Bosnia And Herzegovina

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Migration and development nexus; the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors Bojana BABIC
An intensive ongoing discussion marks the last decades the relationship between migration and development characterized by an alternation between pessimistic and optimistic responses to the effects of the potential link migration and development. Today, in a time that arguably the positive approach to the subject prevails, many countries portray their emigrants as “heroes” reinforcing the way towards development. In contribution to the discussion interrogating a link migration and development this paper presents a general overview of migration and development issues in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the guidance of the empirical information regarding the migration and demographic background of this area, the history of the flow of remittances to this area and the Government policies regarding migration and Diaspora engagement, the paper attempts to offer an account of the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the sending country and contribute to the emergence of further discussion and research in this area. The importance of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a significant case examining the impact of a link between migration and development is established in this paper in relation to the post-communist and post-war past and present transition periods influencing this area and the documented steady flow of emigration characterizing this area. Résumé Ces dernières décennies ont été traversées par un sujet fort de polémique se rapportant au lien entre migration et développement, à travers un balancement non arrêté entre pessimisme et optimisme quant au choix des réponses à apporter aux effets d’un lien incertain entre migration et développement. Aux termes de cette approche dite ‘heureuse’ de la migration, un ensemble d’Etats dressent le portrait de l’émigré acteur « héros » du défrichement de cette voie vers le développement. Cette analyse se propose, essentiellement, d’apporter une contribution substantielle aux discussions en cours portant sur le lien entre migration et développement sur la base d’une approche générale des questions se rapportant à la migration et au développement, et d’une étude de cas précis de la Bosnie-Herzégovine. Partant des données empiriques migratoires et démographiques se rapportant à cette région, de l’histoire de la trajectoire des flux financiers vers cette zone, et des politiques conduites par le Gouvernement en matière de migration et d’engagement de la Diaspora, cet article se propose de dresser un tableau exhaustif de la situation très actuelle en Bosnie-Herzégovine identifiée comme pays d’origine, et de contribuer à l’émergence d’un véritable débat de fond et d’un travail de recherche substantiel. Le choix porté sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine - en vue de dresser cette analyse des conséquences ressortant du lien entre migration et développement - se justifie au regard des importants développements enregistrés entre la période postcommuniste et post-conflit, et l’actuelle transition pouvant précisément impacter cette zone géographique et les importants mouvements d’émigration régulière caractérisant aujourd’hui l’ensemble de cette zone.
Year 2011
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1 Report

Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbia: A Study of Refugee Selectivity

Authors Vesna Lukic, Vesna Lukic, Vladimir Nikitovic, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 8
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2 Journal Article

Calendrical Rites of Ukrainians in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Ethnolinguistic Aspect

Authors Gleb P. Pilipenko
Year 2020
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3 Journal Article

Aiming for transitional justice? Diaspora mobilisation for youth and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Dzeneta Karabegovic
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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4 Journal Article

Living in Limbo: Integration of Forced Migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia

Authors N. Vrecer, Natalija Vrecer
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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5 Journal Article

Measuring Ethnic Preferences in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Mobile Advertising

Authors Annerose Nisser, Nils B. Weidmann
Year 2016
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 1
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6 Journal Article

Social distance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus region of Russia: Inter and intra-ethnic attitudes and identities

Authors Kristin M. Bakke, Michael D. Ward, John O'Loughlin, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
Citations (WoS) 21
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7 Journal Article

Neo-Ottomanism? New Strategies of Turkey and the Impact of Foreign Aid to Post-War Cultural Reconstruction in the Balkans

