
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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The Externalities of Civil Strife: Refugees as a Source of International Conflict

Authors Idean Salehyan
Year 2008
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 57
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47301 Journal Article

Internal migration and ethnic groups: evidence for Britain from the 2001 Census

Authors Nissa Finney, Ludi Simpson
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 71
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47302 Journal Article

EUMARGINS: On the Margins of the European Community Young adult immigrants in seven European countries

The extents to which different groups of young adult migrants are socially included or excluded, and the factors that facilitate inclusion or help cause exclusion is a vital issue for young adult immigrants, the nations they have joined, and the European Union whose policies have facilitated large volumes and rapid rates of change in migrant flows. Our central concept is that there are a range of factors that inhibit, or encourage, the abilities of individuals and groups to make the transition from excluded to included within societies. The principal aim of EUMARGINS is to identify and prioritise those factors that matter most (for specific young adult migrant groups and in different countries as well as for all young adult migrant groups and across Europe) and to lay a foundation for recommendations that can assist the transitions from exclusion to inclusion, particularly focusing on dominant factors of unemployment/jobs and the related education aspects. Given these premises the project will focus upon:  Young individuals with immigrant origin in seven local urban-metropolitan areas in seven different European countries.  In every research setting most and less marginalised immigrant groups will be investigated in order to provide a comparative framework also at the local level.  Major social domain will be education and labour market. These are the most important arenas in which young adults have to establish themselves as active social actors in society. Other relevant areas of young adults’ interest such as leisure and socio-political activism will also be considered.  The study focuses upon the experiences of social inclusion/exclusion among young adults with immigrant background living in Oslo, Gothenburg, London, Genoa, Metz, Barcelona and Tallinn. EUMARGINS will be based on a combination of biographical and ethnographical data-collection in the above mentioned cities, and in addition, analysis of available statistical data on relevant
Year 2008
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47303 Project

Labour Exploitation and Trafficking in Azerbaijan: An Exploratory Overview

The report explores the issues of labour exploitation and forced labour of Azerbaijanis abroad and of foreigners in Azerbaijan. It documents that next to women and children, men are also potentially vulnerable to exploitation and that exploitation takes place not only in the commercial sex business but in many other sectors of the economy as well.
Year 2008
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47304 Report

Bezrobocie w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej w świetle migracji zagranicznych

Year 2008
Journal Name Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
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47305 Journal Article

Beyond the nexus UNHCR's evolving perspective on refugee protection and international migration

Authors Jeff Crisp, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2008
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47306 Report

“Even If the Only Thing for Me to Do Here Was to Milk Cows”: Portuguese Emigrant Descendant Returnees from Canada Narrate Pre-return Desires and Motivations

Authors João Sardinha
Year 2008
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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47307 Journal Article

Seeking health care: Marshallese migrants in Hawai‘i

Authors Jin Young Choi
Year 2008
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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47308 Journal Article

Between Segregation and Social Integration: Recent Immigrants and Foreign Workers in the USA and in the UK

The central research objective of this project is to compare processes of, and opportunities for, social integration of immigrant communities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Case studies will be carried out in Seattle (WA) and Glasgow and Edinburgh (Scotland) To summarize: the project will focus on the following 1. Political contexts of migration discourses and policies 2. Contexts of integration opportunities (social integration policies) 3. Local integration/segregation contexts a. demographic characteristics of immigrants/residents b. lifestyle, welfare and well-being of immigrants/residents c. attitudes towards human rights and values of immigrants/residents 4. Potential effects of transnational immigrant community networks This project aims to examine the lives of immigrants and, in particular, attitudes towards their new surroundings and the host country in the USA (Seattle) and in the UK (Glasgow, Edinburgh). A further objective is also to ask US and UK citizens and long-term residents about their perceptions of recent immigrants. In terms of quantitative analysis the project will attempt to examine how mutual perceptions of newcomers and residents are affected by their various nationalities, religions, languages, levels of education etc. Furthermore this project investigates how government regulates the flow of immigrants and what kind of civil society organisations try to help the new arrivals and how those activities are managed. Qualitative methods will focus on specific in-depth interviews with representatives of community associations and local government organizations that have a stake in or knowledge of social integration issues. This shared UW and CRCEES project will help develop an international network relationship facilitating future research collaboration between the two participants and even other potential partners, through the applicant’s connection with Hungary and other Central European countries.
Year 2008
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47309 Project

Globalization and Labour in Africa: Ethnic Identity in Nigeria and Cross Border Migration in the Republic of South Africa1

