Ensuring effective responses to vulnerable asylum seekers: Promotion of adequate standards for identification and claim determination for people with special needs


The project is aimed at addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups and promoting high quality decision-making and capacity building in the countries concerned. Furthermore, it aims to map out the relevant national legislation, case law and policies (e.g., through identifying key challenges and good practices, and lessons learned from other relevant activities identifying the areas of focus for the project activities in each project country), relevant EU, international human rights and UNHCR standards (identifying the applicable standards and trends), and identify the stakeholders’ competencies and capacity-building needs. In parallel, wide-scale monitoring and assessment of practice shall provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of vulnerable asylum seekers in the participating countries. This should lead to a comprehensive understanding of the relevant issues, provoking reflection on the practices applied and their impact, informing changes in the practice and legislative frameworks at the national and EU level.

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Migration processes
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