This project seeks to find out how foreign assistance in the fields of culture, religious revival and education change regions ravaged by inter-ethnic violence and state breakdown, and how such foreign assistance is perceived locally. My case study is the assistance provided from the Turkish Republic to Bosnia-Herzegovina, and local responses to it. The empirical research will focus on Turkish aid in the areas of higher education, religious studies, and the rebuilding of Ottoman-era monuments. This project sets the analysis of the impact of Turkish aid in the Balkans in the context of the revival of the concept and debates on Neo-Ottomanism in the region and globally. The analysis poses following questions: How do the interpretations of the historical legacy of the Ottoman Empire in the post-Yugoslav region correspond with actual policies of aid that the Republic of Turkey provides as a major donor, especially for post-war reconstruction projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina? What sort of changes in the political and popular culture in the beneficiary country can we observe as a result of Turkish aid in the areas of culture, higher education and religious education, according to local responses in Bosnia-Herzegovina? What is the interaction between the fears of Neo-Ottomanism as an alleged expansionist and ‘Islamization’ program of Turkey in the Balkans and the anti-Turkish, anti-Muslim discourses as a recent characteristic of the populist rhetoric in several European Union states?
Year 2018
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8 Project

Development of Monitoring Instruments for Judicial and Law Enforcement institutions in the Western Balkans

Objectives • To assess and improve administrative and survey-based statistics (including the field of asylum, visa and migration) that are generated by justice and home affairs institutions in 7 countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia). • To bring national statistics mechanisms in justice and home affairs institutions in the 7 countries towards compliance with relevant international and European Union acquis, standards and best practices • To strengthen the response to crime and corruption in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia Target group • Senior law enforcement officials • Prosecutors and judges • Staff of ministries of interior and ministries of justice • National statistical offices Outcomes • Preparation of a detailed written country assessment on national asylum visa and migration statistics in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia • Preparation of recommendations related to asylum, visa and migration statistics in the countries • Design and deliver training sessions for staff of justice and home affairs institutions on asylum, visa and migration statistics for each project country and territory. Project partners The project is implemented by UNODC in partnership with the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), the Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime (TRANSCRIME) and the ICMPD.
Year 2009
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9 Project

Country report: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Eldar SARAJLIC
Year 2010
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11 Report


Authors Anja Zalta
Year 2020
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12 Journal Article

Challenges of branding in post-conflict countries: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Bozo Skoko, Hrvoje Jakopovic, Dejan Gluvacevic
Year 2018
Journal Name TOURISM
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13 Journal Article

Social distance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus region of Russia: Inter and intra-ethnic attitudes and identities

Authors Kristin M. Bakke, Michael D. Ward, John O'Loughlin, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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16 Journal Article

Identity Check: Smart Borders and Migration Management as Touchstones for EU-Readiness and - Belonging

Authors Martin Geiger
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
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17 Book Chapter

From humanitarianism to humanitarianization: Intimacy, estrangement, and international aid in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina

Year 2016
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 3
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18 Journal Article

The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina - The making of a civil war

Authors A Popovic
Year 1997
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19 Journal Article

Inter-ethnic friendships in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors John O'Loughlin
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 27
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20 Journal Article

Building Bridges among Bridge-Destroyers: Post-Conflict Interfaith Dialogue after the Bosnian War

Authors Peter Admirand
Year 2020
Journal Name SOUNDINGS
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21 Journal Article

Can creativity in conditions of war trauma be a danger to personal development?

Authors M Knezevic, M Ovsenik
Year 2002
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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22 Journal Article

Fragmentation and forgetting: Sarajevo's Vijecnica

Authors Kristen M. Hartmann
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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23 Journal Article

Choice of Food and Food Traditions in Pre-war Bosnia-Herzegovina: Focus Group Interviews with Immigrant Women in Sweden

Authors IM Jonsson, LRM Hallberg, IB Gustafsson, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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24 Journal Article

Don't Talk About the Elephant: Silence and Ethnic Boundaries in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors Ana Mijic
Year 2018
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25 Journal Article

The Anti-Essentialist Choice: Nationalism and Feminism in the Interaction between Two Women's Projects

Authors Cynthia Cockburn
Year 2000
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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26 Journal Article

