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Lost in Transition? The European Standards Behind Refugee Integration

Authors Judith Tanczos, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
This paper gives an overview of the current integration standards established within the Common European Asylum System and highlights the possible effects of the changing EU and national legal environment on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection. These integration standards are the starting point of the development of the integration indicators within the project “National Integration Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM), which aims to support key integration and social actors in 14 EU Member States and Turkey to evaluate and improve the integration outcomes of beneficiaries of international protection. The EU’s greatest impact on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection has been through the stable legal framework of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). The recast Asylum Procedures, Reception Conditions, Qualification and Family Reunification Directives all build on the standards set by the 1951 Geneva Convention and aim for its full and effective implementation. They set a series of standards that shape the integration process, starting from the reception phase until the full legal, socio-economic and socio-cultural integration allowing refugees to realise their full potential to contribute to society. These binding legislative acts are complemented by the Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU1 and its re-affirmation, 10 Years On2 , which guide Member States on how to respond to the needs and opportunities that beneficiaries of international protection bring to their new homes. However, in the past year, the emergence and strengthening of exclusionary, anti-migrant narratives has threatened to undermine national – and now the EU’s – stable legal framework and level of ambition to promote refugee integration. The negative political discourse induced a surprisingly coordinated race-to-the-bottom reply at national level, whose approach is reflected in the most recent European Commission Communication “Towards a Reform of the European Common Asylum System and Enhancing Legal Avenues to Europe”. This document shows a fundamental change in the approach towards beneficiaries of international protection. These proposals reframe the logic of asylum to a more temporary legal status in its nature and have more often recourse to the cessation clause4 , without assessing the long-term consequences: how will it affect the integration of beneficiaries of international protection?
Year 2017
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1 Report

RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond

With the goal of enhancing the governance capacity and policy coherence of the EU, its member states and neighbors, RESPOND is a comprehensive study of migration governance in the wake of the 2015 Refugee Crisis. Bringing together 14 partners from 7 disciplines, the project probes policy-making processes and policy (in)coherence through comparative research in source, transit and destination countries. RESPOND analyzes migration governance across macro (transnational, national), meso (sub-national/local) and micro-levels (refugees/migrants) by applying an innovative research methodology utilizing legal and policy analysis, comparative historical analysis, political claims analysis, socio-economic and cultural analysis, longitudinal survey analysis, interview based analysis, and photovoice techniques. It focuses in-depth on: (1) Border management and security, (2) International refugee protection, (3) Reception policies, (4) Integration policies, and (5) Conflicting Europeanization and externalization. We use these themes to examine multi-level governance while tackling the troubling question of the role of forced migration in precipitating increasing disorder in Europe. In contrast to much research undertaken on governance processes at a single level of analysis, RESPOND’s multilevel, multi-method approach shows the co-constitutive relationship between policy and practice among actors at all three levels; it highlights the understudied role of meso-level officials; and it shines a light on the activities of non-governmental actors in the face of policy vacuums. Ultimately, RESPOND will show which migration governance policies really work and how migrants and officials are making-do in the too-frequent absence of coherent policies. Adhering to a refugee-centered approach throughout, RESPOND will bring insights to citizenship, gender and integration studies, ensure direct benefit to refugee communities and provide a basis for more effective policy development.
Year 2017
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2 Project

Faith-Based Organisations and the Humanitarian Governance of Refugee Resettlement

Authors Adele Garnier
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal for the Academic Study of Religion
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3 Journal Article

Asylum Seekers and the Refugee Determination Procedure

Authors . Refugee Council of Australia
Year 1992
Journal Name Articles
4 Journal Article

Multi-level Governance in Refugee Housing and Integration Policy: a Model of Best Practice in Leverkusen

Authors Eli Auslender
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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5 Journal Article

Refugee Governance, State and Politics in the Middle East

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencütek
Year 2018
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6 Book

Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding

Authors Roberto Cortinovis, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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7 Policy Brief

Refugee-Run Grassroots Organizations: Responsive Assistance beyond the Constraints of US Resettlement Policy

Authors Odessa Gonzalez Benson
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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8 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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9 Policy Brief

European migration governance in the context of uncertainty

Authors Mathias Czaika, Heidrun Bohnet, Federica Zardo, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration
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10 Journal Article

Refugee Integration Policy: The Effects of UK Policy-Making on Refugees in Scotland

Year 2015
Journal Name journal of social policy
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12 Journal Article

Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond

Principal investigator Ilektra Petrakou (PI)
More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a sense of crisis as countries struggled to cope. The so-called refugee crisis has created deep divisions and policy incoherence in the EU among member states. The crisis foregrounded the vulnerability of European borders, the tenuous jurisdiction of the Schengen system and broad problems with multi-level governance of migration and integration. One of the most visible impacts of the refugee crisis has been the polarization of politics in EU Member States and intra-Member State policy (in)coherence in responding to the crisis. The recently granted Horizon 2020 project RESPOND will study the multilevel governance of migration in 11 countries. The consortium behind this project consists of 14 partners from source, transit and destination countries and will be coordinated by Uppsala University. This project is the first to be granted within the Humanities at Uppsala University and will take place from December 2017 – November 2020
Year 2017
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13 Project

Strategic litigation: the role of EU and international law in criminalising humanitarianism

Authors Carmine Conte, Seán Binder, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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14 Policy Brief

Responding to the Dutch Asylum Crisis: Implications for Collaborative Work between Civil Society and Governmental Organizations

Authors Robert Larruina, Kees Boersma, Elena Ponzoni
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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15 Journal Article

The increasing use of detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the EU

Authors Carmine Conte, Valentina Savazzi, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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16 Policy Brief

Social forestry movements and science-policy networks: The politics of the forestry incentives program in Guatemala

Authors Mariel Aguilar-Støen, Mariel Aguilar-Stoen
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
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17 Journal Article

Institutional Creation as a Local Governance Response to Syrian Refugees: The Case of Turkish Municipalities

Authors Başak Yavçan, Fulya Memişoğlu
Year 2023
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist
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18 Journal Article

Refugees and responsibilities of justice

Authors David Owen
Year 2018
Journal Name Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric
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19 Journal Article

Constructing Roma migrants : European narratives and local governance

Year 2019
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20 Book

The governance of Syrian refugees in the Middle East: Lessons from the Jordan and Lebanon Compacts

Authors André Bank, Christiane Fröhlich
Year 2021
Journal Name Digest of Middle East Studies
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21 Journal Article

Central Coercion or Local Autonomy? A Comparative Analysis of Policy Instrument Choice in Refugee Settlement Policies.

Authors Vilde Hernes
Year 2017
Journal Name Local Government Studies
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22 Journal Article

Crisis governance of the refugee and migrant influx into Europe in 2015: a tale of disintegration

Authors Claudia Morsut, Bjorn Ivar Kruke, Bjørn Ivar Kruke
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of European Integration
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23 Journal Article

Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement

Authors Caroline Oliver, Rianne Dekker, Karin Geuijen, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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24 Journal Article

Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities

Authors Birgit Glorius, Jeroen Doomernik
Year 2019
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25 Book

Opening the ‘Black Box’ of asylum governance: decision-making and the politics of asylum policy-making

Authors Andrea Pettrachin
Year 2020
Journal Name Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
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26 Journal Article

Opening the 'Black Box' of asylum governance : decision-making and the politics of asylum policy-making

Authors Andrea PETTRACHIN
Year 2019
Journal Name Italian political science review ; Rivista italiana di scienza politica, 2019, OnlineFirst
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27 Journal Article

Survival Migration and Regime Stretching: Conceptual Clarifications

Authors alexandra délano, Alexandra Delano
Year 2015
Journal Name European Political Science
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28 Journal Article

Educational provision for refugee youth in Australia: left to chance?

Authors Ravinder Sidhu, Sandra Taylor
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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29 Journal Article

Refugee community organisations: capabilities, interactions and limitations

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencutek
Year 2020
Journal Name Third World Quarterly
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31 Journal Article

Stuck Between Mainstreaming and Localism: Views on the Practice of Migrant Integration in a Devolved Policy Framework

Authors Silvia Galandini, Silvia Galandini, Gareth Mulvey, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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32 Journal Article

A crisis mode in migration governance: comparative and analytical insights

Authors Zeynep Sahin-Mencutek, Soner Barthoma, N. Ela Gökalp-Aras, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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33 Journal Article

A Matter of lies and death-Necropolitics and the question of engagement with the aftermath of Rwanda's Genocide

Authors Dorothee Holscher, Hyacinth Udah, Consolee Kanamugire
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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34 Journal Article

Alternative paths to refugee and asylum seeker protection in Malaysia and Indonesia

Authors Atin Prabandari, Yunizar Adiputera
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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36 Journal Article

Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts

Authors Nuno Ferreira, Carolien Jacobs, Pamela Kea, ...
Year 2020
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38 Working Paper

R2P, Global Governance, and the Syrian refugee crisis

Authors Alise Coen
Year 2015
Journal Name The International Journal of Human Rights
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39 Journal Article

Re‐thinking policy and (multi‐level) governance failure: What went wrong and why in the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Italy?

