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relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Binational Social Networks and Assimilation

Authors T Mouw, Heather B. Edelblute, Sergio Chavez, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 19
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1 Journal Article

Social networks and health service utilization

Authors Catherine Deri, C Deri
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Health Economics
Citations (WoS) 86
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2 Journal Article

Editorial: Migration, Health and Social Networks

Authors Charles Watters
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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3 Journal Article

Editorial: Migration, Health and Social Networks

Authors Charles Watters
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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4 Journal Article

Social Networks and Migrations: Italy 1876–1913

Authors Enrico Moretti
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
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5 Journal Article

Mental Health and Social Networks After Disaster

Authors Richard A. Bryant, H. Colin Gallagher, Lisa Gibbs, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name American Journal of Psychiatry
6 Journal Article

From the Psychoanalyst's Couch to Social Networks

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Emanuele Fino, Elena Bocci
Year 2018
Book Title Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
7 Book Chapter

Social Networks and Migrations: Italy 1876-1913

Authors Enrico Moretti, E Moretti
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 30
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8 Journal Article

From the Psychoanalyst's Couch to Social Networks

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Emanuele Fino, Elena Bocci
Year 2019
Book Title Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Media and Communications
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9 Book Chapter

Social networks and the labour market mismatch

Authors Eleni Kalfa, Matloob Piracha
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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10 Journal Article

The Social Networks of Cyberbullying on Twitter

Authors Glenn Sterner, Diane Felmlee
Year 2017
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11 Journal Article

Social Networks and Health in a Prison Unit

Authors Dana L. Haynie, David R. Schaefer, DA Kreager, ...
Year 2018
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12 Journal Article


Authors Kelly Deysi Hernandez Mite, Jorge Fabian Yanez Palacios, Abdon Andres Carrera Rivera
Year 2017
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13 Journal Article

Stagnant immigrant social networks and cycles of exploitation

Authors Rocio Rosales
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 11
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14 Journal Article


Authors Tanya Matanova
Year 2020
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15 Journal Article

Moldovan diaspora's social networks: political mobilization and participation

Authors Ciobanu Rodica, Rosca Mariana
Year 2020
Journal Name Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days
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16 Journal Article

Beyond the Core: Who Has Larger Social Networks?

Authors Rense Corten, Bas Hofstra, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2020
Journal Name Social Forces
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17 Journal Article

Visualization in Mixed-Methods Research on Social Networks

Authors Alessio D'angelo, Louise Ryan, Paola Tubaro
Year 2016
Journal Name Sociological Research Online
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18 Journal Article

Social Networks and the Heritability of Migratory Behavior

Authors Jeffrey Napierala, Timothy Gage
Year 2016
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19 Journal Article

Beyond the Core: Who Has Larger Social Networks?

Authors Bas Hofstra, Rense Corten, Frank van Tubergen
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20 Journal Article

Capitalizing social networks: Sri Lankan migration to Italy

Authors Jagath Pathirage, Michael Collyer
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnography
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21 Journal Article

Women's social networks and child survival in Mali

Authors Alayne M. Adams, Sangeetha Madhavan, D Simon
Year 2002
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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22 Journal Article

Social Networks - Help or Hindrance to the Migrant?

Authors A. POHJOLA
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration
23 Journal Article

Paths of Legal Integration and Migrant Social Networks

Authors Tiziana Caponio
Book Title Migrant Capital
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24 Book Chapter

Migration, Social Networks, and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Involuntary Bachelors in Rural China

Authors Huanying Gou, MW Feldman, Huijun Liu, ...
Year 2020
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25 Journal Article

Network Embeddedness of Migrants: Exploring Variations across Three Neighbourhoods in Vienna

Authors Josef Kohlbacher, Philipp Schnell, Ursula Reeger
Book Title Migrant Capital
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26 Book Chapter

Networks of Exploitation: Immigrant Labor and the Restructuring of the Los Angeles Janitorial Industry

Authors CYNTHIA J. CRANFORD, CJ Cranford
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 62
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27 Journal Article

Indian Migrants in Brunei: The Role of Social Networks

Authors AKM Ahsan Ullah, Hajah Masliyana Binti Haji Nayan
Year 2021
Journal Name Migration Letters
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28 Journal Article

Migrants and Their Social Networks: A Study of Kuki Migrants in Delhi

Authors Thanggoulen Kipgen, Biswambhar Panda
Year 2019
Journal Name Sociological Bulletin
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29 Journal Article