Authors Chuku Umezurike, Chuku Umezurike
Year 2008
Journal Name Globalizations
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47310 Journal Article

Assia Djebar'sqalam: the poetics of the trace in postcolonial Algeria

Authors Brigitte Weltman-Aron
Year 2008
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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47311 Journal Article

Autonomous maritime surveillance system

The Autonomous Maritime Surveillance System (AMASS) will be for the observation and security of wide critical maritime areas in order to reduce actual and potential illegal immigration and the trafficking of drugs, weapons and illicit substances. The surveillance system will consist of autonomous, unmanned surveillance buoys with active and passive sensors, the key sensors being un-cooled thermal imagers connected as a network with wideband radio. Further sensors will include hydrophone arrays and possibly other sensors e.g. CCD camera. A sophisticated data fusion process will enable the transmission of relevant information. Alarms from the system will be displayed on a map system in blue border surveillance command centres providing information on location and direction. It will also be possible for the operator to switch directly to a video stream to view the detected image. AMASS will be a capability for integrated blue border surveillance. In order to realise this system a number of advances in the state of the art are required such as the development of stable autonomous maritime platforms and “Hot Spot” detection in the difficult maritime environment. The consortium includes the European market leader for optronic border surveillance technology, 4 SMEs, 1 University, 3 Institutes (including one charged with the search and rescue control network coordination for the Canary Islands) and one national armed forces responsible for border protection.
Year 2008
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47312 Project

International migration to non-metropolitan areas of high income countries: editorial introduction

Authors Graeme Hugo, Ricard Morén-Alegret
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 33
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47313 Journal Article

Asian Transnational Families in New Zealand: Dynamics and Challenges

Authors Elsie Ho, Elsie Ho, Richard Bedford, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 20
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47314 Journal Article

Wearing Union T-Shirts

Authors Hinda Seif
Year 2008
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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47315 Journal Article

International Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: A Passing Phase?

Authors Ronald Skeldon
Year 2008
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 118
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47316 Journal Article

Must EU Borders have Doors for Refugees? On the Compatibility of Schengen Visas and Carriers' Sanctions with EU Member States' Obligations to Provide International Protection to Refugees

Authors Violeta Moreno Lax, Violeta Moreno Lax
Year 2008
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 12
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47317 Journal Article

Ethnicity, Migration and Identities

Authors Charles Watters
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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47318 Journal Article

Contested motherhood in the ethnic state

Authors Larissa Remennick
Year 2008
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 7
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47319 Journal Article

Diaspora of Diaspora: Adyge-Abkhaz Returnees in the Ancestral Homeland

Authors Jade Cemre Erciyes
Year 2008
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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47320 Journal Article

Conflict and contestation in the cross-border community: hometown associations reassessed

Authors Roger Waldinger, Eric Popkin, Hector Aquiles Magana
Year 2008
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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47321 Journal Article

‘Does your granny eat grass?’ On mass migration, care drain and the fate of older people in rural Albania

Year 2008
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 64
47322 Journal Article

The context of antisemitism and Islamophobia in France

Authors Paul A. Silverstein
Year 2008
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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47323 Journal Article

Hybride europäisch-muslimische Identitätsmodelle

Principal investigator Naika Foroutan (Principal Investigator)
"Diese hybriden – bipolaren, mehr-heimischen, transkulturellen – Identitäten werden als Teil der Lebenswelt westlicher Einwanderungsländer immer selbstverständlicher. Gleichzeitig sind antimuslimische Einstellungen seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt gleichbleibend hoch. Die Untersuchungsgruppe „Muslime“ ist ausgewählt worden, um Hybridität anhand von Bezugssystemen im Selbst zu untersuchen, die nach dem Geltungsanspruch der Mehrheitsgesellschaft als antagonistisch betrachtet werden. Hybriditätsaushandlugen finden hier also vor einem vermeintlich bipolaren Bezugssystem statt. Die Erörterung der Frage, was eigentlich Hybridität ausmacht, soll an der Bezugsgruppe „Muslime“ vorgenommen werden, da bei diesen Personen, nach der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung, zwei Referenzsysteme miteinander vereinigt werden können, die sich nach Meinung eines großen Teils der europäischen Gesellschaften gegenseitig ausschließen. Hybridität tritt auf in Situationen kultureller Überschneidung, d.h. teilweise antagonistische Denkinhalte und Logiken aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen, sozialen oder religiösen Lebenswelten werden zu neuen Handlungs- und Denkmustern zusammengesetzt oder ignoriert und neu bewertet. Es kommt zu einer Infragestellung traditioneller Zugehörigkeitskriterien und einer Delokalisierung von Identität. Dies erzeugt Reibung und Energie, die sich sowohl in Abgrenzungstendenzen entladen kann, die aber auch zur Erneuerung überkommener gesellschaftlicher Strukturen beitragen kann. Hybride Identität wird hier im Sinne Edward Saids als variabel, kontextuell und in stetem Wandel verstanden. Es entsteht ein dynamisches Spiel der Zugehörigkeiten in einer komplexen Struktur der Mehr-Heimigkeit. Durch eine transdisziplinäre Verknüpfung von Politikwissenschaft mit sozialpsychologischen, religionssoziologischen und kommunikationstheoretischen Ansätzen soll ein theoretischer Analyserahmen erarbeitet werden, der es erlaubt, der Frage nachzugehen, warum viele der hier lebenden Menschen mit muslimischem Migrationshintergrund sich auch nach Jahrzehnten nicht mit Deutschland/Europa als Heimat identifizieren und wie die Reproduktion von Fremdheit und Othering über Generationen hinweg zu neuen dynamischen Identitätsmodellen führt. Im Jahr 2013 wurde das Projekt bis 2015 verlängert."
Year 2008
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47324 Project