Making It Through: Bosnian Survivors Share Stories of Trauma, Transcendence, and Truth

Year 2021
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27 Journal Article

Religion and Support for Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors Marko Valenta, Zan Strabac
Year 2012
Journal Name Politics and Religion
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28 Journal Article

Shifting Sites: Memories of War and Exile across Time and Place

Authors Marita Eastmond
Book Title Memories on the Move
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30 Book Chapter

Moving beyond personal change: Using dialogue in ethnically divided communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Eva Sera Komlossyova
Year 2019
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31 Journal Article

The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ethnic conflict and international intervention

Authors JI Gow
Year 2000
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32 Journal Article

'Freely to Return': Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors C. PHUONG
Year 2000
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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34 Journal Article

Shared interests foster interethnic cooperation among politicians

Authors Daniel Butler, Margit Tavits
Year 2020
Journal Name Political Science Research and Methods
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35 Journal Article

dismembering Yugoslavia: nationalist ideologies and the symbolic revival of genocide

Year 1994
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 98
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36 Journal Article

Daring "life-return projects' to post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Selma Porobic
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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37 Journal Article

Conceptualising citizenship regime(s) in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Eldar Sarajlić, Eldar Sarajlic
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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38 Journal Article

Imagined Institutions: The Symbolic Power of Formal Rules in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Karlo Basta
Year 2016
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39 Journal Article

Mental health, employment and gender. Cross-sectional evidence in a sample of refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina living in two Swedish regions

Authors Karin B. Johansson Blight, Solvig Ekblad, J Ekberg, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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40 Journal Article

Introduction: Islam in Europe and the Politics of Religion and Community

Authors Ceri Peach, Steven Vertovec
Book Title Islam in Europe
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41 Book Chapter

Who Do You Trust? Ethnicity and Trust in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Peter Håkansson, Fredrik Sjöholm
Year 2007
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
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42 Journal Article

The Muslim Minority in Poland

Authors Bogdan Szajkowski
Book Title Islam in Europe
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43 Book Chapter

Muslims' nation-building process in socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1960s

Authors Sevan Philippe Pearson
Year 2018
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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44 Journal Article

The Dictator Game, Fairness and Ethnicity in Postwar Bosnia

Authors Sam Whitt, Rick K. Wilson
Year 2007
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 93
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45 Journal Article

Intersectionality theory and Bosnian Roma: Understanding violence and displacement

Authors Jennifer Erickson
Year 2017
Journal Name Romani Studies
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46 Journal Article

Women Refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina: Developing a Culturally Sensitive Counselling Framework

Year 1994
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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47 Journal Article

Diaspora as Digital Diplomatic Agents: ‘BOSNET’ and Wartime Foreign Affairs

Authors Jasmin Hasić, Dzeneta Karabegovic
Year 2020
Journal Name Migration Letters
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49 Journal Article

Towards Sustainable Reintegration: Impact of International Intervention on Minority Returns in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo

Authors Silvia Cittadini
Year 2014
Journal Name PECOB's Paper Series
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51 Journal Article

Between “this” side and “that” side: On performativity, youth identities and “sticky” spaces

Authors Sunčana Laketa, Suncana Laketa
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 4
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52 Journal Article

The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnic conflict and international intervention

Authors C King
Year 1999
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53 Journal Article

Sarajevska Zima

Authors Claudia Bell
Year 2009
Journal Name Space and Culture
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54 Journal Article

Mobilising diaspora to promote homeland investment: The progress of policy in post-conflict economies

Authors Nick Williams
Year 2018
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Citations (WoS) 2
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55 Journal Article

The urbanisation on the slopes of SARAJEVO and the rise of geomorphological hazards during the post-war period

Authors Jordi Martin-Diaz, Marc Oliva, Jordi Nofre, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Cities
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56 Journal Article


Authors Mirjam Mencej
Year 2019
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57 Journal Article