Authors Matteo Bassoli, Francesca Campomori
Year 2024
Journal Name Governance
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40 Journal Article

Political (non-)reform in the euro crisis and the refugee crisis: a liberal intergovernmentalist explanation

Authors Felix Biermann, Berthold Rittberger, Nina Guerin, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of European Public Policy
Citations (WoS) 6
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41 Journal Article

Three Years on: An Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal

Authors Seçil Paçacı Elitok
Year 2019
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42 Policy Brief

International order, the rule of law, and US departures from refugee protection

Authors Alise Coen
Year 2018
Journal Name The International Journal of Human Rights
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43 Journal Article

Securitization and Community-Based Protection Among Chin Refugees in Kuala Lumpur

Authors Kirsten McConnachie
Year 2019
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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44 Journal Article

Power in the Global Refugee Regime: Understanding Expressions and Experiences of Power in Global and Local Contexts

Authors James Milner, Krystyna Wojnarowicz
Year 2017
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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45 Journal Article

Migration Governance and Asylum Crises

Principal investigator Lennart Olsson (), Mine Islar (), Anne Jerneck ()
In our part of the project (Work package 6) will investigate the responses given to migration at different scales. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of responses provided by actors ranging from urban to rural contexts, from transnational city-city collaborations to local community initiatives. Local scale is one of the first spaces where migration needs to be governed. Cities different than governments include networks of public and private sector leaders and institutions that include citizen initiatives, trade unions, private companies and universities, among others. A multi-scalar approach will be implemented by examining three different types of cases (1) The case of urban-rural development in Sweden, via international migration, (2) The case of local migration ecosystems in Northern Italy, (3) The case of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, (4) The case of transnational collaborations and social innovations. By engaging in multi-scalar case studies, the aim is to cover both official and unofficial responses to the so called “refugee crisis”, emphasizing the role of the local authorities in facilitating (or hindering) the application of national policies on reception, redistribution and inclusion/exclusion of newcomers as well as the increasing role of communities and innovations in shaping the migration response by also showing opportunities. These areas, with the potential benefits of interdisciplinary research, will seek synergies between the following two goals; SDG Goal 9 on building resilient infrastructure as well as Goal 11 on inclusive cities. By doing so, we will inform policy making in these areas and potentially contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Year 2019
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46 Project

Discrimination and the Health of Immigrants and Refugees: Exploring Canada’s Evidence Base and Directions for Future Research in Newcomer Receiving Countries

Authors Sara Edge, Bruce Newbold
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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47 Journal Article

Trade-for-Refugee Employment: Nexing for Deterrence or Development in the EU-Jordan Compact?

Authors Marion Panizzon
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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48 Book Chapter

Death and Migration: Migrant Journeys and the Governance of Migration During Europe’s “Migration Crisis”

Authors Simon McMahon, Nando Sigona
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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49 Journal Article

GLIMER - Governance and Local Integration of Migrants and Europe’s Refugees

Principal investigator Erica Righard (Project Leader)
The current migration/refugee crisis presents opportunities and well as challenges. The overarching aim of the GLIMER project is to generate theoretically informed and empirically grounded knowledge that may, through best practice sharing and reporting, function to support policy-makers and stakeholders to cultivate durable solutions in the governance of local integration of migrants and refugees in Europe. The GLIMER consortium consists of partners from Italy and Cyprus (two landing points for many refugees as they first enter the EU) and UK and Sweden (two countries seen as final destinations), and the cases focus on new arrivals in the areas in and around Consenza, Nicosia, Glasgow and Malmö. Based in an understanding of the link between governance and integration at the local level, the project will examine emergent systems of co-responsibitliy between local and national agencies in their responses to managing the integration of migrants and refugees. Of central importance here will be the utilizing of what have become known as Urban Living Labs (ULLs) across each of the country cases. GLIMER will develop an approach to ULL as collaborative ventures between citizens, companies, local governments and researchers. In addition, GLIMER will utilize ‘natural’ ULLs that have arisen in the country cases where actors and networks can be brought together as stakeholders. Empirical data will be collected through participant observations, recordings and interviewing. The core research questions guiding the ULLs consider (i) to what extent cities and local contexts are adopting approaches to the governance of migration and refugees that diverge from national level policy position, (ii) how and in what ways cities and localities are cultivating innovative approaches in the reception and integration of migrants and refugees, and finally (iii) which approaches that are proving successful and how can these be a modelled for other contexts to learn from.
Year 2017
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50 Project