Bildungserwerb mit Migrationshintergrund im Lebenslauf

Principal investigator Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator), Cornelia Kristen (Principal Investigator), Petra Stanat (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt ist Teil der sogenannten Säule 4 "Bildungswerb mit Migrationshintergrund im Lebensverlauf" des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS). Ergänzend zu anderen NEPS-Schwerpunkten werden die Probleme spezifisch ethnischer Bildungsungleichheit und deren Verschränkung mit allgemeinen Mechanismen sozialer Bildungsungleichheit untersucht. Zahlreiche Studien zeigen, dass Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund oftmals ungünstigere Bildungsverläufe, niedrigere schulische Kompetenzen sowie geringere Bildungsrenditen vorweisen als Gleichaltrige ohne Migrationshintergrund. Zwar konnten im Rahmen einzelner Untersuchungen bereits eine Reihe von Hypothesen und Mechanismen formuliert und erste Erklärungen dieser Unterschiede gegeben werden, für die Überprüfung zahlreicher Hypothesen fehlen bislang jedoch geeignete Daten. Das Projekt soll als Teil des NEPS zur Schließung dieser Lücke beitragen. Von der Arbeitsgruppe am MZES werden dafür Messinstrumente zu ethnischen Ressourcen und kulturellen Orientierungen entwickelt, v.a. zu Sozialem Kapital und Segmentierter Assimilation sowie Identität, Akkulturation, Religiosität und Transnationalismus. Die entwickelten Instrumente werden in verschiedenen NEPS-Teilstudien eingesetzt.
Year 2008
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47325 Project

Diaspora Engagment Policies

Based on review of documentary sources on state-emigrant relations, the dataset reviews how 64 states relate to their diasporas. It shows how states constitute various extra-territorial groups as members of a loyal diaspora, through a diverse range of institutions and practices. Three higher-level types of diaspora engagement policy are identified: 1 - capacity building policies, aimed at discursively producing a state-centric ‘transnational national society’, and developing a set of corresponding state institution; 2 - extending rights to the diaspora, thus playing a role that befits a legitimate sovereign, and 3 - extracting obligations from the diaspora, based on the premise that emigrants owe loyalty to this legitimate sovereign.
Year 2008
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47326 Data Set

Freundschaft und Identität in der Schule

Principal investigator Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt hat das Ziel, die Mechanismen der Entstehung und des Wandels sozialer Netzwerke und ethnischer Identifikationen von Jugendlichen zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden in einem ersten Schritt auf Basis bestehender Konzepte angemessene Messinstrumente für ethnische Identifikationen von Kindern und Jugendlichen entwickelt und getestet. Im zweiten Schritt werden diese Messinstrumente im Rahmen von Primärdatenerhebungen eingesetzt, in denen etwa 2000 SchülerInnen der 5., 6. und 7. Jahrgangstufe an Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen wiederholt befragt werden. Dabei gibt es zwei Besonderheiten. Erstens werden an jeder Schule alle SchülerInnen der drei Jahrgangsstufen befragt. Insbesondere werden die Netzwerke der SchülerInnen auf Jahrgangsebene erfragt, um so Informationen über Freundschaften zwischen SchülerInnen zu erhalten. Zweitens werden die SchülerInnen zu drei Zeitpunkten befragt. Die erste Erhebung findet im April/Mai 2013 statt, die zweite voraussichtlich im November 2013 und die dritte im April/Mai 2014. Die dadurch entstehenden Paneldaten sind geeignet, die kausalen Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozialen Netzwerken und ethnischen Identifikationen zu untersuchen. Für die Analyse der Daten sollen insbesondere kürzlich entwickelte, bislang aber in der Migrationsforschung selten eingesetzte stochastische, akteursbasierte Modelle für Netzwerkevolutionsprozesse verwendet werden.
Year 2008
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47327 Project

Znaczenie migracji w życiu człowieka na przykładzie biografii Polek emigrujących do Kanady w latach 80.

