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IOM Harare Newsletter

Year 2008
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47102 Book

(RE-)Creating the Community: South Asian Transnationalism on Chicago's Devon Avenue

Authors Ishan Ashutosh
Year 2008
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 6
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47108 Journal Article

Between Public Policy and Foreign Policy: U.S. Immigration Law Reform and the Undocumented Migrant

Authors Mathew Coleman
Year 2008
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 17
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47109 Journal Article

The Ambiguous Roles of Suburbanization and Immigration in Ethnic Segregation: the Case of San Antonio1

Authors Richard C. Jones
Year 2008
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 5
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47110 Journal Article


Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
47111 Journal Article

Welfare Provision beyond National Boundaries: The Politics of Migration and Elderly Care in Italy

Authors Franca Janna VAN HOOREN
Year 2008
Journal Name Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 2008, 3, 87-113
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47112 Journal Article

Protection Responses to Unaccompanied and Separated Refugee Children in Mixed Migration Situations

Authors A. Macdonald
Year 2008
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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47113 Journal Article

The fiscal impact of immigration on the advanced economies

Authors Robert Rowthorn, R. Rowthorn
Year 2008
Journal Name Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Citations (WoS) 47
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47114 Journal Article

The determinants of migrant remittances

Authors J. Carling, Jorgen Carling
Year 2008
Journal Name Oxford Review of Economic Policy
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47115 Journal Article

Irregular Migration in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt): Socio-Political Perspectives

Authors Yasser SHALABI
Covering the issue of irregular migration in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) must take into consideration: Palestinian refugees, the Palestinian labour force in the Israeli labour market and the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank including Jerusalem. A number of interrelated factors contribute to Palestinian migration. Some of them are structural and are related to the historical and political conditions of Palestine, mainly occupation and the coercive displacement and uprooting and the absence of an independent state, while others can be considered policy-related and are linked to Israeli policies and measures in its occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip including Jerusalem from 1967 to the present day. Finally, there are some internal policy-related factors that relate to the economic and social policies adopted by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). In general, we can argue that irregular migration is not evident as a phenomenon within the oPt, rather it characterizes displaced Palestinians. But a predominant phenomenon within the oPt are the Israeli settlements and Jewish settlers who live in the oPt as part of the Israeli occupation and Israeli control over the Palestinian territories.
Year 2008
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47116 Report

Irregular Migration in Jordan, 1995-2007

Authors Fathi A. AROURI
This paper tackles the question of irregular migration in Jordan through its four main aspects. The first concerns irregular labour migrants and has been approached by using figures showing the socio-economic profile of non Jordanians working in Jordan and, additionally, unemployment in Jordan. This is done by assuming close similarities between legal and irregular labour migrants. The second is an attempt to estimate the stocks and describe the characteristics of irregular migrants in Jordan through data collected from arrival and departure statistics. The author focused on the nationalities of persons involved from 1995 to 2007. The third part of the paper is dedicated to refugees in Jordan. Two main groups have been singled out: the Palestinians (from 1948) as an older refugee group and the refugees from Iraq (from 1990) as a more recent one. Their numbers, geographic distribution and main demographic and other characteristics have been described. In the fourth part, the paper brings out some aspects related to transit migration before closing with conclusions and recommendations. Although the paper points to the unavailability of reliable data on irregular migration in Jordan, it makes use of a whole range of indirect estimations, all available from the Department of Statistics (DOS) and the Ministry of Labour (MOL) and from arrival and departure statistics and associated surveys. The 2004 population census data gives an idea about the non-Jordanians in Jordan broken down according to nationality and reason and duration of stay in Jordan. The MOL data provides statistics about non-Jordanians holding work permits broken down by nationality, educational levels, occupational levels, marital status, place of residence and monthly earnings. For refugees, data was extracted from UNRWA statistics and Fafo survey (2007) on Iraqis in Jordan.
Year 2008
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47117 Report

Irregular Migration in Israel– A Legal Perspective

Authors Guy MUNDLAK
Two competing views of irregularity in migration dominate the legal debate. The first sees irregularity as a form of deviant behavior that justifies the denial of rights, deportation and the development of negative incentives for illegal migrants. The second holds irregularity to be an outcome of diverse circumstances, some of which are beyond the migrant's control and some of which require the state to adjust its immigration policy. According to this second viewpoint, irregularity should sometimes be addressed by means of regularization, securing rights and strengthening the state's responsibility toward its migrants. The two views clash: (a) over the understanding of who the irregular migrants are and the reasons for their irregularity, (b) over the balance between the state's monopoly on determining citizenship, and the view that de facto affiliation with the community and other values such as moral obligation and moral worth can impose on the state recognition of status (c) over the conceptual relationship between uninvited presence and rights, and (d) over the likely effects of granting rights on the inflow of further irregular migrants. This report describes Israel's legal regime in the context of illegal migration. It looks at the reasons for irregularity, possibilities for regularization, extension and the denial of rights to irregular migrants and the debate on the incentives, negative and positive alike, employed by the state for individuals with an irregular status.
Year 2008
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47118 Report

Localized Immigration Policy and Migrant Life Experiences: The Case of Mexican Migrants in Southern California

Authors Alisa Garni, Arpi Miller
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47119 Journal Article

Moroccan Immigration in France: Do Migration Policies Matter?