Explaining Urban Migration from Mexico City to the USA: Social Networks and Territorial Attachments

Authors C Mendoza
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration
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30 Journal Article

Institutions, information exchange, and migrant social networks in Rome

Authors Le Anh Nguyen Long
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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31 Journal Article

Migrant Social Networks and Health Care: Exploring the Relationship between Women's Social Networks and Migrant Health Care Access in the United States

Authors Hollie Hendrikson
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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32 Journal Article

Discrimination or Social Networks? Industrial Investment in Colonial India

Authors Bishnupriya Gupta
Year 2014
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33 Journal Article

Social networks and undocumented Mozambican migration to South Africa

Authors Ramos Cardoso Muanamoha, B Maharaj, Eleanor Preston-Whyte, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 12
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34 Journal Article

Social networks, gender, and immigrant incorporation: Resources and constraints

Authors JM Hagan
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 277
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35 Journal Article

Social Networks and the Geographies of Young People's Migration: Evidence from Independent Child Migration in Ghana

Authors Richard Serbeh, Prince Osei-Wusu Adjei
Year 2020
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36 Journal Article

Social networks, gender, and immigrant incorporation: Resources and constraints

Authors Jacqueline Hagan
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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37 Journal Article

The social networks of British and Indian expatriate scientists in Boston

Authors William S. Harvey
Year 2008
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 16
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39 Journal Article

Path-dependency in segregation and social networks in the Netherlands

Authors Aafke Heringa, Martin Dijst, Gideon Bolt
Year 2018
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
Citations (WoS) 2
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40 Journal Article

Assuming Reintegration, Experiencing Dislocation - Returns from Europe to Afghanistan

Authors Nassim Majidi
Year 2020
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41 Journal Article

Agency, activation and compatriots: the influence of social networks on health-seeking behaviours among Sri Lankan migrants and Anglo-Australians with depression

Authors Josefine Antoniades, Bianca Brijnath, Danielle Mazza
Year 2018
Journal Name Sociology of Health & Illness
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42 Journal Article

Recruitment through migrant social networks from Latvia to the United Kingdom: Motivations, processes and developments

Authors David McCollum, Elina Apsite-Berina
Year 2015
Journal Name Migration Letters
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43 Journal Article

A Structural Model of Homophily and Clustering in Social Networks

Year 2021
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44 Journal Article

Inequalities in students' union leadership: the role of social networks

Authors Rachel M. Brooks, Kate Byford, Katherine Sela
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Youth Studies
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45 Journal Article

Health intervention in social context: Understanding social networks and neighbourhood

Authors Lai Fong Chiu, Robert M. West
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46 Journal Article

Estimating Group Properties in Online Social Networks with a Classifier

Authors George Berry, Antonio Sirianni, Nathan High, ...
47 Journal Article

A social networks approach to migrant mobilization in Southern Europe

Authors Maritsa V. Poros
Year 2008
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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48 Journal Article

Estimating Group Properties in Online Social Networks with a Classifier

Authors George Berry, Antonio Sirianni, Nathan High, ...
Year 2018
Book Title Social Informatics
50 Book Chapter

Polish ‘Temporary’ Migration: The Formation and Significance of Social Networks

Authors Anne White, Louise Ryan
Year 2008
Journal Name Europe-Asia Studies
Citations (WoS) 71
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51 Journal Article

Going beyond accuracy: estimating homophily in social networks using predictions

Authors George Berry, Antonio Sirianni, Ingmar Weber, ...
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52 Journal Article

Language skill acquisition in immigrant social networks: Evidence from Australia

Authors Jean-William Laliberté, Jean-William Laliberte
Year 2019
Journal Name Labour Economics
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53 Journal Article

Sieci społeczne, transfery międzypokoleniowe i rodzina w migracjach międzynarodowych

Principal investigator Anna Nicińska (Principal Investigator)
Year 2016
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54 Project

Emigration of Scottish Steelworkers to Canada: Impacts on Social Networks

Authors KB Newbold, Anne Ellaway, Susannah Watson
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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55 Journal Article

Migration, Communication and Social Networks – An Agent-Based Social Simulation

Authors Hugo S. Barbosa Filho, Fernando B. Lima Neto, Wilson Fusco
Year 2013
Book Title Complex Networks
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56 Book Chapter

Social Networks in Transit: Experiences of Nigerian Migrants in Istanbul

Authors Brigitte Suter
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
57 Journal Article