Year 2008
Book Title Women's migrations: a multidimensional perspective
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47328 Book Chapter

Migrant Workers and HIV Vulnerability in Korea

Authors Jungwhan Lee
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 11
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47330 Journal Article

Migration Policy and Industrial Structure: The Case of Switzerland

Authors Leonhard Becker, Leonhard Becker, Thomas Liebig, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 3
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47331 Journal Article

Strong or weak ties? British and Indian expatriate scientists finding jobs in Boston

Year 2008
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 30
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47332 Journal Article

Nowherecare: Health Care in NowHereland - Improving Services for Undocumented Migrants in the EU

The project aims at improving the level of health protection for the people of Europe by addressing migrants’ and immigrants’ access, quality and appropriateness of health and social services as important wider determinants for health, focusing on healthcare services for undocumented migrants (UDMs) as an especially vulnerable group, an increasing public health risk and a group providing difficulties for healthcare providers and health policy.
Year 2008
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47333 Project

Diaspora and Health? Traditional Medicine and Culture in a Mexican Migrant Community

Authors Anna Waldstein
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
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47334 Journal Article

Writing Diaspora: South Asian Women, Culture and Ethnicity by Yasmin Hussain

Authors Shirine Shah Rokni
Year 2008
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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47335 Journal Article

Exploring Transnational and Diasporic Families through the Irish Emigration Database

Authors Patrick Fitzgerald
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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47336 Journal Article

Occupational Trajectories of Legal US Immigrants: Downgrading and Recovery

Authors Ilana Redstone Akresh
Year 2008
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 64
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47337 Journal Article

Identification of key chemokine-chemokine receptor interactions that control the memory Th2 cells in allergic asthma

Allergic asthma is a disease of airway inflammation caused by an allergic reaction to an antigen. Pathogenic CD4\ T helper type 2 (Th2) cells in lungs are involved in the initiation and perpetuation of the allergic response in airways of asthmatics and animals. Mouse models generated by systemic immunization and respiratory tract exposure with inhaled antigen or by adoptive transfer of effector Th2 cells into naive mice develop eosinophilic inflammation, mucus hypersecretion, and airway hyperreactivity. To mimic disease in asthmatics, we developed a relapsing-remitting mouse model, in we investigate mice during remission and secondary antigen lung challenge induced relapses. Recovered mice are characterized by the presence of Th2 memory lymphocytes in lungs for their lifetime. Exposure of recuperated mice to inhaled allergen reactivates these lung CD4\ Th2 memory cells, consequently initiating disease relapse. The factors governing the survival and retention of CD4\ Th2 cells in the lungs are unknown. One possibility is that memory CD4\ Th2 cells are retained in the lungs by chemokine- chemokine receptor (CKR) interactions. The objective of this project is to identify key chemokine-CKR interactions that control the migration of Th2 cells. We propose specifically, 1) to determine CKR expression on resting CD4\ T cells in the lungs during remission and correlate phenotype with effector function; 2) to identify the critical CKR expression on Th2 cells allowing them to immigrate from the lung during antigen exposure; and 3) to define antigen-specific Th2 cells using a novel transgenic adoptive transfer system. Discovering a reliable phenotype that distinguishes memory Th2 cells in the lungs would allow for their isolation and characterization and potentially lead to new approaches to prevent disease relapses and progression of allergic asthma.
Year 2008
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47338 Project

Bilingual Education in Navarre: Achievements and Challenges

Authors Nekane Oroz Bretón, Nekane Oroz Breton, Pablo Sotes Ruiz, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
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47339 Journal Article

Language contact in the eastern Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages : Greek in a multilingual society