Refugee Policy as Foreign Policy: Iraqi and Afghan Refugee Resettlements to the United States

Authors Nicholas R. Micinski, Nicholas R Micinski
Year 2018
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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51 Journal Article

Advancing Alternative Migration Governance

Principal investigator Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas (Project Manager Spanish partner)
ADMIGOV takes seriously the principles laid out in the New York Declaration (NYD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to study how alternative approaches to migration governance can be better designed and put into practice. Rather than proposing a top-down study of existing migration policies, ADMIGOV studies the reality of existing policies and practices on the ground to improve migration governance taking into consideration the principles of the NYD and SDGs. ADMIGOV holds an innovative and broad research design covering the whole migration ‘chain’, from entry through to exit and incorporating key issues such as labour migration, protection needs and development goals. The project includes the study of salient case-study in migration governance, including the Greek islands, Lebanon, and Turkey, to better understand the most important and most problematic processes at play. The project counts on the data of the Danish Refugee Council one of the largest datasets in the world, and aims at generating new indicators of good migration governance, helping the EU put the NYD and SDGs into practice.
Year 2019
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52 Project

Root Causes of Irregular Migration in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Case of Afghans and Syrians

Authors Ahmet İçduygu, Birce Altıok
Year 2024
Book Title Migrations in the Mediterranean
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53 Book Chapter

Constructing undesirables: A critical discourse analysis of "othering' within the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act

Authors Suzanne Huot, Antoine Bailliard, Andrea Bobadilla, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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54 Journal Article

Refugees, the Labour Market and the Welfare State: Employment Policy and Local Integration Programs in Swedish Refugee Reception

Principal investigator Martin Qvist (REMESO Project Leader), Maritta Soininen (Scientifically Responsible)
This PhD-project examines the role of inter-organizational collaboration and partnership in the governance of local integration programs targeted towards refugees in Sweden. For decades these programs have been criticized for delaying entrance into the labour market and it has been a longstanding goal for the government to incorporate them in the Swedish employment strategy, 'arbetslinjen'. Governmental agencies have applied 'soft' policy measures such as guidelines, comparisons, knowledge dissemination and 'agreements' for voluntary policy coordination to create conditions for joint efforts at the local level. Drawing on institutional theory the PhD project examines the impact of this norm building process by focusing on how local actors respond to the governing strategies and in what way collaboration contributes to the development of the programs.
Year 2006
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55 Project

Responsibility-Sharing in Refugee Protection: Lessons from Climate Governance

Authors Philipp Lutz, Anna Stünzi, Stefan Manser-Egli
Year 2021
Journal Name International Studies Quarterly
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56 Journal Article

Refugee Policy in Brazil (1995–2010): Achievements and Challenges

Authors Julia Bertino Moreira
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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57 Journal Article

Advancing Alternative Migration Governance

Principal investigator dr. Anja van Heelsum (Project Coordinator (PI))
ADMIGOV aims to promote an alternative migration governance model. ADMIGOV takes seriously the principles laid out in the New York Declaration (NYD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to study how alternative approaches to migration governance can be better designed and put into practice. However, rather than proposing a top-down study of existing migration policies, ADMIGOV studies the reality of existing polices and practices on the ground to improve migration governance in line with the principles set out in the NYD and SDGs. This is the unique analytical feature of ADMIGOV. We bring together analyses of migration governance in practice and in key times and spaces and relate these analyses to the key structuring principles of migration governance as laid out in the NYD and SDGs. This is done to better understand the current gaps between principles and practices and in order to provide insights and recommendations for migration governance in the future. ADMIGOV is methodologically unique. We bring analyses from along the migration ‘chain’, from entry through to exit and incorporating key issues such as labour migration, protection needs and development goals. ADMIGOV has chosen several case studies of key times and spaces in migration governance, including the Greek islands, Lebanon, and Turkey, to better understand the most important and most problematic processes at play. Additionally, through the involvement of the Danish Refugee Council, ADMIGOV has access to possibly the largest dataset on migrants on the move today. The 4Mi data of the Danish Refugee Council will give ADMIGOV access to and help us generate more data than a single research team could normally collect. In short, ADMIGOV is designed to combine the analyses of existing policies and practices on the ground in key times and spaces with the wide- ranging 4Mi data to generate new indicators of good migration governance, helping the EU put the NYD and SDGs into practice.
Year 2019
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59 Project

