I am a Research Fellow at Ined (the French Institute for Demographic Studies) in the Mortality, Health, and Epidemiology Research Unit, and an Associate Researcher at the Ceped research unit (Université Paris Cité, IRD, Inserm). My work aims to describe, quantify and explain social inequalities in health, and examine the conditions for fighting these inequalities through public health policies or specific interventions for and with the populations directly concerned.


Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance


  • Ined

    Research Institute, Aubervilliers, France
    Research Fellow

  • Ceped (Université Paris Cité, IRD, Inserm)

    Research Institute, Paris, France
    Research Associate


Empowerment-based intervention and immigrant awareness of biomedical HIV prevention tools in France

Authors K Coulibaly, M-Q Bousmah, A Ravalihasy, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name European Journal of Public Health
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2 Journal Article

Immigrants’ health empowerment and access to health coverage in France: A stepped wedge randomised controlled trial

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Anne Gosselin, Karna Coulibaly, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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3 Journal Article

Improvements in Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Initiation of Dolutegravir-Based or Low-Dose Efavirenz-Based First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy: A Four-Year Longitudinal Analysis in Cameroon (NAMSAL ANRS 12313 Trial)

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Camelia Protopopescu, Mireille Mpoudi-Etame, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
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4 Journal Article

Bridging the knowledge gap of biomedical HIV prevention tools among sub-saharan african immigrants in France. Results from an empowerment-based intervention

Authors Karna Coulibaly, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Andrainolo Ravalihasy, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name SSM - Population Health
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5 Journal Article

Effects of a free health insurance programme for the poor on health service utilisation and financial protection in Senegal

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Pathé Diakhaté, Grâce à Dieu Toulao, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name BMJ Global Health
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6 Journal Article

Health empowerment and access to health coverage among immigrants in France: the Makasi intervention

Authors M Bousmah, A Gosselin, K Coulibaly, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name European Journal of Public Health
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7 Journal Article

Knowledge of HIV prevention biomedical tools among African immigrants in France: the Makasi project

Authors K Coulibaly, A Gosselin, S Carillon, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name European Journal of Public Health
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8 Journal Article

Costs and economies of scale in repeated home-based HIV counselling and testing: Evidence from the ANRS 12249 Treatment as Prevention trial in South Africa

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Collins Iwuji, Nonhlanhla Okesola, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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9 Journal Article

Free access to antiretroviral treatment and protection against the risk of catastrophic health expenditure in people living with HIV: evidence from Cameroon

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Marie Libérée Nishimwe, Christopher Kuaban, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name BMC Health Services Research
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10 Journal Article

Public–private differentials in health care delivery: the case of cesarean deliveries in Algeria

Authors Ahcène Zehnati, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Health Economics and Management
11 Journal Article

Cost-Utility Analysis of a Dolutegravir-Based Versus Low-Dose Efavirenz-Based Regimen for the Initial Treatment of HIV-Infected Patients in Cameroon (NAMSAL ANRS 12313 Trial)

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Marie Libérée Nishimwe, Tamara Tovar-Sanchez, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name PharmacoEconomics
12 Journal Article

Reassessing the demand for community-based health insurance in rural Senegal: Geographic distance and awareness

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Sylvie Boyer, Richard Lalou, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name SSM - Population Health
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13 Journal Article

Cost-Effectiveness of Three Alternative Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based Second-Line Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients in West and Central Africa

Authors S. Boyer, M. L. Nishimwe, L. Sagaon-Teyssier, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name PharmacoEconomics - Open
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14 Journal Article

Prevention and care of hepatitis B in the rural region of Fatick in Senegal: a healthcare workers’ perspective using a mixed methods approach

Authors Tchadine Djaogol, Marion Coste, Fabienne Marcellin, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name BMC Health Services Research
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16 Journal Article

Burden and impacts of chronic hepatitis B infection in rural Senegal: study protocol of a cross-sectional survey in the area of Niakhar (AmBASS ANRS 12356)

Authors Marion Coste, Maëlle De Sèze, Aldiouma Diallo, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name BMJ Open
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17 Journal Article

Regional Inequalities in Maternal and Neonatal Health Services in Iraq and Syria From 2000 to 2011

Authors Sawsan Abdulrahim, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Health Services
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18 Journal Article

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Lopinavir/Ritonavir Monotherapy Versus Standard Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-1 Infected Patients with Viral Suppression in France (ANRS 140 DREAM)

Authors Osvaldo Ulises Garay, Marie Libérée Nishimwe, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name PharmacoEconomics - Open
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19 Journal Article

Dolutegravir-Based or Low-Dose Efavirenz–Based Regimen for the Treatment of HIV-1

Year 2019
Journal Name New England Journal of Medicine
20 Journal Article

Health differentials between citizens and immigrants in Europe: A heterogeneous convergence

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Jean-Baptiste Simon Combes, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh
Year 2019
Journal Name Health Policy
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21 Journal Article

The importance of health for income inequality in the occupied Palestinian territory: a decomposition analysis and cross-sectional study

Authors Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Maame Esi Woode, Mârwan-al-Qays Bousmah
Year 2018
Journal Name The Lancet
22 Journal Article


Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Marwan-al-Qays Bousmah
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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23 Journal Article


Authors Maame Esi Woode, Raouf Boucekkine, Marwan-al-Qays Bousmah, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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24 Journal Article

The effect of child mortality on fertility behaviors is non-linear: new evidence from Senegal

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah
Year 2017
Journal Name Review of Economics of the Household
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25 Journal Article

Financial Openness, Aggregate Consumption and Threshold Effects

Authors Marwân‐al‐Qays Bousmah, Daria Onori
Year 2016
Journal Name Pacific Economic Review
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26 Journal Article

Medicine and democracy: The importance of institutional quality in the relationship between health expenditure and health outcomes in the MENA region

Authors Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Bruno Ventelou, Mohammad Abu-Zaineh
Year 2016
Journal Name Health Policy
27 Journal Article

Depression and loneliness among Sub-Saharan immigrants living in the greater Paris area: results from the MAKASI empowerment stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial

Authors Bianca Gonçalves Tasca, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah, Karna Coulibaly, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
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28 Journal Article

Predicting health services utilization using a score of perceived barriers to medical care: evidence from rural Senegal

Authors Marion Coste, Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah
Year 2023
Journal Name BMC Health Services Research
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29 Journal Article

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