The project aims to investigate the extent of language contact in the eastern Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages (13th – 17th c.).It focuses on Medieval Greek,which became a locus point of multilingualism,because of the socio-political environment,i.e. the contact between Greek- and Romance-speaking populations developed in large parts of eastern Mediterranean after the fall of Constantinople to the Franks (1204).Consequently,the main emphasis of the investigation will be placed on language contact phenomena between Greek and Romance languages,as manifested predominantly in Greek.The project aspires not only to describe developments of Greek,but also to determine the wider language contact situation.It comes to address a long awaited desideratum of the relevant research,since the issue of multilingualism in the medieval Mediterranean has only been examined in relation to the notorious ‘lingua franca’ and the various loanwords incorporated into different languages,while the proposed research focuses instead on the almost totally unexplored morphosyntactic level.The research will be carried out on the basis of a corpus compiled of literary and non-literary texts (the latter mostly unknown to the linguistic research so far) written in Greek,with a view to control for the register factor on the data evaluation.The philological expertise necessary for the examination of the texts and their authors,as well as the essential knowledge of the socio-political environment in which the texts were produced speak for the multidisciplinary character of the project,even beyond the linguistic borders.The examination of language contact in such a multi-ethnic environment can become relevant for the current political state of affairs,because of the mobility of the population in EU;the linguistic outcome of roughly similar situations in the past can prove to be helpful not only in the evaluation of current linguistic developments,but also in language planning at the political level.
Year 2008
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47340 Project

Policing Chinese Migrant Sex Workers in Hong Kong

Authors Maggy Lee
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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47341 Journal Article

Why Migrant Smuggling Pays

Authors Khalid Koser, Khalid Koser
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 35
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47342 Journal Article

Homeland origins and political identities among Chinese in Southern California

Authors Pei-te Lien
Year 2008
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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47343 Journal Article

Migrant integration, Zaragoza indicators, in the areas of employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship

In order to achieve better comparability among EU Member States, the 2010 Zaragoza declaration agreed on a set of common indicators which were further developed in the study Indicators of immigrant integration — a pilot study of 2011. Additional indicators were proposed by the report Using EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration — final report prepared for DG Migration and Home Affairs of 2013, with the objective of boosting the monitoring and assessment of the situation of migrants, along with the relative outcomes of integration policies. The following statistics from education are related to migration: Table codeDescription edat_lfs_9911Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and citizenship (%) edat_lfs_9912Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and country of birth (%) edat_lfse_01Early leavers from education and training by sex and citizenship edat_lfse_02Early leavers from education and training by sex and country of birth edat_lfse_23Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and citizenship (NEET rates) edat_lfse_28Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and country of birth (NEET rates) trng_lfs_12Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and citizenship trng_lfs_13Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and country of birth
Year 2008
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47344 Data Set

Migrants and Changing Urban Periphery: Social Relations, Cultural Diversity and the Public Space in Istanbuls New Neighbourhoods

Authors Sencer Ayata, Sencer Ayata
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 10
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47345 Journal Article

Divergent growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United States, 1990–2004: Diaspora, gathering, and the East–West divide

Authors Samuel M. Otterstrom
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 1
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47346 Journal Article

A model of relationship between collective identity and language in pluricultural and plurilingual settings: Influence on intercultural relations

Authors Cecilio Lapresta, Angel Huguet, Ángel Huguet
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47347 Journal Article

Inclusive Identities in the Context of Increasing Culturally Diverse Workplaces

With increasing globalization and migration the workplace is becoming more and more culturally diverse worldwide. As finding meaningful employment is an important factor for successful integration into the new country of settlement, interactions between different ethnic groups at the workplace need to be specifically looked at. The overall focus of this research proposal is on influences of national and organizational factors on successful management of cultural diversity at the work floor. The goal is to understand the formation and role of inclusive identities in a work context that ensure a sense of sharedness while being grounded in awareness and appreciation of mutual differences. This will not only reduce social tensions but also produce positive outcomes in our society. The theoretical rationale behind is grounded in theories on social identity, self-categorization and acculturation including multidisciplinary perspectives. It is assumed that different policies and histories of migration, country-specific demographics and economics and unique cultural belief and value systems influence the direction and strengths of the diversity effects within a society. With co-operation partners in Austria, the Netherlands and New Zealand the opportunity for cross-national comparative studies is given to get a more holistic picture of general and specific preconditions, processes and effects of inclusive identities in the context of increasing culturally diverse workforces and multiculturalism in Europe. The scientific knowledge gained shall lead to recommendations for successful diversity management and the development of diagnostic instruments that consider the cultural and organizational context and the specific ethnic groups involved in the interactions. Presentations and publications within and outside the academic community shall secure the knowledge transfer to potential end-users and relevant decision makers and thus contribute to European competitiveness.
Year 2008
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47348 Project

