Report

Nations of Emigrants. Shifting Boundaries of Citizenship in El Salvador and the United States

Authors Yolanda C Martín
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46849 Journal Article

Responding to the Human Costs of US Immigration Policy: No More Deaths and the New Sanctuary Movement

Authors Marta Caminero-Santangelo
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46850 Journal Article

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Explaining Why Most Mexican Immigrants are Choosing to Remain Permanently in the United States

Authors Brian Wampler, Maria Chávez, Francisco I Pedraza
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46851 Journal Article

The 2006 Mega Marchas in Greater Los Angeles: Counter-Hegemonic Moment and the Future of El Migrante Struggle

Authors Alfonso Gonzales
Year 2009
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46852 Journal Article

Immigrant Religiosity in Canada: Multiple Trajectories

Authors Phillip Connor
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46853 Journal Article

Fernando Chang-Muy, Elaine P. Congress (eds): Social Work with Immigrants and Refugees. Legal Issues, Clinical Skills and Advocacy

Authors Anahi Viladrich, Anahi Viladrich
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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46854 Journal Article

Sexual Trajectories during Adolescence: Relation to Demographic Characteristics and Sexual Risk

Authors Hanneke de Graaf, Wim H. J. Meeus, Suzanne Meijer, ...
Year 2009
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46855 Journal Article

Diversity Management and Discrimination: Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU

Authors Jack Jedwab
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46857 Journal Article

Migration et société civile en Tunisie

Authors Abderrazak BEL HAJ ZEKRI
La présente note analytique tente de faire une analyse des formes et des objectifs des organisations établies par les migrants, en présentant l'historique du mouvement associatif tunisien à l'étranger et en mettant en exergue ses différents champs d'action orientés vers les différentes composantes de la Diaspora Tunisienne établie dans les pays européens.
Year 2009
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46858 Report

Selective networking as identity project: the social integration of first generation immigrants in Norway

Authors Marko Valenta
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46859 Journal Article

Ethnic Diasporas and Business Competitiveness: Minority-Owned Enterprises in London

Authors John Kitching, David Smallbone, Rosemary Athayde
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 49
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46860 Journal Article

Hagop Mintzuri and the Cosmopolitan Memory of Istanbul

Authors Florian RIEDLER
Year 2009
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46861 Working Paper

Global Banking and Financial Services to Immigrants in Canada and the US

Authors Wei Li, Alex Oberle, Gary Dymski
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46862 Journal Article

Politics among Arab Migrants in Australia

Authors Paul TABAR
The research paper examines the dynamics of Arab diasporan politics and how diaspora communities reconstruct and reinvent their multiple identities and identitarian as well as political allegiances in the origin and sending countries. It specifically tackles political activities and socio-political associations among four basic communities living in Sydney, Australia. These communities are: the Lebanese, the Palestinians, the Egyptians and the Iraqis. After shedding light on the various forms of diasporan politics amongst Arab-Australians, it raises theoretical issues about the nation-state and associated forms of political behaviour.
Year 2009
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46863 Report

Investing in Peace: The Motivational Dynamics of Diaspora Investment in Post-Conflict Economies

Authors Tjai M. Nielsen, Liesl Riddle
Year 2009
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46864 Journal Article

Neomodern Insecurity in Haiti and the Politics of Asylum

Authors Erica Caple James
Year 2009
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46865 Journal Article

Therapeutic immigration, pathogenic immigration. Abandon "therapeutic travel" for the "migratory experience"

Authors Anne Yvonne Guillou
Year 2009
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46866 Journal Article

The Construction of "Cultural Difference" and Its Therapeutic Significance in Immigrant Mental Health Services in France

Authors Carolyn F. Sargent, Stephanie Larchanche
Year 2009
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46867 Journal Article

Inuit Cyberspace: The Struggle for Access for Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit

Authors Cynthia J. Alexander, John Houston, Agar Adamson, ...
Year 2009
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46868 Journal Article

Core Networks and Whites' Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Immigration Policy

Authors Justin Allen Berg
Year 2009
46869 Journal Article

Care worker migration, Australia and development

Authors Graeme Hugo
Year 2009
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 21
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46870 Journal Article

Immigrant residential geographies and the ‘spatial assimilation’ debate in Canada, 1997–2007

Authors Pablo Mendez
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46871 Journal Article

Comparing Dietary and Other Lifestyle Factors Among Immigrant Nigerian Men Living in the US and Indigenous Men from Nigeria: Potential Implications for Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction

Authors Nagi Kumar, Folakemi T. Odedina, Daohai Yu, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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46872 Journal Article

Recruiting migrant nurses to fill the gaps: the contribution of migrant women in the nursing care sector in Greece

Authors Dimitria Groutsis
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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46873 Journal Article

Pregnancy outcome of migrant women and integration policy: A systematic review of the international literature

Authors Paola Bollini, P Wanner, Sandro Pampallona, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46874 Journal Article

"Conditional scholarships" for HIV/AIDS health workers: Educating and retaining the workforce to provide antiretroviral treatment in sub-Saharan Africa

Authors Till Barnighausen, David E. Bloom
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46875 Journal Article

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese American Children in New York City

Authors Loretta Y. Au, Loretta Au, Kenny Kwong, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 17
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46877 Journal Article

Towards a Comparative Theory of Locality in Migration Studies: Migrant Incorporation and City Scale

Authors Nina Glick Schiller, NG Schiller, A Caglar, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 215
46878 Journal Article

Islam, gender, and immigrant integration: boundary drawing in discourses on honour killing in the Netherlands and Germany

Authors Anna Korteweg, Goekce Yurdakul, Gökçe Yurdakul
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 77
46879 Journal Article

Why do bilingual boys get better grades in English-only America? The impacts of gender, language and family interaction on academic achievement of Latino/a children of immigrants

Authors Amy Lutz, Stephanie Crist
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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46880 Journal Article

Pursuit of university education among the children of immigrants in Canada: the roles of parental human capital and social capital

Authors Teresa Abada, Eric Y. Tenkorang
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Youth Studies
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46881 Journal Article

Surveying migrant households: a comparison of census-based, snowball and intercept point surveys

Authors DJ McKenzie, Johan Mistiaen
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
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46882 Journal Article

Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the history of education

Authors Kevin Myers
Year 2009
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46883 Journal Article

Labor market outcomes of immigrants and non-citizens in the EU An East-West comparison

Authors Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva
Year 2009
Citations (WoS) 22
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46884 Journal Article

Globalisation and Local Identities: The Rise of New Ethnic and Religious Movements in Post-Suharto Indonesia

Authors Thomas Reuter
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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46885 Journal Article

From one generation to the next: teachers and teaching in the German colonies in South Russia 1804-1914

Authors Neta Steinberg
Year 2009
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46886 Journal Article

Inequality and the self-selection of international migrants: theory and new evidence

Authors Herbert Bruecker, Cecily Defoort
Year 2009
Citations (WoS) 15
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46887 Journal Article

The State versus the Alien: Immigration Control and Strategies of Irregular Immigrants

Authors Godfried Engbersen, Dennis Broeders
Year 2009
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46888 Journal Article

Challenges in researching life with HIV/AIDS: an intersectional analysis of black African migrants in London

Authors L DOYAL
Year 2009
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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46889 Journal Article

Attitudes towards immigrants, other integration barriers, and their veracity INTRODUCTION

Authors Amelie Constant, KF Zimmermann, Martin Kahanec
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 26
46890 Journal Article

International Migration and the Education of Left-Behind Children in Fujian, China

Authors Hideki Morooka, Zai Liang
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 12
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46891 Journal Article

Bonding, bridging and ethnic minorities in the Netherlands: changing discourses in a changing nation

Authors Peter Scholten, Ronald Holzhacker
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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46892 Journal Article

The death of immigration. The burial place as migratory reference

Authors Yassine Chaib
Year 2009
Journal Name AUT AUT
46893 Journal Article

Migration and Development: The Euro-Moroccan Experience

Authors Michael Collyer, Thomas Lacroix, Myriam Cherti, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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46895 Journal Article

Bodily memory: Introducing immigrant organizations and the family

Authors Machteld Venken
Year 2009
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46896 Journal Article

Migration and ethnic group disproportionality in special education: an exploratory study

Authors Susan L. Gabel, Justin J. W. Powell, Svjetlana Curcic, ...
Year 2009
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46897 Journal Article

Music, Tradition, and Cultural Adaptation among the Maronites of Lebanon: The Reform of the Funeral Liturgy

Authors Guilnard Moufarrej
Year 2009
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46898 Journal Article

'I Am Not A Foreigner Anymore': a micro-sociological study of the experiences of brazilian futsal players in european leagues

Authors Paul Dimeo, Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro
Year 2009
Journal Name MOVIMENTO
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46899 Journal Article

The History of Immigration and Racism in Canada: Essential Readings

Authors Roy Todd
Year 2009
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46900 Journal Article
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