Book Reviews: Ecology and Society: An Introduction, Animal to Edible, Challenging Medicine, the Social Organisation of Mental Illness, Health and Health Care in Britain, Mothering: Ideology, Experience, and Agency, Anorexic Bodies: A Feminist and Sociological ‘Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa, Self-Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity, the Cultural Turn: Scene Setting Essays on Contemporary Cultural History, Postmodernism and Popular Culture, Cinema and Modernity, Baudrillard and Signs: Signification Ablaze, Travellers’ Tales: Narratives of Home and Displacement, Museum Culture, Television and Everyday Life, the Sociology of Deviance: An Obituary, the Futures of Criminology, the Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society, Some Trouble with Cows: Making Sense of Social Conflict, ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Nation: International Perspectives on Social Conflict, Constructions of Race, Place and Nation

Journal Article

Authors Andrew Dobson, Nick Fiddes, Sarah Cant, ...
Year 1995
Journal Name The Sociological Review

Taxonomy Associations

Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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