Residence permits

Residence permits issued for third country nationals in the EU and EFTA countries. **Residence permit** is defined as any authorisation valid for at least 3 months issued by the authorities of a Member State allowing a third country national to stay legally on its territory. First permit means the residence permit issued to a person for the first time. A residence permit is considered as a first permit also if the time gap between expiry of the old permit and the start of validity of the new permit issued for the same reason is at least 6 months, irrespective of the year of issuance of the permit. The following statistics are related to migration: Table codeDescription migr_resbc1EU Blue Cards by type of decision, occupation and citizenship migr_resbc2Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders by type of decision and citizenship migr_resbc3EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence migr_reschangeChange of immigration status permits by reason and citizenship migr_reseduFirst permits issued for education reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship migr_resfamFirst permits issued for family reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship migr_resfasFirst permits by reason, age, sex and citizenship migr_resfirstFirst permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship migr_reslasLong-term residents by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year migr_reslongLong-term residents by citizenship on 31 December of each year migr_resoccFirst permits issued for remunerated activities by reason, length of validity and citizenship migr_resothFirst permits issued for other reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship migr_resshareLong-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%) migr_ressingSingle Permits issued by type of decision, length of validity migr_resvalidAll valid permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship on 31 December of each year migr_resvasAll valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
Year 2008
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47349 Data Set

East is West? National feelings and anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe

Authors Alin M. Ceobanu, Xavier Escandell
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 59
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47350 Journal Article

Afghan Migratory Strategies and the Three Solutions to the Refugee Problem

Authors A. Monsutti
Year 2008
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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47351 Journal Article

Transnarodowość. Nowe teorie migracyjne a wyzwania integracji imigrantów

Year 2008
Book Title Problems of immigrants’ integration. Concepts, research, politics
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47352 Book Chapter

Migration and Mental Health in Germany - A Representative Study on Risks and Helpful Factors

Principal investigator Jutta Lindert (Principal Investigator)
A representative cross-sectional study in five German cities aims to examine mental health and risk and protective factors of different groups of migrants. The focus of the preliminary studies will be on the feasibility and practicability of the planned investigation. This might alert the research team to problems in collecting representative data on immigrants' mental health. The team will adapt and fine-tune the methods, especially the sampling method, if necessary. Additionally, the researchers will validate the instruments, the questions for the guided interviews and for the in-depth interviews, in accordance with an emic understanding of topics, concepts and language use.
Year 2008
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47354 Project

Psychological well-being and ethnic identities of Jewish adolescents planning emigration from Russia and Ukraine to Israel: Changes during the post-perestroika period

Authors Eugene Tartakovsky
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47355 Journal Article

Back to Work after Incapacity Benefit: Differences between Ethnic Minority and Native Dutch Workers

Authors Erik Snel, Frank Linder
Year 2008
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 3
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47356 Journal Article

EUROpean CITIzenship practice: political participation of transnational European senior migrants

In the context of European integration and the emergence of a leisure-oriented culture, traditional lifestyles have been replaced by new patterns of behaviour. In this regard, a remarkable phenomenon is the increasing migration of mainly retired Europeans to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean. In the last decade, major changes concerning the social and political participation of such amenity-seeking migrants have been taking place, chiefly triggered by granting EU-foreigners active and passive voting rights in local elections. Given the fact that many of the retired residents belong to the economic elite and were successful professionals, they count on powerful tools, know-how and resources to integrate and take leadership in local politics. Migrants from northern Europe founded their own parties e.g. in many Spanish municipalities and are currently active in the local councils. EURO_CITI is an innovative and interdisciplinary research project dealing with the different forms of political participation of retired European residents and principally aimed at discussing the practice of European Citizenship both in a conceptual and empirical framework.
Year 2008
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47357 Project

Making a Place in the Global City: The Relevance of Indicators of Integration

Authors J. Phillimore, Jenny Phillimore, Lisa Goodson, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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47358 Journal Article

Intergenerational Transnationalism: 1.5 Generation Asian Migrants in New Zealand1

Authors Allen Bartley, Paul Spoonley
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
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47359 Journal Article

Explaining Attitudes towards Self-employment among Immigrants: A Canadian Case Study

Authors Harald Bauder, Harald Bauder
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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47360 Journal Article

Post-enlargment MIgration, Integration and Education: Polish Immigrants in Scotland