Authors Virginie Guiraudon
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47120 Journal Article

Ukrainian Migration to Hungary: A Fine Balance between Migration Policies and Diaspora Politics

Authors Ayşe Çağlar, Andrea Gereöffy
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
47121 Journal Article

Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada

Authors Leo R. Chavez
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Anthropological Research
47122 Journal Article

"Flowers From the Same Soil" Latino Solidarity in the Wake of the 2006 Immigrant Mobilizations

Authors Lisa M. Martinez
Year 2008
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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47123 Journal Article

The concept of migration and clandestinity in the Chinese culture

Authors Mara Caira
Year 2008
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47124 Journal Article

Beyond Tarzan and National Geographic: The politics and poetics of presenting African diasporic cultures on the Mall

Authors Krista A. Thompson
Year 2008
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47125 Journal Article

Made in France? Chinese Student Return Migration from French Business Schools

Authors Wei SHEN
Chinese migration to France is not a new phenomenon; however, France has seen rapid growth of migration from China in the past decade. Among the increasingly diverse migratory flow, a prominent group is Chinese students. As in many European countries, more and more Chinese students are now studying in France, at universities, grandes écoles and language schools etc… There is limited research focusing on this group of migrants. Therefore, this paper will analyse the circular migration of Chinese students between China and France by focusing on the return migration from elite French business schools. It illustrates the importance of prior experiences and pre-acquisition of academic and professional capital on their choice to migrate to France. At the same time, this paper investigates how family ties with China and institutional agents (private and public sectors) and the multiple-layers of forces (national and supranational) behind Chinese student return migration. This paper argues that the strong family relations and contacts, career strategy and prospects for returnees and confidence in the Chinese economy are significant return factors. Returnees’ academic, professional and social experiences in France are also important in their decision. In addition, it shows how these talents are integrated in the skilled labour market and how they maintain connections with France. The return migration of Chinese students from France is a unique link and network, which needs cooperation from both parties to ensure a win-win brains circulation.
Year 2008
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47126 Report

The Burden of Social Capital: Visa Overstaying Among Fujian Chinese Students in Japan

Authors Gracia Liu-Farrer
Year 2008
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47127 Journal Article

Do Mexican immigrants substitute health care in Mexico for health insurance in the United States? The role of distance

Authors HS Brown
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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47128 Journal Article

A legal disgrace? The retention of deported migrants in contemporary France

Authors Clemence Richard, Nicolas Fischer
Year 2008
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47129 Journal Article

Politics of Exception and Unease: Immigration, Asylum and Terrorism in Parliamentary Debates in the UK

Authors Jef Huysmans, Alessandra Buonfino
Year 2008
Journal Name Political Studies
Citations (WoS) 66
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47130 Journal Article

Northern Chinese women in Paris: the illegal immigration-prostitution nexus

Authors Frederic Levy, Marylene Lieber
Year 2008
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47131 Journal Article

Life Satisfaction Among Ethnic Minorities: The Role of Discrimination and Group Identification

Authors Maykel Verkuyten
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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47132 Journal Article

Political Protest, Ethnic Media, and Latino Naturalization

Authors Adrian Felix, Carmen Gonzalez, Ricardo Ramirez
Year 2008
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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47133 Journal Article

Involuntary Immobility: On a Theoretical Invisibility in Forced Migration Studies

Authors S. C. Lubkemann, Stephen C. Lubkemann
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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47134 Journal Article

Intensification of Workplace Regimes in British Horticulture: The Role of Migrant Workers

Authors Ben Rogaly
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 83
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47136 Journal Article


Authors JA CEBRIAN, Maria Isabel Bodega, Maria Asuncion Martin Lou
Year 2008
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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47137 Journal Article

Ethnicity and utilization of family physicians: A case study of Mainland Chinese immigrants in Toronto, Canada

Authors Lu Wang, L Lo, Mark W. Rosenberg
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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47138 Journal Article

The emigration state and the modern geopolitical imagination

Authors Alan Gamlen
Year 2008
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47139 Journal Article

Cavanna's mother Foreign women at work in the 20(th) century

Authors Sylvie Schweitzer
Year 2008
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47140 Journal Article