The missing link: Social network analysis in migration and transnationalism

Authors Başak Bilecen, Markus Gamper, Miranda J. Lubbers
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Networks
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58 Journal Article

The Role of Social Networks in Georgian Migration to Greece

Authors Michaela Maroufof
Year 2017
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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59 Journal Article

The density of social networks moderates effects of intergroup contact

Authors Tobias H. Stark
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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60 Journal Article

The Role of Social Networks in Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation

Authors Elisabeth Gidengil, Dietlind Stolle
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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61 Journal Article

The effect of social networks and norms on the inter-regional migration intentions of knowledge-workers: The case of Saxony, Germany

Authors Sigal Kaplan, Luise Gruenwald, Georg Hirte, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Cities
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62 Journal Article

Mapping the Dissemination of the Theory of Social Representations via Academic Social Networks

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Elena Bocci
Year 2019
Book Title Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Media and Communications
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
63 Book Chapter

Paternal Incarceration and Adolescent Social Network Disadvantage

Authors Brielle Bryan
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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64 Journal Article

Latino social network dynamics and the Hurricane Katrina disaster

Authors DeAnne K. Hilfinger Messias, Clare Barrington, Elaine Lacy
Year 2012
Journal Name Disasters
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65 Journal Article

Mapping the Dissemination of the Theory of Social Representations via Academic Social Networks

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Elena Bocci
Year 2018
Book Title Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
66 Book Chapter

Social networks as providers of social protection to urban migrants in Delhi

Authors Arvind Pandey, Rakesh Mishra, Rajni Singh
Year 2023
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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67 Journal Article

On the Role of Space, Place, and Social Networks in Social Participation

Authors Gil Viry, Christoph Van Dülmen, Marion Maisonobe, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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68 Journal Article

Social Networks and Their Impact on the Earnings of Mexican Migrants

Authors C Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina. Amuedo-Dorantes, Kusum. Mundra, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 44
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69 Journal Article

‘Coming from Abroad’: Exploring Romanian Migrants’ Transnational Social Networks through the Prism of Temporary Return

Authors Ana-Maria Cîrstea
Year 2020
Journal Name Lietuvos etnologija / Lithuanian ethnology
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70 Journal Article

Survival of the Knitted: Immigrant Social Networks in a Stratified World

Authors Riva Berleant
Year 2009
71 Journal Article

Social capital or analytical liability? Social networks and African informal economies

Year 2005
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 52
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72 Journal Article

Kinship, inter- and intraethnic social networks and refugees' division of housework

Authors Yuliya Kosyakova, Nevena Kulic
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Family Research
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73 Journal Article

Sweet and Sour: Social Networks and Inequality in a Chinese Restaurant

Authors Katherine Michelle Hill
Year 2018
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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74 Journal Article

Sources of Segregation in Social Networks: A Novel Approach Using Facebook

Authors Bas Hofstra, Frank van Tubergen, Rense Corten, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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75 Journal Article

Faith or Social Foci? Happiness, Religion, and Social Networks in Sweden

Authors Christofer Edling, Jens Rydgren, Love Bohman
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
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76 Journal Article

Embedding the Stranger: Ethnic Categories and Cultural Differences in Social Networks

Authors Jan A. Fuhse
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
77 Journal Article

Mixed Migrant Ties Social Networks and Social Capital in Migration Research

Authors Laura MOROSANU
Abstract Social network and social capital theories have gained substantial ground in migration research in recent years. While existing scholarship documents a vast array of resources, and indeed constraints, generated by social networks, it tends to remain narrowly focused on the ethnic group, or at best kin or community-of-origin ties. By showing how social networks enter and shape migration processes, I argue that current research does not adequately capture the complexity of the ties migrants may develop at destination. Given their limited focus on ethnic (or kin- or community-of-origin-based) networks vis-à-vis the host and/or home society, (neo)assimilation studies, transnationalism, as well as combinations of the two, typically fail to discuss the formation and workings of mixed, cross-national networks (linking migrants of different ethno-national origins in the receiving context). In light of this omission, I conclude by making several methodological recommendations for further research, which would allow us to understand how diversity emerges in migrant ties, while not ignoring ethnic or community bonds. Résumé Au cours des dernières années, les théories du capital social et des réseaux sociaux sont devenues des outils essentiels de l’étude des migrations. Si les études existantes prennent en compte de nombreuses ressources et contraintes générées par les réseaux sociaux, elles ont néanmoins tendance à ne considérer que les liens rattachant l’individu au groupe ethnique auquel il appartient. Au mieux prennent-elles également en compte les liens familiaux et de la communauté d’origine. En montrant comment les réseaux sociaux pénètrent et transforment les processus migratoires, je soutiens que la recherche actuelle ne donne pas suffisamment de poids aux liens que les migrants peuvent développer une fois à destination. Etant donné que leur champ d’étude est trop souvent limité aux réseaux ethniques (ou familiaux ou de la communauté d’origine) vis-à-vis de la société d’accueil et/où d’origine, les études (néo)assimilationistes et transnationales ne parviennent pas à rendre compte de la formation et des mécanismes sous-jacents des réseaux mixtes et transnationaux (reliant des migrants d’origines ethno-nationales diverses dans le pays d’accueil). A la lumière de cette omission, je formule pour conclure plusieurs recommandations méthodologiques pour les recherches futures, permettant de saisir comment la diversité émerge des liens mêmes que les migrants entretiennent entre eux, sans pour autant négliger l’importance des liens ethniques ou communautaires.
Year 2010
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78 Report