The project is tailored in order for researcher to develop a postdoctoral research agenda as well as to get more experience in multidisciplinary migration research. The host organisation will provide for the research fellow the opportunity to be trained in the topic of the education and language policy as well as human capital and quantitative research methods which is very much related with the research proposal and fellow interests. The research is designed to find out more about the recently arrived Polish population in Scotland, and in particular to explore the kinds of family and social networks that it has and the ways in which those networks support new migrants in the processes of working out a relationship between 'home' and the new setting of Scotland. The research will also explore the importance of language in maintaining and sustaining feelings of belonging to a 'home' community while located in a new space. The situation with Polish migrants in Scotland may be new because they are entering a space with very few minority population members and they may not be looking to 'settle' but to create an existence in which they are partly settled (through work and schooling) but remain culturally attached to the 'homeland', whose ways of doing things they keep alive in Scotland, and with which they are closely networked, through family connections, visits and communication. This 'in-between' identity creates new challenges to policy-makers in Scotland, and perhaps, especially to schooling, which is, in any case, not well equipped to respond to the specific needs of children of Polish origin. We want to see how Scottish schools, which are not used to large numbers of migrants, are responding to this new population. We want to find out about the relationships between schools and families, and we propose to ask family members, including pupils, about this. We will also interview education policy-makers and teachers about their attitudes and experiences
Year 2008
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47361 Project

PRéFACE Ethnicité et migration : une histoire grecque

Year 2008
Journal Name Migrance
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47362 Journal Article


Authors Mohammad Jalal Uddin Sikder
Year 2008
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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47364 Journal Article

Integration Requirements and Citizenship Tests

Principal investigator Ines Michalowski (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives This project looks at the recent development of integration requirements as a condition for immigration, residence or citizenship. These integration requirements usually comprise knowledge of the host country's language, democracy, history, geography, and society. Proponents argue that they are a necessary and legitimate way for liberal democracies to defend their principles and rally new citizens behind them and that states, even though this may seem rather paternalistic, should help immigrants improve their human capital and become more competitive on the labour market. Opponents on the other hand argue that these policy measures create unnecessary conflicts by excluding immigrants who do not fulfil these requirements and by applying criteria that are at odds with political liberalism. While the opponents of the tests and integration requirements criticise that they oblige immigrants to adopt certain cultural traits of the host society, proponents argue that they do not oblige anybody to give up his or her identity and that the tests are above all capacity-enhancing. The project contributes to this debate by applying a systematic content analysis to citizenship tests in Germany, the UK, the US, the Netherlands, and Austria as well as to curricula for civic education courses addressed to immigrants who want to become permanent residents in Germany, France and the Netherlands. The objective is to find out what the content of these integration requirements and more particularly of the civic education component of these requirements really is. Can these citizenship tests and civic education curricula be classified as an attempt at cultural assimilation or do they stay within the confines of procedural liberalism? Research design, data and methodology The data used for this study are citizenship test questions or detailed guidelines for these tests that have been made publicly available in the countries compared, as well as curricula and learning materials for civic education courses targeted at immigrants who want to become permanent residents. While France is part of the second sample of countries, it is not part of the first one because it does not have an established citizenship test comparable to those in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, the UK and the US. All questions and answers were systematically content-coded by attributing every question and (if public) correct answer to particular themes (e.g., democracy, history, cultural norms) and normative categories (distinguishing formal questions about legal rules pertaining to ""what is right"" from questions about cultural customs and social norms referring to ""what is good""). The content of the civic education courses has similarly been analysed with regard to its thematic and normative content. Findings The analyses show that the content of the citizenship tests and civic education curricula in almost all countries corresponds to a Rawlsian definition of political liberalism (Rawls 1993), a finding that rebuts the thesis of citizenship tests and integration requirements as an instance of ""forced cultural assimilation"" (Orgad 2010). In addition, the research suggests that the content of citizenship tests and other integration requirements tells us more about the role that a certain state claims to have in the governance of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity than it actually tells us about how the population on the ground defines and understands notions of citizenship and national belonging."
Year 2008
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47365 Project

Perceived discrimination and acculturation among Iranian refugees in the Netherlands

Authors Annet Te Lindert, Fons van de Vijver, J Arends-Toth, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47367 Journal Article

Cultural difference in the national state: from trouser-selling Jews to unbridled multiculturalism

Authors Marcel Stoetzler
Year 2008
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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47368 Journal Article

Moscow on the Hudson: assessing expatriates' affective fit in host cultures with the intercultural communication affinity scale

Authors Bernd Kupka, Andre M. Everett
Year 2008
Journal Name European J. of International Management
Citations (WoS) 3
47369 Journal Article

Globalization and diversity: Contributions from intercultural research

Authors Young Yun Kim, YY Kim, Dharrn P. S. Bhawuk, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47370 Journal Article

What the study of migration might contribute to the study of community

Authors Michael Banton
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Citations (WoS) 1
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47371 Journal Article

