Indoor Contamination with Flame Retardant Chemicals: Causes and Impacts


The main research goal is to further understanding of how and to what extent flame retardant (FR) chemicals used in every-day consumer goods and construction materials enter humans and of the risk to health that such exposure presents. Our vision is that this enhanced understanding will inform assessment of risk associated both with recent and current-use flame retardant chemicals, and of those under development, and ultimately lead to more sustainable approaches to meeting fire safety regulations. Our principal objectives are to discover: (1) the mechanisms via which FRs migrate from products within which they are incorporated; (2) how and to what extent such migration leads to human exposure; and (3) the effects of such exposure. To achieve our goal and objectives we will use a range of state-of-the-art techniques associated with analytical chemistry, electron microscopy, mathematical modelling, in vitro toxicology, and “omics”. The network is an interdisciplinary cooperative of chemists, biologists, physicists and toxicologists. Intersectoral aspects unite basic and applied scientists working in universities, two SMEs, a large (non-university) public sector research organisation and a government research institute. The project’s S&T objectives will be delivered through research in 3 Work Packages (WPs): viz. WP1- Migration pathways, WP2- Human exposure (pathways and monitoring), and WP3- Understanding effects of human exposure. The aim of the Training Programme is to increase the knowledge base and experience of trainees in the different research areas and to develop their transferable skills for future careers in the private sector, public sector, or the regulatory community. Six training objectives will be delivered through a suite of 6 Core Skills Areas (Research Project, Advanced Training Courses, Project Meetings, Career Development Plan, Generic Research Skills, Transferable Research Skills).
Year 2011

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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