Authors Jasna Capo
Year 2015
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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58 Journal Article

MIDWEB: Migration for Development of the Western Balkans

From 1.2.2010 to 30.11.2012 the project MIDWEB made a contribution to the reconstruction and the development of the countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and UNSC Resolution 1244 administered Kosovo. This was facilitated by a temporary mission of highly-qualified persons, who originate from these countries and lived during the project in Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and in the United Kingdom. The project focused particularly on capacity-building in certain fields of local organisations in the target countries. The project is managed by IOM in partnership with the Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI), the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Germany and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), and is funded by the European Commission.
Year 2010
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59 Project

Bosnian Austrians: Accidental Migrants in Trans-local and Cyber Spaces

Authors H. Halilovich, Hariz Halilovich
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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60 Journal Article

The patterns of ethnic settlement and violence: a local-level quantitative analysis of the Bosnian War

Authors Stefano Costalli, Francesco Niccolo Moro, Francesco N. Moro
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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61 Journal Article

Peaceful Returns: Reversing Ethnic Cleansing after the Bosnian War

Authors Djordje Stefanovic, Neophytos Loizides
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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62 Journal Article

Ethnic belonging of the children born out of rape in postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda

Authors Marie-Eve Hamel
Year 2016
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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63 Journal Article

Cardiovascular Health in St. Louis Bosnian-Americans

Authors Maximillian T. Bourdillon, Asad S. Akhter, Dejan Vrtikapa, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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65 Journal Article

“Bridging Old Relations”: The (De)Construction of Ethnic Identity in the Educational Context of Bosnia and Herzegovina From the Teachers' Point of View

Authors Velibor Bobo Kovač, Velibor Bobo Kovac, Anne Dorthe Tveit, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 1
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66 Journal Article

The plight of civic parties in divided societies

Authors Cera Murtagh,
Year 2020
Journal Name International Political Science Review
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67 Journal Article

From Workers Self-Management to Global Workforce Management: Extended Case Study of the Transnational Steel Company, Arcelor Mittal in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project leader), Zoran Slavnic (Scientifically Responsible), Carl-Ulrik Schierup (Participants from REMESO), Colin Williams (Participants not from REMESO), Jacklyn Cock (Participants not from REMESO), Sara Nadin (Participants not from REMESO)
The project aims to explore the impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on employment and human resource management practices, new organizational ethnic hierarchies, industrial relations and local communities in different national contexts. The focus is on acquisitions by multinational companies (MNCs) from emerging economies in the post-communist region of former Yugoslavia. The research is situated at the forefront of the research on globalization, migration, global workforce management and the local and transnational challenges to corporate power. An extended case study investigates the acquisition of the Bosnian Steel company by Indian Mittal Steel and its impact on industrial relations, labour standards and management practices, including Indian management relationships with the state, local management, trade unions and local community. The project is developed in collaboration with the Management School, Sheffield University. It also engages Professor Jacklyn Cock, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, planning a joint comparative study of ArcelorMittal in South Africa and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Year 2010
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69 Project

Embodiment of terror: Gendered violence in peacetime and wartime in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors MB Olujic
Year 1998
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70 Journal Article

Protection, Repatriation and Categorization: Refugees and Empire at the end of the Nineteenth Century

Authors Jared Manasek
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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71 Journal Article

People on the move in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stuck in the Corridors to the EU

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have been part of the “Balkan route” for smuggling people, arms and drugs for decades, but also a migrant route for people who have been trying to reach Western Europe and the countries of the EU in order to save their lives and secure a future for themselves. While in 2015, when millions of people arrived in Europe over a short period of time, BiH was bypassed by mass movements, the situation started changing after the closure of the EU borders in 2016, and later on, in 2017, with the increase of violence and push backs in Croatia, and other countries at the EU borders. This report offers insight into the situation on the field: is there a system responsible for protection, security, and upholding fundamental human rights? What has the state response been like? What is the role of the international community?
Year 2019
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73 Report