Mobile phones, communities and social networks among foreign workers in Singapore

Authors ERIC C. THOMPSON, Eric C. Thompson
Year 2009
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 39
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79 Journal Article

Entrepreneurs, social networks and work values of ethnic minorities in France

Authors Claudia Senik, T Verdier
Year 2008
Citations (WoS) 8
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80 Journal Article


Year 1986
Journal Name Human Organization
81 Journal Article

Analysis of Social Networks in the Rural World: A Basic Guide

Authors Diosey Ramon Lugo-Morin
Year 2011
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Sociales
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82 Journal Article

Antigypsyism in Portugal: Expressions of Hate and Racism in Social Networks

Authors Olga Magano, Tânia D’Oliveira
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Sciences
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83 Journal Article

Social networks, language and identity negotiations among queer migrants in Scotland

Authors Francesca Stella, Anna Gawlewicz
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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84 Journal Article

Social networks and mental health outcomes: Chinese rural–urban migrant experience

Authors Xin Meng, Sen Xue
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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85 Journal Article

Social Networks and Knowledge Transmission Strategies among Baka Children, Southeastern Cameroon

Authors Sandrine Gallois, Miranda J. Lubbers, Barry Hewlett, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Human Nature
86 Journal Article

Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan. By Kristian Berg Harpviken.

Authors Paolo Novak, P. Novak
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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87 Journal Article

The Impact of Social Networks on the Occupational Status of Migrants

Authors B. P. MULLAN
Year 1989
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 16
88 Journal Article

Trajectories of migration, social networks and emergent landscapes of migrant work

Authors Huw Vasey
Year 2016
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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89 Journal Article

Social Networks and Labour Market Access among Brazilian Migrants in Ireland

Authors Garret Maher, Mary Cawley
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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90 Journal Article

Migration and Homelessness: The Social Networks of Homeless Poles in Oslo

Authors Magdalena Mostowska
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
91 Journal Article

Close Social Networks Among Older Adults: The Online and Offline Perspectives

Authors Sofia Gil-Clavel, Emilio Zagheni, Valeria Bordone
Year 2021
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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92 Journal Article

Networking To Work: Introduction to The New Models for Integrating Immigrants in Belgium and Finland

Authors Essi Hillgren, Janna Peltola, Fatih Yilmaz, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Horizon Insights
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93 Journal Article

Minding the Gender Gap: Social Network and Internet Correlates of Business Performance Among Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Authors Wenhong Chen, Justin Tan, Fangjing Tu
Year 2015
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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94 Journal Article

Race and Networks in the Job Search Process

Authors David S. Pedulla, D Pager
Year 2019
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96 Journal Article

Moving Through Social Networks: The Case of Armenian Migrants in the Czech Republic

Authors Radka Klvanova, Radka Klvaňová
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 6
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97 Journal Article

Ageing, Health, Loneliness and Wellbeing

Authors Massimiliano Tani, Zhiming Cheng, Matloob Piracha, ...
Year 2020
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98 Journal Article

Counting on kin: The satisfaction of migrants with their social networks in Germany

Authors Jennifer Fietz, Judith Kaschowitz
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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99 Journal Article

Developing community structure on the sidelines: A social network analysis of youth sport league parents

Authors Amy Chan Hyung Kim, Joshua I. Newman, Woong Kwon
Year 2020
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100 Journal Article
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