Framing Asylum at the Local Level: Experts’ Narratives of Conflictual Dynamics in the Post-Reception Period in Italy

Authors Iraklis Dimitriadis, Maurizio Ambrosini
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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60 Journal Article

Geschichte der Weltflüchtlingspolitik, 1950-1973

Principal investigator Ulrich Herbert (Principal Investigator)
Bis in die 1970er Jahre verstand die internationale Gemeinschaft die Fluechtlingsfrage als eine Art Ausnahmezustand, überwiegend in Europa, und nicht als dauerhaftes Weltproblem. Ein globaler Handlungszusammenhang entstand erst schrittweise zwischen 1950 und 1970. Wie, warum und unter welchen Bedingungen sich dieser Wandel vollzog, ist Gegenstand dieses Forschungsvorhabens. Hier werden zunächst die flüchtlingspolitischen Ansätze seit dem Ersten und dann verstaerkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sowie die daraus entwickelten Schlussfolgerungen zusammengefasst. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dann auf vier zeitliche Wegmarken, die die Entwicklung hin zu einer institutionalisierten Weltfluechtlingspolitik praegten: die Entstehungsphase des UNHCR und der Genfer Fluechtlingskonvention 1949-1951; die Ansaetze einer ueber Europa hinausreichenden Universalisierung im Kontext der Algerienkrise 1957-1960; das New York Protocol 1959 - 1967 und schließlich die Praxis der UNHCR in Bangladesch 1971-73, der hier erstmals als sog. focal point organisation vor Ort agierte und die Repatriierung von über zehn Millionen Menschen organisierte. Hier hatte der UNHCR seinen bis heute gültigen Status als die zentrale Institution der weltweit agierenden Flüchtlingshilfe erreicht.
Year 2017
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63 Project

China and its Janus-faced refugee policy

Authors Won Geun Choi
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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64 Journal Article

Ruins of Empire: Refugees, race and the postcolonial geographies of European migrant camps

Authors Thom Davies, Arshad Isakjee
Year 2019
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 2
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65 Journal Article

UNHCR and LGBTI refugees in Kenya: the limits of 'protection'

Authors Kate Pincock
Year 2021
Journal Name DISASTERS
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66 Journal Article

The Constitutive Effects of Time: Understanding the Evolution and Innovation of Refugee Governance along the Thai-Burmese Border

Authors M. Patrick Cottrell
Year 2015
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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67 Journal Article

Governance, Governmentalities, and the State of Exception in the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon

Authors S. Hanafi, Sari Hanafi, Taylor Long, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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68 Journal Article

Beyond crisis talk : interrogating migration and crises in Europe

Authors Nick DINES, Nicola MONTAGNA, Elena VACCHELLI
Year 2018
Journal Name Sociology
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69 Journal Article

Accommodation for profit, not for refugees: Racial capitalism and the logics of Berlin’s refugee accommodation market

Authors René Kreichauf
Year 2023
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
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70 Journal Article

Wither Policy? Southern African Perspectives on Understanding Law, 'Refugee' Policy and Protection

Authors Loren B. Landau, R Amit, L. B. Landau, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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71 Journal Article

Policy innovation in refugee integration

De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam heeft een 'quick scan' uitgevoerd naar innovatieve beleidspraktijken op het terrein van integratiebeleid voor vluchtelingen met verblijfsstatus. Het betreft een internationale vergelijking die EUR in het kader van de internationale wetenschappelijke samenwerkingsprogramma IMISCOE en op verzoek van het Ministerie van SZW heeft uitgevoerd. In het rapport worden beleidspraktijken op verschillende beleidsthema’s in tien Europese landen besproken. Hierbij gaat het om beleid op terreinen als huisvesting, onderwijs, arbeidsmarkt, gezondheidszorg, etc. Het rapport biedt een overzicht van wat in verschillende landen op verschillende beiedsdomeinen aan beleid ontwikkeld is, daarmee levert het nuttige inzichten voor zowel wetenschappers als beleidmakers.
Year 2017
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72 Project