Two Stops in Today's New Global Geographies Shaping Novel Labor Supplies and Employment Regimes

Authors S Sassen
Year 2008
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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47141 Journal Article

Ruralphilia and Urbophobia versus Urbophilia and Ruralphobia? Lessons from Immigrant Integration Processes in Small Towns and Rural Areas in Spain

Authors R Moren-Alegret
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 20
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47142 Journal Article

International migration beyond gravity: A statistical model for use in population projections

Authors Joel E. Cohen, Marta Roig, Daniel C. Reuman, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
47143 Journal Article

Snakeheads, mules, and protective umbrellas: a review of current research on Chinese organized crime

Authors Sheldon X. g Zhang, Ko-Iin Chin
Year 2008
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47144 Journal Article

Reimagining Chinatown: An analysis of tourism discourse

Authors Carla Almeida Santos, Yaniv Belhassen, Kellee Caton
Year 2008
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47145 Journal Article

Returning to America: German Prisoners of War and the American Experience

Authors BS Heisler
Year 2008
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47146 Journal Article

Recent changes in the geography of social disparities in premature mortality in Quebec

Authors Robert Pampalon, Denis Hamel, Philippe Gamache
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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47147 Journal Article

A. Aneesh, Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization

Authors Norman Matloff
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47148 Journal Article

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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47149 Journal Article

Participation in Coaching by Canadian Immigrants: Individual Accommodations and Sport System Receptivity

Authors Lori A. Livingston, Susan Tirone, Emma L. Smith, ...
Year 2008
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47152 Journal Article

Palestine Refugee Repatriation in the American Discourse

Authors John Quigley
Year 2008
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47154 Journal Article

Regional Disparities in Employment of High-Skilled Foreigners – Determinants and Options for Labour Migration Policy in Germany

Authors Carola Burkert, Annekatrin Niebuhr, Rüdiger Wapler
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47155 Journal Article

Location, Location, Location: Where Do Immigrants Reside in Australia?

Authors Anh T. Le
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47156 Journal Article

In Defence of Community? Long-Distance Localism and Transnational Political Engagement Between the US and the Peruvian Andes

Authors Ulla D. Berg
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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47157 Journal Article

In the Footsteps of the Lord of Miracles: The Expatriation of Religious Icons in the Peruvian Diaspora

Authors Karsten Paerregaard
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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47158 Journal Article

Immigration as a political issue in Denmark and Sweden

Year 2008
Journal Name European Journal of Political Research
47159 Journal Article

Institutions and financial development: Evidence from international migrants in the United States

Authors UO Osili, Anna Paulson
Year 2008
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 27
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47160 Journal Article

Political and Cultural Representation in Malaysian Websites

Authors Min Choy (Adrian) Tong, Keith Robertson
Year 2008
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47161 Journal Article

Ethnic scientific communities and international technology diffusion

Authors William R. Kerr
Year 2008
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 170
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47162 Journal Article

Church ladies, good girls, and locas: Stigma and the intersection of gender, ethnicity, mental illness, and sexuality in relation to HIV risk

Authors Pamela Y. Collins, Hella von Unger, Adria Armbrister
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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47163 Journal Article

Institutions and financial development: Evidence from international migrants in the United States

Authors UO Osili, Anna Paulson
Year 2008
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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47164 Journal Article

A discontented diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the meaning of ethnic militancy, 1960-1980

Authors Daniel Masterson
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Latin American Studies
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47165 Journal Article

Children working beyond their localities - Lao children working in Thailand

Authors Roy Huijsmans
Year 2008
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47166 Journal Article

Irish migration, networks and ethnic identities since 1750

Authors Kerby A. Miller
Year 2008
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47167 Journal Article

Ethnic scientific communities and international technology diffusion

Authors William R. Kerr
Year 2008
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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47168 Journal Article

Immigration Debate in Canada: How Newspapers Reported, 1996–2004

Authors Harald Bauder
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47169 Journal Article

The Labour Market Consequences of Human Smuggling: ‘Illegal’ Employment in London's Migrant Economy

Authors Ali Nobil Ahmad
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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47170 Journal Article

Political and Cultural Ethnic Mobilisation: The Role of Immigrant Associations in Norway

Authors Line Nyhagen Predelli
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 18
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47171 Journal Article

Immigrants’ Voice through Protest Politics in Canada and Australia: Assessing the Impact of Pre-Migration Political Repression

Authors Antoine Bilodeau
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 30
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47172 Journal Article

Review of Virtual Migration, by A. Aneesh

Authors Norman Matloff
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47173 Journal Article

The ‘Flexible’ Immigrant? Human Capital Discourse, the Family Household and Labour Market Strategies

Authors Gillian Creese, Isabel Dyck, Arlene Tigar McLaren
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47174 Journal Article

