Corridor report on Sweden : the case of Iranian and Turkish immigration

Authors Francesco PASETTI
This report investigates the integration of Turkish and Iranian immigrants in Sweden. The analytical focus is placed on the complex net of ties between institutional actors’ belonging to destination country and to the country of origin, paying special attention to the role played by the latter, what will be labelled as the “origin effect”. The overall scenario of integration emerging from the analysis appears tangled and complex: both groups show high naturalization rates, but they present significant difficulties as regards inclusion in the labour market and in the educational context. Looking “at origin” allows for identifying crucial element to fully understand these evidences and respective integration processes. Despite the complexity to provide a plain picture of the origin effect – which for each group is ambivalent and strictly related to the actors involved, to the relations among them, and to the migratory historic profile – this corridor report offers new and interesting insights for the study of immigrant integration.
Year 2015

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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