Beyond Migrant Integration Policies: Rethinking Urban Governance of Migration-Related Diversity

Year 2018
Journal Name Croatian Journal of Comparative Public Administration
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74 Journal Article

Factors Affecting Australia’s Refugee Policy: The Case of the Kosovars

Authors Jackie King
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration
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75 Journal Article

Migration governance in civil war: The case of the Kurdish conflict

Authors Fiona B. Adamson
Year 2023
Journal Name European Journal of International Security
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76 Journal Article

The Multi-Level Governance of Intra EU Movement

Authors Jonas Hinnfors, Gregg Bucken-Knapp, Andrea Spehar, ...
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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77 Book Chapter

National Governance Frameworks in the Global Compact on Refugees: Dangers and Opportunities

Authors Emily E. Arnold‐Fernández, Emily E. Arnold-Fernandez
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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78 Journal Article

Einwanderungsland? Germany’s Asylum Dilemma in Policy and Design

Authors Silvia Danielak
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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79 Journal Article

A no-camp policy: Interrogating informal settlements in Lebanon

Authors Romola Sanyal
Year 2017
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 4
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80 Journal Article

The Politics of Labeling Refugee Men as “Vulnerable”

Authors Lewis Turner
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
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81 Journal Article

The (Relative) Decline of Palestinian Exceptionalism and its Consequences for Refugee Studies in the Middle East

Authors M. Kagan, Michael Kagan
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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82 Journal Article

Refugees and Votes: The Impact of Refugee Influx and Internet on Voting Decisions

Authors Mehmet Karacuka
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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83 Journal Article

Determining the Number of Refugees to Be Resettled in the United States: An Ethical and Policy Analysis of Policy-Level Stakeholder Views

Authors Rachel E. Fabi, Leonard S. Rubenstein, Daniel Serwer, ...
Year 2020
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84 Journal Article

Multi-level Governance as an Alternative: The Municipality of Barcelona and the Ciutat Refugi Plan

Authors Ezgi Irgil
Year 2016
Journal Name Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
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85 Journal Article

The international migration and foreign policy nexus: the case of Syrian refugee crisis and Turkey

Authors N. Ela Gokalp Aras, Zeynep Sahin Mencuetek
Year 2015
Journal Name Migration Letters
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86 Journal Article

Urbanization, informal governance and refugee integration in Egypt

Authors Kelsey P. Norman
Year 2021
Journal Name Globalizations
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87 Journal Article

Refugee Law and Policy.

Authors Michael Lemay, Ved P. Nanda
Year 1990
Journal Name International Migration Review
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89 Journal Article

Symbolic Politics and Policy Feedback: The United Nations Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and American Refugee Policy in the Cold War

Authors Rebecca Hamlin, Philip E. Wolgin
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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90 Journal Article

Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue

Principal investigator Migration Policy Group (MPG) ()
The Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue (TMDD) is a partnership that trains and connects immigrant and refugee leaders in the US and Europe to enable them to organise and build alliances with other civil society movements.
Year 2016
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91 Project

UNHCR and the transformation of global refugee governance: the case of refugee resettlement

Authors Adèle Garnier
Year 2023
Book Title Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance
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92 Book Chapter

Patterns of politicisation on refugees and policy responses: The case of Germany

Authors Jana Beinhorn, Birgit Glorius
Year 2018
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93 Working Paper

Bulgaria’s Response to Refugee Migration: Institutionalizing the Boundary of Exclusion

Authors Nevena Nancheva
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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94 Journal Article

Part III: Policy Responses: Voluntary Agencies and Government Policy

Authors Elizabeth Winkler
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
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95 Journal Article

Polityka uchodźcza w Polsce. Ewolucja "pola uchodźczego" w latach 1990-2011

Year 2011
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
96 Journal Article

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2019 - Origins, key events and priorities for Europe

Authors International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
97 Policy Brief

“Other” Troubles: Deconstructing Perceptions and Changing Responses to Refugees in Canada

Authors Christopher Olsen, Fern Brunger, Rowan El-Bialy, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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98 Journal Article

poland’s conservative turn and the role of the european union

Authors ireneusz paweł karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski, Roland Benedikter, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name European Political Science
Citations (WoS) 3
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99 Journal Article

Getting Refugees to Work: A Street-level Perspective of Refugee Resettlement Policy

Authors J. H. Darrow, Jessica H. Darrow
Year 2015
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Journal Article
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