Different historical trajectories and family diversity among Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans in the United States

Authors Yu-Jin Jeong, Hyun-Kyung You
Year 2008
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47175 Journal Article

One Flanders? Cultural diversity on and in front of the television screen

Authors Alexander Dhoest
Year 2008
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47176 Journal Article

Ethnic diversity in the 20th century Brussels restaurant

Authors Steven Van Den Berghie
Year 2008
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47177 Journal Article

A social networks approach to migrant mobilization in Southern Europe

Authors Maritsa V. Poros
Year 2008
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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47178 Journal Article

The Indian Diaspora in Transnational Context: Social Relations and Cultural Identities of Immigrants to New York City

Authors Gauri Bhattacharya
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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47179 Journal Article

Fixing national subjects in the 1920s southern Balkans: Also an international practice

Year 2008
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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47180 Journal Article

Australia’s State-Specific and Regional Migration Scheme: An Assessment of its Impacts in South Australia

Authors Graeme Hugo
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47181 Journal Article

Responding to regional labour demand: International migration and labour markets in New Zealand’s regions

Authors Paul Spoonley, Richard Bedford
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47182 Journal Article

Ethnic Background, Labour Market Attachment and Severe Morbidity: Hospitalisation among Immigrants in Sweden 1990–2001

Authors Martin Klinthall
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47183 Journal Article

Politics and poetics of migration: Narratives of Iranian women from the diaspora

Authors SJ Mahler
Year 2008
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47184 Journal Article

The Migration Industry and Civil Society: Polish Immigrants in the United Kingdom Before and After EU Enlargement

Authors Michal P. Garapich
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 83
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47185 Journal Article

Hispanic Immigrant Poverty: Does Ethnic Origin Matter?

Authors Dennis H. Sullivan, Andrea L. Ziegert
Year 2008
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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47186 Journal Article

Two Worlds Apart

Authors Caelesta Poppelaars, Peter Scholten
Year 2008
Journal Name Administration & Society
Citations (WoS) 48
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47187 Journal Article

Victor Zuniga and Rubén Hernandez-Leon (eds): New Destinations: Mexican Immigration in the United States

Authors Joseph A. Vail
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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47188 Journal Article

Retaining Skilled Migrants in Regional Australia: The Role of Social Connectedness

Authors Maryann Wulff, A. Dharmalingam
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47189 Journal Article

Pathways to Housing: The Experiences of Sponsored Refugees and Refugee Claimants in Accessing Permanent Housing in Toronto

Authors Robert A. Murdie
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47190 Journal Article

A. R. Zolberg, A Nation by Design: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning of America

Authors Ellen Percy Kraly
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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47191 Journal Article

Waste is a Terrible Thing to Mind

Authors Dicxon Valderruten
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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47192 Journal Article

Pursuant to Deportation: Latinos and Immigrant Detention

Authors David Manuel Hernández
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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47193 Journal Article

The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960 and Latinos in a Changing Society

Authors Jorge Duany
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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47194 Journal Article

Correlates and Predictors of Tobacco Use Among Immigrant and Refugee Youth in a Western Canadian City

Authors Kathrin Stoll, Kathrin Stoll
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 8
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47195 Journal Article

The Circulation of Palestinian Refugees and Migrants

Authors Asem KHALIL
Year 2008
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47196 Report

“Three Way Approach” to Meeting the Challenges of Migrant Incorporation in the European Union: Reflections from a Turkish Perspective

Authors Kemal KIRIŞCI
This paper advocates the idea that the European Union’s “two way process” approach to migration and integration should boldly be replaced by the notion of a “three way” approach for the better incorporation of immigrants in the EU. The first part of the paper outlines the emergence of a “common” immigration and integration policy at the EU level, its main features and in particular the role of the European Commission in shaping this policy. The second part critically examines the place that is attributed to sending countries in efforts to draw up a “common” immigration and integration policy. Particular emphasis is laid on the ways the EU defines and frames the place and function of “sending countries” in its immigration policy. In the last section, the role that sending countries could play in the context of a “three way” approach to integration is explored against the background of the Turkish experience. In this section, the author makes various concrete suggestions in support of a “three way” approach whose aim is to assist Turkish immigrants’ integration into mainstream life within the EU.
Year 2008
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47197 Report

Our borats, our selves: Yokels and cosmopolitans on the global stage

Authors Eliot Borenstein
Year 2008
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47198 Journal Article

September 11(th) and transnationalism: The case of Brazilian immigrants in the United States

Authors Maxine Margolis
Year 2008
Journal Name Human Organization
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47199 Journal Article

Entrapped in multidimensional exclusion: The perpetuation of poverty among conflict-induced migrants in an Istanbul neighborhood

Authors Bediz Yilmaz
Year 2008
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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47200 Journal Article
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