Forum on agriculture, rural development and migration in the Mediterranean : a better understanding of the drivers and impacts for forward-looking policies and programmes

Authors Michele NORI, Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Marie Hélène LE HENAFF, ...
Most rural areas in the Mediterranean and beyond are characterised by migratory flows, which affect local economies, societies and agroecologies. This is significant for both the countries of origin and those of destination. The implications of this phenomenon are relevant in terms of food production, natural resource management, territorial integration, social protection, diasporas and inclusive development – with impacts on the overall sustainability and resilience of our society. This work reports the outcomes of the Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean organized on 29/5/2018 CIHEAM, FAO, UfMS and EUI’s Global Governance Programme to discuss rural migration in the Mediterranean from the perspective of rural and agricultural development, with the aim to provide policy recommendations and establish a regional multi-stakeholder platform for decision-makers at different levels.
Year 2019

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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