The mirage of Balkan Piedmont: state formation and Serbian nationalisms in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Authors Sinisa Malesevic
Year 2017
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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74 Journal Article

Anthropological Perspectives on the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Exploitation

Authors Lynellyn D. Long
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 33
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75 Journal Article

Diasporas and transitional justice: transnational activism from local to global levels of engagement

Authors Maria Koinova, Dzeneta Karabegovic
Year 2017
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 18
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76 Journal Article

Situated cultural development among youth separated by war

Authors Colette Daiute, Luka Lucic, Luka Lucić
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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77 Journal Article

Benchmarks or Deutschmarks? Determining the Criteria for the Repatriation of Refugees to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors S. BAGSHAW
Year 1997
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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79 Journal Article

Personal Wellbeing Index: A Cross-Cultural Measurement Invariance Study Across Four Countries

Authors Veljko Jovanovic, RA Cummins, Melissa Weinberg, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Happiness Studies
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80 Journal Article

Trade Unions, Transnational Solidarity and Ethnic Divisions: EU Social Dialogue and Post-War Reconstruction in the Western Balkans

Principal investigator Branka Likic-Brboric (REMESO Project Leader)
The research project addresses the EU's regional approach to support countries in the Western Balkans in their progress towards EU membership. It focuses on the social reconstruction in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and the regional dialogue on social and employment policies within the Bucharest process. The study investigates local and national trade unions strategies to challenge downward pressure on labour rights and standards brought about by the implementation of a neoliberal model of reconstruction. It analyses the counter-influence of European social dimension as well as practices of the international organizations such as the UNDP, ILO and International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and civil society organizations on the development of 'transethnic' regional solidarities. It also examines the forms of labour collaboration necessary to counterbalance hostile employers and governments. The main question concerns the efficacy of EU support for social dialogue and the implementation of the ILO 'decent work agenda' in empowering trade unions in their struggle for labour rights and standards in post-conflict former Yugoslavia. The issue is especially pertinent considering the wider study of post-conflict societies, marked by social fragmentation, ethnic divisions, political clientelism, poverty, informal economy and migration pressures.
Year 2009
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81 Project

Mental health and coping in a war situation: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors M Carballo, A Smajkic, D Zeric, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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82 Journal Article

The UN Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons (The Pinheiro Principles): Suggestions for Improved Applicability

Authors M. J. Anderson, Miriam J. Anderson
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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83 Journal Article

Trans-Local Communities in the Age of Transnationalism: Bosnians in Diaspora

Authors Hariz Halilovich
Year 2012
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84 Journal Article

Making a home in Mostar: heritage and the temporalities of belonging

Authors Gustav Wollentz
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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85 Journal Article

Integration, Transnational Mobility and Human, Social and Economic Capital Transfers

This project studies the links between migrants' integration and their transnational engagement. Over the past couple of decades, rich empirical research in the field of transnational migration studies has highlighted that migrants engage in transnational mobility for an array of reasons, ranging from economic motives to emotional or political ties with their country of origin. They develop transnational business, trade, investments, or social and cultural programmes and circulate between their two countries. Research objectives: ITHACA aims to explore the interconnections between the integration process and transnational mobility of migrants by answering three key questions: • To what extent, and in what ways, do integration conditions in the country of destination encourage transnational mobility? • What are the conditions in the country of origin that encourage transnational mobility? • What type of transfers take place through the transnational mobility of migrants? To study these questions, ITHACA examines the links between integration and transnational mobility in regard to four countries of destination (Austria, Italy, Spain and the UK) and altogether five countries of origin (Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Morocco, the Philippines and Ukraine). ICMPD is responsible for conducting the Austrian case study. The groups studied in Austria include Bosnians, Indians, Filipinos and Ukrainians.
Year 2013
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86 Project