Immigration from the Inside Out: Understanding Mexico's Job(less) Situation through the Views of Middle-Class Mexicans

Authors Carmen Ochoa Álvarez, Carmen Ochoa Alvarez
Year 2008
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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47372 Journal Article

When Mothers and Fathers Migrate North

Authors Michelle J. Moran-Taylor, M Moran-Taylor
Year 2008
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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47373 Journal Article

Refugees and Forced Migrants during the First World War

Authors Peter Gatrell
Year 2008
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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47374 Journal Article

Soft power: From ethnic attraction to national attraction in sociological globalism

Authors Seong-Hun Yun, Jeong-Nam Kim
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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47375 Journal Article

“Generation 1.5” and Its Discourses of Partiality: A Critical Analysis

Authors Sarah Benesch
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 27
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47376 Journal Article

Re-Conceptualization of Literature in Marketing on the Measurement of Differences within Immigrant/Ethnic Populations

Authors Denver D'Rozario, Frank Bryant
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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47377 Journal Article

Population Dynamics in Ethnically Diverse Towns: The Long-term Implications of Immigration

Authors Ludi Simpson, Vasilis Gavalas, Nissa Finney
Year 2008
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 36
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47378 Journal Article

The failure of pronatalism in developed states ‘with cultural–ethnic hegemony’: the Israeli lesson

Authors O. Winckler
Year 2008
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 3
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47380 Journal Article

Beautiful Dead Bodies: Gender, Migration and Representation in Anti-Trafficking Campaigns

Authors Rutvica Andrijasevic
Year 2007
Journal Name Feminist Review
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47381 Journal Article

Sending States' Transnational Interventions in Politics, Culture, and Economics: The Historical Example of Italy

Authors Mark I. Choate, MI Choate
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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47382 Journal Article

Politics, Not Economic Interests: Determinants of Migration Policies in the European Union

Authors Simon Hix, Abdul Noury
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 38
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47383 Journal Article

Child Mortality and Socioeconomic Status: An Examination of Differentials by Migration Status in South Africa

Authors Kevin J. A. Thomas
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 9
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47384 Journal Article

Neighborhood and School Factors in the School Performance of Immigrants' Children

Authors Suet-ling Pong, LX Hao, Lingxin Hao
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 99
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47385 Journal Article

Ethnic Self-Identification of First-Generation Immigrants

Authors Laura Zimmermann, KF Zimmermann, Amelie Constant, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 39
47386 Journal Article

Immigration and Civic Participation in a Multiracial and Multiethnic Context

Authors Michael A. Stoll, MA Stoll, Janelle S. Wong
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 24
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47387 Journal Article

Defining Nations in Asia and Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Ethnic Return Migration Policy

Authors John D. Skrentny, Jon E. Fox, Stephanie Chan, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 32
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47388 Journal Article

Irregular Migration, Human Smuggling, and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union

Authors Michael Jandl
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 31
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47389 Journal Article

Migration Control and Migrant Fatalities at the Spanish-African Borders

Authors Jørgen Carling, Jorgen Carling
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 99
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47390 Journal Article

The school careers of ethnic minority youth in France

Authors Yaël Brinbaum, Yaeel Brinbaum, Hector Cebolla-Boado
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 63
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47391 Journal Article

Barriers to high-school completion among immigrant and later-generation Latinos in the USA

Authors Amy Lutz
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 30
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47392 Journal Article

Negotiating the politics of language

Authors Robin Mann
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 8
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47393 Journal Article

A South Asian American diasporic aesthetic community?

Authors Dhiraj Murthy
Year 2007
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 8
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47394 Journal Article

Exile Meets Homeland: Politics, Performance, and Authenticity in the Tibetan Diaspora

Authors Emily T Yeh, Emily T. Yeh
Year 2007
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 28
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47395 Journal Article

Constructing Racism in Sydney, Australia's Largest EthniCity

Authors James Forrest, Kevin Dunn
Year 2007
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 66
47396 Journal Article

Effects of Immigrant Parents' Participation in Society on Their Children's School Performance

Authors Geert Driessen, Frederik Smit
Year 2007
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 13
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47397 Journal Article

Redistribution and Ethnic Diversity in the Netherlands

Authors Frank De Zwart, F de Zwart, Caelesta Poppelaars
Year 2007
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 9
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47398 Journal Article

The war on human trafficking in the Caribbean

Authors Kamala Kempadoo
Year 2007
Journal Name Race & Class
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47399 Journal Article

Educational provision for refugee youth in Australia: left to chance?

Authors Ravinder Sidhu, Sandra Taylor
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
47400 Journal Article
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