I am a social and political psychologist whose research seeks to support dialogue between citizens and their governments on vexed political questions such as migration, sovereignty, European and Global citizenship. I moved from the Scottish Government to the Open University in 2007. As a psychologist I am particularly interested in the conditions when people move from public opinion to public dialogue. My starting point is that public decision-making on migration, citizenship and the boundaries...


Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research


  • British Psychological Society - Political Psychology Section

    Non-governmental Organisation, United Kingdom

  • The Open University

    University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
    Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology


Introduction: Discursive Governance: Operationalization and Applications

Authors Umut Korkut, Kesi Mahendran, Gregg Bucken-Knapp, ...
Year 2015
Book Title Discursive Governance in Politics, Policy, and the Public Sphere
5 Book Chapter

Public Narratives of European Citizenship—the Dialogical Citizen in the European Public Sphere

Authors Kesi Mahendran, Ima Jackson, Anubhuti Kapoor
Year 2015
Book Title Discursive Governance in Politics, Policy, and the Public Sphere
6 Book Chapter
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