Experts Index

This constantly growing database accumulates migration experts and presents their profiles, emphasizing on their scholar contribution in this field of study.

Showing page of 2736 experts, sorted by

Zelano, Karin

Karin Zelano

Ph.D. Political science. University of Gothenburg (2018).
Goulordava, Karina

Karina Goulordava

I am currently completing my Ph.D. in Sociology at Koç University in Istanbul and am affiliated with the Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc). My research focuses on studying the linkages between migration and urbanization processes, particularly in Istanbul and Beirut. Previously I...
1364 Turkey
Valenzuela-Moreno, Karla A.

Karla A. Valenzuela-Moreno

I graduated from the Immigration and Settlement Studies Master Program at Ryerson University. I hold a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by Iberoamericana University, Mexico. I am currently a full-time professor at the International Studies Department at Iberoamericana and teach in the Master in...
1366 Mexico
Haagsman, Karlijn

Karlijn Haagsman

Dr. Karlijn Haagsman is currently Assistant Professor of Globalisation & Development at Maastricht University with a focus on Transnational Migration. Karlijn has obtained a Bachelor and Master degree in Cultural Anthropology at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, and subsequently completed a 2-year...
1367 Netherlands
Czerska-Shaw, Karolina

Karolina Czerska-Shaw

Karolina Czerska-Shaw holds a PhD in Sociology and is assistant professor at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research interests include migration and integration policies and practices at EU and national levels, local migration governance, as well as issues...
1370 Poland
Łukasiewicz, Karolina

Karolina Łukasiewicz

Karolina Łukasiewicz is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Centre of Migration Research. Her research is focused on immigrant integration and poverty policies in urban contexts. She has been studying various aspects of these policies for over 15 years in European and American cities using qualitative...
1371 Poland
Nikielska-Sekula, Karolina

Karolina Nikielska-Sekula

I am sociologist with an expertise in ethnic and migration studies and a co-editor of a forthcoming volume "Visual Methods in Migrations Studies" (2021, Springer, with A.Desille). I research immigrant communities in Europe (Turkey included) with use of ethnography and visual and sensory methods. In 2015-2016...
1372 Norway
Popp, Karoline

Karoline Popp

I am specialised in migration, and have worked on a large range of migration, integration and refugee issues. Multilingual, with an international education and extensive work experience with an international organisation, my experience covers international cooperation and diplomacy, strategy development,...
1375 Germany
Mozetic, Katarina

Katarina Mozetic

Currently, I work as a researcher and lecturer in International Migration and Ethnic Relations at Malmö University. I am involved in an international research project on care, inequalities & wellbeing among different generations of transnational families in the UK, Spain, France and Sweden. I am also...
1378 Germany
Zajacova, Katarina

Katarina Zajacova

1379 United Kingdom
Andrejuk, Katarzyna

Katarzyna Andrejuk

Sociologist and lawyer, professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Research interests: immigrants in the labour market, migrant entrepreneurship, educational migrations
1380 Poland
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