‘Sistem te laže!’: the anti‐ruling class mobilisation of high school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Michiel J. Piersma
Year 2019
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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87 Journal Article

The Weight of Ethnic Collectivism: Youth, Identifications, and Boundaries in Post‐conflict Bosnia Herzegovina

Authors Arianna Piacentini
Year 2018
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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88 Journal Article

When History is a Nightmare: Lives and Memories of Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Authors Z Waxman
Year 2001
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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89 Journal Article

Two paths to peace: Contrasting George Mitchell in Northern Ireland with Richard Holbrooke in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors Dean Curran, JK Sebenius, M Watkins
Year 2004
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90 Journal Article

Dashboard of indicators for measuring policy and institutional coherence for migration and development (PICMD)

The dashboard of indicators for measuring policy and institutional coherence for migration and development (PICMD) is a user-friendly tool that has been developed by the KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Policy and Institutional Coherence. The dashboard aims to measure the extent to which public policies and institutional arrangements are coherent with international best practices to minimise the risks and maximise the development gains of migration, and can be used by domestic policy makers and other stakeholders such as researchers, civil society and international organisations. For policy makers, the dashboard should serve as a particularly useful tool during the policy formulation, evaluation and adjustment process. Indicators are organised around the following five policy dimensions: promote institutional coherence, reduce the costs of migration, protect the rights of migrants and their family, promote reintegration, enhance the development impact of migration. There are two distinct dashboards – one from the perspective of countries of origin and the other from the perspective of countries of destination – with separate indicators except in the area of institutional coherence. Any given country can be considered both a country of origin and a country of destination. The Thematic Working Group is currently operationalising the dashboard in 15 pilot countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Germany, Jamaica, Kenya, Moldova, Morocco, the Philippines, Portugal, the Netherlands, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Year 2016
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91 Data Set

I Trust, Therefore I Remit? An Examination of the Size and Motivation of Remittances

Authors Theodore P. Lianos, Anastasia Pseiridis
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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93 Journal Article

What Determines the Embeddedness of Forced-Return Migrants? Rethinking the Role of Pre- and Post-Return Assistance

Authors Ruerd Ruben, Marieke van Houte, Tine Davids
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 26
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96 Journal Article

Serb Returnees in Croatia - the Question of Return Sustainability1

Authors Milan Mesić, Dragan Bagić
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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97 Journal Article

From Refugees to Trans-local Entrepreneurs: Crossing the Borders between Formal Institutions and Informal Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Authors Hariz Halilovich, Nirha Efendić
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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98 Journal Article

Croatia’s self-colonization: Intra-national nesting orientalisms in Renato Baretić’s Osmi povjerenik

Authors Nika Šetek, Nika Setek
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of European Studies
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99 Journal Article

Legal, Rapid and Reasonably Priced? A Survey of Remittance Services in Norway

Authors Jørgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal, Cindy Horst, ...
What opportunities do immigrants in Norway have for sending money to their countries of origin? To answer that question, this report examines the various services on offer in the Norwegian market. Focusing on transfers to twelve specific countries, the report compares the availability of different services, as well as their price and quality. The countries covered are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Iraq, Kenya, Lithuania, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Somalia and Vietnam. The services examined include regular bank transfers, money-transfer services, web-based transfers and so-called hawala services. In recent years, research on remittances has highlighted the importance of transfer mechanisms. The way in which money is sent determines how much of the original amount reaches the recipients, and affects how the money enters the local economy. For some immigrants, the lack of regular remittance services to their country of origin compels them to use services that may be illegal. The research presented here has various audiences. First, it is intended to inform government policy in the field of remittances. Second, the report may help remittance senders understand their options and make well-informed choices. Third, the analysis can assist private-sector businesses to develop better remittance services. The report has been funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The research it contains is linked with PRIO’s broader research activity in the fields of migrant remittances and transnationalism. The findings of this report are also presented at the website
Year 2007
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100 Report
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